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Crazy AL Tiki !?! New stuff of old stuff? pg.19

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crazy al posted on 03/09/2011

Here's CrazyAL Tiki #173 "Double Play!"

a commission by one of those old fasioned Baseball Moms... the ones before Soccer-moms came along.
She's got two ball players that are the apple of her eye.... or eyes i guess.

all the pics...

TheBigT posted on 03/09/2011

Oh cool! Love the shaggy look. And you have real baseballs in there, haha, excellent. I like that band at the top too. Nice touch.

congatiki posted on 03/09/2011

That's a fun one C'Al, I love the hairy look too.
A baseball tiki, a sure sign of better weather for those of us in
the snow belt who need to think spring.

Matt Reese posted on 03/09/2011

Very nice! It looks alive.

teaKEY posted on 03/10/2011

This little one has it all. Like the textures and DEEP cuts

Tiki Russ posted on 03/10/2011

That's awesome how it looks like its following you with its baseball eyes.

pjc5150 posted on 03/10/2011


Dude, you are THE MAN!!!

laojia posted on 03/11/2011

Very cool!
Awesome design!Awesome Carving!
Bearded and haired, he look like the Yéti!


hodadhank posted on 03/12/2011

Great stuff as always Al.

crazy al posted on 03/27/2011

first electrified tiki...
CrazyAL Tiki #66 "Yin & Yang" 2004

Bone through nose on one side and a metal ring through on ta a'da..........

4 Ft Mex Fan Palm
Displayed on spinning table.
With-in mouth Faux Fan-Flame Light
Lit inside with Blue Light bulb.

crazy al posted on 03/27/2011

it took awhile to get the juices flowing again... but "It's ALIVE!It's!.... ALIVE!"
you think after three months this Mother would be done... Nope...

[ Edited by: crazy al 2011-03-27 16:37 ]

Matt Reese posted on 03/28/2011

Insane! Such a cool combo.

congatiki posted on 03/28/2011

Love the nose...looks like breadsticks :)
Always good to see your updates, let's us know what CAN be done
in tiki carving.

cy posted on 03/29/2011

Gorgeous C'Al- Beautiful flow!

keigs20 posted on 03/29/2011

sweet c,AL the eyes are a nice touch!!

NIxxon posted on 03/29/2011

C Al that is a very healthy looking Schefflera tree!!! I am extremely envious...And your lawn looks fantastic as well!!!

Can you give me the number of your landscaper?!?!

That carving looks amazing...never cease to amaze...another one far and above the rest...great job...keep doing what you do...always something to look forward to and be inspired by...

Can you please tell us all what planet you are from???

crazy al posted on 05/28/2011

some dandies here....#175 & 176
public gallery:

CrazyAL Tiki #174 "Nai'a Makuahine" at Tiki Caliente
abalone/pearl inlay
fabricated nautical lights
dried sea life

more pics at another date.

[ Edited by: crazy al 2011-05-28 11:30 ]

Grand Poobah posted on 05/28/2011

That is some inspiring work! I think it is awesome you are able turn ordinary posts into art.

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 05/29/2011

Great work Al!

TikiGwogGwog posted on 05/29/2011

Absolutely amazing! I hope to own one, one day!

Tikilizard posted on 06/06/2011


TBBMT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/882d8b23a5e1ab17e1347a3c850cb5b8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

awesome work

crazy al posted on 06/10/2011

some nicer pics here:
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cy posted on 06/10/2011

You've already heard every accolade that can be heaped upon you but your work is the best. Love the way the octo/nose flows on # 174

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Watango productions posted on 07/10/2011

From your carv'ns to your mugs no matter what it's all AWESOME!!!!
Cheers Watango.

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 07/10/2011

Yep. Crazy Al's THE BEST!

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 07/10/2011

Just love it MAN!

laojia posted on 07/18/2011

On 2011-07-10 11:03, GROG wrote:
Yep. Crazy Al's THE BEST!

Nothing to add!


crazy al posted on 04/28/2012

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APE plays Sammy Hagar's new rum launch! and Bingo a tiki was born!
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charity raffle went to this filmmaker that just got back from Hawaii producing a show about 70's surfing!
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the owner of my second palm tiki ever is selling it!?!
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read about it in Tiki Magazine... lots of pics on the facebook public gallery

inquire al@tikimania.com
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crazy al posted on 10/05/2012

I 'be been carving some. Will debut what I got tonight in palm spring.. There might be some pic showing up on the CA events 'Taboo' page.
Thanks To the kind folks of the event!

On 2012-10-03 11:06, Wildsville man wrote:
You definitely do not want to miss the ‘unveiling’ of CrazyAL’s latest sculpture. Taboo is honored to be able to reveal the next amazing creation from this Crazy-man. I’ve not even seen it, but know it must be something to behold if it to set aside for such special attention. I’m assured by CrazyAL that Taboo is the description and it could be banned from the Hotel Lobby once the managers behold the shocking incredible sight.... “Will this Taboo be for you? It won’t be for everyone.” says AL.

cy posted on 10/05/2012

Ah, come on. Let's see it NOW!

crazy al posted on 02/02/2013

CrazyAL TIKI #34

So Famous it's been Ripped Off!

a while back i let this FL Surf Band use my image of Tiki #34
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it seemed to find it's way into this guys T-shirt design?
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the nicely squished image seems very proportional to the band flier that gives my art credit.
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any information on this design/artist, send it my way al@tikimania.com

Last Three Mugs of the 100 Baja Brown!!
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Auction links posted 2/3/13 in market place

pjc5150 posted on 02/02/2013

wow...I would seriously call those dudes out on that....

you know, it's one thing when some random dude kinda copies a tiki he sees online and it's at his house. I've had guys e-mail me and ask me if it was ok if they kinda copied something I made, and I always say "yeah, sure..."....but when your design is being used to make someone else money without your permission or you being compensated, that's just bullshit. F*** that....

[ Edited by: pjc5150 2013-02-02 13:21 ]

cy posted on 02/03/2013

Yeah, that does bear a slight resemblance, Al.

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