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Polynesian Cultural Center - Yeah or nay?

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/25/2013

When my husband and I are on Oahu before and after our cruise we'll have 2.5 days. Is it worth the trip to drive up to the North Shore to visit the PCC? I know there's no rum.

The only definite thing I have on my Oahu list is La Mariana. Other than that an Pearl Harbor I'm open to suggestions.

Thanks in advance,

lunavideogames posted on 01/25/2013

It is cool to see all the art from the different areas. But it is kind of pricey as I recall and a bit of a drive from Waikiki. If you are going to the North shore anyway, yes you should stop. If not you might just want to relax and drink some Mai Tais. Or ask Phillip Roberts (here on TC) for a walking tour. Bailey's has some great aloha shirts and Gecko's studio is there. He takes appointments to look at his art and mugs.

Bailey's - http://alohashirts.com/

Gecko - http://southseaarts.com/

Have fun! I'll be there in February! YAY!

JOHN-O posted on 01/25/2013
Hibiscus posted on 01/25/2013

My husband and I really enjoyed it when we went a few years ago. Great photo ops and a well-produced show at night.

croe67 posted on 01/25/2013

We found a 2-for-1 coupon in one of the tourist books that included no tour guide or meal or anything, which was the only way to do it affordably, allowed us to walk around & see it, etc. minimizing the concerns we had with where the $$ was going.

It was nicely done, overall & worthwhile if you can find one of the inexpensive admission-only 1-for-1 deals.

Otherwise, just drive by & take pictures of the nicely carved tikis outside & stop for a bathroom break at the polynesian-style McDonald's at the corner of the property :)

MadDogMike posted on 01/25/2013

I went about 10 years ago and really enjoyed it. Got to participate in a traditional Marquesan pig hunt, I think I was the pig :lol: I think they are doing a good thing by teaching cultural traditions to Polynesian college students who would otherwise never learn them. It seems like they are trying to keep authenic traditions alive.

Money has no value on vacation anyway, if you avoided everything that cost more than it was worth, you would just stay home :D

PS - it is a bit of a drive from Honolulu, but the east coast of Oahu is a beautiful drive.

Clay, the oldest and most divine art media;
"And now, from the clay of the ground, the Lord God formed man" Genesis 2:7
Pirate Ship Tree House

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2013-01-25 16:46 ]

Dagg posted on 01/25/2013

I went last March and enjoyed it. more so the village then the show.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/26/2013

Thanks Luna, John, Hibiscus, MDM & Dagg for your feedback. I guess the PCC will go on the "maybe" list. If it wasn't 1 hr + from the Waikiki area I'd be there in a heartbeat but I'm not sure if we'll have the time so I guess we'll see. The hubby isn't as obsessed with all things tiki as I am so I don't want to insist we go if it's not worth the effort. As for the $$$ I'm fully expecting everything to be outrageous so I won't be surprised. Thanks for the 2-for-1 tip, that might push me, I do love a good bargain.

Your point about tiki in Hawaii John is well made but I'm still smarting about my trip this fall to San Fran and I DIDN'T get to any of the SF tiki places mostly due to delays from Hurricane Sandy although I DID get to Forbidden Island and TV Emeryville which was a newbie's dream come true! NJ is pretty much devoid of all things tiki so I live in fear of missing out on any tiki opportunity....


LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/26/2013

Ooops, I forgot to thank Croe67 by name! Thank you!

And I REALLY want to meet Gecko and get a tour from Philip Roberts, TC's own expert!


[ Edited by: LoriLovesTiki 2013-01-25 19:05 ]

GROG posted on 01/26/2013

GROG has never been to Hawaii, so GROG can't really help you there. But feel free to contact GROG any time if you have any other questions.

hang10tiki posted on 01/26/2013

Well, let me think...........



hang10tiki posted on 01/26/2013

Ps- GROG funny...

LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/27/2013

Hang10 - nice pics! You're tipping the scale man!!!!

And GROG, I'll also be visiting Kauaii, Maui and the Big Island (both Hilo and the other side, port name escapes me at the moment) so if you have an must do suggestions I'd love to hear them!


tikilongbeach posted on 02/09/2013

Great pics hang10tiki!

I found this pic online of the inside of the PCC. The mural is very impressive. This is from the blog of the artist, Sean Sullivan. He also designed the cool light sconces.
The tapa pattern table tops are neat too.


[ Edited by: tikilongbeach 2013-02-09 12:26 ]

[ Edited by: tikilongbeach 2013-02-09 12:27 ]

GROG posted on 02/09/2013

On 2013-01-26 17:02, LoriLovesTiki wrote:
And GROG, I'll also be visiting Kauaii, Maui and the Big Island (both Hilo and the other side, port name escapes me at the moment) so if you have an must do suggestions I'd love to hear them!


Yes, GROG suggest you take GROG with you.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/10/2013

Lori not sure the husband would want to take GROG along, lol!


TropicDrinkBoy posted on 02/10/2013

Wow! Tikilongbeach, that PCC interior photo belongs in the next revision of "The Book of Tiki"! I can dream, can't I?

JONPAUL posted on 02/11/2013

The question of whether or not to visit The Polynesian Cultural Center, much like most everything else on Tiki Central these days, depends entirely on your priorities. Please find below the two choices based on priorities.


  1. You seek out and appreciate the "Golden Age" of Tiki in Hawaii, or more specifically, on Oahu, and its history. (Opened in 1963, "Hukilau," Elvis in "Paradise Hawaiian Style," etc.)
  2. You are interested in seeing the most Oceanic Art/Tikis in a single place of anywhere on Oahu other than The Bishop Museum.
  3. You are interested in the indigenous cultures of the Pacific Ocean
  4. You appreciate a beautiful, slow coastal drive with some of the most stunning views anywhere in the world


  1. You can't visit a family tourist attraction even for a few hours without imbibing alcohol
  2. While even on vacation in Hawaii, you are still worrying about how much entrance costs might be
  3. You are more concerned with the destination than the journey
  4. You're so pressed for time that you'll be looking at your watch the entire visit
LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/12/2013


Excellent points to consider!

If time allows for a leisurely drive and time to fully enjoy the PCC it will most likely be a go!


SandraDee posted on 02/12/2013

I am going to Oahu in 25 days (woot! woot!) and I am up for checking out the PCC. I think if i am lucky I will be dragging VanTiki and his wife Denise with me as well since they have agreed to play tourist :)

I think we are going to check out all the islands and the evening show. I think we are going to skip the buffet and just eat throughout the park at the stands that are there.

I have scoured TC for every post that had to do with visiting Oahu--thanks for this one as well!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/12/2013


Have fun on your trip, I'm sure you are super stoked! Be sure to give a full report complete with the required pictures upon your return!

SandraDee posted on 02/12/2013

Thanks and I will!

christiki295 posted on 02/16/2013

The PCC is incredibly interesting; has gorgeous scenery; excellent hula; and, most importantly, it avounds in Tiki!

This was the takeaway photo location from my last PCC visit:

markmywords posted on 02/25/2013

By all means take it off the "Maybe" list and move it to the "Must go" list.

The PCC was one of the highlights of our trip to Oahu. It's a beautiful drive from Honolulu, stop along the way to look at the sights. We stopped by the shore (which is all of 5 feet from the road) and watched a local spearing octopus. It was amazing!

There's a lot to look at at the PCC. Absolutely wonderful exhibits, dancing and demonstrations. We did the whole day package - including the dinner and the evening show ("Ha - Breath of Life"). While the food wasn't anything to write home about, the kitchy lounge style entertainment that went along with it was fabulous.


lunavideogames posted on 02/26/2013

LoriLovesTiki, I think that I actually misread your original post. All this time I thought you were only going to be there for 2.5 hours, but it says days. That should be more than enough time to visit the PCC. If you are going to have a car the whole time I am sure you are going to want to get out and explore. It is very cool to see.

I just got back from Oahu and had a great time! I was able to go on the walking tiki tour with Phillip Roberts. It was very cool and a must since they are getting rid of the International Marketplace. He taught us a lot that we did not know and he was a great guide and a good drinking companion. SandraDee, you will have a great time, Phillip said that you were already scheduled in for a tour. Only a few Waikiki Tiki first edition books still out there for sale...

We also visited Gecko's studio and that was the highlight of the trip for me. All of his art is amazing and it was so cool to see it all. It was great to meet him and his family. He was a great host. Of course we couldn't leave without 4 mugs :) But it is on the opposite side of the island from the PCC. And make sure to make an appointment with him in advance to confirm that he is free.

Have a great time! I love it there.

L Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/73101/62329bcc37684.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=0acfd349fcac6c0a9da1659a967d744c
LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/26/2013

Thanks so much Luna! Great info. I'd like to meet Gecko and Phillip too so I'm hoping it works out. I'm just nervous about fitting it all in before we get on our cruise. We have all of a Friday and most of Saturday before we go on the cruise and most of the day when we get back into port.

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