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Tropical Patio Rebuild May 2013 Done!

Pages: 1 2 66 replies

A fellow member of the Tiki Central family hired me to fix up a lounging area that was constructed a few years ago. The project would entail making a deck and re-fashioning an originally thrown together thatch style roof. I had no idea what the area or existing structure looked like. I had measurements of how far apart four 4x4s were and sent back a plan drawing in advance to iron out the details and make sure that what I envisioned was correct. We tweaked it slightly and I was able to come up with a complete set of materials that would be on site and painted prior to my arrival.
This is what it looked like when I showed up.

There was patio furniture and outdoor carpet that were removed prior to this picture
first thing I did was build a 8x8' deck under and around the existing structure

Hey! That tiki looks familiar. What's it doing all the way up here. That thing gets around. I saw it in Del Mar last week. Bay Park yesterday...Tomorrow? I think he found his home, finally.

I brought about a dozen pieces of bamboo up with me too. I didn't want to sit in traffic for the next three hours so I started to add bamboo facings to the wooden structure to kill a couple of hours. Looks like time well spent.

Then I started to get out of control and really have fun and I made this railing/fence thing

We were quickly running out of daylight. For the time being, we threw some 4x4' grass skirts on the roof until I go back in a couple of weeks to finish it.

Looks like it will be a cool place to hang out. Not bad for a day's work. Makes me wonder why I don't do more stuff around my place. Oh yeah, that's right...I'm poor. Oh well. At least I can look at the pretty pictures of something I made.
Coming soon: Chapter 2: Buzzy Raises the Roof (Yo, Yo!)
Builder Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2013-05-03 00:48 ]


Oh my Buzzy, you never seize to amaze me...It looks great, nice job. Can't wait to see the finished project. :)

hewey posted on Tue, Jun 20, 2006 8:55 PM

Looks pretty good for a days work man! Nice



Are you cloned? First you are carving up all kinds of logs, now this?


Lookin' Good Buzzy! Love the bamboo fence and railing. Great Job!

Bamboo Boyd: It's the highest honor, in my opinion, to be recognized for this effort by someone with "Bamboo" in front of his name.
McTiki: I had a clone. He couldn't keep up. I had to put him down. Now I'm looking into franchising myself. I already ordered 10, 000 "Buzzy" nametags.I'm optimistic about this venture.
hewey:Thank you very much. At one point, while I was doing this, when the breeze kicked in, I paused and I thought, "No way, this is work. This is too much fun to be work." And then I got back to having fun. It was a great way to spend a day.
hiltiki: I'm surprised you found this thread! Thanks for the continuing support in all my efforts.
TC family member that is having me do this:Picked up a pile of 12-15' bamboo poles today. Here were three pieces that I separated out from the bunch. Wanted to know if I should use these for the second phase of the project:

I thought the speckled look was neat and wanted to give you first crack at these. PM me.
More later...


Not that I am an expert at this kind of stuff or anything, frankly ask me anything about the latest fashion trends and I am there....but, I think the new 3 pieces would look ravishing in this structure. ( I am like a scud missile following Buzzy's develpments)...:) :) :) :) :)


Buzzy, you just DOn't Ever stop do you! Excellent stuff here too.

Dear boss,
I saw this vase in a magazine and thought that you might like it. Tell me what you think

Super easy to make.
I'll post a couple more ideas later today(hopefully)

Dear Boss:
Here is a catalog of stuff I can get for you. Wanted you to see choices before we talk
4 foot by 8 foot woven mats for the ceiling. You will need two. Three styles available:

Either way you want the ceiling, let me know. We should talk about the decorative rope to tie the bamboo rafters on the ceiling together. I like the look of hemp rope, but the stuff at Home depot looks too manufactured. Cannot seem to find good, hand made looking rope around. Any ideas? What would YOU like?

If you want a grass ceiling instead:

4 foot by 4 foot sections available(you would need four for the ceiling-exactly like the ones you have now-but flat and brand new)

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-07-09 19:56 ]

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-07-11 23:17 ]

Material plans and costs:

let me know...

hey that is looking real good. i especially like the bamboo railing. hope it turns out just the way you want it to. good luck on the roof.

Dear boss,
I picked up two ceiling mats and the bamboo for you today. Here is an idea for the ceiling. I was going to style it like the picture and use two different sizes of bamboo with the mats you picked out. Did you still want to tie the bamboo with rope? If so, we'll need to talk about getting some.

Interior ceiling idea:

I plan to split the bamboo so it will sit flush with the ceiling. The wide poles will be the speckled ones I posted a few back. The skinny ones will be typical.

As always, let me know...
Working late Buzzy out!

Dear Boss:
Looking forward to finishing up this project this weekend. Before I come up, I want you to check out these bamboo panels/fences I picked up today:
:down: 3' tall x 4.5'

3 x 8'

4' tall x 3.5' wide

Want any of it?
Bargain Bamboo Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-08-01 17:46 ]

I hoped to finish the second half of the project in a single day. The heat last week made me have to reschedule. On Sunday, I was able to get it done...
Started out the day by tearing down the existing roof and building an new, stronger and weatherproof frame. In this picture, you can really see how the original structure poles were not installed square. There were a couple of other limiting factors in this project's original construction that made for some interesting challenges. The goal was to do this as cheap as possible, so we just worked around the problem areas as best I could.

I hung mats for the ceiling...

The next step was decorating with the bamboo that I brought up

This is what I came up with to embellish the ceiling...

Next I built another bamboo railing. The pole in the middle was requested to hang things from. You'll also notice that I covered all of the original 4x4 poles with split bamboo strips.

If you think this looks like a place you might want to sit in, I did my job.

That's a rare mug...

I think I need one of these at my house. Too bad I cannot afford to hire myself...

This is a neat view through the canopy...It's like a cloister

The finished project

Custom made, hand sewn cusions were provided by project financier...

this was so much fun I can't believe it. I love the results. It shows me you can do a lot with a little bit of money. I hope more opportunities like this come up...

Dear Boss: Thank you so much for trusting me with this project. I'm glad you like it, and hope it will only get better with time. Enjoy your new patio,

hewey posted on Tue, Aug 1, 2006 8:06 PM

That looks great man - kool project!

Did you go with the corrugated iron/steel roof? If so, how did you attach the matting underneath.

I am gonna have to remember this for when I get my own place - I want one!

I made a frame like this out of 5cmx15cm and 5 x 10cm lumber

there it is after I put it on the existing 10x10cm supports

then I put 2.5x 5cm boards every 60cm or so. These are where I attatched with screws the mats up to the ceiling, and screwed the tin roof down on to.

Looking up to the ceiling, this is the framework that I could attach the two mats to

I covered the seam of the two mats with a 11cm wide piece of split bamboo. The other large ones help keep the mats held up to the ceiling between the screwed in spots. The small bamboo covered the screws where I stuck the mats to the 2.5 x 5cm wood. The bamboo around the edges hid the seam between the mats and the wood.

i was able to screw the corrugated roofing down tothe original frame and the smaller cross pieces. The dots on this drawing show where I was able to affix the sheeting with screws. Then I put the ridge piece up. the whole roof was then covered with thatch.

I split the bamboo and used it to cover the screws where I attached the ceiling mats. The bamboo will also help hold up the mats

Easier than it looks, and it looks easy...

Go for it when you get own place! I'll fly down there and help ya when your ready...

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-08-03 01:46 ]


Buzzy regarding the black bamboo panel, is it real black bamboo and if not how do they weather being out all year round, do you have any idea. I was thinking of buying some? :)

Hiltiki: I went down and visited some pals at the wholesale bamboo yard today and asked them several questions on your behalf. Here is what I remember:
The colored panels are made from regular bamboo, and are stained with a mahogany stain, and then coated with a clear sealer. According to the wholesaler, the life expectancy of these bamboo panels is 20 years. However, it will be necessary to recoat them with an outdoor wood sealer every 3-5 years, as needed. Many evironmental factors will affect the lifespan of the bamboo too.
Most black bamboo is very small and slow growing, hence its rarity as a building material. There are large bamboo poles available that are actually regular bamboo airbrushed by a painter to look like giant black bamboo. I've also seen red and green painted poles too.
Usually the panels come in 6x8 and 8x8 sections, in any color you desire. Ive actually seen pink bamboo...
Any more questions, let me know, I'm going back tomorrow.


Thanks for the info Buzzy, it really helps.

I had to bump this thread cuz Buzzy's awesome project, complete with his drawings, has solved my problem!!
As some of you may know, the city of laGOONa hills has made us tear down our palapa do to no permits for such an oversized structure. The Mr has been submitting drawing after drawing to the project manager (me!), each more elaborate (expensive) than the last. Now I know why the damn thing got too big in the first place.
Anyhoo... I was actually searching for bamboo fence and this thread came up. I was amazed to see my fragmented ideas all summed up nicely and drawn out and explained clearly! Even the Mr got it! Perfect! So simple...duh!
So we are rebuilding this weekend almost exactly like Buzzy's project. I just wanted to give a public thank you to Buzzy for sharing his knowledge so freely. We will be having a big fat obnoxious Luau this Spring/Summer, benefiting my asscrack neighbors! Buzzy, you are most def invited! You will be wearing the special distinction of honor...something great. Actually, I'll have to get back to you on what that is- I have yet to think of what it will be, but it will be royal. Maybe that cool hat thingy King Kamehamaha(sp?) wore. And rum. You get lots o rum.

Zaya posted on Tue, Feb 6, 2007 3:19 PM

Hau 'oli Tiki, yes, Buzzy is very creative and an excellent teacher. He can make the most complicated things seem very simple so anyone can do it. I wanted to show you pictures of how the Tropical Patio turned out in the end. These were taken the last time we were up at Hiltiki's house. I think they'll get you excited about the outcome of your own patio!

Here's one of Hiltiki and I enjoying the embiance of this wonderful place at night!

Enjoy!! I'm looking forward to seeing how yours turns out. Definitely post some pictures!

Good luck!

[ Edited by: Zaya 2007-02-06 16:08 ]

McTiki posted on Tue, Feb 6, 2007 3:52 PM

Someone is having fun :) Very cozy retreat indeed.



hewey posted on Tue, Feb 6, 2007 5:38 PM

yeh, very nice hut and thanks to Buzzy for the sketches :)


My tiki hut is real sturdy and extreme weather happy.Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy rocks!

Babalu posted on Tue, Feb 6, 2007 8:36 PM

Hey Buz,

Extra cool! Real nice work.

This stuff is fun stuff to play with huh. I really like that black bamboo too...if I could have only found 4" diameter.

Is the carving one of yours?


Time to rebuild the rebuild I did a few years ago...

One last look before it goes bye bye:

All gone!

Old hut was about 7 x 8'. New footprint is 10 x 14'

Construction time!

First day's action. New floor down, poles set, and waiting for a roof:

Rough sketch of where it's going:

Roof and fun stuff next!
Buzzy Out!

Can't wait for the next
Buzzy in. Great photos of
a fun project. Wendy


Good luck, Buzzy!

A new build! Oh goodie!!!

Can't wait to see the progress. Keep the pictures coming.


Look at that BuzzMan go!!!

Top of the page, so here is where we are kind of going with this:

I do planning drafts in isometric so I can figure all the lumber needed, dimensions, etc and get a good a visual of the skeleton. Quarter scale, more or less...

Before I started the actual build, I did a little decorative work on the lumber stock.

22 six foot fence planks, 10 or different Marq inspired patterns

Chopped in half make all i need for exterior lower sections on the two visible walls

Next were the front eaves done in Maori swirls

Then two maori 10' entry way poles

These took about 6 or so just to do these hours to do... :cry:

Two 10' back wall poles

A lot less time in these. :D

Now on to the actual build, phase two, the lower half...

Poured myself a wild Cherry Pepsi in a glass and got to work. I put the floor boards around the cemented beams back on and started laying wood

I carved a Moai profile on the ridge beam

I decorated a few more 4 x 4's with some simple designs and started placing those.

You can just barely see Hiltiki in the background staining the poles I just decorated. It was stain and install...

Fun part started here: Putting the lower walls and window sills up

Moai head stained:

Creeping around the front with the patterned boards and table bar window sills

Some more staining help and I finished the last two lower walls

Nice, pretty box

Little more color, and the lower part is done!

Couple weeks, and it's roof time...
Buzzy Out!

Wow, all that detail is over the top wonderful. You are the man Buzzy. MadDogMike stayed in the Buzzy Bedroom this past week.


Looking good Buzzy!
I really like the contrasting colors of the stain.

EDIT: Actually, I like it so much that it's given me pause, to reconsidering staining my shelving...

[ Edited by: Hale Tiki 2013-02-13 03:21 ]



[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 03:04:37 ]

How come I never heard of isometric graph paper before? I gotta get with the program and get me some of that!
I wouldn't have picked red, green, and yellow but that looks VERY COOL! Someone has a good eye for color (obviously not me) Carvings all look great Buzz, say Hi to Hilda for me :)


Buzzy, looks awesome! If you want to head up the hill to Clairemont, I may need to transform an area in the yard. :wink:

Look forward to seeing more.

[ Edited by: TikiAno 2013-02-13 20:02 ]

I am loving the carved panels for the lower walls, fantastic idea and I'm really digging the different stain colors. Looking great!


This is awesome.

Buzz room rockin
I need 1 of those by my pool


I ran out of daylight before I could get the tin roof up, but the roof supports, ceiling, and everything else is finished. I don't know how it actually looks, because it was too dark to see it.

I did an Aframe peak thing that meets at the base of Moai on the ridge beam.

Looking towards the front door

The space over the entry way will be filled

Here's where I pulled in a chair and enjoyed a Cherry Pepsi after a long day of work

You can see a Benzart tiki in the house in the background

On 2013-02-12 22:15, danlovestikis wrote:
Wow, all that detail is over the top wonderful.

I didn't build a tiki hut, I CARVED it!

On 2013-02-13 03:24, poptiki wrote:
Very cool Buzzy, how can you not like this. Good work man.

Thanks Poptiki. My philosophy: If I can't have one, at least I can have the fun of building one!

On 2013-02-13 03:13, Hale Tiki wrote:
Looking good Buzzy!
I really like the contrasting colors of the stain.
EDIT: Actually, I like it so much that it's given me pause, to reconsidering staining my shelving...

I wanted something quite different than the tried and true method of burning the shit out of all the wood. I'm pretty happy with it. And to think this decorative fence plank stuff all started just because I had to cover a gate...

On 2013-02-13 06:05, MadDogMike wrote:
How come I never heard of isometric graph paper before? I gotta get with the program and get me some of that!
I wouldn't have picked red, green, and yellow but that looks VERY COOL! Someone has a good eye for color (obviously not me) Carvings all look great Buzz, say Hi to Hilda for me :)

I love isometric paper! saves the hassle of using the Tsquare and triangles for the rough sketches. I liked the way my gate looked with the opposing colors, so I ran with that for the whole build so far. Wide pallet...Hilda's pretty much let me do whatever I wanted for this, so thta's been real cool. So far, she seems pretty happy with it.

On 2013-02-13 20:01, TikiAno wrote:
Buzzy, looks awesome! If you want to head up the hill to Clairemont, I may need to transform an area in the yard. :wink:

Look forward to seeing more.

That'd be nice to work close to home. Let me know when you're ready...

On 2013-02-14 07:48, LoriLovesTiki wrote:
I am loving the carved panels for the lower walls, fantastic idea and I'm really digging the different stain colors. Looking great!

Thanks Lori! I actually can't wait until I see it myself!

On 2013-02-14 16:20, Canvas wrote:
This is awesome.

Hope you like the rest of it as well.

On 2013-02-15 17:54, hang10tiki wrote:
Buzz room rockin
I need 1 of those by my pool


A few more people like you and TikiAno want one of these, and I just might have to make prefab hut kits...

Multi Colored Tiki Huts for ALL!

More soon!
Buzzy Out!


Here are some progress pictures taken in the daylight, as Buzzy is working non stop.

He made me work like a slave in the freezing weather.

Loved every minute of it.


WoW! This is a great project! Thanks Hilda and Buzzy for the pictures!

Have some of that Lemon Hart out there for me Hilda.



Buzzy, I plan on re-working an existing location in the yard- been trying to figure out how to attach an A-frame roof to an existing structure (w/ only two posts). I dig the molding, may want some to go around existing 4x4 posts... look forward to meeting one of these days soon.


It took Buzzys thread to get a picture
of Hilda out there.
All right.


Will that is the worst picture, hahaha. I could only find a few in my tiki hut. Here is one from last year.

Rain's on the way later this week, so I had to get the tin roofing up before the interior ceiling wood got wet.

Here's a side view after I got all the metal roofing up

Thatch will go over it next

Front side with the Maori swirl patterns:

Other side:

I'm going to carve a tiki for where that 2 x 6 brace above the door is

Back side:

This is the view you see when looking at it from the house

I had to hack a bunch of lower brances off that lemon tree to work, but it will fill back in soon and hopefully you can grab a fresh one off the tree while tending bar

A few detail shots:

And the ceiling:

Next time, some decor, some lights, and a few more little wood details

I'll get to the replies from last page tomorrow. I just wanted to post these before I pass out...
Buzzy Out!

Looking Good Buzzy!

Pages: 1 2 66 replies