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Sea Creature of the South Pacific Art Swap ~ Done!

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hang10tiki posted on 02/26/2013

Hale, TikiTom, Tabu-
3 homeruns...
they all look great.
Don't forget, Mike said you can all send your art to me.....


cy posted on 02/26/2013

What a great finish! Hale that's beautiful, and Trader Tom what a set! (the three mugs are fantastic also) and Tabu you to! Eldorado we ride!

MadDogMike posted on 02/26/2013

Good Lord, where is he headed with this!? Are those FRUIT LOOPS??? Will he get it done by the 28th? :lol:

hang10tiki posted on 02/26/2013

Now I'm hungry for fruit loops


WaikikianMoeKele posted on 02/27/2013

Fruit loops... disgusting to eat, beautiful to view!
Tiki Art Swaps... EXTREMELY tikilisously beautifius to view!

TikiAno posted on 02/27/2013

Trader Tom, love the carving on the back- as well as the fronts of those pieces. Beautiful. Tabu, your piece looks great to me.

MDM, I admit I'm intrigued with where you're going with the fishy fruit loop piece. I'm sure it will be mind-(or fish?) blowing. It will be the most interesting tasting Art Swap piece, that's for sure. I'd say its success will depend on what sauce (if any) will complement both the fish AND the cereal. Do you go savory? Spicy? Slightly sweet? What would bring out the delicate nuances of flavor?

Sorry, must be time for dinner. Bye.

MadDogMike posted on 02/28/2013

OK, I have to confess that I deliberately mis-led you with the Fruit Loops :lol: They were never intended to be part of the finished project, just texturing for the coral. The coral still has to go into the kiln again for a gloss finish but should be done tomorrow. Does it look better than when I started?

I never did get back to the nautilus shell. It was going to be driven by a merman and pulled by a sea slug (nudibranch) with reins. Maybe later?

Clay, the oldest and most divine art media;
"And now, from the clay of the ground, the Lord God formed man" Genesis 2:7
Pirate Ship Tree House

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2013-02-28 05:49 ]

danlovestikis posted on 02/28/2013

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, can't stop laughing. You da man MadDog. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-02-28 08:50 ]

hang10tiki posted on 02/28/2013

U da man...


ZeroTiki posted on 02/28/2013

*** The Submerged Collector ***
~There'a an Underwater Collector
~Who lives beneath
~The sea
~Who stings you when
~You're swimmin'
~And steals all your

...and, as always, expect surprise extras inside!


[ Edited by: ZeroTiki 2013-02-28 07:50 ]

cy posted on 02/28/2013

I got a bit misty reading your poetry Zero, quite a lovely ode to the ocean. Also he is not joking when he says he sends cool tiki tidbits along with his swap piece folks. Another stylish entry MDM, a nice use of the fruit loops.

AlohaStation posted on 02/28/2013

Here's my contribution. A Sea Anenome container with faux sea urchin spines.

Turned in Podicarpus and burned, it is almost 10" tall and natural wood color. The faux sea urchin spines were removed from a Barney West carving that was in the Mai Kai gardens. it is not water proof but will make a great container for some other tiki memories. Looking forward to the surprise of who I get.

danlovestikis posted on 02/28/2013

Zero Tiki your poem is so cute, just like you. Fun painting.
Aloha Station I've always wanted to use a lathe and now I know why. Good job.

The day has come and now MadDogMike will be pulling names soon. What fun! Wendy

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/28/2013

Zero, I love both your painting and poem! I'd love to have your work hanging in my Gator Hut!

I'm done!

It's going home today with me to be bubble wrapped and boxed for it's journey to --------- where? No one knows. Yet.

Soooooo excited to be part of this swap!

EDIT: Yes, that is my very messy desk here @ school!

[ Edited by: LoriLovesTiki 2013-02-28 09:33 ]

MadDogMike posted on 02/28/2013

Great poem Zero
Love that Anemone Container Tom. Very creative use of the theme and beautiful execution
Lori, does the FREE Peppercorn Pork Loin coupon go with the platter? :D

I count 16 participants. I am waiting for one address and for one confirmation of a finished project. As soon as I get those two things I will post pics all the entries together.

I should do the drawing tomorrow, I have lined up a witness who has been sworn in by the Department of Justice - very official!!! By early next week I will send PMs to let you know the name and address of the person you ship to :) If you will let me know when you have shipped, I will notify the recipient so they can start watching their mailbox!

Clay, the oldest and most divine art media;
"And now, from the clay of the ground, the Lord God formed man" Genesis 2:7
Pirate Ship Tree House

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2013-02-28 09:42 ]

hang10tiki posted on 02/28/2013

Wow you guys
Everything looks awesome
Great swap event

Mike, don't forget to send me all 16 pieces


MadDogMike posted on 02/28/2013

You heard him, all participants pack up your piece and send it to:

c/o Gary Busey Institute for the Insanely Crazy
Rubber Cell #4B
Las Vegas, NV


hang10tiki posted on 02/28/2013

How the hell did u get my real address?

TikiAno posted on 02/28/2013

Aloha Station, looks awesome. Zero, you are an artist using more than just paint. Lori, the final glaze job looks good to me. MDM, I will hold off eating the fish sans fruit loops.

Well, just in time, the Sinking Moai is finished (just in time). Here are a few pics. I do apologize, I realize (now) that I forgot to carve out a wall hanging hook on the back of this tile, but I hope most would put it on a shelf. Both this and the Narwhals of the North South Pacific Mug will be shipped as part of the Art Swap. Glazing turned out exactly as I had hoped (plus or minus 3 weeks- good thing the deadline was extended!) Here it is:

Top view: lighting 1:

Top view: lighting 2 (fluorescent lighting in studio, just to give you an idea of the glaze colors):

Mike, sorry for the delay in getting this one done!

Happy Swapping! Hang10, if all of the swap pieces get held up at security, I'm happy to take them off your hands....

MadDogMike posted on 02/28/2013

Turned out great TikiAno. And you sneaked in under the deadline so no prob :D

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/28/2013

TikiAno, looks good!

Mike, you can have the coupon and the recipe it is attached to also!!!!

cy posted on 03/01/2013

A great last day Aloha, Lori and TA!

hang10tiki posted on 03/01/2013

Ano- killer


WaikikianMoeKele posted on 03/01/2013

Almost done... just a little more to finish up tonight...
(I came down with an inner ear infection over the weekend. Woke up very dizzy on Saturday morn. On antibiotics & antivert but not helping much, so I'm kind of limping along this week.)

hang10tiki posted on 03/01/2013

Go kele go

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 03/01/2013

Presenting, the Mermaid's Grotto...
I'll probably add a few final touches & I need to paint the outside, but it's 98%+ done.

It really looks much cooler in real life because it's lit by flickering lights from the back, which don't shown well in my photo.

MadDogMike posted on 03/01/2013

Very cool Kele. Looks like it's a 3D diorama thing?

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 03/01/2013

Yes, it's a diorama. Hope receiver likes it.

Tabu posted on 03/01/2013

Way to go final day finishers. Everything looking good. Love the variety of projects.

danlovestikis posted on 03/01/2013

That's wild Kele, and a lot of fun. Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 03/01/2013

Here are our artworks for the Sea Creatures of the South Pacific Art Swap in alphabetic order by the artist (sorry ZeroTiki :D )
I have tried to pick the one photo most representative of the art to post here.

“Sea Anemone Container” by AlohaStation ~ Florida

"Humuhumunukunukapua'a's Last Night Out" by AnthonyMaye ~ NorCal

“Fishsticks” by Cy (on the right) ~ Oregon

“Deep Sea Fishing” by DanLovesTikis ~ NorCal

"Maori Maul” by Hale Tiki ~ Pittsburgh

“The Honu” by Hang10Tiki ~ Las Vegas

“Honu Platter” by LoriLovesTiki ~ New Jersey

“Black Powder Keg” by MadDogMike ~ SoCal

“Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake’s Fang”

“Blue-Lined Triggerfish”

Note, I will only be shipping one of these out. If you have a preference send me a PM in case I draw you. The triggerfish is more of an amusement than a Swap project :D

“Dragonfish” by Melekalikimaka ~ SoCal

“Sea Creatures of the South Pacific Lamp” by Pikeys Dog ~ England

“Spirit of the Reef” by Tabu ~ Ontario, Canada

“Narwhals of the North South Pacific” by TikiAno SoCal

“Sinking Moai”

“Paikea” by TikiDaye ~ Arizona

“Mermaid/Seahorse/Tangaroa Trio” by TraderTom ~ Oregon

“Mermaid’s Grotto” by WaikikianMoeKele ~ Pennsylvania

“The Submerged Collector” by ZeroTiki ~ Central Cal

Clay, the oldest and most divine art media;
"And now, from the clay of the ground, the Lord God formed man" Genesis 2:7
Pirate Ship Tree House

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2013-03-01 20:16 ]

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2013-03-02 17:17 ]

MadDogMike posted on 03/01/2013

I got a random ER nurse to draw the names for me out of a bedpan :D

So the drawing is done. Because this is a Secret Swap, I won't posting the drawing results here. Over the next couple of days I will send out PMs of the name and address of the person you will send to. Do NOT contact them and ruin the surprise, also note that is not the person who will be shipping to you. If you will send me a PM when you have shipped I will let the recipient know to watch their mailbox. Let me know if you have any qquestions.

We have some amazing art this Swap, thank you all for participating. If no one else volunteers to run the next Swap I will be organizing the next one to begin this Spring and end in August.

hang10tiki posted on 03/01/2013

Everything looks awesome all on 1 page.
Thanx for all the hard work mike!
Is it me or does that bed pan look wet? :(
Can't wait to see who I ship to.


LoriLovesTiki posted on 03/02/2013

Yeah! Thanks again Mike. :)

I'm super excited to swap artwork. I have my box & bubble wrap ready so I can ship out Monday or whenever we get our recipients. No pressure, Mike - I know you have a busy weekend.

TikiAno posted on 03/02/2013

Everyone's work looks great, huge thanks to MDM for taking the time for not only organizing the swap, but collecting all of the photos, etc. My only disappointment in the swap is that the bedpan was not made by Mike (out of fish/ fruit loops/ clay? So many options. :wink: Maybe next time?

[ Edited by: TikiAno 2013-03-01 19:14 ]

hang10tiki posted on 03/02/2013

He might not have made the bedpan, but I'll bet he used it...

:) :) :)


MadDogMike posted on 03/02/2013

It is very important that bedpans don't have any sharp edges and equally important that they don't leak! :lol:

Pikey's Dog is IN for the Swap! :D Photo compilation post edited.

TikiDaye posted on 03/02/2013

Mike... You rock. Thanks for organizing the swap, brother.

Can't wait to see which of these pieces shows up on my doorstep... Like a kid waiting for Christmas morning.

Well done, everyone!

danlovestikis posted on 03/02/2013

A new mug in the works, MadDogMike and his bed pan.

MDM thank you for all your hard work on this swap. My favorite part is seeing all the art lined up. It's great you did that. Everyone worked hard and it shows. Next up will be all the swaps arriving at their new homes. Super, Wendy

Hale Tiki posted on 03/02/2013

Bedpan volcano bowl. Dig it!

Tabu posted on 03/03/2013


TikiAno posted on 03/03/2013

Mike, maybe just a straw hole in the bedpan lid? :wink: #ewww

MadDogMike posted on 03/03/2013

I thought that bedpan might get a reaction :D

Check your PMs and e-mails for your Swap assaignment. Pack carefully and let me know when you have shipped. This "Secret" Swap is considerably more complicated than the other way :lol: I double checked everything, hope I got it all right :)

Since it fits the Swap theme (fish), here is a pic of what has been occupying my time this weekend-

Goober is "catfishin'" He has his head hanging over the entry hole to the Pirate Ship Treehouse and he's dangling a rope down and teasing the cat with it. I think I'll make him a fishing pole with a catnip mouse :) (sorry about the low-light cell phone pic)

danlovestikis posted on 03/03/2013

Goober is so cute. What a fun play time activity. I'll be packing up my art for shipment today. Thanks again Mike, Wendy

ZeroTiki posted on 03/04/2013

What does he use for bait?
finishing up one last extra special bonus goody treat to add to the package, and ZOOOOOOOOM! off it goes!

[ Edited by: ZeroTiki 2013-03-04 10:44 ]

hang10tiki posted on 03/04/2013

When's the next swap??



[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-03-04 08:14 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 03/05/2013


I know I swore on a stack of bibles that my box would be shipped out today but baseball tryouts are this week and I had to take my son to dick's Sporting goods AND Sports Authority after my meeting. By the time we werre done - it took way longer than it should have - the post office was closed. But I PROMISE it will go out tomorrow!

Can't wait to receive my package! Both my art swap piece and my mug swap are on its way to me!!!!!! Im SOOOOOO excited for both! :)

edited for grammar

[ Edited by: LoriLovesTiki 2013-03-04 18:43 ]

Hale Tiki posted on 03/05/2013

Wednesday is my mail day, I hope my swap recipient enjoys the piece!

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