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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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lunavideogames posted on 02/26/2013

Wow, that severed head looks amazing! It looks a lot like the original and the colors look great! I can see some Ms. Pac-Man mugs back there too. Are they just about ready?

While I was on Oahu, I noticed a lot of Wendy's art...

Wendy is famous!

Her mugs are at La Mariana, one of the oldest/best tiki bars of all time!!!

Wow, it was sooo coool to see your art all that way out in the Pacific! Not that you weren't before, but you are for sure a part of tiki history forever! Congrats!

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 02/26/2013

Wendy, everything's amazing (as always), but I'm a sucker for Beach Bum Bob's cute little tushie! :oops:
~kele :)

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/26/2013

I can't wait to see the trio when they get fired. They look so good now, as they are!

Loving Beach Bum Bob too! Excellent work, as always!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/26/2013

My Favorite part!

hang10tiki posted on 02/26/2013

Holy mug fest
Great kiln run
They all look sweet
Next 3 dudes look great too

Thanks for the daily tour...


danlovestikis posted on 02/27/2013

The Blue Kahuna we always hope to see you soon too. You are always welcome to come by when you are in our area. dartharnie has come up with some fun monsters to do and I've really enjoyed sculpting them.

lunavideogames thank you so very much for the photos. I've not been to Hawaii for 8 years so I've not seen the mug since they started selling them. I gave Gecko permission to use this design for La Marianna with a handle added. It is great fun to hear about but seeing photos makes the connection very special.

Your mug is finished. I'm posting photos in just a moment.

WaikikianMoeKele that's Dan's favorite part too. It's fun that when something goes wrong if you don't give up you can end up with something cute.

LoriLovesTiki I'll have trio photos in the morning. That Beach Bum gets all the attention, what a ham.

Atomic Tiki Punk mine too. I've been very lucky the kiln is saying error again but everything fired fine.

hang10tiki thank you the daily tour returns.

I didn't do any work today. That's why I'm behind in taking photos. This is what we did instead today.
Donate Blood and save a life. Now we need to rest.

Progress Report Wish List #3

Mrs. Pac Man for Atomic Chick, SM Bacon and lunarvideogames. Mr. Pac Man for Atomic chick.
After the first firing the glaze that shouldn't have run did. So I painted in all the pink blocks and fired again.

Now they are as good as they will ever be. However the Mr. Pac man formed some bumps on his face. Must have been the stress.

Time to rest and drink some fluids. I hope to see you back here tomorrow, cheers, Wendy

TikiAno posted on 02/27/2013

Dartharnie, your quote from Wendy (from a few days ago) is/was definitely the TC quote of the day/week.

Can you believe it? I can't. Not only does Team Wendy & Dan create the most amazing clay work, not only does this thread sustain happiness and joy in countless TCers, but they donate blood, too? How generous are these guys? (That being said, perhaps some of Dan's cookies for all would be a nice touch, but no pressure). :wink:

Excited to see the Scary Trio come out of the kiln- though I'm really torn between which is my favorite. A tough decision.

Beach Bum Bob is, as everyone else has said, amazingly awesome.

Thanks for all, and rest up.

dartharnie posted on 02/27/2013

WOW!!!! I love the monsters....Each one is better than the next and it really doesn't matter the order you look at them!

Why do these glazes run? it seems to be happening more often this year compared to last (although that's just my impression)? Why?

lunavideogames posted on 02/27/2013

Yeah Wendy, all of those mugs at La Mariana still say W. Cevola on the bottom too :)

I like the Ms Pac-Man mugs, do you want to ship out the head and the Pacman at the same time, or is it still going to be a bit until the severed heads are ready? Just send me a message if you would like me to pay. Thanks a bunch for making me such a cool mug!

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2013-02-26 22:40 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/27/2013

Pac Man Bob & his 3 wives!!!!

Love it!

danlovestikis posted on 02/27/2013

Thank you everyone. I really enjoyed your posts.

TikiAno Aaaahhhhh, we will. We stopped the chocolate chip cookies. Now I mix angel food cake batter and spread it out very thin and bake it into a crispy cookie. We need to make and eat everything in the house and then start our diets!

dartharnie I think you'll like the photos today even better. I'll be asking you questions with each one. About the glazes. I'm using new types to see how they work. Some say three layer but now I know if you are putting layers of a different color on top of those they melt together even though they are under-glazes and not supposed to move. Experience is everything.

lunavideogames I'm glad to hear my name is still on them. That's my payment for the sculpt, will work for fame is my motto.
Are you going to Caliente? I deliver there in May.

LoriLovesTiki or floozies.

Progress Report Wish List #3

dartharnies monster trio.

Bela Lugosi Question. Do you like him as is a rough buff glaze on the vest, shirt, tie and face? Alternative 1. Gloss glaze over these areas. Alternative 2 the addition of some color to his skin and then gloss glaze. Any detail they you want added?

Invisible Man. He has a glaze skip near his left elbow. His glasses will be painted gold after he is finished glazing. Are the blue lenses OK or would you like them to be black? The pattern on the ascot didn't show up. I can add enamel detail when I do the glasses if you would like any.

The Mummy. Is he sandy enough? I can add more of the yellow with black spots to him. Otherwise he is finished.

The Severed Head #1 Artist Proof

Mine on the left and the tiny original on the right.

There are some changes for the run. I'll try to make the hair closer to the original. First I need to finish the Wish List and then work only on these heads.

Fun stuff ahead...Wendy

Philot posted on 02/27/2013

I wasn't too keen on the movie monsters idea. Not really "tiki""mugs" in my book.
But man, those really turned out great!

And the severed head is a great rendering of the original.


GROG posted on 02/27/2013

Those movie monsters are looking really nice. The Mummy turned out particularly awesome.
GROG like Bela the way he is without the gloss glaze on the skin. No color either. He was originally black and white. But, you gotta please the client, so what the client wants, the client gets.

[ Edited by: GROG 2013-02-27 11:09 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/27/2013

Great work Wendy! you rock.

ebtiki posted on 02/28/2013

Hi Wendy,
The glaze on your new Severed Head mug absolutely amazing, wonderfully spot-on compared to the original!!
And they're not really my thing, but your monsters are fantastic; Bela is nothing short of a masterpiece!
I'm envious of the couches at your blood center - nothing nearly that nice at ours. (I go in for double reds tomorrow.)

ebtiki / eab21 on Ooga-Mooga

[ Edited by: ebtiki 2013-02-27 17:12 ]

Dawee Tiki posted on 02/28/2013

Wendy, the Severed Head mug looks amazing! So close to the original, and I am really glad that you allowed us to vote and opt for the larger size! It's really impressive, I can't wait to have one sitting on my tiki shelf!

hang10tiki posted on 02/28/2013

MadDogMike posted on 02/28/2013

I love that Bela Wendy! I think the matte finish of the skin contrasts well with the jet-black glossy hair. The severed head is amazingly close!

dartharnie posted on 02/28/2013

Out of the kiln are some seriously awesome mugs.

The severed head is epic. the size and scope and blood splatter are really impressive. If i didn't have little kids....

Ms. Pac-Man is so playful and the individual level prizes (like the pretzel) is such a nice personal touch.

My monsters are Jaw dropping. The details and expressions are spot on and soooooooo prefect.
I have a Wendy shelf that now needs expanding! Yippee!

danlovestikis posted on 02/28/2013

Philot thank you. Your Temple of the Jaguar bowl wasn't tiki either but I sure had fun comments about it. All the monster trio started out as Tiki Bob mugs. That's pretty close to tiki, just morphed!

GROG dartharnie agrees with you. I'll be adding gloss glaze to the tie and vest leaving the shirt and face to be buff. I like it that way too. Thank you for the (won't run) glazing suggestions on the PM page.

Atomic Tiki Punk and I can't carry a single note! (:

ebtiki best wishes for a painless stick today. Thank you for all the comments too.

Dawee Tiki I am so happy that you approve, I needed that. Now I need to go buy more of these glazes to be ready for the run.

hang10tiki the gift of another photo shopped picture just makes my day. Thank you so much. I bet dartharnie will have fun seeing this. How appropriate to have Dracula at the blood bank.

MadDogMike I thought so too, thank you. I'm looking forward to your swap drawing.

Thank you everyone. All your comments made my day. Now I'll work even harder for the Dan and Wendy show!

Progress on Wish List #3

My dining room table. I haven't gotten around to contacting anyone about their pieces. I'm always working.

Dan (while wearing a face mask) vacuumed out the kiln. We were checking to make sure the wires were dust free.

In the shed yesterday were all my dry pieces.

One by one I sanded them.

Dan blew off all the clay dust.

Bottom shelf.

Top shelf. I fired last night without the aero-vent and the kiln completed without a fail message.

I'll be back soon, ya hear! Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-02-28 09:29 ]

Holler Waller posted on 02/28/2013

Full Time Tiki! The Bumatay Bob looks great

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/28/2013

The trio is absolutely AMAZING! Seriously, they should be on display in a museum.

Today's stupid question - are they actual mugs? I assume that the invisible man's hat removes but I can see a mug opening on Bella or the Mummy.


But I love them either way. Just curious.

hang10tiki posted on 03/01/2013

Love to see your kiln loaded up...


Canvas posted on 03/01/2013

Oh wow! I adore the severed head! The colours in the hair are amazing!

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 03/01/2013

Bela Lugosi mug scares me as much as the black & white movie did when I was a kid, and the Mummy is just SOOOO scary!
But my all time favorite is still Beach Bum Bob! I smile every time I think of his cute little tushie! (hee-hee)
(I admit that I'm a sucker for a cute tushie!)

danlovestikis posted on 03/01/2013

Holler Waller the color is better than in the photos and it should match your Diamond Head mug. I'm happy you like it. I'll contact you soon about shipping etc..

LoriLovesTiki they are mugs and open at the top.

Wouldn't it be fun if there were a tiki museum? Right now I'm thrilled to see a home photo with one of my mugs showing. Thank you.

hang10tiki me too another step closer to being finished.

Canvas welcome back. I will be making the hair strands less thick on the run of mugs. I was happy to find the right glazes on the first try.

WaikikianMoeKele scary is good. dartharnies kids liked to drink from the Frankenstein mug and were not scared at all!
Dan must love that tushie too because he was after that mug from the start.

Thank you all for the compliments. They mean everything to me and I work harder to deserve them, you are all so kind.

Progress Wish List #3

I've re-glazed the Invisible Man and Dracula. The green glaze turns to clear.

I was lucky to find the right glazes for the Severed Head run but that left me with extra cast heads. I decided to work them up as 1/1's by special glazing or by adding clay. I've done the first three with clay.

This is the most disgusting one. A snake entering the ear

and exiting the mouth. I still need to carve the snake and to add eyes.

I wanted a version with the tongue out all the way

and the eyeballs popping out in horror. Even his ears are standing out further from the head.

I'm working up the next one as a shrunken head. Photos tomorrow.

Today we travel to Alpha Fired Arts for glaze. Then once home I'll be using it.

Friday the first step to a great weekend. I hope you all have one, Wendy

ZeroTiki posted on 03/01/2013

As you know, ms. Wendy, I am a ginormous fan of old horror films. Those are spook-TASTIC!!


Tabu posted on 03/02/2013

Love the Universal Monster trio. Bela looks great. The severed head is really cool too. The colors are bang on with the original.

hang10tiki posted on 03/02/2013

Severed snake and the Tongue mug are way kick-ars
It's fun to watch the mind of Wendy go wild n krazy


lunavideogames posted on 03/02/2013

I will not be making it to Tiki Caliente sadly. I am just back from vacation and I am heading out again next Monday. Just got 3 wedding invitations for this year, so I might not be travelling too much besides the weddings. I am going to try to be at the next International Tiki Marketplace, so Wendy, if you think you will be there I can grab those mugs then. Or I am happy to pay and get them shipped together or separately, either way is fine by me. Just let me know if I should send you payment or anything. Thanks!

danlovestikis posted on 03/02/2013

ZeroTiki spook-TASTIC is a fun new word to hear. Who would think that a Severed Head would be one of the most desired tiki mugs in existence. So now I'm doing the finishing touches on the monster trio and playing with jazzing up some of the heads. It's all fun.

Tabu thanks Tabu, its fun using your name. I'll be trying to make the hair even better. Practice is all it takes.

hang10tiki thanks hang10 the shrunken head is in the works and I've had the most fun with it.

lunavideogames it will be awhile before I know about DTB in April but I'll keep in touch with you. Have fun at the weddings and convert the attendees to tiki during the receptions.

Out and About and Updates on all the projects in the works.
How do I include these images in my posts?

This is Dan's birthday month. He gets to choose where we go whenever we are having lunch out. We went to Alpha Fired Arts for new glazes. It is close enough for a stop at Claim Jumpers and their Mother-load sandwich. It's not on the menu you have to ask for it.

Dan loves to bump tikis from spot to spot and in the end Beach Bum Bob was given a place of honor in the Tiki Jungle room.

I opened the kiln and so far in the warmer weather it has worked just fine. No explosions, all the arms and women stayed on the the bowl for 19tikichef62's bowl.

Dan filled the wash and rinse tubs for me.

I got the scrubbers ready. All 30 Severed Heads have now been bisque fired and washed.

Tender loving care with this one.

All the new glazes from Alpha needed glaze tests. This is how I do it as fast as possible. Three lines of glaze, then do the bottom two again and then do the first on again. So each test has an example of 1, 2 and 3 coats of glaze as well has showing how well it shows detail on the side.

Our cat hangs out with our PNG alligator and watches while I wash.

This is my entry into the bowl show at the Tonga Hut tomorrow. Mahalo Tiki is transporting it there for me. We meet for lunch today. The name is Pele Rising. She is coming out of the volcano with streams of lava and rock. The War God is by Joniece Frank of Frankoma Pottery the rest is by me.

To change the Ren Clark severed head into a shrunken head I closed the mouth and eyes and then stitched them with clay rope. I closed up his nose with tusks. I will carve a lot of wrinkles and pull lines into the head after it dries.

Well, that's all folks for today. Now I've got to get to work. Thank you for the visit. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 03/02/2013

Shrunken head, great idea...

Sudden craving for a huge sandwich just hit me


Hale Tiki posted on 03/02/2013

I'm working on shooting you an email with some photos, but took a moment to pause to post on here :)

That snake head is disgusting, and I mean that in the absolute best way possible. I love it, and I'm glad you're going nuts with the extra heads. It'll be nice to see more of what you can come up with (even when you have a little inspiration from someone who doesn't realize he's types shrunken instead of severed).

I'm looking forward to what you're going to do with the snake most of all. The detail, the coloring...there's just so many places you could go with that!

Also, once again, I am very jealous of that sandwich, Dan. I went to go to my favorite sandwich place this morning for breakfast, but had to run home for my wahine. So color me jealous. Also, I'll say it again, the next time I'm out there, I look forward to joining you for one!

I like how you guys do birthday month. We do birthday week out my way. 3 days before, 3 days after. Wherever you want for meals, with surprises planned. It's a lot of fun. I'll bet birthday month is a blast!

It's very exciting to see those glaze tests :wink: It's been awhile since you've posted any, and I love your wall of tests.

Well, back to my email! Look forward to more progress.

(Post script - Didn't get a chance to post about the monster mugs, but what really struck me was that how in general, they looked like they were greyscale, as if they were right there on the screen in black and white. I think they really turned out great. It'll be neat to see all four of them together. A Frankensten severed head, perhaps? As a tribute to Vic's first restaurant?)

Big Kahuna posted on 03/03/2013

Good choice, Dan! Dagwood Bumstead would be proud!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/03/2013

Exemplary Work Wendy! but my thoughts keep going back to that sandwich
damn! it haunts me! did I say nice work? but.....that......sandwich......

VampiressRN posted on 03/03/2013

I haven't kept up with my Wendy/Dan reading. Wow...love the trio(taking any orders?)

danlovestikis posted on 03/03/2013

hang10tiki if I'd known we were going there I would have taken the photo you did of Dan with the 6 foot high sandwich. Someday we will do that and use it to order!

Hale Tiki good I'm ready for pictures. It is going to be a Tapa snake, the only snake that is hiding well in the Hawaiian Islands. Information on that sandwich...I order a salad with a French roll. Then I steal half of his rare roast beef and add A-1 sauce and I've got a great sandwich too. Even during his birthday month he still helps me with ceramic chores but come the day he gets tikis for his collection. I ran out of spaces and had to move all the strips on the wall so I could put these new ones up once they fire. I hope that dartharnie will put them all together in a photo once he has them.

Big Kahuna I'll let him know.

Atomic Tiki Punk first Dan upstaged me with his mopping, then his chocolate chip cookies and now its the sandwich. I'll just have to work harder on my art.

VampiressRN thanks for asking. First I need to finish Wish List #3, the Severed Heads and the crawl mug for our Sacramento Crawl. Hopefully around September I'll open up Wish List #4.

This is a small side project I've been working on for Roge. He will use it with the base as a stand alone resin tiki and without the base on his resin chunk lamps. He's back from his vacation and ready to take orders. I'll add these photos to his Marketplace thread with the link to Etsy.

I took a shortcut and added sculptors clay to a Easter Island Tiki.

Then I used the large grain sandpaper to make texture.

All done.

Progress Report Wish List #3.

All the steps for this project for Liddle Lola. First I filled in the lettering with glaze and then did layer number 1 on the woman's body.

Step two I rubbed off all the excess glaze on the lettering with a wet paper towel and let it dry while I did layer number 2 on the woman's body.

Step number three. I painted the backside of the sign platform and did layer number 3 on the woman's body.

Next layer number 2 on the platform and layer one on the woman's hair.

Next layer number 3 on the platform and layer two on the woman's hair.
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Now layer 1 on the front of the platform and layer three on the hair.
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After two more layers on the front of the platform I scrapped glaze off of the flowers and painted them with orange glaze.
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After the sign had three layers of paint on the flowers I did the same with the woman's flower.
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After these have fired I will finish off the face and fine tune the sign if the dark brown doesn't come through the glaze that covered the letters.

It's time to start more glazing for the day. I hope you are all having fun, Wendy

GROG posted on 03/03/2013

She's nekked!!


hang10tiki posted on 03/03/2013

GROG have good eyes...

I'm shocked GROG didn't make comment about what MOAI holding



[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-03-03 09:37 ]

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LiddleLola posted on 03/03/2013

Spectacular as always Wendy. It's amazing how you take a vision and make it real.

I'm so excited to add a Cevola original to the Kohana Wahine Lounge. It will look spectacular on the bar. I absolutely promise to post pics of it in it's permanent home.
It's only because of Dan's obsession I was able to barter for this piece because I just happen to have a duplicate of a mug that he doesn't. What are the odds? It's a win-win!

We enjoyed the visit the other day to pick out the colors. I love that Brian and Dan can talk music and audio stuff while we chat about everything else, lol.

I will keep a much closer eye on this thread now that I have seen everything you are doing in person.


dartharnie posted on 03/03/2013

I was reviewing the week to catch up

...we got:
Mrs. Pac man
Bob's naked butt
severed heads everywhere
snakes and shrunken heads
Dracula, the mummy and the invisible man
Easter island
naked women
war gods
volcano goddesses
Mother-load sandwiches

I'm beginning to think that everyone on this tread is a 14 year old boy.....

Wendy the breath and depth of your art is spectacular and awe inspiring. Kudos and thank you!

danlovestikis posted on 03/04/2013

GROG I've been to LiddleLola home many times and she's always dressed. I guess she needs one in a birthday suit and I'm happy that it this one.

hang10tiki a mug below a bellybutton above isn't very shocking.

Oh, I was just writing about you. I'm so happy you liked the design. I really like the colors you chose. Dan enjoyed his alone time with Brian. He said they bonded over conversation. You are welcome here any time. I'm working to get a full load for the kiln and then it will be time to glaze.

LiddleLola 14 year old boys and girls. We never grow up but we are always happy. We tiki people are the best!

Yesterday while I glazed I read off all the ingredients for Pecan Date cookies. These are from scratch and are better than the chocolate chip cookies which are not. You put all the stuff in a big bowl and then mix by hand.
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Bake for 15 minutes.
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Flip and bake for 6 more. Then they are LiddleLola. If you want this recipe let me know here and I'll email it to you. They can be made soft too but horrors I'd never do that.
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Progress Report Wish List #3

Remember my Severed Head with the snake. Last night we watched Prometheus and guess what I saw?
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I swear I saw this after I'd made the head.
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Equally gross.

MP's wish was for a completely flat black Severed Head. It's done and waiting to fire.
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Then I worked on an AP head that will be like my Bloody Maori. It will have Moko added to the face today.
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I outlined the eyes in black.
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Then using a wet brush I blended them into the rest of the glaze.
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First day of the week is here I better get back to work. Cheers, Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 03/04/2013

Very cool stuff Wendy! Seems like I've been busy lately and don't make it in here every day :wink: Love the Shrunken Severed Head and the Mouthful of Tapa-snake Severed Head too. Dan's cookies look awesome, I can almost taste them. The Moai is not a "Shortcut", it is molded over an authentic Rapa Nui carving which imparts a special mana on all pieces molded from it!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 03/04/2013

Thanks for posting the picture showing the tops of the mugs! It's amazing how they don't look like there are holes in the top when you view them from the side. It's always fun visiting this thread. By far, my favorite thread on TC!

TikiAno posted on 03/05/2013

I have to say, I can never get tired of your step by steps- I look forward to them, and learn from each one. Thanks for continuing to educate all of us in how much time you put into each and every piece. Awesome stuff, look forward to seeing all the other severed heads as they... roll along.

..... darn, crickets again. I tried. :)

hang10tiki posted on 03/05/2013

Cookies, mmmmmmmm

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 03/05/2013

Wendy~... (i.e., lonnnnnggg pause)
I just realized that the wanton wahines have lovely tushies too, but not QUITE as cute as Beach Bum Bob's cute little tushie (modeled after Dan's tushie!) :oops:

I LOVE your step by step instructions, I learn much more than I will ever use!

If you want to see gross on broadcast tv, watch Spartacus, it is the bloodiest & goriest of them all! Their budget for blood & guts must be HUGE! Plus MUCHLY nudiestry (both male & female)

I would love to receive the recipe for the Pecan Date cookies! Besides, pecans & dates are BOTH healthy, right? So these cookies must be health food! Please send the recipe to me!

Yet another great day on the Wendy & Dan Show. Your ratings are going through the roof!

danlovestikis posted on 03/05/2013

MadDogMike I like the way your mind works and what your hands form with clay.

LoriLovesTiki thank you so much Lori. I tried to hide the openings with the shapes of the head.

TikiAno I love sharing what I've learned and bless your heart for looking.

hang10tiki I've sent you the instructions for making the cookies.

WaikikianMoeKele we think these are cookies to be eaten instead of breakfast, lunch or dinner or with each of these meals. Recipe has been sent via email. All your posts are fun for me to read.

Bowlarama at the Tonga Hut. My entry is the tall read bowl. It sold so I'll never see it again!
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We bought the Islander building bowl to the right from Eric October and Mahalo Tiki brought it to us yesterday.

Progress Report Wish List #3

I have all 30 of the Severed Heads washed and waiting for their turn to be glazed. That will happen after I finish all of the Wish List mugs. I'm getting closer. I need Chippy and 19TikiChef62 to respond to my emails concerning color choices.

So meanwhile I'm just finishing off the AP heads that were fired and other small projects. Once I've finished then I'll do a Severed Head marathon.

Yesterday I had enough pieces to load the bottom of the kiln. Now I'm working to fill up the top level.
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In 2005 I came up with the idea for Da Bloody Maori. I wasn't a ceramicist yet so I did the sculpt and got Gecko to make the mold and to produce it. Our agreement was that my name was put on the back as large as his and that he make a couple for us. I also retained the name Da Bloody Maori for future use. The one on the right is one I added clay to and painted for Dan.
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So here is the return of Da Bloody Maori Ren Clark Back From the Dead mug.
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I had a left over woman so I made a rock base and now they are being glazed.
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Time to play, Wendy

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