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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Glitter Tiki Art

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I'm brand spanking new to TC. I was directed to this site by my tiki supply dude. I'm working on some tiki art - here's a piece that is about half done. When it is done it will have a high gloss finish and the glitter will really sparkle. I'll be posting for sale/finished works in the Tiki Marketplace forum.



You are going to be popular here!

I need one of those for my low rider bicycle..........

ATP aka Jesus Diablo

Dagg posted on Fri, Mar 8, 2013 8:14 PM

Welcome to the nuthouse Julie.

Duck and cover


Ooooh I get to be popular - awww shucks, thanks 4WDtiki

Atomic Tiki - I can do custom orders on tikis - send me a personal message if interested.

I'm also doing pineapple bowls - here are a few that are in the curing process.


Beautiful, you should sign up to sell at Caliente in May. Wendy


@ Wendy, I'm on it!


Wow - I never even considered that there could be something more garish than garish PAINT, but you've found it!

For your reference and education, please read:


Wow…the…er…it….looks kind of…the use of uh…really just stunning…I mean I’m stunned or just struck dumb…would love to see you push the envelope…add feathers?


Dear BigbroTiki,

I appreciate your message and respect your right to your personal opinions. I did click the link you provided and read ALL of it. I noticed that in your post you said:

" "NOTE": This thread shall be reserved for examples of classic mid-century Tikis having been painted over, and is NOT intended for the following:
A.) Garish Party City paper Tiki and other discount store Tiki art. Bad or good, it is what it is. We cannot change it, and we can bitch about it in other threads.

B.) Contemporary artists' examples, be it graphic or sculptural.

It is my hope that the wrongness of the Tiki crimes of the past will inform the artists of today to become better acquainted with a sensible use of colors in their efforts to continue the great tradition of American Tiki culture."

It seems you are mainly referring to the painting of classic mid-century tikis. I totally understand and agree about not wanting to see those vintage treasures "defaced". I sell vintage jewelry and cringe when I see contemporary artists taking apart perfectly intact and sometimes quite valuable vintage pieces to make "new" jewelry. However, it IS a free country and they can do what they want with the pieces that they own. The tikis that I am using are brand new and made in Indonesia. I am not representing them as traditional, vintage, authentic or by any other misleading descriptions.

Art is purely subjective. I'm perfectly ok with you or anyone else not liking what I do. I have had a lot of very positive response to my work. I believe there is room for everyone here - the purists, the contemporary artists and everyone in between. We can all agree to disagree.


What some us are trying to say in as nice of a way as possible
is "There is nothing Tiki about glitter"

sure you can do what ever you want, but expect heavy criticism
because it is an affront to the Polynesian design aesthetic we are trying to preserve here.


Maybe not a lot of tiki there. But then again, neither is a tile mosaic coffee table. Heck, I don't think those Pacific islanders had any glazes that weren't earthones back in the BC.

The use of those crazy bright colors look Bahamian / Caribbean to me.

[ Edited by: Philot 2013-03-12 19:16 ]


Hey Tiki Folks,

I was directed to this site by a tiki person who knew what I was up to with the glitter - so I assumed (wrongly) I was in the right place - well you know what they say about assuming... Before posting, I made sure to read all the rules about what was proper and what was not. What I failed to read was the section about "Celebrating classic and modern Polynesian Pop" that explained what this site was about. After reading Atomic Tiki Punk's post about this site being about preservation, I delved further into this site and found that info and realized this was not the place for me. So, while I do have strong convictions and believe in standing up for myself, I also have no problem admitting when I am wrong. Soooooo - I will leave you to your Tiki-ness and take my glittery self elsewhere. By the way, I don't just do tikis, I glitter all kinds of things and can be found at glitterpopart.com


[ Edited by: joolbait 2013-03-12 19:21 ]

Looks like some cool Doug Horne glitter collaborations going on there:

Buzzy Out!

joolbait, I hope you stay for the "Tiki" you are certainly welcome on TC
if you go to "Tiki Caliente" you will see what I mean, Tiki people are good people

We are also passionate about what Tiki means to us
and I am afraid glitter coated Tikis are not it.

Like I always say "Assumption is the cream in the devils coffee"
but you are learning already & I think you will like the cocktails :)

I have been watching this thread from the beginning and I have to say I am impressed with the restraint shown. It re-affirms my faith that TC can be a kinder, gentler place :)

mp posted on Tue, Mar 12, 2013 9:20 PM

You guys sent that newbie packin'!!! I am crying tears of laughter out of my eyes right now.
Oh that was so hilarious! That girl paints with glitter! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!! I hope she doesn't come back.
She tried to slip in all sneaky and boy you got her. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!
Hilarious dudes! Thank Tiki the Tiki police were ON it! Hella dude!

Look, I have said this again and again regarding my opinions about good or bad Tiki here: Everybody can take it or leave it. The intent is not to send anybody packing, but to make people aware that there is a context and quality to Tiki art that makes it unique, and not a free for all.

Where else can that be pointed out if not on this site? And what more do people have to offer than sarcasm or complaining about the "Tiki police" when that happens: Where are the intelligent and informed arguments that would make one re-consider one's philosophy? As long as I don't hear any better ideas about why the term "Tiki" should be all-inclusive of all and anything done out there, I will remind folks of what drew me to Tiki and inspired two books on the subject that drew thousands to it in return.

In fact, the most intelligent response came from joolbait herself: She actually took the time to read and comprehend the lengthy "Unfortunate paint job" thread, and the "What TC is about" section, and responded in a very sensitive and respectful manner - because she saw that there was thought and reason in the arguments there.

Unfortunately she concluded that this site is about the preservation of the style only, but that is because she is new to the genre and has not seen the plethora of NEW cool Tiki art that has been produced by many many inspired artists since the beginning of the revival. She would have seen that Tiki today can be about fun AND cultural context at the same time.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2013-03-13 10:16 ]

joolbait the guys are having a lot of fun with you. Some didn't like that I did monsters for my thread but came around to liking them in the end. Tiki Farm has monsters, robots, space ships, you name it. Tikis are both a serious art form and a lot of fun. You are in the fun category. Keep doing what you love and enjoy. I hope to meet you at Caliente. Wendy

what can we say about Crazy Al's velvet covered tiki ??

i guess it's a matter of skill, context and talent - i know that if crazy all showed up with glitter coated tikis at tiki oasis, everyone would be pissing themselves trying to buy one. I know i would.... why, because Al is a skilled crafstman, and his work is in the proper context. These particular pineapples and indonesian mask don't appeal to me, with or without the glitter on them. doesn't mean they are bad or that they are not art, it's just not my thing.

Here's a possible cultural context from the Exotica genre :)

Typsy, if Al would have used glitter on his stuff, I would have not liked it any better. That people would have bought that stuff is a whole different matter. Not all that people buy is good art, and they fall for the Bling factor quite easily. That's why there is the need for people like me that tell them - SHOW them - what is Tiki and what is not. Again, they can take it or leave it.

The choice of a cheap import import mask from Indonesia certainly did not help matters, for anybody that is into Tiki such hacked wood represents the lowest form of the style on the Tiki totem pole. But then, what should she have used...thrift stores don't have anything Tiki anymore, and as she herself points out, a cool vintage Tiki would have made it worse.

The simple fact is that in my opinion, the combination of cheap import mask (bad) and glitter (bad) does not add up to a good.
I think her conclusion that her personal style of art just does not fit the the Tiki genre was very pragmatic and on the money.


On 2013-03-12 14:04, bigbrotiki wrote:
Wow - I never even considered that there could be something more garish than garish PAINT, but you've found it!

For your reference and education, please read:


How have I never seen that thread? Thanks Sven!

I dunno- i still think a crazy al tiki covered in black glitter to resemble lava, would be pretty cool. maybe not classic tiki, but an excellent piece of low brow art to add to my collection..... maybe i'll just make my own and save everyone the trouble. :)

Those Doug Horne tikis all glittered up are rad.

I am not a fan of Doug's work at all but I would have one of those glittered masks in my bar.

The -never- ending- annoying- What is tiki? Argument is the #1 reason people (well expect those who think this site is their personal blog) don't post on here anymore.

Glad folks like MP and Buzzy are tired of the same crap too.

i will never understand why people get bent out of shape about this - and supposedly have abandoned Tiki Central. They must have been here for something else. There are some clear guidelines laid down by Hanford (the founder) for this site:

"Tiki Central is a place to celebrate the classic Tiki Bars of the mid-century and the design aesthetic they established. This movement grew in popularity after World War II when America had a new fascination with the South Seas and Hawaii. Tiki Bars sought to bring an idealized tropical paradise into the concrete jungle of the Modern World. Very little of it was genuine -- born mostly out of the likes of Hollywood art directors and modern architects -- but it all seemed real to a then-naïve public’s eye. The Tiki style started in bars and restaurants but soon spilled over into all forms of popular culture, including music, food, dress, TV and movies, and other forms of architecture.

The Tiki that Tiki Central focuses on is a mid-century American invention that is Polynesia-inspired. We’re here to discuss classic Tiki, what made it great, how to celebrate it and preserve it today, and how to create and influence new Tiki that isn’t generic, watered down, or misguided. The definitive guide is The Book Of Tiki, and we highly recommend that everyone on Tiki Central get the book and read up.


On 2013-03-13 16:38, bigbrotiki wrote:

And: EVERYBODY IS FREE TO BUY ALL THE GLITTER TIKIS THEY LOVE AND WANT! You are your own taste's keeper! Stage "Book of Tiki" book burnings! Start your own "Bad Tiki Taste" movement"! :D



On 2013-03-13 15:42, SandraDee wrote:
Those Doug Horne tikis all glittered up are rad.

I am not a fan of Doug's work at all but I would have one of those glittered masks in my bar.

The -never- ending- annoying- What is tiki? Argument is the #1 reason people (well expect those who think this site is their personal blog) don't post on here anymore.

Glad folks like MP and Buzzy are tired of the same crap too.

  1. You like them? WTF!

2.I guess you don't have issue with someone taking an artists work
and destroying the artists vision by covering it with glitter or anything else for that matter?

  1. You have already said over & over again, "Tiki is what you make it" which tells me you don't get it at all.
    Is it not "you" that has made TC your personal "Show & Tell" blog!

  2. It was Buzzy that pointed out & posted the picture of Doug's mask getting the glitter treatment
    I am pretty sure he was not condoning it.....I am not sure if MPs post was serious or joking around
    but since he is one of the best artist on TC he is entitled to say whatever he wants, yet I don't think he was condoning
    the "Glitter Art" ether, why don't we let him speak for himself.

  3. Glitter is not Tiki!!!!

Glitter is not Tiki!!!!

GARY is utterly offended by such a BOLD STATEMENT!

  1. Gary Glitter is not Tiki! :lol:

On 2013-03-13 23:19, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
6. Gary Glitter is not Tiki! :lol:


I'm gonna cover my book of tiki book with glitter !! take that, you !! :)


Although I am not a fan of the glitter thing, you don't see me getting all Delta Bravo about it.

Life of a "Tiki Man" is intense!


Find one in every bar....

You'll see...

On 2013-03-12 19:55, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Looks like some cool Doug Horne glitter collaborations going on there:

Buzzy Out!

Collaboration??? Hmm.

I in no way condone the use of glitter on anything at any time, Tiki or otherwise.

The Tiki in the middle is no longer my design. Over the years it has morphed into something other than what I originally designed.

Dougy Out!

On 2013-04-10 09:36, Swamp Fire wrote:

I in no way condone the use of glitter on anything at any time, Tiki or otherwise.

What about strippers?

On 2013-04-10 11:15, Hale Tiki wrote:

On 2013-04-10 09:36, Swamp Fire wrote:

I in no way condone the use of glitter on anything at any time, Tiki or otherwise.

What about strippers?

Only if tastefully applied and smells of vanilla.

I don't know about that... Usually the stripper glitter gets all over and you have it on you for days and you can't get it off and then you get in trouble from your wife for having glitter on you and you try to say it came from your tikis but then she looks at your tikis and there is no glitter on them and then you say that it must be your glitter honey and that makes her really mad cause then you are calling your wife a stripper and then you get a divorce and are sad because the lap dance from the glitter stripper was lack luster anyway.

All I wanted was a Pepsi...


:) :) :)

The glitter is beyond awesome!

Tabu posted on Fri, Apr 12, 2013 5:05 PM

Gary Glitter is however somewhat exotic.

On 2013-04-10 18:23, tikiskip wrote:
:) :) :)

ha! nice, skip - now my secret is out .....


I wish I had them all Tippsy.
There were 5 I think.


Those are Treasure Craft mugs sans handle, right?


Thank God nothing from the 40's-50's-60' had any glitter on it. Oh wait, it did.

its ART for cripes sake.... if you dont like it move on. No one said anything about how ART has to be EXACTLY the same as it was back in the day. I dont care how many books one has written on the topic, to say that someone elses ART does belong is more than a little over the line.

seriously folks? this place has gone around the bend.

Scaring people away from the site because one doesnt like their ART? extremely poor form.

[ Edited by: Choptop 2013-07-07 11:36 ]

Glitter is not Art & I question any ones taste who thinks it is & again what is wrong with criticism?

when did it become a bad thing? and how is it better to offer a disingenuous "Nice work"
comment when you don't mean it?

Especially if you post something on an open forum, you would be a complete dolt
not to expect any criticism whatsoever.

Bottom line if you can't take it, don't post it!
for the record I think joolbait did an admiral job dealing with it.


Glitter is not Art & I question any ones taste who thinks it is.....

wow... and here I was thinking that when anyone painted something, whether or not the paint contains glitter or metal flake, that it constituted "art"... whether or not one likes it is another question. Thanks so much for clearing that up for me. I'll be sure to check with you in the future as to whether or not something is "art" or not.

the pomposity exhibited in your statement is staggering. no wonder people have chose to leave this forum. Aloha spirit indeed.

[ Edited by: Choptop 2013-07-07 20:49 ]

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