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Zerostreet's Tiki Art!

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hang10tiki posted on 03/29/2013

That cigar box rocks
It made me wish I had a Cohiba



zerostreet posted on 03/30/2013

Ha! Thanks Jon!

There'll be a few select prints and pendants of mine available at The International TIKI Market Place at Don The Beachcomber Saturday April 6th. Including this print of MARQUESAN ENTWINED beautifully framed by Roger Brittan (TC's HB TIKI).

Also, look for MARQUESAN ENTWINED on page 7 of Tiki Magazine which will be released the same day!

danlovestikis posted on 03/30/2013

We are going to be there. This will be fun to see in person. Wendy

tigertail777 posted on 03/30/2013

Beautiful piece, and that frame just really completes it, did you make the frame? Really tiki-riffic presentation!

zerostreet posted on 04/02/2013

On 2013-03-30 14:30, tigertail777 wrote:
Beautiful piece, and that frame just really completes it, did you make the frame? Really tiki-riffic presentation!

Thanks Wendy and Tiger! I didn't make the frame, HB TIKI did!

There's a 2 page spread of my art in the new issue of CATAPULT! Pages 66-67.

Here's the pic and link:


MadDogMike posted on 04/02/2013

Skyfather ROCKS! That turned out so well. From the "2 by Sea" sketch I thought the Loch Ness Monster had escaped to the South Pacific (there is a theory that there is an underground passageway to the North Sea, maybe she's on vacation? :lol: ) What is the theme of the charity event?

zerostreet posted on 04/03/2013

On 2013-04-01 18:29, MadDogMike wrote:
Skyfather ROCKS! That turned out so well. From the "2 by Sea" sketch I thought the Loch Ness Monster had escaped to the South Pacific (there is a theory that there is an underground passageway to the North Sea, maybe she's on vacation? :lol: ) What is the theme of the charity event?

Thanks Mike! I believe it will be for a no-kill animal shelter. I'll have more details soon.

I should be receiving my new tin signs! These are 12x18 inches (Lava Falls is 12x15) Stay tuned!

MadDogMike posted on 04/04/2013

I was going to let the cigar smoking comment slide but HOLY CRAP Robert, how many cigars do you smoke!!! I thought that was a standard 10 or 12 cigar box but from the side view it must hold 100 cigars! :lol:
The tin signs look great, "Lava Falls" is my fav.

zerostreet posted on 04/04/2013

On 2013-04-03 18:20, MadDogMike wrote:
I was going to let the cigar smoking comment slide but HOLY CRAP Robert, how many cigars do you smoke!!! I thought that was a standard 10 or 12 cigar box but from the side view it must hold 100 cigars! :lol:
The tin signs look great, "Lava Falls" is my fav.

Ah the old classics! :D

Reminds me of the Honeymooner's episode where Ralph and Ed were handcuffed together on a passenger train. After much distress (all caused by Ed) they finally settled down to try to get some sleep and Norton asked Ralph "Hey Ralph, d'ya mind if I smoke?" and Ralph replies "I don't care if ya burn!"


zerostreet posted on 04/04/2013

Finding some new uses for my Moai Sculpt. The wood base is approx 5x7 inches.

zerostreet posted on 04/05/2013

Moai Relief
Painted resin Moai on painted 5x7 wood plaque

Tiki Tower
The Art of Robert Jimenez

[ Edited by: zerostreet 2013-04-04 19:10 ]

[ Edited by: zerostreet 2013-04-05 05:49 ]

hang10tiki posted on 04/05/2013


zerostreet posted on 04/05/2013

On 2013-04-04 20:25, hang10tiki wrote:

Thanks! This one has sold. Hope to make more soon.

Sketched out an idea for a new mug. Look for my 2nd mug THE STOWAWAY soon!

Also working on some new Tangaroa And The Sea tonight. Almost halfway through the edition of 25.

Tiki Tower
The Art of Robert Jimenez

[ Edited by: zerostreet 2013-04-05 18:56 ]

zerostreet posted on 04/06/2013

Here's where I'm at with TWO BY SEA. Hope to be done soon!

Also, If you're headed to the International Tiki Marketplace at Don The Beachcomber today look for some of my prints and pendants at HB Tiki's table!

AlohaStation posted on 04/07/2013

I was wondering if you were making the trip - glad to see that your art made it.

zerostreet posted on 04/08/2013

On 2013-04-07 12:32, AlohaStation wrote:
I was wondering if you were making the trip - glad to see that your art made it.

Thanks Tom! Been wanting to get out there...hopefully within the year!

zerostreet posted on 04/09/2013

Got in some tin signs today. These are listed at my Tiki Tower and Zerostreet stores.



zerostreet posted on 04/14/2013

Got some new promo cards in!

Also been working on these hand painted skull pendants:

zerostreet posted on 04/16/2013

Put TWO BY SEA to rest for a while and shifted gears to do this instead for the Hukilau Charity Art Show

HUKILAU BOUND in progress...

MadDogMike posted on 04/16/2013

WHOOOHOOO!!! Got my tin "Lava Falls" sign in the mail. Very nicely done, good color reproduction, nice heavy gauge tin, no sharp corners. My tiki space is a covered outdoors deck and I am excited to finally be able to have some printed art to decorate with :) Thanks Robert!

zerostreet posted on 04/19/2013

Thanks Mike! Glad you like the sign!

Done with my Hukilau Charity Art Show piece:
Acrylic & India Ink on Fine Art Paper

zerostreet posted on 04/20/2013

Picked up the new issue of Tiki Magazine while at the Mai Kai tonight. Haven't received my issue at home yet and wanted to see my Page 7 in person! Thanks to Nick Camara for the honor! Happy to be in the same issue as Dawn Frasier, Bill Collins and Doug DoRr!

tigertail777 posted on 04/20/2013

Looks awesome Zero! Congrats! The tin signs look really cool too. :)

zerostreet posted on 04/20/2013

On 2013-04-19 19:01, tigertail777 wrote:
Looks awesome Zero! Congrats! The tin signs look really cool too. :)

Thanks Tiger! Appreciate it!

danlovestikis posted on 04/20/2013

Super cool with all the aging on the signs. We will be so happy when our magazines arrive. Page 7 something very special indeed. Cheers, Wendy

zerostreet posted on 04/26/2013

On 2013-04-20 07:53, danlovestikis wrote:
Super cool with all the aging on the signs. We will be so happy when our magazines arrive. Page 7 something very special indeed. Cheers, Wendy

Thanks Wendy!

Just finished this one:

6.5 x 9.5
Acrylic on Wood

zerostreet posted on 04/28/2013

A cool pic taken by a friend (and collector) of my pendants at Art Rock yesterday.

zerostreet posted on 04/29/2013

Just got HUKILAU BOUND back from the framer. This will be available at the Hukilau Benefit Art Show.

Also, now through next Sunday prints of MARQUESAN ENTWINED are 15% off! This is the painting featured on Page 7 of the latest Tiki Magazine. The discount is automatically applied.


zerostreet posted on 05/05/2013

Back to work on TWO BY SEA after a bit of a break...

danlovestikis posted on 05/06/2013

I actually got chills down my spine looking at those tentacles. I like your boat scenes a lot. Wendy

Gene S Morgan posted on 05/07/2013

Robert ... This is kinda late .... Barnes and Noble here in the Midwest decided to quit carrying Tiki magazine, so I had to order it online ..... Beautiful image on page 7 ... about time you got recognition for your fantastic art ....

zerostreet posted on 05/07/2013

Thank you Wendy and Gene! Appreciate the nice comments!

zerostreet posted on 05/09/2013

Working on a one-off mug.

MadDogMike posted on 05/09/2013

Very cool Robert! You gonna go for the sculpt-it-solid-and-cleave-it-in-two? WHACK!!! :lol:

zerostreet posted on 05/09/2013

No Mike, I actually did the pvc pipe wrapped in newspaper thing like you showed me. Can't see the opening at this angle.

MadDogMike posted on 05/09/2013

That works too. You'll have some thicker and thinner areas, be sure to dry it slowly so it doesn't crack from the stress of un-even shrinkage :)

zerostreet posted on 05/09/2013

On 2013-05-08 19:08, MadDogMike wrote:
That works too. You'll have some thicker and thinner areas, be sure to dry it slowly so it doesn't crack from the stress of un-even shrinkage :)

Yeah, it's drying nicely...

zerostreet posted on 05/10/2013

....and while it dries I've begun a chimp mug.

zerostreet posted on 05/10/2013

...and a quick sketch

hiltiki posted on 05/10/2013

Love the last quick sketch. You are so talented.

Gene S Morgan posted on 05/11/2013

Your imagination is endless ...

danlovestikis posted on 05/11/2013

That is gonna be an outstanding mug. Are you going to contribute to the Tiki Oasis art show this year.
PM me if you need assistance at the end. Wendy

zerostreet posted on 05/11/2013

Thanks Hiltiki, Gene and Wendy! Yes, Baby Doe has invited me to participate in the Oasis art show. I was thinking of something along the lines of this:

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MadDogMike posted on 05/11/2013

That's hilarious Robert ~ Hulabilly Chainsaw! He might need more "hula" though, like an ahola shirt under his overalls :D

zerostreet posted on 05/11/2013

On 2013-05-11 08:35, MadDogMike wrote:
That's hilarious Robert ~ Hulabilly Chainsaw! He might need more "hula" though, like an ahola shirt under his overalls :D

You're right Mike. He does need Hula-ing up!

Having fun with these mugs!

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Big Kahuna posted on 05/11/2013

Zero! That beaver print is brilliant!

zerostreet posted on 05/12/2013

On 2013-05-11 15:53, Big Kahuna wrote:
Zero! That beaver print is brilliant!


zerostreet posted on 05/13/2013

Started s Moai mug sculpt while the other 2 dry.

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Also, there's just over a day left on my clearance item sale. Only 1 wood mounted Cosmo left! Check out the link below!


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