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Tikipops Lamps

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TikiPops posted on 08/30/2012

Inspired by Kahaka & Tikiskip i tried my hand at making a few lamps. Started oout with a few simple cloth & wood frame lamps. Now doing some with things found at thrift stores & just trying new concepts. Here are some I have to date.

Going to have to do some basket lamps ala Tikiskip.
You can never have enough lamps.
Thanks for looking.

El Jefe posted on 08/30/2012

Nice job!

tikiskip posted on 08/30/2012

On 2012-08-29 21:57, TikiPops wrote:

They are all great.
But one is really good!!
Great job!
You know you can cover lamp shade material with white glue (elmers)
then shellac it with amber shellac.
This will give you an aged look.
Do a test on some fabric to see if you like first.

KAHAKA posted on 09/01/2012

Lookin' good! I second what tikiskip said. That last one takes the proverbial cake. Very cool design.

TikiPops posted on 09/04/2012

El Jefe,Tikiskip,& Kahaka. Thanks for your encouraging comments. Skip, I'll try the Elmer's thing on my next batch of lamps. Do you de lute it or just paint it on thick? I have been selling a few at the ITMP. I need to keep a few for my own Tiki Bar! I've got a few ideas to try also. Thanks again for the comments.

tikiskip posted on 09/04/2012

I use Elmers glue, just as is, thick.
Good luck with the sales.
When you sell art of any knid it's best to
be sure to make your own style.
These are more Kahakas style than mine.
But when you do kinda copies of someones art
for your house no big deal.
It's when you use someones design and sell it that
people get kinda pissed.
You can do it but they get miffed.
Now a basket light not much unique in that.
But find a style and make it yours.
Like a Bosko you can tell it's Boskos from a mile away.
Once I die do as you wish cuz you will take no sales from me at that time.

TikiPops posted on 09/04/2012

Thanks, I'm trying to put my spin on all types of lamps I have seen, both here on TC & at restaurants & bars. I definitely do want to step on any ones toe's. The burnt wood Moai lamps have been the most popular so far. I have not seen them anywhere before. I want to keep this as a fun way to fund my collecting. Again thanks for your encouragement.


spiked posted on 09/04/2012

Great lamps!! Good job! I love last two the most!

Many can argue about styles and such, but very little in Tiki is really new or original, but Skip is right, it is about finding your signature.
Tiki lamp styles, as we know them today, have been around for many years and first been done by Oceanic Arts and Orchids of Hawaii.
Glass floats for example, has been around as early as 1840 and been used to hold fishnets.
During tiki craze back in the hayday, they were beach-comed along with crab traps and placed in restaurants, and later, got lights stuck in the them. You are not stepping on anyone's toes by making your lamps, don't get discouraged. Lets see some more!! :D

tikiskip posted on 09/05/2012

Not trying to discourage you.
But the fact that it's all been done is what makes it hard to
make your own style.
I've done copies of lights before, (Kahiki table lamp)
But I try to make it Desiners that would be dead, ie you can't
get it from them.
And when I do I say this is a copy of...
Heck I only sold two of those, but could sell those for the rest of my life.

Great job.
I was just sayin what I know others are thinkin.

KAHAKA posted on 09/05/2012

I think there's still A TON that can be done in regards to lamping. There's always room for a different spin on something. Half the fun is trying to think outside the box, but make something that fits a traditional tiki setting. At least that's what drives the work that I do.

tikiskip posted on 09/05/2012

I think Wayne Coombs put it best.

“It has bugged me forever ... to the point of being real grouchy about it,” Coombs told Rockledge writer and photographer Chris Kridler during a 2006 interview. He also said, “imitation is the sincerest proof of plagiarism.”
Rip Wayne

spiked posted on 09/05/2012

He did have his own style for sure...

Sad news indeed... :(

TikiPops posted on 10/12/2012

Here is new style smaller Moai lamp

Here's one that has a Tribal look.

Still having fun working with burnt wood,vases & glass items found at thrift shops. Have some ideas to mix in some mid-century styling on my next batch.
Also going to try a couple of table lamps.

tikiskip posted on 10/12/2012

Nice job!!!
I wish I had found that green globe, but you got the idea.
Doing your own spin on things.
Great work.

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Tiki Pop posted on 10/29/2012

hey there
Very nice lamps, very creative
good taste in username too, very original :)

TikiPops posted on 03/26/2013

Here are some new lamps. I hadn't worked on anything in while. I am doing some router carving to add to my personal touch.

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I like the traditional ones too.

tikiskip posted on 03/26/2013

Nice job.
Your router carving is very good too!

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Hale Tiki posted on 03/26/2013

Best use I've seen for ugly thrift store glass vases yet. Good job, man.

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Gwen posted on 03/27/2013

I love these. You are inspiring me to want to make some lamps myself....

TikiPops posted on 03/27/2013

Tikiskip: I'm having fun with the router. I learn new tricks each time I use it.

Hale Tiki: Cheap yes, but ugly? I think they clean up nice. Like putting lipstick on a pig. I've got one in the works for a friend that I think you'll say now that's beautiful!! I'll be posting soon.

Gwen: Everyone here on TC inspired me, so go it!

[ Edited by: TikiPops 2013-03-27 10:44 ]

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They do.

Ugly by themselves, beautiful in a lamp.

I dig it. And the hole in the top means being able to put a light in. Brilliant!

Can't wait to see the new ones.

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love the fish!

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Hey Amy thanks for the good words.

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Hale Tiki: Here ya go. Here's one with cheap thrift store glass that I think is totally tiki. My friend TikiRootsRocka (Mike) found the glass & asked me to make him a lamp. His request was "Dark Wood & Tribal. I did some router work to both side of each shape. I think I hit his request on the money. He was stoked when I gave it him at the last ITMP.
The router work staring.
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Assembled without electrical.
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Electrical in & hanging up
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Here are the last ones I posted hanging up.
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Thanks again to all.

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Nice! Dig it. I think you definitely hit on your own style.

I still think that the glass by itself is ugly as sin, and not in a good way, but man, do they ever shine in those lamps.

Pun intended, I guess.

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Nice !! I appreciate the use of those mosaic candle holders. I see those things all over at the goodwill shops and it never occured to me that those would ever have a use to anyone other than candle holders, but you did a great job of combining them into hawaiian style lamps and really creating your own style. keep up the good work !!

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HaleTiki: Thanks again for looking. Your right, some of them alone aren't much to look at. They have to be the right shape & color to be incorporated into a tiki design. I found a really cool one the other day but it was pink & purple. Even I couldn't see tiki in that one.

Tipsy McStagger: Thanks! I like looking for found objects to incorporate into a lamp design. The router work is becoming a passion for me too.

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Gwen posted on Thu, Apr 11, 2013 8:25 AM

That new one with the brown glass inlaid mosaic look is just wonderful. And no doubt time consuming to make. I hope you are charging a good price when you sell these.

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The good thing is since he "found the glass"
Someone else made the glass part.
And you can find em cheap at the thrift stores.
To make that yourself and try to make any money would be hard.

Dam the time spent with the router is long enough.

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Gwen posted on Thu, Apr 11, 2013 9:12 AM

On 2013-04-11 09:03, tikiskip wrote:
The good thing is since he "found the glass"
Someone else made the glass part.
And you can find em cheap at the thrift stores.
To make that yourself and try to make any money would be hard.

Dam the time spent with the router is long enough.

I wondered if that was the case... and yeah, time consuming enough just doing the router work.

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Gwen; Skip is correct. These are found at thrift stores & yard sales. The search is the fun part. Trying to find the right shape or color is sometimes a little difficult.

TikiSkip: Yes, the router work is time consuming since I have to do both sides of the wood. I am really enjoying working with the router, so it's not so bad.

Thanks again to both of you.

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"the router work is time consuming"
I don't think some people understand (not you Gwen)that you have to really enjoy
making this stuff as the time you put into each piece is a lot,
too much to say I do this for the money.
But you need to find stuff that is cheap enough that you still make some profit.
The stain glass on that globe alone would muck up any profit, then the glass and time.

But then part of the fun is the hunt for stuff to make other stuff with.
It kills me when a person says where do you get.....
Well I can tell you 99% of the time it's never the same place.

It's not as hard to take gold and make fine jewelry, But show me the person making
fine jewelry out of pop cans and there is a true creative genius.

Keep up the good work.

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Just wanted to drop by and say thanks again to TikiPops for turning my thrift shop find, into this beautiful work of art.

I know you put your heart and soul into this and it shows in every little detail.

I'm not sure I have a spot worthy of this piece, but I'll get you guys a pic when I do. For now, here's a pic of the artist with his masterpiece.

Keep up the great work, Brotha!

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Tikipops, that latest light is incredible! Great work.


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TikiRootsRocka: (Mike) I am so glad my vision of your request was just what you wanted. Enjoy it & post a picture once you have it hung.

littlegiles: Thanks for the kind words.

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great lamps! I love the different designs....

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/992c7207a1b83aac55b1926bedda29d5?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Hello all,

I haven't posted in a while. Here are some lamps made for the last two ITMP.

I found 3 small blue mosaic glass candle holders. I made a pair of these lamps to hang together.
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Here is the other one. It kinda looks like a tiki satellite lamp.
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Next is traditional with bird of paradise bark cloth.
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An awesome orange mosaic vase was just crying out to be turned into a cool lamp.
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I am feeling better with my routering. I made this for lamp for The Tonga Hut's 55th Anniversary. I gave it them yesterday.
It has 3 side panels carved with their logo, Big Mo & their dates.
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Thanks, Mike

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You are really putting out some great looking stuff! You can really tell you are getting comfortable with the router because you are really pulling out some detail work.

Great job on all of them. I think my favorite is the tiki "satellite" lamp. Very cool.

  • Dale
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It was great to meet you at the Marketplace this past weekend TikiPops!

Your lamps were beautiful!

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Dale - Thanks for dropping again. I'm enjoying the router work. Practice makes better!

SandraDee - It was nice to put a face with the name & to meet you. You really worked your butt off at Tonga Sunday.
Thanks for the kind words on the lamps.

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Pops- what are ya working on???


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Cool Lamps! I dig 'em!

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Slacks - Thanks for checking out my lamps. The Kanaloa Lounge is awesome!!
Hang10tiki - Haven't done much lately, been busy with work. I am working on a couple of custom orders, will post some new pictures soon.

I also have come out of the dark ages. I now have a TikiPops Facebook page. Go check it out.

Here something for the next International Marketplace sale. A couple of router carved signs for Christmas.

Christmas colors.

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This one will be in tropical colors.

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Those lamps are very cool. I like the ones with the tapa cloth best

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Hi all,

I haven't posted in while. The Holidays were a little crazy. I'm really getting into router carving. Here are some items from the December International Tiki Market Place.

Router carved Tiki face lamp.

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Bark cloth drum lamp.

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Here are some router carved Christmas signs.

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Router carved Tiki

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I also did a project for the last Art Swap. The theme was "Album Cover". I made mine up. I did my favorite band at my favorite place. I think it turned out pretty good.

Here is the start.

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Here is a close up.

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Here is the finished piece.

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Thanks again for checking in.


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Here are four new lamps for the ITMP this weekend.

A Witco inspired router carved with Mosaic glass insert.

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A Closer look.

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Moai with Tapa Cloth

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No flash.

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Bark cloth drum

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different flowers on this side.

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Bottom has matting to let a little light thru.

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A little bamboo, wood & mosaic glass lamp.

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Light on.

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Thanks again to everyone for all of the comments. I now have a Facebook page. You check out my lamps, router carving, my outdoor bar & patio & my office/lounge.

Thanks, Mike

F Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/07142e1ad667f69e94c0f34677168713?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
foamy posted on Mon, Jan 20, 2014 8:47 AM

Hey Pops, I really like the lamps! If they're not tiki bar ambiance—I don't know what is. Good work. They just get better and better.

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Pops- awesome
U r on fire


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