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Have you unexpectedly met someone famous?

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leleliz posted on 09/22/2009

While I was running at the gym today I looked over and MC Hammer was lifting weights.

He lives in my city but I havent seen him for about a year so I was suprised that I did. I was also happy that his camera crew was not with him.

I was going to tell him that he put on a great show...when I was 13! but i thought that would just make him feel old..lol

tikipedia posted on 09/22/2009

One day when I was walking across campus during my college days, I was reading through notes and not paying attention to where I was going. I suddenly walked into a large group of people and crashed into a woman who gave me a very dirty look. Having never watched MTV, I later learned it was 'Downtown' Julie Brown, before she became a has-been.

I also ran into Christopher Lee and Patrick Macnee (respectively dressed as Sherlock Holmes and Watson), when I stumbled across a movie shoot in Luxembourg.

While checking out of a hotel in San Mateo, California, Robert Mitchum was in front of me at the front desk. The clerk said Mitchum often stayed at the hotel, when he would visit the nearby Bay Meadows race track.

For my famous/non-celebrity encounter, I met Ensign George Gay once at an airshow. He was a pilot in Torpedo 8 - the American torpedo squadron that attacked the Japanese fleet at the Battle of Midway. The squadron tried to hit the Japanese aircraft carriers, while flying through a hail of anti-aircraft fire. Every plane was shot down, and Gay was the only one to survive the attack. Not a celebrity, but most certainly a hero.

Fres-tiki posted on 09/25/2009

Ran into Dennis Miller at the San Diego Comic-con last year. He was walking around the convention center floor looking at displays and taking notes on a voice recorder. I walked up and chatted with him and he posed for a pic with me. Very cool guy!

Got to attend the swearing-in cermony for Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante a few years back - shared an elevator with Carlos Santana and Edward James Olmos who were also attending the ceremony.

In my college days, Donald Sutherland came to Fresno to shoot a horrible science fiction movie. I was the assistant to the assisant casting director. There was a scene where he was supposed to step off camera then go back in. I was daydreaming or something and stepped right in his way off camera - but he never missed a beat and kept delivering his dialogue while gently pushing me aside and walking back in front of the camera. I thought I was going to be thrown off the set - but nobody said a thing! He had this beautiful white dog with him that I petted a few time -while nobody was looking.

Almost forgot - was introduced to comedian Margaret Cho. My roommate was part of this local Asian group that was screening her film "I'm the One That I Want." I really didn't know much about her at the time but she was really nice and posed for a pic.

[ Edited by: Fres-tiki 2009-09-25 17:07 ]

[ Edited by: Fres-tiki 2009-09-25 17:37 ]

Chip and Andy posted on 09/26/2009

I ran into Tiki Kiliki while I was at Ohana last weekend..... does that count?

robotiki posted on 09/29/2009

I met Paul Reubens, AKA Pee Wee Herman. He unexpectedly showed up at a birthday party for a gal he went to high school with here in Sarasota. Kind of quiet, but very gracious when folks started asking for autographs. I still have mine....

Also met Paul Simon in a furniture store here, his parents own a condo out at the beach, Saw Henry Winkler at an antique toy show in Tampa where he was buying stuff up, and everyone sees Jerry Springer here in town all the time....

[ Edited by: robotiki 2009-09-29 04:42 ]

beadtiki posted on 09/29/2009

no one famous ever comes to the Seattle area - unless they're on their way to Vancouver BC for filming!

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 05/02/2013

kd lang having lunch today with (i assume) her mom, at the Italian Centre (south side). I was too shy (and respectful of her privacy - that's how we roll in Canada) to say hi.

tikilongbeach posted on 05/03/2013

I've actually seen quite a few famous people out and about in LA, but I'll only include people that I've actually spoken to.
The Academy had a tribute to Mel Brooks in 2009 and I was very happy to be sitting about 6 feet away from him. The audience was filled with old and not so old comedians and actors. Afterwards when my girlfriend and I went to our car we were surprised to see Carl Reiner and Sherwood Schwartz walking to their car so we stopped and asked them to sign the program. They were happy to oblige and actually talked to us for a while. True gentlemen.
At the premier for RocknRolla my friends and I were waiting in the lobby of the Arclight waiting for the movie to start when a very beautiful and well-dressed British lady started to talking to us about movies. It turned out it was Thandie Newton. She was very nice and funny. Afterward, on the way back to our car, Gary Oldman and his now-wife, Alexandra Edenborough, were heading back to their car and we stopped and asked them for an autograph. They were both very nice and polite.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/03/2013

I am having drinks with Alec Baldwin right now......we are both born on the same day
and like Old Fashion's....which we are drinking right now......soooo....

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2013-05-02 20:16 ]

tikilongbeach posted on 05/03/2013

Lol, ATP!

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