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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 05/03/2013

That WAS a great episode of Hawaii 5-0!

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 05/03/2013


You took the words right out of my mouth/keyboard! hee-hee


lunavideogames posted on 05/03/2013

The mug is coming along nicely. Good job. I know that you said that it was big but I didn't know just how big it was until you posted the picture of you holding it. Awesome. It makes me wonder what the biggest mug out there is.

tigertail777 posted on 05/03/2013

Dang Wendy that thing is humongous for a mug! You're starting to approach totem pole size. :wink: Now don't leave us hanging... I gotta know on the Wendy and Dan Show what happened to the vintage mug you re-glazed and re-fired. Seriously curious if that is possible to do.

littlegiles posted on 05/04/2013

Mug is looking awesome! That is one of those mugs you take in a bar and tell them "I only have time for one drink. Fill it up!" HAHA


danlovestikis posted on 05/04/2013

I am so lucky to have you all making this fun for me. Thank you for your messages. I'd rather read these than the morning news paper.

tikilongbeach there's room for lots of ice for a hot day.

MadDogMike glazing is the fun part. I'm thinking all kinds of things from traditional to outrageous. Maybe I'll glaze a few and take a vote. Too bad that's still a long way off.

GROG maybe its a share a drink mug with long straws.

Philot I admit that I like that butt which is modeled after Dan. Fluffy/Sherry likes to watch the work in my hobby room. She does seem to be staring at it.

LoriLovesTiki I wish all Hawaii 5-0 episodes were that good.

WaikikianMoeKele and ha ha.

lunavideogames you should start a thread, such as what's you biggest mug, on collecting tiki and when this one is done you can add a photo of mine.

tigertail777 your wish is fulfilled today.

littlegiles I think I'll have to measure the amount that it holds in the future.

Progress Report:

I've become obsessed with making these heads as perfect as possible. So I spent another day glazing them. After they dried in the backyard they went back into the kiln.

I have one more load and all 22 will have been glazed at least twice maybe three times. My electric bill is through the roof. This is the load from the day before.

Top layer held the Trader Vic's mug that I repaired.

It worked. The colors were perfect and it fixed all the chips.

Someday I'll experiment to see if I can repair a hairline in a vintage mug. But it worked for chips.

Then it was time to take Dan to see his surgeon. He has re-torn the meniscus in his knee. Today we are trying cortisone.
look how long the needle is before it goes in.

If this doesn't help with the pain then Dan will have another surgery.

We love Dr. Hong. He's done knee repairs for Dan and I so we know him well.

Take care of your knees, cheers, Wendy

GROG posted on 05/04/2013

Well, thankfully it was just in his right knee and not in his wee knee, because that would have been really painful.

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: grog 2013-05-04 12:25 ]

hang10tiki posted on 05/04/2013

OMG Grog, you are one Crazy Caveman
I'm in the yard carving, and thought I'd check in on the show.
Now I have to change my shirt, I spit my diet coke all over, thanks...

Wendy, I like the new GIANT crawl mug, can you sign me up for one?
Even though I can't make the crawl. I'm sure after 1 drink in it, I'll be crawling...
I'm glad the repair mug job worked.
Next time I find a chipped mug I will not have to pass on it.
Ill just send it to you for a speedy repair. :)
That could be another side to your business.

Get well soon my friend...


littlegiles posted on 05/05/2013

First off, I hope Dan's knee feels better soon. Hopefully the cortisone will work and he won't need another surgery.

congrats on fixing that mug. Great experiment and now you know that you can fix chips. :)


danlovestikis posted on 05/05/2013

GROG from the looks of that photo I think Dan got any problem he had fixed. He really cracked up and I think we will send it on to a few friends and family members to see what they think. Not much sterile technique in that photo. You are a master and we hope you never stop.

hang10tiki spitting coke proves he is a master but you too are right up there. I'm so happy to hear you are working on the stump. I'll check out your carving thread soon. My whole tiki career started with repairing chips for Dan.

littlegiles Dan thanks you Dale. The surgeon said it would take two weeks before he felt a change but not so. He felt less pain by the next day. We took a walk and he didn't limp. Good news for him and for the mug that got repaired.

What's up.
A couple of days ago I mentioned we were going to the Cancer Society Pacific Rim Sale. Well it was except they are saving everything Hawaiian, Island and tiki for June. However we did find one spoon from Mexico that was close enough and Dan bought it for his collection.

Yesterday we took a break and went to the Elk Grove Western Festival.

New cars and booths around the lake in the park. This was where we took the walk and Dan did much better.

When we got home he worked the repaired mug into his collection.

Progress Report on the Sacramento Crawl mug

The mug looked close to finished except for the lettering however it was far from done. I needed to go over each part and to make it look even more like the carved wooden tiki.

The parts I changed were the top, eyes, cheeks, nose, the sides of the mouth and lips. These were all big changes. I'll just show you how I did the nose again. Now I'm satisfied that it looks as much like the wooden tiki as I can do for molding.

Much more will happen to each clay cast. Example I will add the grooves above the eyes and the nostrils.

Here's the second nose re-work. The nose needed to sit back further than the lips.

It's getting much better with a some cosmetic surgery. I hope to finish it this week.
I hope you are all having a great weekend.

Cheers, Wendy

LoriLovesTiki posted on 05/05/2013

Wow! Wendy fixes everything!

Great job on the nose job, crack repair and Dan's knee. (Although I guess the cortizone shots gets some credit.)

Glad Dan is walking and feeling better. I'm tempted to get one of those giant crawl mugs, they're going to be great. Trying to resist.....

MadDogMike posted on 05/05/2013

Wendy I love your attention to detail ~ I just don't have the patience for that. Seems like the goal on my projects moves from "perfect" -> "good" -> "good enough" in a matter of a few hours :)
Hope Dan is doing better, that long needle SCARED me!!!! :o

GROG posted on 05/05/2013

Shame on you! This is a public forum.

Hale Tiki posted on 05/05/2013


tigertail777 posted on 05/06/2013

Wow. Hope Dan is feeling better. I would run screaming I have an aversion to needles especially big ones like that.

Pretty neat to know you can repair older mugs like that, now you got me curious if it would work for hairline cracks.

I didn't know you were a plastic surgeon, Wendy... doing nose jobs like that. :wink:

GOOD LORD GROG! The places your mind leaps sometimes I wonder about you. :lol:

Hale Tiki posted on 05/06/2013

On 2013-05-05 08:09, danlovestikis wrote:

When we got home he worked the repaired mug into his collection.

That Gecko bowl is insane. Wow, Dan. Wow.

littlegiles posted on 05/06/2013

So glad that the shot seems to have worked already and you two were able to get out and about with little or no pain! WOOHOO!! Cool find with the spoon. Even if it says Mexico, the idol at the top looks tiki to me.

Great job on the nose. Amazing how much clay you cut off and then turned around and made it look good again.


hang10tiki posted on 05/06/2013

Love the sneak peeks of Dans mug collection...


MadDogMike posted on 05/06/2013

On 2013-05-06 09:27, hang10tiki wrote:
Love the sneak peeks of Dans mug collection...


Jon, it's best that you view it in small, easy to digest chunks. Seeing it all in person can be a bit overwhelming! :lol:

danlovestikis posted on 05/06/2013

LoriLovesTiki its fun to fix something and have it work. Dan is still doing better since the shot. It's a compliment that you have to resist.

MadDogMike detail comes into play when copying. I could whip out a tiki fast but having it be the Coral Reef Tiki deserves the time and respect to get it right. You would do that I know.


Hale Tiki GROG!

tigertail777 GOOD LORD GROG!
If I ever try a hairline crack I'll post it for sure. Dan thanks you.

Hale Tiki we love Gecko'z art. We started collecting his work when bowls were $40 and kept on going.

littlegiles here's how it all ended up.

hang10tiki I'll always wonder that we don't make it into Tiki Magazine because they think everyone has see it all because I post so much.

MadDogMike I like hearing we overwhelmed you on your visit. We tried!

Progress on the Sacramento Crawl mug and Misc.

Yesterday I glazed 12 severed heads a third time and fired them last night. I didn't take photos because they would look like others I've already done. I'm going to start contacting everyone about their SH mugs today except my Sacramento Ohana. They get theirs last because I know they are close by.

Oh first up the necklaces that I showed earlier on this thread. They are finished.

Bisque fired and washed.

Set out to glaze.


Drying in the sun.

Put in the kiln to fire with other stuff.

Kiln opened.

Now they just need their chords.

Sacramento Crawl mug. This is how it turned out after the marathon day of carving and adjusting. I'm really happy with how I've copied the original. Next up will be the lettering.

This is a good day to get some work done! Wendy

Loki-Tiki posted on 05/06/2013

On 2013-05-06 10:31, danlovestikis wrote:

This is a good day to get some work done! Wendy

Nice tushy! I'm sure it's just the lighting, but his left side looks a little droopier than the right?

danlovestikis posted on 05/06/2013

Loki Tiki that's why I like to take photos and look at them for "problem" areas. I saw that this morning and I was waiting to see if it was mentioned. Good Job. I'll see you all at Caliente. Your Severed Head is ready for delivery. Wendy

Hale Tiki posted on 05/06/2013

Oh man, my wahini is going to love the butt on that one.

GROG posted on 05/06/2013

If he flexes his glutes, does he have striations?

(That's a picture of Dan, by the way, flexing his glutes.)

[ Edited by: GROG 2013-05-06 14:21 ]

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 05/07/2013

I like the mug butt better than the scary butt that Grog posted!

I'm glad to say that I also noticed the slightly saggy left cheek, maybe watching the Wendy & Dan Show is honing my eye!


hang10tiki posted on 05/07/2013

Wendy- the new mug looks great...

Grog- You sure have been hitting the gym hard...

danlovestikis posted on 05/07/2013

Hale Tiki of course I like it since its Dan's.

GROG did you pose for that photo?

Kele I like a smooth one better too.

hang10tiki he did pose for that photo!

Progress Report:

Saggy Bun repair. How is it now?

Then I carved in Sacramento on the back. However my husband requested that I carve Dan's Butt with a down arrow.

I didn't do that butt here's a new photo of the backside. Today I'll carve Coral Reef sideways on the upper flat area. I want it to be BIG.

I've started to work on a few Bob's now that all the Severed Heads are done. I get to open the kiln to verify that today.

Dan named this one Mrs. Tiki Bob.

Next I did a super carved mug called Lightning Bob.

I have a lot of fun converting Bob's but more fun reading your comments and seeing your posted photos.
Big Smile, Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 05/07/2013

Love the flowers on Mrs Tiki Bob Wendy.
GROG'S butt, not so much!

hang10tiki posted on 05/07/2013

I like the fabric, reminds me of Mad Dogs Tiki Trailer

The butt looks good too!
The Tiki, not Mikes.

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-05-07 10:18 ]

TikiAno posted on 05/07/2013

Wendy, the Bobs (er, and Bob-ette(?) are looking great, as well as the Sac Crawl mug. If only Sacramento was closer to join in on the crawl!

Chippy posted on 05/08/2013

The Tiki Bobs look great. I cannot wait to see you work you magic with the glaze.

I hope they are headed for some good homes.

littlegiles posted on 05/08/2013

The Sacramento mug is really looking great!! Very nice job on the butt lift. Between that and nose jobs you are well on your way to being a tiki plastic surgeon. :)

Love the new Bob mugs. creative and fun.


Hale Tiki posted on 05/08/2013

Just got it! It's even better in person!

hang10tiki posted on 05/08/2013


danlovestikis posted on 05/08/2013

TikiAno its fun to be back to working on some Bob's in my spare time. She is a Bob-ette first and a Mrs. second.
Our crawl is perfect. It started with Psycho Tiki D and now VampiressRN is doing it. They both put on the best events ever. Last year to hit every party we drove 404 miles. Tiki is big in Northern California too.

Chippy glaze is everything. None of the Bob's I'm doing now have homes. I just show them and wait to see if someone asks for one of them. You can put a hold on one and once its glazed you can say no-thank-you after all. Mrs. Tiki Bob is going to be pretty.

littlegiles I actually wanted to be a plastic surgeon and went to college as a science major. But every time I took second semester calculus I got bronchitis and had to drop out of that class. So now I do the surgery on tikis so it all worked out in the end.

Hale Tiki I am always relieved when the box arrives safely. Thank you for the wonderful photo.

hang10tiki are you describing Hale Tiki? He does look really good.

Progress Report:

Yesterday morning I opened the kiln and took out the mugs that I'd glazed again. This time I can say they have been done to the best of my ability. So I've been contacting people in waves. I'm waiting to hear from 4 more before I do the next set. This project is finished. I will put those altered heads with snakes and shrunken on eBay in the future unless contacted before hand. They can be seen on Gallery.

Bottom shelf.

Sacramento Crawl Mug (on sale now, just let me know to put you on the list)

First I enlarged the sign that was on the roof of this Sacramento Tiki Landmark.

After printing it I put it on the back of the sculpt to trace out Coral Reef.

Roughed out but not finished.

I hope to finish it in time to do the mold on Friday. Wish me luck.

Thank you again for the visit and for the comments. They give me energy. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 05/08/2013

Lettering came out great (like I knew it would)


Hale Tiki posted on 05/08/2013

Don't change a thing, it's perfect. And it looks like it could have been an awesome location mug if the bar was still open.

danlovestikis posted on 05/09/2013

Hale Tiki

Thank you men. I fine tuned the tiki yesterday and now we are up and getting prepped to do the mold. Here are a few photos and then I need to join Dan in the garage. This will be a very long day.

I melted the bottom of a large piece of hard clay in a hot wax heater.

Once it was gooey I pressed it down hard on the top.

Then I started adding clay to seal it on.

I continued to add more and more clay that I was softening under a hot light bulb.
I did this until it was round and as large as possible while still leaving a rim.

I finished the lettering and now today we will mold this big baby.

Is that butt saggy again? Oh well it must be meant to be. Now to the garage! I appreciate all your visits very much, Wendy

littlegiles posted on 05/09/2013

Good luck with the mold making you two! I know it is heavy, hard and exhausting work, but in the end you create magic with it. Can't wait to see photos of this process. That is going to be one helluva mold.

The final sculpt looks great and the little Tiki Tushy looks wonderful. Nobody has a perfectly balanced butt, well, except Dan. :) (pst...Grog, that's your cue.)


hang10tiki posted on 05/09/2013

Locked N loaded
Have a fun day
Stop for a cookie now n then
Can't wait to see more pics


GROG posted on 05/09/2013

On 2013-05-09 07:25, littlegiles wrote:
Nobody has a perfectly balanced butt, well, except Dan. :) (pst...Grog, that's your cue.)

What? GROG not going to measure Dan's butt to make sure it's perfectly balanced. That Wendy' job.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 05/09/2013

I love the mug and so wish I could go on the crawl as well!!!

TikiAno posted on 05/09/2013

Wendy, looking great. I think we need a front view so the top hat and bow tie photoshopping can begin. :wink:

I continue to be impressed with your letter carving skill. Wowzers.

MadDogMike posted on 05/10/2013

Here, this is better :D

That sculpt looks great Wendy, you can see the hours of dedication that went into it. Good luck on the molding process.

lunavideogames posted on 05/10/2013

Yes Wendy,
I agree with TikiAno. You are amazing at cursive in clay! There is not way I could ever do that half as good as you did. Great job! Mug is looking great!

Are you thinking of vending at Don the Beachcomer in June? Just wondering if we will see some of these Bobs and Bobbies for sale sometime soon.

danlovestikis posted on 05/10/2013

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Tiki Socialite

Joined: Jun 08, 2003
Posts: 384
From: Lancaster, SC
Posted: Yesterday; 07:25 am Permalink

Good luck with the mold making you two! I know it is heavy, hard and exhausting work, but in the end you create magic with it. Can't wait to see photos of this process. That is going to be one helluva mold.

The final sculpt looks great and the little Tiki Tushy looks wonderful. Nobody has a perfectly balanced butt, well, except Dan. (pst...Grog, that's your cue.)


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danlovestikis posted on 05/10/2013

hang10tiki we had a perfect day without any leaks or injuries.

GROG its set in stone and unchangeable, like a Moai.

LoriLovesTiki we don't like missing events either because of all the fun people that are there.

TikiAno there are times I think I'm missing some trick on how to do it better and faster. I keep plugging away.

MadDogMike your good luck wishes worked. We had a great day.

lunavideogames I am slowly making some Bobs that I post here. If you see one you like you can put a hold on it until it is glazed and then take it or pass. We have plans and can't make Marketplace on June 8th dang it.

Use my trick and practice, you'll be able to do it. I've only used that trick a few times and it works.

Progress Report: Dan is waiting for me in the garage to start on a second mold of the Crawl mug. I'll try to put up more photos tonight. Here are the first set from yesterday.

We cut a board that was the right size for the mold thickness we wanted. Oh GROG we are too scared to make it thinner.

Dan made a bunch of snakes for use in plugging cracks.

I used a snake to mark the section for the first piece of the mold.
I brushed it to make the contact tight.

I put the tiki face down on top of a soft chux. Watch for those at estate sales they are good for many projects and packing.

I packed clay around the tiki.

I added the mold walls and finished off with snakes. This is ready for the first pour of plaster.

Gotta Go Dan's calling me to work. Cheers, Wendy

GROG posted on 05/10/2013

"Oh GROG we are too scared to make it thinner. "

Yep. GROG' mold walls would have been more like this:

You're either going to have to buy a forklift for Dan, or pay for his hernia operation.

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