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Tiki Central / California Events

Tiki Caliente 5 May 17-19th 2013 Palm Springs,Ca

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Wildsville man posted on 05/14/2013

Exclusive Release Update:

On May 17th we will be releasing the following limited items.
People can start a line at 3:00

Time: 3:30P.M. sales will start
Place: Tiki Caliente Vending Patio

First Up: Crazy Al's Limited to 20 Special Caliente Glaze Mug's $65

Next: John Mulder Limited Tiki Caliente 5 Bowls Limited to less then 20 ($145) There is no master mold,each piece is created and placed together by hand before firing.

And Last: The V.I.P. Party Pack. We have 30 set's(2 10x8 in) Signed Doug Horne Prints called Primitive and Modern showing the 2 sides of tiki.You will also get access to an exclusive V.I.P. gathering for 2 people. $45 (In the Mix we will have 3 variant set's)



and after you get your limited swag please make sure to check out the other vendors and get what you want before it's gone.


SandraDee posted on 05/14/2013

The mug is fantastic this year BUT that bowl is amazing!

El Jefe posted on 05/14/2013

On 2013-05-13 21:05, SandraDee wrote:
The mug is fantastic this year BUT that bowl is amazing!

I agree!!!

belinda posted on 05/14/2013

On 2013-05-13 16:28, Tiki-ESP wrote:
Rory -

What time is the hotel's official check-in time?

------------last year i called to see if they had the room ready & we were checked in by 1- even though the hotel's policy is 3 --so just call them & nicely ask;)

Wildsville man posted on 05/14/2013

The Cancelation time is now over and we are ready to see our guest, with what looks to be the best weather in Tiki Caliente history.

Tomorrow will be the last day to add:
Mug's to your pre-sale.

So if your interested go to


Starting Thursday I will not be taking Phone calls,emails,Personal P.M.'s or Texts.
I will be at the hotel setting up and hosting the Tiki Caliente Event.

Thanks and see you this weekend,


Tiki-ESP posted on 05/14/2013

Rory - how much are the shirts going for?

Wildsville man posted on 05/14/2013

$20 for Short Sleeves
$22 for Long Sleeves
$20 for Hat's

Wildsville man posted on 05/15/2013

Peep's of Caliente,
I will be pulling the sales from the website later today and heading to the Curve in the morning to start the Caliente Getaway weekend. I would like to leave you with the following. We have great weather for this weekend and we look forward showing you a great time.

Everything with booking is handled,But if possible please bring your paypal paperwork for a quick exchange or check in. (Not required,but appreciated)

Vendor's: You can set up on Thursday or Friday depending on when you are checking in. See me before setting up and be ready to sign the liability waiver and pay any dues,if not already payed.

If you do not have a wristband and want to buy one on site the price will be $70 weekend Wristband/$40 Saturday Only.
Both CASH ONLY.......See Me

Sunday: Morning clouds followed by afternoon sun. Highs in the mid 80s and lows in the mid 60s.

hang10tiki posted on 05/15/2013

I can almost hear the Palm Springs wind turbines now...

Swamp Fire posted on 05/15/2013

The calm before the Storm...

chrisandsarahb posted on 05/15/2013

Hey, what are you two doing to my fury mic? I guess I better bring it. Let the entertainment commence!

belinda posted on 05/16/2013

WHAT! no 100+ degree weather ?!? i might as well leave my tanning oil at home then... well my pooch will be happy at least..

belinda posted on 05/16/2013

who wants to have a pup party? maybe sat late morning, early afternoon?
or fri before sunset?

Wildsville man posted on 05/16/2013

John and Janet Mulder are crashing at club CALSITA and have some mug's and bowls to show off. I gave John some of the unglazed mugs from last year and he made some cool 1 of a kind set's I will be selling at the Tiki Caliente Booth.

See you tomorrow.


martini kings posted on 05/16/2013

martini kings are on their way....

Traderpup posted on 05/16/2013

I might be making a Saturday daytime shopping visit....

danlovestikis posted on 05/16/2013

Wildsville man when I grow up I want to be just like you! Over the top fine ceramic art, Wendy

PS we are here, it's party time

hang10tiki posted on 05/16/2013

We be on the road...

Sunshine Tiki posted on 05/16/2013

Man, Im really looking forward to all the entertainment and room parties this weekend. Here is the line up. Don't forget to have singles ready to tip your bartenders. We have some awesome cocktails for you this year and the hosts put a good deal of sweat and $$$ into this.

Sunshine Tiki posted on 05/16/2013

All of us at Zen Tiki Lounge podcast are thrilled that the time for TC5 is finally here. See you all at the many room crawls and our Saturday night party!

Lukeulele posted on 05/17/2013

How 'bout this weather??
Wow, this is gonna be a great show!

hang10tiki posted on 05/17/2013

Great start

TikiPops posted on 05/17/2013

Promptly at 8:00 pm Rory ordered the moon to shoot over Tiki Caliente

Dagg posted on 05/17/2013

Hope you all have a great time! Keep the pics coming!

Trailerpark Tiki posted on 05/17/2013

Unfortunately, Trailerpark tiki will not be able to make it. We are very disappointed but I'm sure you will all carry the 'tiki torch' to new levels of fun. Have fun everyone and be safe! -Bonnie and Wade

Lukeulele posted on 05/17/2013

Let the fun begin...

Big Kahuna posted on 05/17/2013


Lukeulele posted on 05/17/2013

On 2013-05-17 14:29, Big Kahuna wrote:

Suuumbudy has West Coast envy! :)
Don't worry, I'll have a drink for you, Rick.

hang10tiki posted on 05/19/2013

GROG posted on 05/19/2013

Which one is the real GROG?

MadDogMike posted on 05/19/2013

HEY!!! I didn't see GROG :(

Cargo Cult Leader posted on 05/19/2013

On 2013-05-17 13:14, Lukeulele wrote:
Let the fun begin...

Did anyone manage to get the mug in this glaze? So in love with this one

[ Edited by: Cargo Cult Leader 2013-05-19 16:46 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/20/2013

Seems like I was there just a couple of hours ago?
oh yea, I was!

Jon, Many thanks for the mug again!!! you are a true gentleman & scholar.
Great to hang out with so many cool folks, Thanks for all the cocktails & good times to everyone!
we all missed you and said so aloud & everything, Big K.

VampiressRN posted on 05/20/2013

LOVE those Mermaid lamps!!!

heylownine posted on 05/20/2013

Hey where'd everybody go?

(So tired).


forgotten tikiman posted on 05/20/2013

Had a great time. Nice to see familiar faces and meet new ones. Mahaloz to Rory and crew who run this event. Aloha!!!!!!

hang10tiki posted on 05/20/2013

Right here

Onyx_Noir posted on 05/20/2013

On 2013-05-19 20:47, heylownine wrote:
Hey where'd everybody go?

Still here, just recovering from Saturday.

TIKI-RAY posted on 05/20/2013

Well Ive been to all of them and this was one of the best . The weather was great as well . That first year was 115 degrees . WHEW !!!!I wanted to thank Rory for a great time and Doug for a great design . Im glad you all liked the pendants as well . I got so many compliments on my carvings . I was overwhelmed . We had a great time seeing old friends and met a lot of new tiki peeps . Mahalos to all .

TheClamsCasino posted on 05/20/2013

Parts of my body hurt that I didn't know I had...

Another excellent event by Rory and everyone involved!

Tangaroa-Ru posted on 05/20/2013

This was my fourth Caliente, and each year I continue to be amazed at all the work Wildsville Man does to make this such an entertaining, personal and joyful event. I thought the musicians he selected this year were especially diverse, which mixed things up really nicely. The mug (Doug Horne!) and signature pendant (Tiki Ray!) are works of art. And great vendors! (Dirk Yates, I loved your pirate theme tent!) I thought the adults-only, late-night music shows were perfect. Kitty Chow and Fisherman, we're so glad to have you finally join us here in Southern California! The intimate vibe allowed me to have some real conversations with old friends and make some new ones. This was the perfect mini-vacation I needed to soothe my senses.

But, most important (to me, anyway), was the atmosphere Rory created. I'm a great believer that the amount of fun one has, whether it's at your job or at an event, trickles down from the top person in charge. I watched, massively impressed, as Rory personally greeted every guest and made them feel at home and very welcome. That's not an act. That's a gift. And it's elegant and old-school class. Several of this year's attendees were not necessarily Tikiphiles like the rest of us. They were just local people that saw the ads and wanted to play. Rory made them feel as "much of the party" as everyone else.

Oh, and Deanna and Trevor... your "S***load of Rum" room crawl drink? I still am not sure what day it is. My guess is you don't either.

ModTiki Lisa posted on 05/20/2013

Our second year, and we had a blast! I love how friendly everyone is - there's no sense of being and outsider or a newbie. Every time someone sat down next to us around the pool, we made new friends. Bringing the dogs along was a great icebreaker! Another of my favorite things is getting to talk to the musicians and artists in person - no snobbery involved. All seem genuinely grateful for the appreciation of their work - they obviously love what they do.

I will join in the chorus of thanks to Rory and all his helpers for putting on a fantastic event! I thought the hotel staff was great, too. My big lingering question though.... did Kitty Chow's ukulele ever get found?? I was heartbroken to hear of it going missing, and I never heard if it turned up.

Lisa (and Josh, and Pinky the chi and Pax the min pin/Manchester) from Upland, for those of you we met and chatted with :)

Wildsville man posted on 05/20/2013

The Ukulele was found in her room the next morning. But I have to thank her for making mine sound so good at the Adults Only show that night.
I thought it was broken but now I know it's Just me.


GROG posted on 05/20/2013

GROG thought GROG forgot camera, but GROG find it later when GROG get home. But, Hang10 (Jon) send GROG a few pics. GROG was only there Thursday and Friday MadDoggy.

Jon and SHAG---------and Jon and Wendy (without Dan)

Everybody was trying to steal Jon's wife away from him.

Pretty ladies pose with GROG after the fashion show.
The ladies got to keep the clothing they modeled--very awesome. Atomic Tiki Punk with Jon. It was hard to recognize ATP without his signature hat.

Calf pose-off between Jon and GROG--(that bastard's got some nice muscular calves!)

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2013-05-20 12:28 ]

Wildsville man posted on 05/20/2013

Peep’s of Caliente,
I would like to thank everyone for making Tiki Caliente 5 what I believe to be the greatest one so far. As I Believe everyone had a great time and received maximum entertainment for there dollar. I tried to do our best to be loyal to our regulars with still extending a hand out to some new tiki peep’s. I believe we hit the right combination.

With that being said,it did not stop me from having a restless nights sleep last night thinking about issues that could have been prevented. I would like to personally apologize to the rooms above the lobby that I did not warn about the late night bands. As I thought this was a fun add on show,I should have warned the surrounding rooms when they booked and gave them other options.I also want to thank BIGTIKIDUDE for D.J.ing the show and always providing a perfect setting with sound. I am sorry I forgot to mention you at the show. Also,as the event grows I continue to try and give personal attention to my friends who have been to Tiki Caliente of years past and some are not happy with the changes because they like the smaller shows and more personal style of the past,I believe as the show grew I try to be loyal and fair,but it has become an event and not a gathering and will be treated more like a business to be fair to all.

Several people mention that I was not as visible as years past and I am sorry for that.
I would rather hand the mic over to Crazy Al and other entertainers and enjoy more 1 on 1 conversations. Also with this event now hitting over 500 people I can honestly say there were times I was claustrophobic at my own event at times so I found myself retracting and maybe enjoying more cocktails at the night then in years past.

I look forward to an interesting Tiki Caliente 6 year were my biggest issue will be how to KILL the momentum. My goal was always 500 people max and i would like to stick with that number in following years. So to restrict the numbers you may see some slight changes in the future. I always said “I don’t want Tiki Caliente to be the biggest,only the Best”and I meant it.

So thank you again to everyone who was part of my vacation as well and I hope you believe I did my best to show you a good time.

Rory ”Wildsville Man” Snyder

see you this October with MOD-PalmSprings an Event were Modernism embraces it’s Tiki history.



[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2013-05-20 12:29 ]

tikitonga posted on 05/20/2013

Wow......all I can say is.....wow! This was the first time to Palm Springs, let alone Tiki Caliente, for the wife (Primitiva) and I. Man, what an outrageously fun time we had. Even though we were noobs, we were treated like one of the family by everyone there. I got to see and meet some of my Tiki Art heroes and hear some great music. Rory was an outstanding host and made everyone feel welcome. The weather couldn't have been better and the BBQ and drinks were outstanding! We snuck out for a little bit and visited the homes of Frank, Dean and Bing....what a treat! We also made some new friends that we will be staying in touch with. I mean, really, who could ask for more?! We are already making plans for next year......and this time we will be doing the whole Thur-Mon stretch! Mahalo to one and all!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/20/2013

I think everything went super smooth, Rory
Though it seemed you made fewer costume changes this year :lol:

Saw many new faces this year (slightly frighted new faces?) or was it just me!
The weather was very kind to us this year, The cocktails were in abundance
and the drama was not.

Everyone looked out for each other & thanks to all the great work of Rory, Jeff, Crazy Al
all of the bands & vendors, it should take some time to recover from another great weekend event!

Tangaroa-Ru posted on 05/20/2013

I'm all for keeping it at this size. Rory, again, it was fantastic. Can't wait to see what you create for Caliente 6.

And I forgot to give a shout-out to Big Tiki Dude Jeff, who really kept the mellow vibe going with his excellent choice of music! Aloha to BTD!

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