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Tiki Finds

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Coffee Pirate posted on 05/25/2013

Goodwill score!

hang10tiki posted on 05/25/2013

A few finds from GROG kiln :)

Now I have to take pics of the rest :)

SandraDee posted on 05/25/2013

BongoFury like that Bahooka piece...never seen that before

I really like seeing the stuff people find in a thrift store or a garage sale or even an estate sale.

Back in 2002 when this thread was started the point of it was to :
"start a bit of a brag board where you can show what great finds you got on the weekend from yard sales, parents attics, junk shops, deals with the devil, etc...."

Can we not make this TIKI FIND thread a posting of artists work that we all buy from them.Maybe a new thread can be started called "I bought this from an artist--isn't it rad?" and show off stuff there that fits the bill. Then you all can post items you buy from artists there and leave this thread to things we find out in the wild? Just a thought...

Anyways..In saying that this is the very first Tiki Find (and its only tiki related because of the connection to the Enchanted Tiki Room) that I actually found...as in sitting on the street near my apartment. I have no idea how it ended up on an Oakland street but maybe it was just meant to be mine?
50th Disneyland Anniversary metal lunchbox:

It was empty and in about a B- condition ..

pretty random, Oakland but I thank you !

[ Edited by: SandraDee 2013-05-24 18:59 ]

hang10tiki posted on 05/25/2013

These two from a YARD SALE today :)

and thanks BUZZY for posting the info on this 1

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-05-28 18:57 ]

Hale Tiki posted on 05/25/2013

I disagree.

The thread has evolved. I see it more if a place to express happiness of new tiki, no matter where it's found. It's certainly not anywhere for artist to post their work. (Though I did laugh at your joke, GROG.)

Everything has to come from somewhere, and everything is a find to someone. Even if it is from an artist here on TC, someone is happy to show off their newest piece. That's all. A big show and tell. "

I say post it all, people of TC! If we begin to limit it, where do we stop? Does eBay not count because it's not really a "find," or Oceanic Arts because it's from a tiki store, or things from Tiki Farm, because they're a tiki maker? What about things from The International Marketplace, or any of the sales at events? Or should something only count if it's vintage?

Post, and be merry! Show me your crap! I want to see it all!

Hale Tiki posted on 05/25/2013

On 2013-05-22 14:55, bigbrotiki wrote:
It's a vintage Trader Vic's table lamp. The original, not the new Poly-Asian import. It's famous :) It appeared in movies and in books.


Just saw this post. Dig it!

SandraDee posted on 05/25/2013

Post, and be merry! Show me your crap! I want to see it all!

I have about 750 mugs....give me a second to photograph them all.

Actually..I will be back in a few days :)

Bora Boris posted on 05/25/2013

I agree with SD and maybe this thread can slowly turn it's way back to what it was meant to be. It's still fun to look at and I'm not anti the new stuff but it's much more exciting when the items posted are actual "Finds".

Hale Tiki posted on 05/25/2013

On 2013-05-24 19:28, SandraDee wrote:

Post, and be merry! Show me your crap! I want to see it all!

I have about 750 mugs....give me a second to photograph them all.

Actually..I will be back in a few days :)

Woohoo! Wait, they're not on Ooga-Mooga? Then get em up there! There's probably some I haven't seen before. I've seen a LOT of mugs in my day, but big collections always have little nuggets that I haven't seen. There's always something new to FIND. (See what I did there?)

GROG posted on 05/25/2013

GROG find these at the Vintage Paper show in Glendale last weekend:

Some matchbooks. GROG had bought another matchbook earlier, but Dusty Cajun was there and didn't think he had that one in his collection, so GROG let him have it.

And, there were plenty of postcards, but these were the only two GROG buy.

ukutiki posted on 05/25/2013

Would you have any other info on Johnson Products Company. Is it the same one that sells products for the Afican-American community?

JOHN-O posted on 05/25/2013

On 2013-05-24 20:23, Bora Boris wrote:
I agree with SD and maybe this thread can slowly turn it's way back to what it was meant to be. It's still fun to look at and I'm not anti the new stuff but it's much more exciting when the items posted are actual "Finds".

Boris, maybe one of the moderators should lock this this thread and someone can create a Vintage Tiki Finds thread (Pre-1980) and a Tiki Revival Finds thread ?? Also isn't this thread so long now that it consistently creates web page errors ??

Bora Boris posted on 05/25/2013

On 2013-05-25 08:36, JOHN-O wrote:
Boris, maybe one of the moderators should lock this this thread and someone can create a Vintage Tiki Finds thread (Pre-1980) and a Tiki Revival Finds thread ?? Also isn't this thread so long now that it consistently creates web page errors ??

I was shocked to see you posting in Tiki Finds John-O but I didn't think for a second that you actually posted a picture of a "Find". :lol:

Despite what I don't love about how this thread is occasionally added to I don't think that's a reason to shut it down. The Thread Must Go On!

As for the errors, yes that should be addressed. Thanks!

JOHN-O posted on 05/25/2013

I'm a Tiki Finds lurker !! I'm all about Mid-Mod minimalism so I really don't collect anything but I do like to look at the vintage eye candy.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/25/2013

All this fighting and disagreement is making this place like Facebook!

On 2013-05-24 19:05, hang10tiki wrote:

and thanks BUZZY for posting the piece you BOUGHT at Tiki Oasis on page 265.
solved my problem, I couldn't make out the writing on the bottom of this ash tray. Then I saw your post and there it was. Maker of the piece: A Hip Rascal. So thanks for posting that FIND you bought at Oasis. :)

I only post on this thread the used and vintage stuff I acquire at tiki vending events like Oasis and Don's, not any of the new or artist's stuff I get. I also don't post any of the crap that I buy on ebay. That's just my personal filter, and I don't mind when others post any old or new find they buy here. I wish people didn't post ebay "finds", but I don't get all riled up over it when they do. I just figure they live in a low tipsy environment, but still want to participate in any way they can.

I posted that Rascal in particular because it was the only Coral colored one that either Freddie or I had ever seen. Figured it was rare if neither of us had known of it and it should be documented somewhere for posterity. I like that often times the only info on a piece that I can find anywhere, is here on this thread. I probably learned more about tiki from this thread over the years than any other single source anywhere. Glad that some of my posts can help others learn about their stuff.

Hang 10: That ashtray is in Tiki Quest. HIP stands for Hawaiian Island Products. HIP Rascals were the line of those funny faced guys I posted one of on page 265. Finding the info you needed from my post brings a happy tear of joy to my eye! I'll post the tag for it when i get home later.

Buzzy Out!

Alii Tiki posted on 05/25/2013

In the beginning ...

On 2002-09-16 21:24, TikiGuy wrote:
Hey let's start a bit of a brag board where you can show what great finds you got on the weekend from yard sales, parents attics, junk shops, deals with the devil, etc....

I bought two of these this weekend for $3 CDN now I see one for auction at eBay

I'll be keeping an eye on that....

:: Collecting Tiki today for a Tiki-er tomorrow ::

[ Edited by: TikiGuy on 2003-11-11 11:45 ]

Alii Tiki posted on 05/25/2013

Buzzy, I'm guilty of posting some eBay finds but as you said it's actually a relatively low tipsy area that I live in, despite being a location that many would consider to be rich in Tiki.
Actual "Tiki Finds" are few and far between, although some good scores do arise occasionally.

danlovestikis posted on 05/25/2013

This is a terrific thread. I check it out at the end of each day. I wish we were still hunting but now we mostly buy new things from artists at events. I'm so impressed that everyone can still find so much. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-05-28 17:21 ]

hang10tiki posted on 05/25/2013

Buzz- u da man
Wendy- love the mug


[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-05-25 16:48 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/25/2013

I sensed unrest in the realms of Tikilandia, So I came......

Kneel before Zod!

Bora Boris posted on 05/26/2013

I found this little guy at an estate sale today at the home of a former Disney Illustrator. He's Balsa wood with sparkly eyes and pearl shoved into his mouth.

I didn't really want it but after waiting to get in for 45 minutes I had to get something and there was nothing all that cool left. I was hoping for some great stuff.

tikilongbeach posted on 05/26/2013

A bit of tapa cloth from Goodwill. It's matted with a piece of protective plastic over the top if you're wondering about the reflection.


[ Edited by: tikilongbeach 2013-05-25 17:39 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/26/2013

last two weeks worth of stuff:

Maori bolo tie:

SS Lurine tray:

Gene's Hawaiian Village photo holder:

back label

Photo inside

Hawaii postcards, mostly Kona Inn and Kauai Surf Hotel:

Kauai surf hotel guest room one in front has the tiki lamp on the table

Another photo cover and a Polynesian Islands cruise book

Same lot as the Gene's photo, but the people do not look the same:

Set of 6 linen Fijian tapa pattern place mats

Coral Lei boat piece:

Coral lei was made by Coco Joe's.

Guam Tiki and tagged Ki'i Hoohehe'e

OMC surfer girl mug, unmarked. Couldn't find it on Ooga Mooga without a restaurant mark, and one of 9 Tiki farm shot mugs:

Rainbow of Tiki Farm shot mugs. Most have the Hecho en Mexico stickers:

Disney Enchanted Tiki room shot mug trio:

19 Mexican/Tequila shot glasses, one full mini bottle of Absolute, three rocks, two artificial pin on flowers, two golf balls that look like baseballs, one golf ball that looks like a tennis ball, an Against Me! patch, and a glass Nativity set were all the things that I had to buy in one lot to get all the Tiki Farm shot mugs with it all.

At first I pulled out all the Tiki Farm shots and asked "how much for these?" He waved at the tailgate of his truck and said he was selling it "all" for $20. I did some quick resale math in my head and declared it all "Sold!"

Some fired but unglazed mugs:

One of the bucket's was glazed, but not glaze fired.

Crying Moai candle and a piece of a tiki trophy or something:

Nautical themed stuff. Shell lamp and a ship shell night light:

Linen Fiji banner:

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2013-05-26 16:46 ]

hang10tiki posted on 05/27/2013

Buzz on fire

hang10tiki posted on 05/27/2013

Tiki Caliente rocks

Ellen Neel dated 1959

forgotten tikiman posted on 05/27/2013

Buzzy. Thats alot of cool stuff. Great finds :D. Hang10tiki. That head is really cool. Did you get that at Tiki Caliente? Too bad I did not get to meet you. I was there too.

atomictonytiki posted on 05/27/2013

Linen Fiji banner:

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2013-05-26 16:46 ]

Tea towel I've got one for kiribati that is nearly identical.

danlovestikis posted on 05/27/2013

hang10tiki I love that head.

Buzzy you are a terrific tiki hunter.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-05-28 17:24 ]

lancelink posted on 05/28/2013

Fiji tapa cloth measuring 30 feet by 12 feet. What the heck am I going to do with it? It's bigger than my house.

Hale Tiki posted on 05/28/2013

On 2013-05-28 09:15, lancelink wrote:
Fiji tapa cloth measuring 30 feet by 12 feet. What the heck am I going to do with it? It's bigger than my house.

It looks like an uncut sheet of smaller tapa cloths. What a great find.

Kaiwaza posted on 05/29/2013

No tikis..but I found a very odd Hawaiian shirt for $5 today while thrifting in Chinatown.
It has leis, hula girls, surfers, camels, pyramids & Shriner's fez caps on it..I mean, what's not to love? There's also a "Cheeseburger In Paradise At The Oasis: Las Vegas" logo on it, but I can't imagine it was a uniform shirt with the Shriner's hats...perhaps it was a one-ff project for a special convention or meeting. Anyway, I'm glad it's found a new home with me!

Slacks Ferret posted on 05/31/2013

I found these on Craigslist:

My friend picked them up for me. The owners told my friend that these were used by an "old tiki restaurant that used to be downtown". So were these used at the Calgary Beachcomber or the Tiki Tiki? This is the first time I've come across these mugs in my 10 years of collecting, so I'm gonna guess these are from the short-lived Beachcomber (which opened in the late 60's and burned down in the early 70's). They also sort of (but not really) look like the "Head Hunter" drink mug depicted in the menu:(not my photo):

Also, it's interesting to note that they look very similar to the Trader Dick's Moai mug,


but they are slightly different because of the delineated eyes


[ Edited by: Slacks Ferret 2013-05-31 09:34 ]

tikilongbeach posted on 05/31/2013

A Goodwill find of a PNG story board. It has writing on the back like the others that I have bought but it is too faint to read.

I think this is their website. http://www.melanesianarts.com.pg/homepage.htm


[ Edited by: tikilongbeach 2013-05-31 15:18 ]

uncle trav posted on 06/02/2013

Even though the sun wasn't shining in Michigan today the gods certainly were looking out for me. We had an awesome day of finds. Mugs, shirts and vintage Tiki galore but these lamps were the find of the day. I can't find any markings. Made of ceramic and just awesome. Now I just need to find or make the right shades.

"Anyone who has ever seen them is thereafter haunted as if by a feverish dream" Karl Woermann

[ Edited by: uncle trav 2013-06-01 17:40 ]

Bamboo Bev posted on 06/02/2013

Those lamps look great, nice find.

Bamboo Bev posted on 06/02/2013

Heres some things that I have been finding Downunder lately at variouse thrift stores, markets and antique shops, thought I would share.

ErichTroudt posted on 06/03/2013

I thought this was interesting... Not the mug but where it's from. Latitude 20 in Torrance. The latitude 20 thread in locating tiki shows all the mugs from there but not this one. Ooga mooga doesn't have it listed for latitude 20 either... So is this a new discovery? Was it previously known that latitude 20 used the bug eyed moai?
Good news is I found several, and several of the bucket mugs and coconuts and 1 barrel mug all from latitude 20 in Torrance.

TikiPug posted on 06/04/2013

I found 2 Harvey's Sneaky Tiki green mugs the other day. Not rare mugs and wasn't gonna share until I realized the one is a lot smaller than the other one. I searched to see if anyone had mentioned this before, but came up empty.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 06/04/2013

A couple quick laps around the swap meet yielded this little lot:

Wood tiki looking guy:

Weird muscle posing Guam Tiki and a resin Maori tiki

Captain Cook book:

Older Primo glass

I saw a picture a while back on TC of a really nice shell lamp in someone's home bar. It took me a minute to realize that it used to be mine, and that I sold it to the new owner a few years ago in one of my many collection downsizing episodes. I missed that lamp, and had a little seller's remorse when I was reminded how cool it was. This weekend I found a suitable replacement for the one I long ago parted with:

Now I have to part ways with something else I like to make room for my new lamp...
Buzzy Out!

GROG posted on 06/04/2013

On 2013-06-04 13:02, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

Now I have to part ways with something else I like to make room for my new lamp...
Buzzy Out!

How much for dog?

hang10tiki posted on 06/05/2013

Great 1 week vacation in AZ.

GROG- 1st mug made me laugh, had to get it...

Pikeys Dog posted on 06/05/2013

Puffer fish is approx 18" long.

tikidon posted on 06/07/2013

Picked up some Strikow Plaques.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 06/08/2013

From an estate sale yesterday.

I'm kinda impressed that there is a Crazy Al switch plate. It must have been a gift.

Stoked about the Dorothy Kindell! The small black moai is from The Tikis.

I had to get the devil mask! So cheap and big. Mrs. No said "NO efin way! It's gotta go!"
Cheers, ETR

happy buddha posted on 06/09/2013

Mrs. No is right. Devil mask is lame. As is the Peter Criss solo album. Ace, yes. Paul, maybe. Gene, possibly. Peter, no.

Matt Reese posted on 06/10/2013

You know I'll take that devil mask for the cannibal area if you're getting rid of it.

Pittsburgh pauly posted on 06/10/2013

Mallory Ceramics

hang10tiki posted on 06/10/2013

Good stuff guys

Mail delivery today
A friend of mine in Pittsburgh found these and shipped em out as a gift

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