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forbidden island volcano bowl stolen! - please help!

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Hale Tiki posted on 05/30/2013

Repost from their Facebook:
WANTED FOR QUESTIONING. Our prized Volcano bowl (the last one of it's kind) was stolen at our Luau on Sunday. These folks were the last one's seen drinking from it. Their table was transferred outside, to make room for the band and soon after, they disappeared, allegedly, with the bowl in tow. If anybody knows these guys, please ask them to come see us. Custom bowls like these are for the benefit of ALL our guests!!

Hale Tiki posted on 05/30/2013

If you have any information, please contact them via Facebook or Email.

GROG posted on 05/30/2013

If they paid with a credit card, can they be tracked through their receipt?


Check Facebook and Instagram check ins and tags of the bar on this day. The girl is obviously taking a pic and hopefully tagging the location and the "suspect".

Immediately make a Police report with Alameda PD so that any info can be provided and archived and both of these persons can be 86'd from the Location.


Joe Banks posted on 05/30/2013

On 2013-05-30 04:50, Hale Tiki wrote:
Repost from their Facebook:
WANTED FOR QUESTIONING. Our prized Volcano bowl (the last one of it's kind) was stolen at our Luau on Sunday. These folks were the last one's seen drinking from it. Their table was transferred outside, to make room for the band and soon after, they disappeared, allegedly, with the bowl in tow. If anybody knows these guys, please ask them to come see us. Custom bowls like these are for the benefit of ALL our guests!!

Where did this picture come from? Who took it and why?

Hale Tiki posted on 05/30/2013

It came from the Forbidden Island Facebook Page. My assumption is the event photographer. Or a member of the staff. I've searched for hours on instagram and twitter for the photo she is taking, nothing.

Luckydesigns posted on 05/31/2013

A credit card should be required in order to 'check out' a bowl like that anyway.
Super lame that it was stolen!!

TikiTacky posted on 05/31/2013

Seems like theft of tiki mugs and bowls is a problem that just doesn't go away. Such a shame. :( I'm assuming they probably skipped out on their bill as well.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/31/2013

I have pulled all video feeds for a 4 block Radius
and running facial recognition software as we speak.

TikiTacky posted on 05/31/2013
Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/31/2013

Here is an "Enhanced" image of the "person's of interest"

SandraDee posted on 05/31/2013

I spoke to Kat , a bartender there, and she was saying during the luau it was 5 people deep at the bar. The employees coming in for their shift couldn't even get through the crowd to get behind the bar it was so jammed.

If you haven't been to FI before its not a super big place and is somewhat long and narrow so space can quickly jam up.

Bartenders at FI will always take a credit card when you open a tab, if you pay as you go and get a volcano bowl I believe they take your ID as collateral. Tables are bused within moments of you finishing your drinks so the bowls are easily kept track of.

As I was told it was such a madhouse that these people very well could of done as many do and paid their bill, left the bowl on the table and left the event while someone else could of snatched it.

FI's back patio opens to a small parking lot and to "sneak out" would not be hard...esp on a day like that.

Hope they get it back soon......

JOHN-O posted on 05/31/2013

Yup, we shouldn't be so quick to organize a Tiki lynch mob based on circumstantial evidence.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/31/2013

So we should Tattoo em, make em dance for us, then we hang em?

Hale Tiki posted on 05/31/2013

On 2013-05-31 14:49, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
So we should Tattoo em, make em dance for us, then we hang em?

Like this?


[ Edited by: Hale Tiki 2013-05-31 15:35 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/31/2013

What I miss? What I miss?

TikiTacky posted on 05/31/2013

I think he said


[ Edited by: TikiTacky 2013-05-31 15:40 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/31/2013

Someone hit the Tiki Central "Restore" Button so I can see it!

swizzle posted on 06/01/2013

It's a shame there isn't a 'delete comment' button.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/01/2013


RevBambooBen posted on 06/01/2013

Maybe it's the same gang that stole Otto's Hat back at the Kona Club opening?

Ooops. I meant camera.

[ Edited by: revbambooben 2013-06-03 09:34 ]

VampiressRN posted on 06/02/2013

That is so sad...it just is not worth putting out the good china anymore. :(

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/02/2013

Why can't we have nice things!

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tikigreg posted on 06/02/2013

There goes the neighborhood.

MM Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/75b42ade51e6c8a1b0fe4afa2b6c8e9b?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Molokai Mike posted on 06/02/2013

Thanks for posting about this Hale Tiki. ID's are usually taken for use of our bowls/ fugus, but as luck would have it, not on this particular occasion. The Luau was insane and this couple was sitting right near the server station (where the photo was taken) so there was a presumption that they're in full view. However, when the band started setting up, the table (and couple) were relocated to the patio. The couple were approached by a staff member who was about to bus the bowl, but the guy in the pic insisted that he still had one more sip. Within minutes, the staff member went back out to the patio and the table was empty. Sure, they could have gotten up and left the bowl on the table. The check had already been closed out. No one in the immediate area, on the patio, noticed anything or saw the bowl unattended. Who knows...

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/02/2013

Well then, we need to call in the "Jack Reacher" of Tiki
We need Ernie "Grog" Lebowski......Tiki Detective!

Hale Tiki posted on 06/03/2013

I did actually say that. I had posted a funny video, but decided it wasn't appropriate, even if it was from a Mel Brooks movie.

I'm hoping the guy I found on Facebook is the right guy. And if not, that they can be tracked down. It's a sad, sad day.

TK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/fe836b410b6da8fc25a77bdadfb61b8e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Kaimuki posted on 06/03/2013

On 2013-05-31 14:38, JOHN-O wrote:
Yup, we shouldn't be so quick to organize a Tiki lynch mob based on circumstantial evidence.

^This. But that's Alameda for ya.

Hale Tiki posted on 06/03/2013

On 2013-06-03 08:29, Tiki Kaimuki wrote:

On 2013-05-31 14:38, JOHN-O wrote:
Yup, we shouldn't be so quick to organize a Tiki lynch mob based on circumstantial evidence.

^This. But that's Alameda for ya.

No one has organized a lynch mob. And Forbidden Island has done a good job of handling things.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/03/2013

Yup, We are just the B-Team on this one, good old backup
but if you ever have need for a "Lawless Rabble" & can find us, we are for hire!


Hale Tiki posted on 06/03/2013

Or more appropriately:

Back to your regularly scheduled tiki programming.

TK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/fe836b410b6da8fc25a77bdadfb61b8e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Kaimuki posted on 06/03/2013

On 2013-06-03 09:53, Hale Tiki wrote:

On 2013-06-03 08:29, Tiki Kaimuki wrote:

On 2013-05-31 14:38, JOHN-O wrote:
Yup, we shouldn't be so quick to organize a Tiki lynch mob based on circumstantial evidence.

^This. But that's Alameda for ya.

No one has organized a lynch mob. And Forbidden Island has done a good job of handling things.

You mean like posting a picture of two people of color who might or might not have stolen something?
Maybe they did, maybe they didn't, either way their picture seems to be getting splashed here and on Facebook. Not to mention some of the thinly veiled racial comments.
A good way to handle it would have been to take a credit card and then after the fact contact the police and file a report. This is just an internet lynch mob, plain and simple.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/03/2013

Who made racial comments? because this lynch mob still needs someone to hang!

we are an equality based Lawless Rabble and will not tolerate that B.S.
we believe everyone regardless of race, sex, religion & the kind of car you drive
is worthy of lynching.

Hale Tiki posted on 06/04/2013

On 2013-06-03 12:28, Tiki Kaimuki wrote:

You mean like posting a picture of two people of color who might or might not have stolen something?
Maybe they did, maybe they didn't, either way their picture seems to be getting splashed here and on Facebook. Not to mention some of the thinly veiled racial comments.
A good way to handle it would have been to take a credit card and then after the fact contact the police and file a report. This is just an internet lynch mob, plain and simple.

Did you actually read any of the postings here? Or on Facebook? The only thing that could be even slightly racially motivated was the one guy that says, "He looks like he has a record." Which is pushing it. Or it could have meant he looked like a scumbag. I'm not saying he does, but the person who said that may have been thinking it.

Other than that, you're reaching. There is credible evidence that it was those two people, and not because they're people of color, but because of suspicious behavior, and the fact that they were the last ones seen with it. No one from Forbidden Island said they stole it. Wanted for questioning was the most damning statement, and if something of yours was stolen, I'm sure that you would want to talk to the last person that had it. It's a perfectly reasonable request, and people like you have blown things out of proportion.

It sucks that it was stolen, but don't cry racist. Nothing FI did or said is racially motivated. If FI notifies the police, do you know what the police are going to do? Question the last people seen with it.

FT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6c8fea9007cb855600c36e5bf2d2ce21?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
forgotten tikiman posted on 06/04/2013

This is a bummer. I hope it turns up. Hey ATP! I say we scalp em, then we tattoo em, then we hang em, then we kill em. :wink:

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/04/2013

Tequila Dance!

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tikijackskeleton posted on 06/04/2013

On 2013-06-03 13:36, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Who made racial comments? because this lynch mob still needs someone to hang!

we are an equality based Lawless Rabble and will not tolerate that B.S.
we believe everyone regardless of race, sex, religion & the kind of car you drive
is worthy of lynching.

How about we try to avoid using the words hang when trying to sound less racial... Just sayin'.

Hale Tiki posted on 06/04/2013

On 2013-06-04 03:10, tikijackskeleton wrote:

On 2013-06-03 13:36, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Who made racial comments? because this lynch mob still needs someone to hang!

we are an equality based Lawless Rabble and will not tolerate that B.S.
we believe everyone regardless of race, sex, religion & the kind of car you drive
is worthy of lynching.

How about we try to avoid using the words hang when trying to sound less racial... Just sayin'.

Yes, because in the entirety of history, it's only black people that have died from being hung. Stop being overly sensitive. If anything, the phrase "lynch mob" has the strongest racial connotation of any phrase that has been used here, and it's been used by people complaining about things being "racial" or that it's "become a lynch mob." However, you have to not be small minded and realize that there's an entire world outside of the United States. Lynching took place all over the world, and resulted in the hanging of all sorts of races. In England, for example, the last public hanging was an Irishman. Even in the United States, although blacks were the overwhelming majority, there were numerous high profile cases of immigrants who were hung. Remember, Italians, the Irish, and other nationalities were treated VERY poorly up until the Great Depression.

I urge you to read this book, and anyone else that is going to assign racial undertones in places where they don't belong: http://www.amazon.com/White-Guilt-Together-Destroyed-Promise/dp/0060578637

I'll also be happy to argue, ad nauseum, with anyone else that wants to throw around the racism card. For further reading, an article about the beautifully put together exhibition of photographs called "Without Sanctuary." I was fortunate enough to see this exhibition, which includes images of "Italians and Jews being lynched" as well. http://old.post-gazette.com/regionstate/20010909sanctuary0909ap3.asp

[ Edited by: Hale Tiki 2013-06-04 03:53 ]

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d05d519ae49268b51344bcce14ed6ab9?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tikiskip posted on 06/04/2013

On 2013-06-04 03:45, Hale Tiki wrote:

On 2013-06-04 03:10, tikijackskeleton wrote:

On 2013-06-03 13:36, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Who made racial comments? because this lynch mob still needs someone to hang!

we are an equality based Lawless Rabble and will not tolerate that B.S.
we believe everyone regardless of race, sex, religion & the kind of car you drive
is worthy of lynching.

How about we try to avoid using the words hang when trying to sound less racial... Just sayin'.

Yes, because white people have never been hung before. Stop being overly sensitive. If anything, the phrase "lynch mob" has the strongest racial connotation of anything, and it's been used by people complaining about things being "racial" or that it's "become a lynch mob." But, you have to not be small minded and realize that there's an entire world outside of the United States. Lynching took place all over the world, and resulted in the hanging of all sorts of races. Even in the United States, although blacks were the overwhelming majority, there were numerous high profile cases of immigrants who were hung. Remember, Italians, the Irish, and other nationalities were treated VERY poorly up until the Great Depression.

I urge you to read this book, and anyone else that is going to assign racial undertones in places where they don't belong: http://www.amazon.com/White-Guilt-Together-Destroyed-Promise/dp/0060578637

Is there any Tiki in this book?

Hale Tiki posted on 06/04/2013

On 2013-06-04 03:53, tikiskip wrote:

Is there any Tiki in this book?

I know you probably didn't mean that to be funny, and to get the thread back on track, but I'll be damned if I didn't laugh VERY loudly when I read that.

So, if everyone is done derailing the topic into discussions of race, myself included, back to tiki.

It's really a fantastic bowl. I had never seen it until we went to Forbidden Island last year. One of the bartenders there, whose last night it was, was telling me about the history of the bowl, the problems they'd had with the mold, and that even FI only ended up with 5 bowls. I forget his name, and I lost his contact info, but I know that he moved to Bourbon & Branch. Anyway, when I was there last year, they were down to just the one bowl. I tried my hardest to buy it, offering ridiculous sums of money (I was a bit tipsy), but sure enough, no dice. I was surprised they even still let people use it, and was very happy to have drank from it. We had a wonderful night at FI, introducing a whole group of people to tiki (and a beautiful Colombian woman to the "yinzer" accent). I'm sure many, many fond memories were shared over that bowl.

To it's safe return.

[ Edited by: Hale Tiki 2013-06-04 04:03 ]

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d05d519ae49268b51344bcce14ed6ab9?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tikiskip posted on 06/04/2013

"I know you probably didn't mean that to be funny"

Sorry but yes I was going for funny, And hey you did laugh.

I put my restaurants logo on my ashtrays and when I did that I KNEW
on that day those ashtrays days were numbered.
Heck I kinda wanted people to take them as those would be the one thing that was
out there to say there once was a place called Jack's diner.
My ashtrays in the past were doomed to be smashed by my dishwasher or other workers.
BUT I was amazed at how many people wanted to but them I would charge two bucks and
be glad that they wanted one.

"I'll also be happy to argue, ad nauseum, with anyone else that wants to throw around the racism card. For further reading, an article about the beautifully put together exhibition of photographs called "Without Sanctuary." I was fortunate enough to see this exhibition, which includes images of "Italians and Jews being lynched" as well. http://old.post-gazette.com/regionstate/20010909sanctuary0909ap3.asp"

This sounds like a sad thing that I would not want to see.
I'm not messing with you Hale, just saying.
Tiki = Happy

Hale Tiki posted on 06/04/2013

Uplifting, actually. It's beautifully put together.

And I did laugh, a lot. That was pretty damn funny, John.

That's great that you wanted people to take the ashtrays. I get that. I'm sure we all do. It's just something out there for someone to have because they really loved a place. And then, when they're old, their kids will wonder about why mom/dad kept this old ashtray for so long. Or they'll end up in thrift stores, and in the hands of someone who will love it, maybe knowing where it came from, maybe not. Maybe going to the internet to find out. You have to have been a collector back then, with that mentality. That's marvelous, man.

I always ask to buy something, as seen above. Stealing stuff isn't cool, and it certainly takes a toll on the owners of the establishment. I've found that generally, unless it was extremely important, or really old, or the last of something, everywhere I've gone, the owners are either confused as to why I would want something like a menu, or they're touched. And even in situations where it's a manager that doesn't give two shits about the joint, or it's history, I take solace in knowing that it's going to a good home, instead of the garbage, or something who won't fully appreciate it.

That's great, man. And indeed, Tiki=Happy.

[ Edited by: Hale Tiki 2013-06-04 04:51 ]

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d05d519ae49268b51344bcce14ed6ab9?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tikiskip posted on 06/04/2013

I'm not saying it was cool to steal the bowl though.

If you look at the Hofman pottery bowl from the first days of the Kahiki
you will see it has these tiki feet.
These feet were very fragile they would chip and break easy.
(this is also why there are not many of these as they got off that design for this reason)
BUT the ones you see now that are mint I would bet were...
A. sold to a person.
B. If they did not sell them stolen, Or even if they did.

But ya gotta know if you are using glass wear in a bar day by day.
Well, it's not going to get out alive.

See you Thursday...:wink:

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/04/2013

Well put Gentlemen, Now I am a little confused though
did someone think "I" was making racial comments?

or does someone not understand "satire"?
Then again I have heard that the Satireless don't bathe regularly....

Hale Tiki posted on 06/04/2013

On 2013-06-04 10:32, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Well put Gentlemen, Now I am a little confused though
did someone think "I" was making racial comments?

or does someone not understand "satire"?
Then again I have heard that the Satireless don't bathe regularly....

I hear the same thing, though I think they just do it ironically.

JOHN-O posted on 06/04/2013

On 2013-06-04 03:10, tikijackskeleton wrote:

...How about we try to avoid using the words hang when trying to sound less racial... Just sayin'.

You're right. My bad. :(

Actually I was thinking more of the "angry villagers"... like in the Universal "Frankenstein" movies...

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/04/2013

And I was thinking this.....

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White Devil posted on 06/04/2013

Isn't it about time to bring Witch Doctor into this nonsense? :wink:

Pages: 1 2 61 replies