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Tiki Rancher builds new Outrigger bar

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tikirancher posted on 06/05/2013

Check it out y'all! Devil came down from Georgia and built a couple of bars for the Sunset Tiki Party at the Postcard Inn. Here are a couple of photos to wet your appetite for the TAF(tiki as f*ck)Event. Check out more progress and party photos at http://www.tikirancher.blogspot.com

Hold on to your rum runners and zombies for the only place to get real tiki bars and huts. TIKIRANCHER.COM is coming soon!
The Rancher

The Blue Kahuna posted on 06/06/2013

Very nice! Like the cantilever look!

tikirancher posted on 06/06/2013

Thanks kahuna
I love it too - I was going for something that didn't need poles out front - canopy out front is 10 x 10 to cover as many drunks from rain or the sun at once. Poles would get stumbled into all night - it was a fun event

RevBambooBen posted on 06/06/2013

What'$ the co$t??

tikirancher posted on 06/11/2013

From $2500 up to $5000 depending on options

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/11/2013

I think Ben will build mine.........

tikirancher posted on 06/12/2013

Yeah, shipping to costa misery may be cost prohibitive...:) I used to live in Laguna - love the area...good luck

Longboard posted on 06/12/2013

$5,000? Please

For me Tiki's about using found material's. Like the bums before us.

$5,000, come on, That's seems crazy stupid


[ Edited by: Longboard 2013-06-12 16:01 ]

tikiskip posted on 06/13/2013

Looks great.
The wind is going to shred that top, and may take the
bar with it I fear.
That's what it did to mine.

Hale Tiki posted on 06/13/2013

On 2013-06-12 16:00, Longboard wrote:
$5,000? Please

For me Tiki's about using found material's. Like the bums before us.

$5,000, come on, That's seems crazy stupid


[ Edited by: Longboard 2013-06-12 16:01 ]

Commercial structures are a totally different monster. Especially when they have to contain fire proofing. As great as the beachbums before us were, good old uncle sam has taxed our rum to high heaven, prevented us from getting havana club, and has all sorts of rules about our huts.

Also, a brother has to make a buck to pay for his rum, and brother, bamboo is EXXXXXXXPENSIVE this days. Two 4" full rounds are like, $100. No joke.

Longboard posted on 06/13/2013

[ Edited by: Longboard 2013-06-13 08:08 ]

pjc5150 posted on 06/15/2013

I saw the invoice for all the bamboo....it was imported from Vietnam & was close to 2k.

everyone's a fucking critic...

tikirancher posted on 06/16/2013

Yes longboard
I agree that found objects are great but when you are building a legit bar made to be out in the weather for clients that are selling 10 dollar drinks behind it all day - $5k is the cost - I only use the best materials for the best results. Solid maple cabinetry, The commercial NSF stainless steel sink cost me $185 - find that washed up on your beach or the $6 ea ss carriage bolts - have you ever bought tiki skip globe lights $60 ea before shipping. Sorry you can't afford my work

tikirancher posted on 06/16/2013

Tiki skip
The top is totally secure
Two days after I delivered it and put it on the pool deck a hurricane hit it and she is still good!

Hale Tiki posted on 06/17/2013

On 2013-06-15 11:03, pjc5150 wrote:
I saw the invoice for all the bamboo....it was imported from Vietnam & was close to 2k.

everyone's a fucking critic...

Yup. And this is part of why I haven't finished my home bar.

tikiskip posted on 06/17/2013

On 2013-06-16 05:01, tikirancher wrote:
Tiki skip
The top is totally secure
Two days after I delivered it and put it on the pool deck a hurricane hit it and she is still good!

Glad to hear it.
We had one where you could take off the top.
And it was built well very strong.
The one time we did not take down the top, Well that was the end.
But then we get some strong winds here for some reason.

tikirancher posted on 06/17/2013

Hale Tiki,
come on down to GA with a pickem up truck and we'll load ya up - lots of boo here!

Hale Tiki posted on 06/18/2013

On 2013-06-17 12:46, tikirancher wrote:
Hale Tiki,
come on down to GA with a pickem up truck and we'll load ya up - lots of boo here!

Hahahaha. Thanks Rancher. I'll have to save that for the return home from Hukilau next year. That's a mighty long drive. That, or until my next career change, when I might actually get vacation time.

How long does it take it to dry?

tikirancher posted on 06/18/2013

Well, you can air dry it for about 6 months after putting a hole through all the nodes or you can kiln dry it to about 20% moisture in 4 days in a lumber kiln. :)

pjc5150 posted on 06/18/2013

hey Skip, if you're ever in Tampa I got a spare bedroom & a futon with your name on it.

and I need some of those lamps,..

you trade? lol...

tikiskip posted on 06/18/2013

Thanks for the offer.
We don't really get out much.
A big part of the reason we did Hukilau was to get rid of stuff,
man I got waaayyy to much.
Way cool tiki I got from you though.

pjc5150 posted on 06/19/2013

yeah man....that is a Will Anders original,,,

no worries. I'll just buy some shit.

I wanna do a few tikis kinda cradling some lights...

tikiskip posted on 06/19/2013

I can help with that.

Longboard posted on 06/24/2013


Sorry if I offend you, I didn't meant to criticize your work or cost. Heck, that's great if you can get it, why not.

$5,000 seemed like a lot to spend. I took an quick inventory of my bar and I have about $2,500 into it, so it was just a sticker shock.

And yes your correct, I can't afford your work.

VampiressRN posted on 06/25/2013

What we all need is MORE MONEY!!! Then we could get what we want in our homes. So many guys are able to do their own builds and have easy access to materials, count yourself lucky if that is you. Bless all of you that scour the net, garage sales, and import what you can to create your awesome lounges. It is great to see all the diversity in investment, styles and quality of your spaces. Over the years I have had so many ideas based on posts here on TC but it is hard to make them happen. TIKI...an exercise in patience, selective hoarding and financial wizardry.

Carry on..keep up the great work TR!!!

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