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Precious Moments Are Evil

Pages: 1 13 replies

Johnny Dollar posted on 01/08/2004


Erika posted on 01/08/2004

I agree.

The other ones that radiate evil are those figurines called Snowbabies.

Geeky Tiki posted on 01/08/2004


It would take a textbook to cover everything that is wrong about them.

They give me the P**s Shivers (pardon my French).

ikitnrev posted on 01/08/2004

Has anybody here been to the Precious Moments Chapel in Missouri? It is high on my list of roadside attraction sites to visit.



Unga Bunga posted on 01/08/2004

Sabina posted on 01/08/2004


We've yet to make the pilgrimage, but I do have the cheesy tourist brochure somewhere here in the collection- picked it up on one of our many trips through MO.

Truely frightening.

mattfink posted on 01/08/2004

My wife warned me that if we received any precious moments figurines for our wedding that they would be disposed of post haste....personally I think they're absolutely wretched.


Rain posted on 01/09/2004

are you guys familiar with "living dead dolls?" you could customize those precious moments things into some fun stuff.
i would, anyway.

Tiki_Bong posted on 01/09/2004

Was Casper a dead child?

Rain posted on 01/09/2004

EnchantedTikiGoth posted on 01/09/2004

That chapel is just... I have no words for it... so wrong... so very wrong... I'm not sure which I should be more offended as, a religious person or an aesthete...


8FT Tiki posted on 01/09/2004

As a life-long Missouri resident I can tell you that the place is one of those things that is designed to catch the road trippin' tourists headed into the Ozarks region to see Silver Dollar City, Branson or the Shepherd of the Hills show. Now don't get me wrong, I love our state and if you've never been to the Ozarks, you gotta see it someday. Sure we have our gawdy tourist traps and the endless varieties of Hillbillies performin'on stage, but there is absolutely nothing in the region as annoying as the numerous Precious Moments chapel billboards that are plastered along the highways. Yuck!! I sympathize with anyone who has suffered the loss of a child and to erect a memorial is understandable but to comercialize it and make a bunch of $$$ over it adds a big dose of distaste to the thing.
Just my opinion and I know someone loves the figurines or they would have stopped makin' 'em long ago. My personal hope is to someday be in an antique mall at the exact time when a glass display case full of the statues goes crashing to the ground. What a lovely sight it would be! (That is as long as I'm not the one who bumped into it!!!)

vwtikigirl posted on 01/09/2004

And I thought I was the only one in the world who hated those terrible things.

I was watching "clean sweep" on TLC over the holiday. They forced a woman to sell off her entire collection. She had boxes of those scary little beasts.

Unga Bunga posted on 01/09/2004

On 2004-01-08 17:12, Rain wrote:

Excellent job Rain!

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