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Tiki Oasis 2013 - HulaBilly - Official thread

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Hakalugi posted on 08/10/2013

Otto has asked that the recent off topic comments be removed from this thread. Any further off topic comments will also be removed. If you want to talk about other TC members, take it offline as nobody else wants to hear it.

[ Edited by: Hakalugi 2013-08-10 10:33 ]

Kiwi Steve posted on 08/10/2013

Thank you for all of the time & effort that you put in this Otto & family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is TRULY appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

crazy al posted on 08/11/2013

Cooooooooooooome Aaaaaaaand GIT IT!!

Only 25 of these! first come first serve cash preferred!

the last four of these!! ONE OF A KIND! Smugglers Cove Mugs

Will Have this Exclusive Hand Signed by Sammy Hagar One of a King Glazed By Myself MUG! and a few of his buddies...

LAST TWO!! DTB One of a Kind Glazed Rum Kegs!!

AND A FEW OF THESE ONE OF A KIND... Appleton Estate Mugs!

Could be a floral Arrangement of TWO OR THREE OR FOUR........

And the original Hula Billy Band CD From APE.. with the classic Steel numbers like Hilo March! Kalima Waltz! and of course I'm Pau!

ALL THIS!!!!!!!! available at the THOR Bronk Bustin' Shop o'Mart & Ho'Down Accessory Trading Post ....

Otto posted on 08/11/2013

ahh....now that this thread is rollin along about the theme of Tiki Oasis and the theme is Hulabilly and Hulabilly is a style of music, let's talk music!
At Tiki Oasis this year we are featuring a educational seminar put on by the foremost expert in Hulabilly music history.


Join Haywire Duke, the Duke of Hulabilly History in a fast-paced informal introduction and overview of Hawaii’s influence on music from America’s mainland. Haywire D., will trace 100 years of Hulabilly history, starting in a small village in Laie, on the windward side of Oahu, with stops in San Francisco, Chicago, all points east, Oklahoma and Texas, Los Angeles, Bakersfield, Memphis, Tucson and then back to Hawaii. Your ticket will take you on an in-depth and enchanting voyage with the Hawaiian Steel Guitar, from its origin as a Spanish Guitar, to an aluminum resonator, to an electrified lap steel instrument, to its eventual landing in Nashville as a pedal steel guitar. Haywire D. will share the rarified sounds that took America by storm, as it ran its course of cultural popularity as rural Hillbilly, Western Swing, Honky Tonk, Rockabilly Bop, the Nashville and Bakersfield Sounds and even Lounge and World music. Come meet the colorful characters whose innovations, individualized the music, from Joseph Kekuku to Speedy West, all seen from historical photos and archival footage and heard from original recordings, some over 80 years old. Also, you will learn about women who played Steel; the artists who created the fashions of Hulabilly; African-Americans and the Steel Guitar; an example or two of Surfabiilly; Hot Rods and Pickers meet the Steel Guitar and see and hear rare Hulabilly Vinyl. Also, there will be an opportunity to slide a steel bar on a vintage Fender Lap Steel and fondle a 100 year old Hulabilly rooted Edison Diamond Disc.


I woulda had Duke post it here himself but he ain't got no fancy computer and internets!

Cammo posted on 08/11/2013


These are just a few of the events you can see at Oasis if you simply grab a lounge chair beside the pool, slather on some sunscreen, and optionally ask Soccertiki to share some of his Mai Tais that I assume he has a 5 gallon thermos of beside his chair:

Jason Lee and the RIP Tides
Playing Friday 12:00-12:45pm
Jason is doing his guitar TWANG seminar on Saturday at 1:00, but if you wanna watch him rip, don't miss this!

Pinup Fashion Show
Friday 2:15-2:30pm (but it's gonna go longer than that)

Miss Tiki Oasis Strut
Friday 3:00-3:30pm
This is probably going to be the most photographed event daytime, get them cameras ready.

Surfer Joe & His Band Of Merry Men
Saturday 1:30-2:15
Jonpaul on bass! Let's go to Reverb Beach!

....and all day DJs from across the globe.

SandraDee posted on 08/11/2013

Having Jason Lee and his band play poolside is a must at Oasis. So glad to know they will be there again this year.

And Cammo if there is a poolside strut of contestants in the pageant ...well I know where we can find you :wink:

Just a few more days to go until the party of the year! So ready for it!

Cammo posted on 08/11/2013

"...well I know where we can find you"

A full bottle of sunscreen ready in hand!

Tiki King posted on 08/11/2013

Hey Tiki Oasis Ukers! I am sponsering King Kukulele's Ukulele Jams with some fabulous prizes! One of which is a uke player gift basket that will be raffled off, containing, among other fun ukulele themed items, the much coveted King Kukulele Tiki Mug, originally designed for The Tiki Oasis 9 trophies!

See y'all at Oasis!
Tiki King

VanTiki posted on 08/11/2013

It feels like all I've been doing for the past 4 days has been packing for Tiki Oasis and making lists of what not to forget to pack for Tiki Oasis!

Here are several tiki tiles nestled comfortably in their custom shipping crate. In the event of a water landing, the crate will float, and they will ride the currents to San Diego in time for Tiki Oasis 2014

3 big boxes of VanTiki mugs and curiosities are making their way across the vast pacific tomorrow morning, and the rest of the goods will be lovingly hand-carried on a Pan Am Clipper by yours truly. If you are curious as to what will be available in the VanTiki booth, you can peruse the array of custom handcrafted mugs, tiles, pendants, screen-prints, and titanium swizzle sticks (yes, you read that right) here:


Now, will Thursday hurry up and get here so I can hop on that plane!

Can't wait to see you all soon -
Henrik "VanTiki"

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/11/2013

On 2013-08-09 15:31, Rama Lama wrote:
The Ding Dong Devils are playing two room different parties this year!! It's like a tour where we just have to haul our gear up the side of the hotel walls two floors. Let's do it!!!!

Can't wait, Double the triple Ds!

Tiki Oasis Tip number one: Bring Lot's of Ice, the hotel always runs out just when you need it most.

Bowana posted on 08/12/2013

Aloha and howdoo, y'all!
Here's a taste o' what I'll be hockin' at the Bowana table in the indoor marketplace (Kona Coast Room)

Come on by and say howdy or yee-haw or yippy-yiyo-kiyay!
Looking forward to meetin' n' greetin'!



On 2013-08-09 15:31, Rama Lama wrote:

Hey, that head is borrowed from Hillbilly Jim. He was one of the World Wrestling Federation's most popular wrestlers of the mid-to-late 1980s. Sometimes he would team up with family members Uncle Elmer and Cousin Junior.

Uncle Elmer got married on network TV.

YouTube: Uncle Elmers Wedding

I am surprised that they were not mentioned as a famous hillbillys in history.

babydoe posted on 08/12/2013

Tiki Oasis Beauty Bungalow!!
Hours Friday - Sunday 10am - 4pm.

Stop in and doll up! Services including pin up hair, makeup, photos, etc. Pre-book an appointment with one of our talented stylists, then strut your stuff pin-up style at Tiki Oasis.

Walk-ins welcome BUT we highly suggest you make an appointment in advance!! E-mail one of the options below today for pricing/details and scheduling!

The Pinup Dream Team (offerings include hair/make-up/photos... packages and a la carte!): missnikkinapalm@gmail.com

Pin-Up Make-Up and Hair Artist Christina Shaw (offerings include make-up, hair, eyelashes, hair flowers): socalove1503@gmail.com

bongofury posted on 08/12/2013

The Hula Monsters have been around since the 90s. Honolai Slide from The Zen Of Hula they ask you to put on your Hulabilly shoes and sing "it's kinda like a hula with a rockabilly style". Their Party platter cd was a Hulabilly classic.





Big Vic posted on 08/12/2013

Well Doggies Jethro, looky yonder!

Dr. Shocker posted on 08/12/2013

Deadhead posted on 08/12/2013

" Well all you Hulabilly Hucksters .. dont fer git to cum on by an visit with all the "Deadhead" Kin folk at r "Rollin Tiki Saloon Hideaway" at the car show .. cum by and if'n you kin write fill out yer raffle tikit fer our " Voo Doo Deadhead Room Kral Givaway" on Saturday night... Jimmy Psycho will b there too cuz he did his time and jus got back from Folsom an got him a whole new batch of good songs fer us .... bring yer buckets and fill em up wit our "Deadhead Drool" right from our very own "Stil" ..but don't tell the Sheriff .. hes been a trakin us at every Tiki event in the states ... See ya there ... . YYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!

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RoseRed posted on 08/12/2013

"WEll all you Tiki Hillbilly's .. It Be OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fish al .. Deadhead will be hosting a Suite Room fer yer drnking and hi falutin fun!!! Theres gonna be Likker in the front and Poker in the rear!! ... we got some surprizes fer u all ... so bing yer drinkin face .. and dont ferget to curb yer donkey!! Ifn any of u r lookin for a room to perform just giv us a holler and lets see what we can arrange .. UMM without gittin the local Sheriff involved !!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ALO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

Sorry Woohoo Wahinie, but I must have missed the official Room Crawl link here... but...how do I find it, and more importantly- how do I RSVP?

Cheers and mahalo- Rosered
(now Rose"Noir")

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stevenjames posted on 08/12/2013

Hey Cammo,
Saw you listed the bands for the weekend and mentioned Roy Rapid. Didn't know they were playing. Do you know where and what time? Thanks,

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stevenjames posted on 08/12/2013

Read the line up at TO website, answered own question. Sorry for interruption.

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Bill5925 posted on 08/12/2013

On 2013-08-09 08:12, JOHN-O wrote:
This is what I'm talkin' 'bout...

  1. Honolulu Rock-A Roll-A by Moon Muligan (Here's a version by Eartha Kitt)

  2. Everybody Does It In Hawaii by Jimmie Rodgers (Love that yodeling !!)

  3. Hawaiian Cowboy by Roy Rogers (More yodeling !!) (Edit - Video removed ?)

  4. Hula Rock by Bill Browning

  5. Bop-A-Hula by Jimmy Newman

  6. Hillbilly Hula by Jenks "Tex" Carman

  7. Hula Boogie by Tommy Durden

  8. Hawaiian Boogie by Elmore James

  9. Hula Bop by Smokey Joe Baugh

  10. Me Rock-A-Hula by Bill Haley & the Comets (I think this is a song that The Hula Girls are covering now)

  11. Lula Rock-A-Hula by Teresa Brewer

  12. Hawaiian Rock by Tommy Sands (Better than Elvis !!)

  13. Hawaiian Rock & Roll by Morgan Clarke & The Hulawains

  14. Chimpanzee Rock by the Hula Hawaiians (a 1957 Rockabilly tune by a Swiss group !!)

That said, I do think that Hillbillies are Tiki !! (Sorry Spike) :)

"...the backwoods disinhibition of Hillbillies resonated with middle class suburban L7's much in the same way the "modern primitive" appeal of Tiki did. Hillbillies were free from all of the uptight social conventions that pre-counterculture America had to adhere to. Hillbillies said whatever was on their mind, made their own moonshine, married their underaged cousins, and shot at those pesky revenuers."

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2013-08-09 08:35 ]

I look forward to this event regardless of the theme. However if you narrow the focus too much you end up with just a few songs being played 800 times like at the Spy event. How many times can you hear "Goldfinger" and "Secret Agent Man" without going insane? I hope that doesn't happen with "Rock a Hula".

Cammo posted on 08/13/2013

"I hope that doesn't happen with "Rock a Hula"

To answer Bill:

Everything will be fine.
There will be no problems whatsoever.
Everyone will have a great time.
The music is unbelievably excellent in every way.
You will enjoy every minute.
All the attendees are funny, kind, patient and thoughtful.
The cocktails will probably be the best you've ever had. Maybe better.
The girls are gorgeous. They will all give you backrubs.
The cars are freakin' rad.
Each night you will sleep the sleep of a fully contented man in every way and wake up each morning refreshed and proud to be at...


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martini kings posted on 08/13/2013

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bongofury posted on 08/13/2013

Check out the Hula monsters as noted in my other post. Along with the tracks listed above that's more than a couple of tunes.

There is more out there so hopefully there will be much more provided by the real experts on the subject ....


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spycygrl posted on 08/13/2013


Crowne Plaza was able to find someone to take it.


[ Edited by: spycygrl 2013-08-14 13:03 ]

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WooHooWahine posted on 08/13/2013

On 2013-08-12 12:59, RoseRed wrote:

Sorry Woohoo Wahinie, but I must have missed the official Room Crawl link here... but...how do I find it, and more importantly- how do I RSVP?

Cheers and mahalo- Rosered
(now Rose"Noir")

Here's the Room Crawl Info: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=45200&forum=17

crazy al posted on 08/13/2013

Hawaiian Punchin' Doggies, Tourists & Hillbillies All Weekend Long at Thor's Thunderin' Hoof Hula Honky Tonk Stampede & Barn Stomp Blow-Out! WoooooooooooooooooooP!
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Don't Try to Under-stand'em just rope throw and ......... corral these last of the one of a kind rare breed... info:https://www.facebook.com/crazyal.tikimania/media_set?set=a.117232544991511.7375.100001142975893&type=3
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last five or six left.......

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tobunga posted on 08/13/2013

Aloha Y'all!

Here's some ceramics in the works for Oasis!

Maori canoe bowl:
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PNG bowman's shield mug:
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Marquesan war club mug!
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More stuff to post soon as it comes out of the kiln!

I'll also have at my booth the new exotica CD from the Tiki Delights... Meet The Tiki Delights, with album art by me!
It's a cool mix of exotica, spaghetti western, surf and other influences!
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See y'all at Oasis!

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TikiVato posted on 08/13/2013

Nice stuff there Eric, Love the album cover.

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Luckydesigns posted on 08/13/2013

Yeah, great work!!


They played selections from the Tiki Delights and talked about the album artwork on last Saturdays (Aug 11) Cocktail Nation podcast


Cammo posted on 08/13/2013

Now THAT'S a MUG!!!!!

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Nice one, Eric!

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lunavideogames posted on 08/13/2013

Almost here! I am getting excited looking through all the stuff for sale.

My good friend Andrew is the guy that give you your coffee. He is a great dude so take care of him. He has had a raise freeze for three years... :( And he loves tiki but his job won't let him celebrate with us.
If you are really excited or bored you can check him out on a couple of my commercials over on youtube.

Thanks Otto for the cool event! I am looking forward to seeing my friends. See you soon.

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2013-08-13 18:28 ]

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tobunga posted on 08/14/2013

Aloha everybody!

Here are some new pieces I'll have at Oasis, celebrating the city that hosts the biggest tiki event of the year!
These pieces are created from colored art papers, cut out and assembled to represent various iconic locations in San Diego, including Bali Hai, Trader Mort's, Humphrey's and the Hanalei Hotel (represented by the long lost and lamented original sign).
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Also represented is the Kona Inn/Kona Kai Club... one depicts a tiki that started out at the Kona Kai, but currently resides in the garden at Humphreys, and the other is a combination of two different graphic advertising elements for the establishment... one from a matchbook (the sun), and one from a brochure (the trees).
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See y'all at Oasis!

Cammo posted on 08/14/2013

Is everybody ready for Oasis?
.... you sure?



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cy posted on 08/14/2013

Frog Island Tikis is ready. You all come by now ya' hear?
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spycygrl posted on 08/14/2013

LOOKING FOR 2 TICKETS (Thu - Sat nights)!!!

Kevin & I have ours, but we have 2 friends coming out from Columbus, Ohio who don't have them. They originally couldn't come due to financial reasons, but K&I are helping with their airfare.
She is one of my best friends on the planet & both of us have had family tragedies recently, so I really wanted to have a fun weekend at Tiki O with her (and forget our troubles for a little while).

***Will there be ANY tickets at Bali Hai this year?

OR Is anyone selling a pair?***


crazy al posted on 08/14/2013

Hmmmm? Thinkin' bouts startin up smoke'n a cancer stick ot two... since i'm all roomin' up with Ken Ruzic awayways........ second hand just aint good 'noughft......
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NOW AT! Elusive to THOR's Smoke Signal and Puff Emporium!!!
Be da Hardest Ass in the Corral wearin' one of ONLY 12 of these!!!!!!
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SURE TO BE GONE BY FRIDAY NIGHT! But Come On By and Find Outs!!

do it

[ Edited by: crazy al 2013-08-14 11:13 ]

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Shorebird posted on 08/14/2013

Need to buy 2 tickets to Tiki Oasis....Booked at Crowne Plaza..no tickets!

[ Edited by: The Big Kahuna 2013-08-14 11:44 ]

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lentilstew posted on 08/14/2013

Well, shoot. I'm in the same boat. I'm helping with a room party, have a spot at the Crowne Plaza, but wasn't able to get my ticket in time.

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RoadHouse Ruby posted on 08/14/2013

Aloha We Are Hoping to Get 2 tickets The Big Kahuna and I arrive on Friday anyone out there with Xtra Tkts Shoot Us A Message Mahalo! See Ya at the Oasis

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THOR's posted on 08/14/2013

Check out my Facebook page for Details on my latest ceramic experiments!!! "SPIRIT SIPPERS" A shaman's way to imbibe! ~~~THOR
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lunavideogames posted on 08/14/2013

Hey, does anyone know the ACTUAL times for the rum and cigar paring? On the email it said, "Saturday & Sunday from 1-3." On the website it says, "Saturday and Sunday 3-5," and then when you click on it to get tickets it says, "Saturday 1-3 and Sunday 3-5."

I want to go, but I want to know the actual times. I sent out an email but got no reply, I know it is busy.

Thanks for the help!

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heylownine posted on 08/14/2013


Like a few others today, I'm looking for a couple of weekender wristbands. We have 2 friends who booked a room when they went on sale but didn't remember to get wristbands. If anyone has a lead on a couple of weekender tickets please send me a PM so I can put you in touch with a buyer. :)



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Shorebird posted on 08/14/2013

If I don't get tickets, We will be hosting a rip roaring room party both nights for all people with no wristbands!

[ Edited by: The Big Kahuna 2013-08-14 13:53 ]

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JOHN-O posted on 08/14/2013

Yikes, the wristbands actually sell out ?? !!

Also "The Big Kahuna"' we already have an active "Big Kahuna" on TC. Not cool to poach his brand. I humbly suggest you adopt another handle if you plan to be an active member here. :)

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Luckydesigns posted on 08/14/2013

Pre-Tiki Oasis party at Dons tonight! These guys are amazing.
If you're in the area, come out tonight! Show starts at 7:30!

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tobunga posted on 08/15/2013

Just finished in time for Oasis...

Wan-Q 8x10 black paper drawing!
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/8879/520c1be5.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=d8f87c8d5d621c219e4cb5d03b156016

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