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Tiki Central / California Events

Tiki Oasis Car Show Corral 2013, y'all!!!

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Yeeeee-hawwwwwww, and Howdy, Pardn'r!
Fixin' to see some fine veeee-HICKles this year? Well, then git ready fir the most rip roarin' car show this side of the Pecos Mounteens! We plumb roped and rounded up some fine fillys, and wrangled them into this year's Tiki Oasis Car Corral!

Make sure you see Jamie Nudie and her world famous Nudie Mobiles!!! She's done brought the 1957 gold lamay jacket of none other than the King Himself, Elvis Presley! And for the small price of $10 measly Americeen North Yankee Greenback Dollers, you too can take a picture wearin' that thar jacket with them thar Nudie Mobiles, and lookin' like a King yerself! Yaaahhhooooo!!!

We gonna have a whole slew of cars in that thar corral, including an assortment of Hot Rods, customs, traditional veee-HICKles, and shoot, maybe even a couple a things from me Great Grand-Pappy's hinterland! While yer samplin' the wares of yer still, here's a samplin' of that thar car corral:

So git the gol' dang hay seeds outta yer teeth, and mosey on over to the Tiki Oasis Car Corral, before I have Pappy Haggler and Junior rope and hog tie ya, and drag ya there! Now g'wan...git!!!
(P.S. - No samplin' of corn likker was dun durin' the whittlin' of this thar message)

"It's Mai Tai. It's out of this world." - Victor Jules Bergeron Jr.

[ Edited by: Mai Tai 2013-08-14 17:54 ]

Wow...ya done good Bill. Have fun and post more pix!!!

Also check out Boss Fink, which is Norm from the Ghastly Ones'
New band. They play the car show Sat.
While Myself and Tiki Tena will be DJing before and after them.

There is also a band and DJ on Sun. But the names escape me.
Check out Tiki Oasis web site for more info.

Jeff btd

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