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The Hoodoo Hut

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Trader Tom posted on 03/08/2013

The Hoodoo Hut is my home bar for the moment here in Oregon. I've been working on it bit by bit over this last year and I know we're staying put for at least two more years. So, at the rate I'm going, it may be completed just in time to tear it down. However, now that I have two corners and a wall done, I thought I would share. These shots are moving clockwise from the corner with the puffer fish, moving across the wall to the corner with the orange spaghetti light, then skipping across the large window with its white plastic blinds to show you a second finished corner.

You can't see the actual bar and barstools or the mug shelf over the big white window or the adjoining bathroom decorated with dozens of Balinese Barong masks, but those areas aren't done yet, so it gives me something to post later once I finish.

I painted all the walls and ceilings with a cinnamon brown but left the doors and trim white since it seemed like a pain in the butt to have to re-paint those areas again before I move. Painting apartment walls such a dark color seemed daring enough, but I have a good buddy who is a painter and will help me restore all of it back to its normal dull white before I move.

Projects that are left before I consider the Hoodoo Hut complete:

  • Re-cover my vintage rattan barstools. I was thinking vinyl, but I came across some vintage looking upholstery grade fabric with Hula Girls and Moai in the pattern. So, I think I will work with that. The cut of fabric wasn't right to use as drapes for the big white window, but I think the seats will look good in it.

  • Strip and re-finish a rattan chair and a huge rattan and glass hutch that will house the rest of my mugs and stuff (well, some of it at least).

  • Re-wire two more swag lamps that have very old wiring and short chains right now...then hang them up.

  • Get some bamboo style blinds for the big white window.

  • Frame a few more pieces of art.

  • Set up a record player and speakers.

Of course, not having the bar completely finished doesn't preclude visitors. I have all my alcohol in the pantry and my glassware in the kitchen. I may have to dance around the apartment to get everything set, but it's still functional.

Anyway, that sums it up pretty good, I think. Thanks for looking. Feel free to stop by if you're in the neighborhood.

kustomtiki posted on 03/08/2013

Looking good Tom, I really like the Oasis 6 print, reminds me of when we waited in line under the tent to get our mugs!.... Good times!

Gibbo posted on 03/08/2013

Hey there Tom, what a great collection! Looking very good indeed.
Cheers mate,

Q-tiki posted on 03/08/2013

Very nice collection Tom! Keep up the projects and the posting as you progress.

Cheers and Aloha!

VampiressRN posted on 03/08/2013

Wow...that looks great, you have a beautiful collection and everything is well placed. Your walls look kinda orange on my screen and they are a good contrast. Looking forwar to more pictures...keep up the grat work!!!

hang10tiki posted on 03/08/2013

Lots-O great pieces in there
Looks great


LoriLovesTiki posted on 03/08/2013

You're off to a good start, Tom! Keep the pictures coming.

Welcome to TC.

Holler Waller posted on 03/08/2013

Love the wall color!

Trader Tom posted on 03/09/2013

Thanks, everyone! Now that Spring is closing in I will try to get the hutch and chair refinished and complete my other projects. Pictures to follow!

hang10tiki posted on 03/14/2013

Can't wait...


Trader Tom posted on 08/28/2013

It's been a while, so I thought I'd post an update.

I finally finished refinishing the bamboo hutch that's behind the bar now. I sanded and sanded with about a dozen sanding blocks. Took forever. Then I filled some spots with wood filler and added one coat of golden oak finish and it looked so good, I decided to stop right there. I told myself I wouldn't sand ever again after I rented myself out one summer to help sand the teak deck on the yacht of a family friend. I kept that promise for 20 years, but I think the elbow grease was worth it.

I also added a rattan/natural fiber shade for the window opposite. And, I added some more wall art and another small bookcase that I quickly filled with mugs, books, and records. I opted to have my huge orange spaghetti UFO saucer lamp restrung by somebody less clumsy than myself. I should be getting that back any day now. If he does a good job, I have a smaller green and white one to be redone as well.

Anyway, here's new pics:

Entrance to Hoodoo Hut from family/dining room.

Shot of the hutch behind bar.

Close on hutch.

Short bookcase with a little room on top shelf reserved for getting a record player at some point.

Bottom shelf has my little collection of about 50 records I've never listened to. I need to change that. I saw a Crosley Player that converts your records to digital at the mall. I may get that one soon. Here's a look at it:


View across from bar. I'm going to move the cart closer to the bar later, but it's taking up the space where my unfinished bamboo chair is going to go.

More art on the wall leading in on the right. Still need to add some more

Shot of the adjoining bathroom wall above the mirror. I put up about 12 Balinese masks in the bathroom.

View opposite toilet. My five year old refuses to use this bathroom at night. Not sure why...

Walls are still white, but I can't bring myself to be too radical, considering I may move out of this apartment in a year or so.

Shower curtain I picked up a few years ago at Bed, Bath, Beyond.

I didn't want to insult any Tiki artists by putting their art above the toilet...but there was a empty space, so I bought some acrylics and went to town. My first Tiki painting.

I think the space has shaped up pretty nice for the time being.

Hope you enjoyed the mini tour. I still have a few things left to do, but the Hoodoo Hut is now open!

[ Edited by: Trader Tom 2013-08-28 01:59 ]

Q-tiki posted on 08/28/2013

I really like that Rattan hutch!! Very nice.
Your mug and art collection is impressive also. I especially like the disney drummer.

Thanks for posting and keep it up!

Cheers and aloha,


AdOrAdam posted on 08/28/2013

Thumbs up from me :)

Trader Tom posted on 08/29/2013


I got my saucer spaghetti light back today and just put it up.

With flash and full lights.

In the dark.

I have one more white & green light to re-wire and I'll be done with the swag lights. At least for now...

Now for a mai tai!

creativenative posted on 08/29/2013

Aloha Trader Tom, nice stuff and I love your painting but I wonder what your 5 year old thinks of it? Haha :D

Tiki Movies & Tiki TV @ southseascinema.org

[ Edited by: creativenative 2013-08-29 01:29 ]

Trader Tom posted on 08/29/2013

I've only been seriously into Tiki for about 10 years or so, but my son has been into it his whole life. He's been to Tiki Oasis and touched Marina the Mermaid's tail. He's not impressed by Dad's painting. For me, this stuff is exotic, but for him it's normal decor.

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Thortiki posted on 08/29/2013

Trader Tom wrote:

Shot of the hutch behind bar.

Close on hutch.

I REALLY like that Hutch! Where did you find it etc.? Thortiki

Trader Tom posted on 08/29/2013

I found the hutch about seven years ago at the PCC (Pasadena Community College) Flea Market which was only a couple of blocks away from where we were renting at the time. I passed by it the first time because it had a really ugly taxidermied rooster sitting on top of it. My wife dragged me back and pointed it out to me. So, really, she deserves credit for the find. I remember her saying: "Don't you need something like that to put all your Tiki mugs in?" Love that woman! I think I paid $100 for it originally, and that included delivery.

It doesn't have the matching lower half, but I found a bottom section to another plainer wood hutch that fits perfectly. And, as you can see in the pictures, the base isn't really noticeable from the other side of the bar.

hang10tiki posted on 08/30/2013

TT- looks awesome, great place to kick back n have a drink.
I like your bathroom art, you should to the art swaps when they pop up.
The new lamp is sweet.
Keep up the fun


VampiressRN posted on 08/30/2013

I love that hutch..and your painting is very Gauguinish...NICE JOB!!!

Trader Tom posted on 03/15/2014

It's been a while, but I snapped off several pics of the Hoodoo Hut this evening while enjoying a few Mai Tais and listening to a CD of the Tikiyaki Orchestra.

No major changes, but a few small tweaks here and there:

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 03/15/2014

The hutch is magnificent and if I had a tiki bathroom I'd definitely hang that shower curtain! It's cute.

and I agree with Jon, you should definitely participate in the next art swap! I have and I think you have more talent than I do!!!

Trader Tom posted on 03/16/2014


The art swaps are fun. The last one I did was the Undersea Swap, which I really enjoyed.

It's been hectic around here, lately, though. When I get a chance, I'll have to do another one.

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1of42 posted on 03/28/2014

Very groovy space, and what a wonderful collection! That hutch is perfect.

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BayIslander posted on 03/29/2014

Wow do I love that light and hutch! You bring Great collection and great room!


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MondoMcGonzo posted on 03/30/2014

Hey now- is that a ceramic bust of Tarman from Return of the Living Dead? I know it couldn't be a mug, could it??

Trader Tom posted on 03/30/2014

Thanks for the compliments!

I keep finding stuff to add to the room. Yesterday I found one of those round rattan banded shelf units that just needs a couple of pieces of cut glass shelving to make it complete. I don't have any wall space left, but it was only $8, so I picked it up and will use it later, maybe in a future version of the Hoodoo Hut.

I don't have a bust of the tar man, but I think you might be looking at the zombie mug on the left middle section of the hutch which is a cool Munktiki mug with removable magnetic eyes and ears that can be taken out and changed around. This was the first issue of the Magno Zombie which has been long sold out, but you can get the smiley version here:


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Tiki-kitty posted on 04/08/2014

Killer looking place- I LOVE the bamboo hutch: what a score!!

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Pele Paul posted on 04/08/2014

love love love it!!! especially the orange hanging lamp and the tiki shower curtain!!!!

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geedavee posted on 04/08/2014

I just noticed this thread. The place looks great. Keep up the good work.

Trader Tom posted on 04/09/2014

Thanks, everyone.

I have a couple more small additions. The first is a little bamboo and rattan chest that fits my record collection beautifully. I was able to take the records off the shelf and make more room for what I'm expecting to be a successful run of Tiki Magazines now that they've started back up again.

Also, I have another swag lamp waiting to get restrung with a longer cord. I plan on hanging it across from the round orange one on the side of the window at some point.

It's a never ending process… :)

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Kon-Hemsby posted on 04/09/2014

I love that green swag lamp.

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danlovestikis posted on 04/13/2014

I just stopped by for a visit and looked at all of your pages. Great room and collection, Wendy

Trader Tom posted on 07/29/2014

Couple more additions. My wife got me a great record player/CD player/tape player combo that has a vintage look and can supposedly burn vinyl to CD. So far, I've only used the record player and the radio features, but I hope to experiment with the recording features later. I sweated where I was going to fit this in the room for a day or so and then decided to keep it on my bamboo straight-back chair that nobody ever sits in. Everybody either takes a comfy chair or a barstool, so I think the player has found a home front and center.

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This last pic is of a mask that my friend, Daniel, found for me at a local garage sale last weekend. I was thinking about hanging it on the closet door it's propped up in front of, but it weighs about 40 lbs and I don't want to risk tearing up the door. I think he looks good where he is with a net full of coconuts beside him in case he needs a light snack.

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danlovestikis posted on 07/30/2014

What a fun place to hang out. I really enjoyed looking at your collection. I found my War God bank! Wendy

Trader Tom posted on 08/01/2014

Thanks, Wendy!

hang10tiki posted on 08/03/2014

Me like...


Trader Tom posted on 02/13/2015

I realized I haven't updated in a while. Here's a couple of things that are new:

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I added the Arthurium made of monkey pod. It's about the only plant I can't kill, apparently. Sort of like putting together tinker toys, but I like it.

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This big fella I picked up today. You might have seen me walking around the streets of Portland with it, trying to remember where I parked.

Largest Kava Kava man I've ever come across and my wife let me buy it.

That's why she's my Valentine!

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ErichTroudt posted on 02/13/2015

That kava kava piece is awesome!!!

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ECTiki posted on 02/13/2015

Great Garage sale find!

Trader Tom posted on 10/20/2015

I am back in California once again and the Portland Hoodoo Room is no more. A little sad...

However, that means I get to re-create the Hoodoo Room once again with a brand new blank canvas!

All the Tiki stuff is in the room now but 75% is still in boxes.

Also, while our movers did an awesome job with the packing, the labeling was a little vague, so I'm scrambling to find stuff and the house is probably going to be an ongoing puzzle for a couple of months.

The Hoodoo Room is BIGGER and now has back glass doors that open out to a PATIO which is cool. It also has built-in shelves and a brick gas fireplace with mantle shelf.

On the down side, the front entrance is five foot wide and has no door to keep out pesky kids and small white dogs.

I've currently closed off the entrance with a couple of bookcases, but am planning to build a five panel screen using large outdoor shutters or perhaps louvered closet doors.

Also, I can't paint the room. I sorta got away with painting the last place but this time is a no go. However, I will hang a lot of art and maybe some tapa cloth.

In any case, here are some progress pics. Really no progress, but it shows the starting point...

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Trader Tom posted on 03/31/2016

Here is the latest from the Hoodoo Hut.

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hiltiki posted on 03/31/2016

Very nice and inviting, love your collection.

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tikiskip posted on 04/07/2016

Cary Grant - The man with the power of hoodoo.

Hey, you remind me of a man.
What man?
Man with the power.
What power?
Power of hoodoo.
You do.
Do what?
Remind me of a man...

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2016-04-07 03:03 ]

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Mockingbird posted on 04/07/2016


That hutch is amazing! Me thinks you need a fish tank to match. :)

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Thortiki posted on 04/07/2016

You have many COOL things (-:

hang10tiki posted on 04/13/2016

That Kava kava is huge
Great score

New place looks good


Trader Tom posted on 04/13/2016

Thanks, everyone!

I still need to do some earthquake proofing, but other than that, I'm pretty happy with how it came together.

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