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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Some of my Tiki carvings

Pages: 1 24 replies

Chainsaw10 posted on 08/30/2013

Hey all! Just recently found this forum. I am amazed at some of the awesome work you guys are doin!! Lots of inspiration:)
My name is Jim Haggart. I've been carving with a chainsaw full time for about 18 years now. I'm located in NY state.
I carve all kinds of animals but nothing would make me happier than to carve Tikis full time. ....I be sick of makin bears!!
But here's a few pics of my recent Tikis

Grimbo posted on 08/30/2013

Wow. Some awesome work. Welcome to tiki central.

AlohaStation posted on 08/30/2013

Great stuff. Welcome aboard.

AlohaStation posted on 08/30/2013

Great stuff. Welcome aboard.

cy posted on 08/30/2013

SCARY! Nice work Jim, burn all bears.

TheBigT posted on 08/30/2013

That's some skills! Welcome. What kind of logs are those?

Bruddah Bear posted on 08/30/2013

On 2013-08-30 12:04, cy wrote:
burn all bears.


Something wrong with bears?


First off, welcome to Tiki Central.

I can certainly understand wanting to branch out and try new things, "same old, same old" gets pretty boring after a bit. It looks like you've been influenced by the "Florida Aesthetic." Just a heads up, some folks really like it, and some don't care for it at all and prefer more traditional styles, some like brightly painted tikis, others hate them, so please don't run way if you hear a critical word or two on your tikis.

You have skills, and from what I see in that first pic, you carve a damn nice bear (I happen to be rather fond of bears), maybe one day I'll order one from you.

Chainsaw10 posted on 08/31/2013

Hey guys.....thanks so much for the compliments!,...
I actually don't paint all my tikis that brightly. The triplet group was an order for a customer and he wanted them to look freaky:)

The three are made out of sassafras logs. The single first tiki is Virginia juniper(red cedar).

Chainsaw10 posted on 08/31/2013

Here's two tikis that i made today.

The tall guy is just roughed out with the chainsaw and not quite finished. He's gonna hold a torch when he's done.....and I may give him some teeth instead of the closed mouth( not sure yet). Made from catalpa wood.

The short fat tiki is a sassafras log about three feet wide. I guesstimate that it weighs about 500 pounds. Friggin heavy!!

Tikilizard posted on 08/31/2013


hang10tiki posted on 09/01/2013


Trailerpark Tiki posted on 10/26/2013

Welcome to TC. Nice skills.

pjc5150 posted on 10/26/2013

Mr Brudda Bear,

that is not "florida style"... that is "Wayne Coombs influence"...

Please remember that Benzart, Will, Aloha & myself are all Florida based, and we don't do Coombs stuff. :wink:

Chainsaw10 posted on 09/14/2015

I've rough cut 6 new tikis this week. Today i carved one thats just under10' tall. ...figured I'd get some pics up as I get them sanded/detailed/ sealed over this coming week. Here's some pics one one thats almost ready for stain and varnish.
I've been so busy making animal carvings.....I'm making time to create new tikis!! I have the most fun when I'm carving tikis.

bkrownd posted on 09/14/2015

I love that one! Mad Menehune!

[ Edited by: bkrownd 2015-09-13 18:22 ]

AlohaStation posted on 09/14/2015


Chainsaw10 posted on 09/14/2015

Thanks guys. Here's two big ones I delivered earlier this summer.

Chainsaw10 posted on 09/15/2015

[ Edited by: Chainsaw10 2015-09-15 15:37 ]

hiltiki posted on 09/15/2015

Nice carves, show us more.

Chainsaw10 posted on 09/16/2015

Here's one i was getting sanded and detailed earlier today. . It's going to hold a sign in one hand, and a torch in the other.

congatiki posted on 09/16/2015

Pretty cool stuff. I love your fat little tikis, they have a good deal of "attitude" going on. Good to see
some of your non-tiki creations too...love the big eagle!

TheBigT posted on 09/17/2015

Pretty incredible work Mr Chainsaw! Thanks for posting.

Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/18/2015

Love the dude's holding the tiki candles!

nicework posted on 09/18/2015

Super!!!!!!!! I love tiki central! After seeing these carvings I can not wait to start my next one. I carved my first pelican this week I was not to happy with it. But It was my first. I like your variety of designs you have posted. I spend more time on 3 d carvings then I do on tiki carvings and I sell them for just about the same price. My wife gets on me about keeping it simple. But I am making more of a effort to become a better carver than to make money. Money comes and goes but skill will never leave me. I thank you for deciding to give Tiki Central your time, thank you for being of service!

[ Edited by: nicework 2015-09-18 06:50 ]

Chainsaw10 posted on 09/20/2015

I got these guys all finished up and brought them to put up for sale today. I was hoping to have them on display for a while.....but I sold all of them today. Time to make more:)

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