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Favorite/preferred online retailers?

Pages: 1 14 replies

kkocka posted on 07/27/2013

I'm trying to acquire a larger pool of sites to choose from when I need to order booze or other misc booze bits. BevMo is pretty much the answer without a doubt, but when I wanna find Coruba dark in a 750ml...well that's much harder. For the most part its a bunch of local stores that will ship, but aren't the big sites like DrinkUpNY, etc. Mostly I'm concerned about getting Coruba, which for some reason is usually available in 1 liter amounts.

Is anybody stowing some really sweet sites that I've yet to come across?

djmont posted on 07/27/2013

I've ordered from a bunch over the past couple years and they've all treated me well. My usual go-to is Hi-Time. I believe they're the only ones on this list that sell Coruba.

Hi-Time Wine Cellar -- Lots of rums and everything else

DrinkUpNY -- Cool variety

The Party Source -- Great bourbon selection

Internet Wines (aka Randall's) -- You never know what they'll have

K&L Wines -- A more highly curated selection with a lot of exclusive items

Liquorama -- Occasionally has things others don't.

I wouldn't hesitate to order from any of these. One of my favorites -- Shoppers Vineyard -- sadly no longer ships. But if you're ever in New Jersey...

kkocka posted on 07/28/2013

3 of the 6 I'm familiar with, but I'll check the others out. Thanks! My buddy bought me a great bottle of Havana Club 15 from http://www.masterofmalt.com

stormrider posted on 08/11/2013

Thanks for those links especially the one for hitime. Lots of stuff in there that is much cheaper than total wine even with the shipping.


TropicDrinkBoy posted on 08/12/2013

You should also check out Beltramos in Northern California. They have a huge liquor and wine store, have a great inventory of rums (including 750 ml Coruba) and ship free in California for orders of $250 or more. Their entire inventory is online at http://www.beltramos.com . The family has been in the busines since the 1870's and even supplied wine to the church during prohibition!

K&L is good (one is near Beltramos) but their selection is smaller and are generally more expensive than Beltramos. Beltramos is usually cheaper than Bevmo and has a much better selection.

[ Edited by: TropicDrinkBoy 2013-08-12 08:40 ]

Canned Tuna posted on 08/21/2013

Bought Herbsaint from Flatiron Wines.


Dapuma1 posted on 08/22/2013

Wine Chateau is a good retailer as well

+1 for the above: Drink up NYC and Beltramos

djmont posted on 08/27/2013

Caskers, one of my favorite new online stores, is running a promotion right now until Labor Day. Spend $150, get free shipping.

They've got some interesting rums, including the El Dorado Single Barrels. They have a better selection of whiskey, though, including some excellent bourbons.

The site is organized kinda weird, so just type "rum" or "bourbon" or whatever in the search box.

Here's the link: Caskers

Full disclosure: The link I included earns me credit if you buy something. But it don't cost you nuttin.

stormrider posted on 08/29/2013

Is there anyway to view the caskers site without creating an account?


djmont posted on 08/29/2013

I don't think so. But you can always use a throwaway email if you don't want to use your real one for some reason.

I haven't found them to be spammy, so I don't think there's much risk in signing up.

GentleHangman posted on 08/29/2013

Here in Florida getting spirits shipped to you can be tricky. I have had good fortune in the past with Drink up NY, and Internet Wine and Spirits - they ship by FedEx and an adult signature is required. However, since I've shamed most all of the retailers in my area to carry what I want . . . I've had no need for orderi9ng on line. Except for Fee Bros. . . . I still order from them.

djmont posted on 08/30/2013

I wish FL retailers could ship OUT some of that rum. Like Kohala Bay.

Dapuma1 posted on 08/31/2013

Giving Hi Time Wine's a shot

their selection is amazing and they are really cheap shipping in the SW

Got an extra 3 bottles and came in 30 bucks cheaper compared to Beltramo's

(on an order of 24 bottles)

djmont posted on 08/31/2013

I buy from HiTime at least once every few months or so. Always great service. Forrest Cokely, who used to post on here a lot, worked there for a long time.

Dapuma1 posted on 09/07/2013

Just wanted to report back and say how great Hi Times was - great packaging, fast shipping (1 day to AZ) and the best prices anywhere

Just realized they carry small hand items as well, good times :)

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