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Sunny&Rummy posted on 10/05/2013

A double Mai-Kai Big Bamboo ala' Sippin' Safari. Actually a rather dry drink, but still satisfying. Add an ounce of honey mix and this would be an excellent Rum Barrel.

Sunny&Rummy posted on 10/05/2013

Aku Aku Lapu. Not a bad drink at all, but I laugh at the "serves two" instructions. Hands Off! My Drink!! :)

Sunny&Rummy posted on 10/05/2013

Drinking a Sunny&Rummy House Party Jamaican Punch. If you are looking for a Planter with a nice kick give this one a go:

1 oz lime juice
0.5 oz cane syrup
0.25 oz Grace Jamaican Strawberry Syrup (or sub 0.5 oz pomagranate grenadine)
2 oz passionfruit juice (not syrup)
1.5 oz Coruba
1.5 oz J Wray Overproof
4 oz Ting white grapefruit soda
2 dashes Angostura
2 dashes Pimento Dram

Shake all but Ting with lots of cube ice, pour unstrained into a hurricane glass, top withTing, stir and enjoy.

Sunny&Rummy posted on 10/05/2013

On 2013-10-01 20:38, thePorpoise wrote:

On 2013-10-01 20:06, Sunny&Rummy wrote:
Kingston Negroni with Smith&Cross and Ramazotti amaro.

Ramazotti >> Campari.

that's the stuff i use for my homemade pimm's cup (ramazotti instead of the pimm's).

I really dig most amari and try to rotate what I have on hand. Lack of shelf/counter space and a wife who constantly fights the bottle count keep me from having more than 1 or 2 at any time.

I think Campari is good stuff, artificial color and all. It's typically the only amaro a restaurant bar has and I have made it my mission in life to teach the backwater bartenders of Melbourne and Palm Bay how to mix with the stuff. Still amazese to go into an Olive Garden or a Carabbas and see vacant expressions on the faces of Florida bartenders when you order a Negroni.

I have little use for Aperol. Too much orange, too little bitter, and I am not paying $30 for a 10% abv liqueur.

Ramazotti is about the most anisette-forward amaro in regular rotation. I recall Averna as being a bit too licorice-angry although It has been a couple of years since I have had it. I have developed quite a fondness for absinthe over the last couple years so I should probably revisit Averna.

Cynar is a kryptonite for me. Mix me up something with Cynar or serve it to me straight with a lone ice cube and I am rendered powerless but content.

I rarely encouter Amaro CioCiaro but I snap it up when I do find it. I have never had vintage Amer Picon but I take Darcy O'Neil et al at their word when they say this is the best commercial substitute out there. A Picon Punch with this stuff is stellar.

Fernet Branca = Awesome. And maybe it's the native Chicagoan in me but man do I love Jeppson's Malört. Now that we can finally get Lemon Hart 151 here and I don't need to bug Chicago friends and family to bring me se when they visit, a bottle of Malört is now the cost of paying me a visit during the brutal northern winters. Try as I might to conserve that bottle, it's usually gone in about 3 days.

AdOrAdam posted on 10/05/2013

Every once in a while you try a new drink & it hits the spot - tasty & not too similar to what you've had before, you have another...

I had 2 Sharks Tooth last night, 1 more tonight :)

thePorpoise posted on 10/05/2013

last night had the signature Between the Sheets from the famed Sapphire Room at the restored 1926 Floridan Hotel.

from the archives:

"The historic Sapphire Room has been brought back to its glory days! During WWII the service men stationed in Tampa called it the “sure fire room” due the bar’s wild reputation. Dim blue lights, a hand-crafted wood bar, and live entertainment gets you into the mood to really step back into time. The bar features the Floridan Hotel’s original signature martini “In Between the Sheets” and is open Thursday through Saturday 4:00pm – 3:00am."

thePorpoise posted on 10/05/2013

and now, as its the final weekend of Oktoberfest, time to tap the HofBrau Oktoberfestbier mini-keg..!

Sunny&Rummy posted on 10/05/2013

Ein Prosit!

thePorpoise posted on 10/05/2013

Eins, zwei, ... g'suffa!

thePorpoise posted on 10/06/2013

on my 2d mai-kai (per hurricane heywood) 151 swizzle, which, imo, is actually the perfect zombie...


AceExplorer posted on 10/06/2013

Last night I introduced a fellow tiki friend to the non-tiki whiskey-based Sazerac. It was a big hit for reasons of balance and flavor, very nice for sipping. The Sazerac goes way back to the 1800s, was updated a bit through the decades, and is a damn fine gateway drink to whiskies in my opinion. Simple syrup makes it a bit on the sweet side, but it works well especially with a good rye whiskey. It actually works fine with relatively inexpensive and easy-to-find Jim Beam rye, but higher-end ryes only make it better.

MadDogMike posted on 10/06/2013

Mojitos last night. Although not traditional, I wanted to use demarera sugar because that's what I imagine would be a more common sugar in Cuba. But it doesn't dissolve well so I made a demarera mint simple syrup in addition to the muddled mint leaves. Also added a bit of Canton Ginger Liqueur.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 10/06/2013

Hey Mike, good morning. Dats a nice pic . What/how do you muddle your mint ? Why are you not growing your own? -Mint, and that’s a whole nudder subject. How come you keep your limes in that plain vanilla glass bowl? Wid your talent your limes deserve a fantastical south seas looking vessel created by de masta , you!
Keep the tiki going, Your friend and mine,

MadDogMike posted on 10/06/2013

:lol: Yes, David, I guess I could do better than that "vanilla" glass bowl :lol: Thanks for the comps.
I have a mint plant that has been growing like crazy but lately is not looking too healthy. Maybe it's rootbound and needs to be re-potted?

AdOrAdam posted on 10/06/2013

On 2013-10-06 05:36, AceExplorer wrote:
Last night I introduced a fellow tiki friend to the non-tiki whiskey-based Sazerac. It was a big hit...

Seeing as the Sazaerac has been mentioned 121 times on TC, I propose the Saz should be considered a honorary tiki drink :)

Anyone second the motion?

[ Edited by: AdOrAdam 2013-10-06 12:58 ]

Sunny&Rummy posted on 10/06/2013

Not Tiki, but a great cocktail. I like a Sazarac with plain old Old Overholt, but Rittenhouse also shines in that drink if I'm fortunate enough to have a bottle.

I have a great 100% rye 10 year rye called Masterson Rye (my namesake) that I usually reserve for sipping, but I think I need to see how that works in a Saz. I have some Bulleit too which is a high rye bourbon, and probably needs a spin in a Sazarac as well.

hang10tiki posted on 10/08/2013

hang10tiki posted on 10/08/2013


hang10tiki posted on 10/08/2013

lunavideogames posted on 10/12/2013

Carne voodoo punch bowl at Craft & Commerce.

But the bacon Mac and Cheese steals the show.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 10/12/2013

Mexican coffee topped with muddled cream and nutmeg on a cool California evening. Used Trader Vic’s Kona coffee liqueur instead of kaluau so technically is it a Hawaiian coffee?
Btw, I’m down to my last bottle. TV’s coffee liqueur was discontinued last year-too bad cuz I liked it mo betta than Kahluau.

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2013-10-12 00:23 ]

hang10tiki posted on 10/13/2013

hang10tiki posted on 10/13/2013

hang10tiki posted on 10/13/2013

Luna and Nui- looks like good choices

lunavideogames posted on 10/13/2013

Thanks! I like big wave a bunch and I had quite a few of those octoberfests already this month!

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2013-10-13 15:10 ]

hang10tiki posted on 10/13/2013


Sunny&Rummy posted on 10/13/2013

Rogue makes some really solid beers. Dead Guy and Old Crustacean are old favorites. But that Voodoo Donut can't possibly be good. Enlighten me if I am wrong.

lunavideogames posted on 10/13/2013

I tried it and did not care for it, but I know a few people who do like it.

Actually I might have only tried the bacon maple syrup, but I am not much of a maple syrup, peanut butter or chocolate fan so I might not be a good judge :)

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2013-10-13 16:44 ]

hang10tiki posted on 10/14/2013

It was awesome
None of the 3 odd favors come through much, if at all....
Wife even liked it


thePorpoise posted on 10/14/2013

Tampa Bay Brewing's One Night Stand on tap. (American IPA).

awesome development-- one of my local liquor stores has started selling growlers of draft beer from regional and hard-to-find brewers...

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thePorpoise posted on 10/14/2013

half a growler of draft beer from Pensacola Bay Brewery:

Black Treasure Porter (imperial porter aged in whiskey barrels).

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hiltiki posted on 10/15/2013

Mai Tai, TV recipe, I used Lemon Hart Demerara, Lamb's Navy dark rum, Senior curacao and it was good.

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hang10tiki posted on 10/15/2013

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 10/15/2013

On 2013-10-14 18:05, hiltiki wrote:
Mai Tai, TV recipe, I used Lemon Hart Demerara, Lamb's Navy dark rum, Senior curacao and it was good.

Dat combo sounds delicious hilt. Where do you obtain your “staples”

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thePorpoise posted on 10/15/2013

first, my Florida Hurricane.

now, a Booker's sazerac (whoo, it's strong, like moose...)

to come, either a Cocktail la Louisiane, or a Roffignac...

[up late working on taxes. yuck]

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hang10tiki posted on 10/16/2013


With El Dorado 12

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hiltiki posted on 10/16/2013

David, I got my Lamb's Navy Rum from a friend who brought it for me from Canada. I bought a lot of Lemon-heart bottles before they decided to stop making them from Whole Foods of all places.
I'm having a shot of Lagavulin 16yr.

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Sunny&Rummy posted on 10/16/2013

hang10tiki, I love that Benzart Maori mug. Still the favorite mug of my modest collection.

Drinking a Mai-Kai Last Rites Cocktail from Sippin' Safari. This is one where I quite like the bite of St. James Royal Ambre front and center.

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thePorpoise posted on 10/16/2013

didnt quite make it there last nite- but now, a bourbon Cocktail a la Louisiane...

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lunavideogames posted on 10/16/2013

Corpse Reviver #2

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 10/16/2013

On 2013-10-15 19:19, hiltiki wrote:
David, I got my Lamb's Navy Rum from a friend who brought it for me from Canada. I bought a lot of Lemon-heart bottles before they decided to stop making them from Whole Foods of all places.
I'm having a shot of Lagavulin 16yr.

Mahalo Hilt! Whole foods? Who ‘d a thought.

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hiltiki posted on 10/17/2013

Since I don't have to work tomorrow it's party time..
I never made this version of Zombie, it was complicated and took a while to make but this is a fine drink, just the right flavors and sweetness. I like it a lot.

Aku Aku Zombie

3/4 oz lime juice
3/4 oz grapefruit juice
3/4 oz cinnamon infused sugar
3/4 oz dark Jamaican I used Caruba
3/4 os gold Puerto Rican, I used Tommy Bahama, I know but I have a bottle around and I wanted to use it up.
3/4 oz 151 Lemon Heart, I use one of the old ones I still have around.
Dash Angostura bitters
4 oz crushed ice
1/2 tsp zombie mix which takes time to prepare. 1/8 oz of each, Pernod which I used Pernod Absinthe, Orange Curacao, Falernum, Grenadine.
It took me longer to prepare it than it took me to drink it hahaha
I would do it again.

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Sunny&Rummy posted on 10/17/2013

Aku Aku Zombie is a great drink!

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hang10tiki posted on 10/17/2013

Sunny- I hear ya, that mug kicks ars...
when friends come over it is one that always gets requested to drink from...


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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 10/17/2013

On 2013-10-16 17:14, hiltiki wrote:
Since I don't have to work tomorrow it's party time..
I never made this version of Zombie, it was complicated and took a while to make It took me longer to prepare it than it took me to drink it hahaha
I would do it again.

Hilt, Your Z sounds ono!
I can see the impatience on the faces of my brudda Tikivato,his wife Rosemary, and my wife CeCe when I try this one on them.
They never hurry me when it takes me 10-15 minutes to prepare 4 Mai Tai’s (1944 Trader Vic’s kine). This might be pushing it. Hope the Zombie is as good as the ingredients suggest.

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Club Nouméa posted on 10/17/2013

A Blue Hawaii (Beachbum Berry's version):

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(That's a plastic mermaid in that second blurred pic)

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Toto, j'ai l'impression que nous ne sommes plus au Kansas !

[ Edited by: Club Nouméa 2013-10-17 15:07 ]

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AdOrAdam posted on 10/18/2013

No 1) Tradewinds - not the Trade Wind Cocktail, the lemon, Coco Lopez & apricot brandy one - good!

No 2) Old fashioned with Bulliet bourbon & orange - good!

No 3) Double Blood & Sand - double measures (1 shot of scotch didn't seem enough), tequila float & bitters (as served in Tiki Ti, Tora tora...!) - good!

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hang10tiki posted on 10/19/2013

ClubN- great picture of the drink
Ya made me thirsty

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