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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

skootiki's carving log

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McTiki posted on 05/12/2013


Where'd that come from?


skootiki posted on 05/12/2013

Whoa! Thanks McTiki.......
Pictures of him stained and as finished as he's gonna be tomorrow (I hope)

amate posted on 05/12/2013

Looking good skoo

hang10tiki posted on 05/13/2013

Sweet stuff


cy posted on 05/13/2013

How did you do that so fast? Hope to see it live next week Skoo.

Professor G posted on 05/14/2013


skootiki posted on 05/15/2013

thanks guys! Here's the finished product.

For the Love of Tiki posted on 05/15/2013

Way cool, Scott!

Watango productions posted on 05/17/2013

Big guy looks rad!

skootiki posted on 05/17/2013

the big guy finished with some friends

congatiki posted on 05/17/2013

Nice tikis! Good job...finish looks great.

skootiki posted on 05/23/2013

skootiki posted on 05/23/2013

some shots from my booth at TiKi Caliente in Palm Springs

skootiki posted on 05/30/2013

originally, this guy was playing a guitar.....now he's gone fishin'

spear fishin'

cy posted on 05/30/2013

Very nice skoo, he looks about ready to skewer himself some dinner.

[ Edited by: cy 2013-05-29 21:56 ]

Professor G posted on 05/30/2013

I thought I recognized that face. He gets to play guitar and then go fishin'. That's not a bad life for a statue.

Polynesiac posted on 05/30/2013

If you put a little wrapped red handkerchief on the end of the pole he could also be a "hobo-tiki" :wink:

Nice carve and great spear-fishin' stance!

TheBigT posted on 05/30/2013

Well dang, I liked the guitar. But he still looks good like this. Great work!

skootiki posted on 06/01/2013

thanks guys! I wasn't that happy with the guitar....I had to try to change this guy. I liked the face and tats, so I think this change works.

skootiki posted on 06/04/2013

burnt, not stained yet.....3 feet tall

McTiki posted on 06/04/2013

Very cool pieces!

I like the spear guy


amate posted on 06/04/2013

I liked him even with the guitar. You did an excellent job of changing directions to come up with a new design.

TheBigT posted on 06/04/2013

On 2013-06-04 04:20, skootiki wrote:
burnt, not stained yet.....3 feet tall

These are awesome. I want to try one of these old school guys.

Polynesiac posted on 06/04/2013

very nice classic lines on this one - the less is more ideology. I can totally see this guy in a vintage establishment! VERY well executed.

You going to be at the next ITMP?

skootiki posted on 06/05/2013

Thanks McTiKi, Amate, Big T and Polynesiac.
I didn't like the guitar because it had to follow the curve of the log ( I did one that was playing the uke, but it was carved from a larger diameter log so I could carve deeper and keep the uke flat) so...I thought "what the heck" and removed the guitar then grabbed a big drill bit and hoped for the best.

Big T, that modern-ish style is a fun carve....I've done a few and they're a popular style.

Polynesiac, that means a lot that he could fit into an old-skool TiKi establishment, thanks! and I will be at the next ITMP this Saturday. stop by and say hi if you're there.

skootiki posted on 07/16/2013

not too great of a photo
the customer wanted a TiKi eating a shrimp
still needs to be stained

skootiki posted on 07/17/2013

a better picture of the shrimp loving TiKi

TheBigT posted on 07/19/2013

I like it! Is it for a restaurant?

skootiki posted on 07/25/2013

Thanks bigT! He's not for a restaurant......just a shrimp lover. A customer bought him as a gift for their friend. He's on his way to Michigan right now.

skootiki posted on 08/28/2013

just got these photos of the last big TiKi that I carved.....in his new home

Tony's backyard oasis

cy posted on 08/28/2013

A great looking tiki in his element skoo!

skootiki posted on 08/29/2013

thanks cy!

a few more pix.......you can see two more of my TiKis in the background

For the Love of Tiki posted on 08/29/2013

Hey Scott, Your Tiki looks great & what a background! Pretty nice that he's found such a distinguished place at your friend's tropical oasis!

skootiki posted on 09/12/2013

Thanks For the Love of TiKis, he wants to fill his yard with more TiKis. He's on the lookout for some 8' to 10' logs.


very cool

skootiki posted on 10/07/2013

this guy's around 6 and a half feet tall, but really skinny. I'm hoping to finish carving him this week.

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amate posted on 10/08/2013

Go big Skoo! Good looking Tikis...

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pjc5150 posted on 10/08/2013

I dig the pool tiki!

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NIxxon posted on 10/08/2013

Pool tiki looks great...he looks very much at home

skootiki posted on 10/13/2013

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maybe I carved a little too deep for this skinny of a log????
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could be a pile of splinters by morning...if not then burn, stain and finished pix tomorrow

cy posted on 10/13/2013

Way to take it to the limit Skoo!

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DHTiki posted on 10/14/2013

That is absolutely stellar. I love it...

skootiki posted on 10/20/2013

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working on a few TiKis for the International TiKi Marketplace at Don's next Saturday
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I'll stain them and post finished pix later

skootiki posted on 10/24/2013

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finished photo of the 6 foot 8 inch tall and skinny TiKi .....I think that he looks good in that corner

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Will carve posted on 10/24/2013

Me too.

cy posted on 10/24/2013

Tall and skinny looks sweet finished and in his corner Skoo, good luck this weekend at the market place.

skootiki posted on 10/28/2013

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here's one that I carved for the International TiKi Marketplace

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skootiki posted on 11/24/2013

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