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El Dorado in San Diego?

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Maitai Mike posted on 09/02/2013

Anyone know where to buy El Dorado 15 year rum (or any El Dorado for that matter) in the San Diego area? A friend brought some over this weekend and after tasting some all I can say is fantastic! I live in NC where the liquor laws are draconian. I will be visiting San Diego later this week, where I was hoping to find some. Thanks.

lunavideogames posted on 09/02/2013

Yes, I think you can just find it at Bev Mo. They usually have at least one of the two. Or if you are driving up north, in OC there is Hi Times Liquor that has both. I think that was the only place I have found the 15 year anywhere around here. Trader Morts usually carries lots of rums as well. Hope that helps.

cvcgolf posted on 09/03/2013

There are 3 locations in San diego according to the store locator for Bevmo.. But you better call them a week or so ahead of time so they have exactly what you want in stock.. It would be horrible for you to just show up only to hear some sales guy tell you they're out of El Dorado.. Call and tell them your situation and they'll save you some bottles.. I always enjoy El Dorado 12 year aged.. Good luck!


[ Edited by: cvcgolf 2013-09-02 23:17 ]

wizzard419 posted on 09/03/2013

Depending on where you are in So Cal, you might also try Total Wine and More as well.

Q-tiki posted on 09/03/2013

I feel your pain MT Mike! I live in East TN where the liquor laws closely resemble the madness in NC.

If all else fails, send me a private message. I know where some is located not too far from here.

Best of luck!

arriano posted on 09/03/2013

I think the only BevMo in San Diego that currently has El Dorado 5-Year (and they carry no other El Dorado rum) is the Mission Valley North store on Friars Road. But I'd definitely call before going.

Maitai Mike posted on 09/15/2013

Thanks for all your suggestions. Just got back with no luck. BevMo was out and the few other liquor stores I visited did not carry it.

Zinctiki posted on 09/17/2013

I just picked up an El Dorado 12 and 15 at Vendome's in the Hollywood area. I don't know if there are any close to you but I had to trek about 45 miles for my bottle. Would travel more... :)

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 09/17/2013

Del Cerro Liq. (KnB) next to Windmill Farms off of 8 and College Blvd. should have it. Ive purchased it there before.

kkocka posted on 09/17/2013

BevMo's really stepped up their rum game in the last year or so. I get my El Dorado 5 from there (you can always order online!) and that does just fine for mixing. If I really need a 12, 15, or 21 in person, there's Cap N Cork in Silverlake, CA that carries it (although its marked up.) If you can wait and want higher year rum, just order online.

cvcgolf posted on 09/19/2013

Dude.. I told you to call them and order it in advance from Bevmo.. Most stores (booze, electronics) just don't carry much stock and they always have to place an order for you.. Always call before showing up.. Except for Total Wine and Spirits.. Those guys out here in Cali rock!

lunavideogames posted on 10/31/2013

I found some sorry it is too late but at least we will know for the future.

Keg & Bottle on College & El Cajon Blvd by SDSU. They have El Dorado 12 & 15. They also had Angostura 5 & 7 & 1919. I haven't seen that anywhere either. Hope that helps in the future.

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2013-10-30 20:22 ]

bamalamalu posted on 11/01/2013

Thanks! We've been meaning to check that location out; now there's more incentive.

lunavideogames posted on 11/17/2013

Goslings black seal and 151 on sale for $9.99 at Riviera liquor in Point Loma!

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