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Auction - Items from the Kahiki

Pages: 1 2 62 replies

ikitnrev posted on 11/11/2013

Here is your chance to bid on and perhaps own some items from the former Kahiki restaurant, located in Columbus Ohio

The top item is the 8 foot tall monkey fountain that greeted you in the lobby. Several tiki carvings from the restaurant - and lots of unused tiki mugs.

Auction happens, Tuesday, Nov 19. The bad news is that there is no shipping - you will have to pick the items up next Wednesday.


tikiskip posted on 11/11/2013

I would like to say thank you, but I can not.:)

bigbrotiki posted on 11/11/2013

Wow - the frozen food plant is re-decorating? :wink: "George" the monkey fountain? Maybe someone should fill them in that this piece is an (however failed) attempt at a Maori Tiki...

And where was that "Natical" room in the Kahiki? I don't remember seeing it, must have missed it - that is a boatload of ship models! (excuse the pun)

The Tikis are not the most impressive, even if "This is hand carved, by a skilled Polynesian Tikki carver, perhaps of a banana trunk" The Ku would be the best one - after sanding. As it is, THIS one will forever stand tall in my virtual "Gallery of regrettable paint jobs":


tikiskip posted on 11/11/2013

I for the life of me can can't remember lots of the items in this sale.
Not the best of Kahiki if it is Kahiki.

But they will all sell high, watch and see.
especially now.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 11/11/2013

i would bid, but i can't compete with some of those high rollers - they'll drive those tikis right out of my price range.

and now with all those kahiki headhunter mugs flooding the market after this auction, the kahiki mugs will be worth less than tiki leilani mugs !!

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2013-11-11 09:24 ]

happy buddha posted on 11/11/2013

The clown paint.. It hurts my eyes...

tikiskip posted on 11/11/2013

On 2013-11-11 09:23, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
i would bid, but i can't compete with some of those high rollers - they'll drive those tikis right out of my price range.

and now with all those kahiki headhunter mugs flooding the market after this auction, the kahiki mugs will be worth less than tiki leilani mugs !!

The mugs at the end of the Kahiki were really bad.
They were making and selling them really fast, So the old ones may hold some value as
they are made better.
And at the Tropical bistro auction lots of the stuff there was made by Soung and was
never in the Kahiki, But it all sold really high.
Could not bring myself to go to that auction as I knew it would be a cluster F#$k.
Made the mistake of telling a few people the few Kahiki items that I knew were there
and was going to have a person bid on for me, lets just say don't try that again.

Posting the auction on TC just puts these items out of the reach of most of the local real tiki nutz
in town.

But then there really is not the best stuff up for sale.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 11/12/2013

I would love to have that colorful Ku carving, only because i have so many pictures of me standing in front of it with various friends and ex girlfriends from over the years it would make a great addition to the tiki room, so skipper, if you were wondering what to get me for christmas, this would be a good place to start !!!

tikiskip posted on 11/12/2013

Will keep that in mind David.
There was one like that behind the bar, I would want that one but
my collecting days are over for the most part, I gots way tooo much.

And I have had no less than four people tell me of this sale, it was in the
paper here.
So this is going to be the cluster F$&k of the century!
I can't wait!
Too bad it will not be a live and in person auction, I think the fact that
you won't be able to see the goof who spends waaayy to much for a roll of
Charmin that was once used in the Kahiki toilets will drive prices up.
Stat tuned this is going to be good.

TikiTacky posted on 11/12/2013

That "nautical light" that they said has been reconditioned is almost certainly a light from Pottery Barn. I know, because I have the floor model of the same light. It's a nautical design, but was never on a ship. Still, you can't expect the auctioneers to know everything.

Can't wait to see the glut of "rare Kahiki mugs" go on ebay for $40 each!

tikiskip posted on 11/16/2013

Have had sooo many people tell me of this sale, The Gatto is outo the bago.

If there are any in town or out of town buyers of Kahiki I
will be selling some of my Kahiki items on Sunday.(Items I got at the first, second Kahiki sale)
Some lights, Tables, COOL carving, box of masks, ect...
I do not want to ship this stuff so will sell it to folks here that will
not be able to get Kahiki items from the sale.
Going to be some royalty at this sale and all are welcome.
Love this stuff but I need the money plus am an orphan and have NO Ohana.
Got some good stuff here so PM me if interested.
Will be at Tais Asian Bistro with my good friend Soung on Sunday the 17th
after the preview of items at the sale, so like 2:00ish.
This is where Tais is....
Good luck tiki nutz!!!


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/16/2013

What can I get for $2.50?

bigbrotiki posted on 11/16/2013

I feel bad when I see things like this: Except for one or two exceptions, mostly overpriced left overs from the 80s and 90s - but people will pay big bucks for it because the real vintage Tiki Restaurant stuff is so rare now, you just don't find it anymore. Yet people want it SO BAD, they delude themselves into paying for 2nd rate, Tiki devolution period stuff as a big deal. The same happened with the Trader Vic's warehouse sale couple of years ago- but at least there were some real finds among the Poly-Asian carvings, you just had to have an eye for it. I am not being snobby, I am just speaking from a perspective of a collector who started in the early 90s, it's how it is. And as someone who espouses objects of the art form at its peak as the real examples why Tiki was great.

tikiskip posted on 11/16/2013

On 2013-11-15 19:42, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
What can I get for $2.50?


And Sven I only have room for so much stuff so I have a need to get
rid of some things.
At the time of these sales I was thinking of starting a tiki bar restaurant
aren't we all, but I had just sold my restaurant and even had a place picked out.
I don't think I can do it at this time.
Some of the stuff I got low, but lots of it I paid too much for really.
The good stuff is not cheap.

One of the Kahiki sales, the best one, I had to beg people to go and buy stuff it was
not till they went to the place and said wow!
Side note some of those people I told of this sale who got lots of Kahiki stuff
would not piss on me if I was on fire, no good deed they say.

Some use that "give a break to the tiki Ohana" and I have met some people who I call friend
in tiki world but for the most part don't feel the love.
So that only leaves money as a reason to sell the stuff I love.
I'm not broke so this is not a hard luck fire sale.

PS they only let you take two MAYBE three tiki mugs to the nursing home.

tikiskip posted on 11/16/2013

Double post.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2013-11-16 05:02 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/16/2013

On 2013-11-16 05:00, tikiskip wrote:

On 2013-11-15 19:42, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
What can I get for $2.50?


Side note some of those people I told of this sale who got lots of Kahiki stuff
would not piss on me if I was on fire, no good deed they say.

Some use that "give a break to the tiki Ohana" and I have met some people who I call friend
in tiki world but for the most part don't feel the love.

Tikiskip, I took my $2.50 & bought a card for you
it says "This friend would would piss all over you if you were on fire!
then take you out for a Cocktail, but only after you took a shower!"
Love ATP :)

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2013-11-16 05:21 ]

tikiskip posted on 11/16/2013

On 2013-11-16 05:19, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:

On 2013-11-16 05:00, tikiskip wrote:

On 2013-11-15 19:42, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
What can I get for $2.50?


Side note some of those people I told of this sale who got lots of Kahiki stuff
would not piss on me if I was on fire, no good deed they say.

Some use that "give a break to the tiki Ohana" and I have met some people who I call friend
in tiki world but for the most part don't feel the love.

Tikiskip, I took my $2.50 & bought a card for you
it says "This friend would would piss all over you if you were on fire!
then take you out for a Cocktail, but only after you took a shower!"
Love ATP :)

Ha! AWESOME! and thank you.
Remember S@#T does not put out fire, Just sayin.

bigbrotiki posted on 11/16/2013

Skip! I am terribly sorry if you mistook my post being about YOUR sale items! Nothing would be farther from my intentions. I was solely referring to the hyped-up Kahiki AUCTION that this thread is about.

tikiskip posted on 11/16/2013

No, No Sven, I totally agree with your post.
I think the people I was talking about know who they are.
Did feel a need to let all know why I was selling off some stuff.
It's hard to do, but lets be real I got too much.
Then ya get lots of let me know when you want to sell.
Some just want a super deal of the century.
Others like I did see what they want and pull the trigger.
Guess I've had an itchy trigger finger for too long.

rev_thumper posted on 11/20/2013

Well that final round of bidding was exciting to watch.

tikilongbeach posted on 11/20/2013

The Grass Skirt Tiki Bar in Columbus just posted that they won George the Monkey Fountain.

rev_thumper posted on 11/20/2013

They will be hosting it. The Fraternal Order of Moai is the owner.


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Johnny Dollar posted on 11/20/2013

snide comment coming in 3... 2... 1...

tikilongbeach posted on 11/20/2013

Double post.

[ Edited by: tikilongbeach 2013-11-20 09:18 ]

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Johnny Dollar posted on 11/20/2013

facebooks sez:

Guess who's coming to Grass Skirt?!?! George, the monkey fountain from Kahiki! Thanks to the Fraternal Order of Moai for making this happen...stay tuned to see when we'll get him over here!

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Zonker88 posted on 11/20/2013

thats cool to keep it in the same town

happy buddha posted on 11/20/2013

Some CRAZY prices in that auction.. Skip definitely called it. Fun to watch tho.

tikiskip posted on 11/20/2013

I won every thing I bid on.
That is to say I bid on nothing.
But the ten matchbooks at $135.00 did tempt me.

That good enough for you JD?

J Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/52588535a73689125d782d3888fb21a7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
JOHN-O posted on 11/20/2013

On 2013-11-19 17:45, Johnny Dollar wrote:
snide comment coming in 3... 2... 1...


Now if they had rescued the iconic Moai fireplace, now THAT would have been impressive.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6ea693697f20f2ba7e66f243152567d4?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tikiskipper posted on 11/20/2013

On 2013-11-19 19:42, JOHN-O wrote:

On 2013-11-19 17:45, Johnny Dollar wrote:
snide comment coming in 3... 2... 1...


Now if they had rescued the iconic Moai fireplace, now THAT would have been impressive.

Yes it would have been but unfortunately the organization did not exist when it or other things like the moai's were available. But that's ok because some other generous people purchased them and let them deteriorate. You read a lot about personal collections but when has someone else bought something to preserve for more than their own selfish purposes. Don't knock it embrace it, if tiki is to survive this is how it is going to happen. But who really cares about that. Meh...

[ Edited by: Tikiskipper 2013-11-20 01:08 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/20/2013


JD Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/1382/624dd9c9b320f.png?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=7ae6b36249e36731481004222aaf1a29
Johnny Dollar posted on 11/20/2013

lol - at least it wasn't called GoldenShowersTiki

tikiskip posted on 11/20/2013

On 2013-11-19 21:42, Tikiskipper wrote:
Now if they had rescued the iconic Moai fireplace, now THAT would have been impressive.

"Yes it would have been but unfortunately the organization did not exist when it or other things like the moai's were available. But that's ok because some other generous people purchased them and let them deteriorate. You read a lot about personal collections but when has someone else bought something to preserve for more than their own selfish purposes. Don't knock it embrace it, if tiki is to survive this is how it is going to happen. But who really cares about that. Meh..."

[ Edited by: Tikiskipper 2013-11-20 01:08 ]

Wrong on so many levels Tikiskipper.
First here is the thread where the Moai is found. 2006
And here is the thread where Mat (KuKuAhu)comes to tiki central to get members for the FOM. 2005

The Fom did have a chance to get them,In fact they had many chances.
I was in the FOM at that time, when I was in the FOM there were like
7 people in it, where you in the FOM at that time?
So you see I was there almost from the start,
That means I KNOW what the FOM is about.

AND the FOM could have "preserved" both the Moai fireplace AND one of the Moai from
the sale 10 YEARS after that here...

But ALL of those times they did not "save" these items.
You seam to be good at rewriting history and would fit right in with the FOM if you are
not already in the FOM.
Good thing Tiki Central was here to PROVE my point, now
prove your points.

This was a good move by the FOM, good for Grass Skirt, good publicity for both, congrats.
But that is more of what this was publicity, it's smart don't get me wrong.
At one of the last meetings I was at there was talk of moving away from tiki
was that scraped?

"but when has someone else bought something to preserve for more than their own selfish purposes"
I did this for the Tropical Bistro in time and money, but no others were there with me.
And for Largos I did this as well.

No Tikiskipper if tiki is to survive it needs Tiki central like places that's motive is to
document and show the history of tiki old and new so the future of tiki, if
there is a future for tiki can be built on.
Even the FOM came out of Tiki Central!
You was perfect in your tiki from the day that you came to Tiki central, till iniquity was found in Yous.

Someone called you a plant Tikiskipper, I think you more of a weed, a weed that takes the sun, water and
food thus choking out the good.

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Swanky posted on 11/20/2013

Amen skip.

If it actually gets done, and that's a big if, it will be nice to have something of the Kahiki saved and in a public space.

But, it seems that some in the FOM have to hide behind a fake user name and snipe at people rather than build and help. I have seen this in a lot of people, and in some FOM, that the saying "better to light a candle than to curse the darkness" gets turned into, "if they light a candle, throw rocks at them!"

I guarantee that the FOM could buy the fireplace tomorrow if they had the money and a plan to do something with it.

But George is sitting in a lobby right now and requires a good bit of money and resources to move it to Grass Shack. Is it even possible to put it inside that place without taking out a wall or something?

Regardless, I hope they succeed. I would like to be able to have that monument to Kahiki to visit. It is a big challenge and it will take a lot of effort and/or money to get it done. It is a good effort to make.

TM Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/180714450de4dbf3d2be79a6a5bb4fd7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tiki mick posted on 11/20/2013

I guess I am kind of naive about this....what exactly is FOM and why is it bad?

I really am curious...I see it mentioned from time to time and always wondered what it was...

rev_thumper posted on 11/20/2013

On 2013-11-20 06:32, tikiskip wrote:
Wrong on so many levels Tikiskipper.
First here is the thread where the Moai is found. 2006
And here is the thread where Mat (KuKuAhu)comes to tiki central to get members for the FOM. 2005

As someone who was there at the time you of all people really should understand that in 2006 the FOM was not large enough to take on a large preservation project. At best the group could aspire to that sort of thing.

AND the FOM could have "preserved" both the Moai fireplace AND one of the Moai from
the sale 10 YEARS after that here…

Could have, yes, but failed at the attempt. Failed again when the moai in New Hampshire went on sale earlier this year too to be honest. The spirit was willing but the conditions were not right. Sadly at this point the fireplace and moai that were shipped east are probably too damaged to be salvageable.

So you're right, no track record at all. But it is not rewriting history to say that we are going to keep trying.

And let's be honest, the FOM still has not succeeded at anything yet. Winning the auction just opened the door to a ton of additional work that needs to be done now that the initial celebration is over.

There will be publicity, that is the way of the world. When we succeed at a charity or preservation project we are going to talk about it. The FOM is no different from other nonprofits in that respect. So stay tuned, it might be quite a saga.


tikiskip posted on 11/20/2013

They will get it done.
All it takes is cash, and the FOM now has money as all but a handful
of people at the very top that were there at the start pay dues in the FOM.

And you are right I was there at a time when the events broke even and
made no money, now they make 5 to 6 thousand dollars at each one.
But then don't talk about money cuz that will get you in a bind with
some groups.:)

I did feel that Tikiskipper was throwin rocks so I felt a need to pick
up a shield.
Lets face it even that name is a lie.
It could be he is not FOM at all.

It is hard to see the ship you are on taking the wrong path and get off
to take a road that you feel is right.
Much more easy to just let people guide you to take their path.
But then that's not my way. and some of the best of the crew were in the water with me swimming.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2013-11-20 07:42 ]

TJ Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c052ec4eb06679b42b2b7c3e9d714563?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Joe posted on 11/20/2013

You have no idea what the FOM is about and never did.

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Chip and Andy posted on 11/20/2013

On 2013-11-20 07:03, lucas vigor wrote:
I guess I am kind of naive about this....what exactly is FOM and why is it bad?

I really am curious...I see it mentioned from time to time and always wondered what it was...

What is FOM? Stop by and see for yourself.....


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The Granite Tiki posted on 11/20/2013

Hi! My name is Carl "The Granite Tiki" Ayotte. I'm presently the Tohunga of the Queequeg Chapter of the Fraternal Order of Moai. (That just means I run our local chapter meetings for a couple of years, ya know, local New England "president") and I want to congratulate my fellow Moai who worked hard and fast to make this attempt at preservation a reality! Also all the local chapters who pledged/donated funds to this worthwhile cause. Preservation is probably the hardest part of our commitment to Tiki. It's easier to throw big parties, make great cocktails and collect personal treasures from local thrift stores than to bid against deep pocketed collectors and support Tiki bars and restaurants that have to adhere to modern trends and the regular public. Here in New England we've lost a couple of our regular stops just in the short time we've been a chapter. So again, the preservation portion of our charter is the hardest part and the most heartbreaking. But Today, we celebrate the preservation and keeping local of George!!! An Ohio icon that lives on!!!! Great work everyone!

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AceExplorer posted on 11/20/2013

So, can I side-track for a moment? What if the original is too big, too heavy, or too poorly made for salvage or restoration to be feasible for anyone to undertake. Are the designs of these old things copyrighted? Is it ok preserve the design instead of preserving the original molecules of the first object?

We have better materials today - lighter and stronger. Would it be a faux pas to copy the design onto new material, perhaps adjusting the size, and thereby accomplishing "preservation" in a different and non-traditional way?

I get the whole thing about preserving the original. But I'm just wondering if it's the best thing to break multiple piggy banks by resurrecting the original molecules when it may have been built with poor materials right from the start.

Please - no flames - just tossing out some thoughts for constructive discussion. I am curious to know, and I can't remember seeing discussion on this before.

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0019c44037542f96e77f50c73123eb25?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Swanky posted on 11/20/2013

On 2013-11-20 07:03, lucas vigor wrote:
I guess I am kind of naive about this....what exactly is FOM and why is it bad?

I really am curious...I see it mentioned from time to time and always wondered what it was...

It originated as a group working to unite the very far flung Tiki fans in the East (East of California and nearby states) to support one another and have events, large and small to build camaraderie. Californians get together all the time and have it easy. Out here, you may be hours away from anyone or anything Tiki related. It has succeeded in that goal to various degrees depending on the Chapter, etc.

As for the bad, well, I won't say anything here. Let sleeping dogs lie. But there is no need for a FOM in California because the goals are already met by Tikiphiles gathering at DtB and Tiki Ti and Smuggler's Cove, etc. every night of the week and events every month or so.

rev_thumper posted on 11/20/2013

I'm not interested in getting into a big feud with you, tskip. I don't know who tikiskipper is either but yes, obviously that is a sock puppet for someone else.

You've been gone a long time and things change. I understand why you left, we've talked about that, so I am not going to disrespect you over that.

But times change, organizations change. A lot of different people are in the FOM now, you really don't know most of us at all. Our events are different too, they are run by large teams of people, not one or two individuals, and yes they actually make money. We just turn around and give it away to charity but that's the whole point of having the events. It's fun.


tikiskip posted on 11/20/2013

"You have no idea what the FOM is about and never did."
Quote Tikijoe Or Hi Fi Hijinx....

Here is Hi Fi Hijinx signature from another site.
Los genitales femeninos han sido siempre una fuente de fascinación or....
The female genitalia have always been a source of fascination

You are pure class Joe.
Your wife must be proud.

Hey ace the short answer is yes. (Made by the Tropical Bistro guy Soung)
And I do still have people in the FOM who I see and like, you are and were a good guy Rev.
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[ Edited by: tikiskip 2014-01-03 12:06 ]

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AceExplorer posted on 11/20/2013

Thanks, tikiskip. I see from your photo "yes it's ok to copy the design" as opposed to it being faux pas. Nice re-creation of the fireplace -- looks like a great way to preserve the design, and all hand-made too!

TM Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/180714450de4dbf3d2be79a6a5bb4fd7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tiki mick posted on 11/20/2013

On 2013-11-20 08:17, Swanky wrote:

On 2013-11-20 07:03, lucas vigor wrote:
I guess I am kind of naive about this....what exactly is FOM and why is it bad?

I really am curious...I see it mentioned from time to time and always wondered what it was...

It originated as a group working to unite the very far flung Tiki fans in the East (East of California and nearby states) to support one another and have events, large and small to build camaraderie. Californians get together all the time and have it easy. Out here, you may be hours away from anyone or anything Tiki related. It has succeeded in that goal to various degrees depending on the Chapter, etc.

As for the bad, well, I won't say anything here. Let sleeping dogs lie. But there is no need for a FOM in California because the goals are already met by Tikiphiles gathering at DtB and Tiki Ti and Smuggler's Cove, etc. every night of the week and events every month or so.

Well, that does not sound all that evil.....however, who is "Tiki skipper"??? seems to me anyone posting under a false user profile is engaging in some form of dishonesty or otherwise nefarious conduct!

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croe67 posted on 11/20/2013

I, too, have no idea who Tikiskipper is, or whether that ID is actually a FOM member - or not.

As part of the present FOM leadership, I can say that we wanted to keep George local to preserve an important piece of Columbus tiki history, as preservation is a core component that does define our FOM goals. And, having a public location where he can be enjoyed by many was also an important part of the goal, with a few public locations considered.

As mentioned above, Charitable giving is also core to who we are. We raise funds - often through events such as Ohana Luau at the Lake - and then we give away a good chunk of that money away to charitable causes - either locally, as Hot rod Hula Hop did: http://www.fraternalorderofmoai.org/news/index.php/2013/09/25/hot-rod-hula-hop-5-proceeds-donated-to-cure-cmd - or, our national charity is the Easter Island Foundation, with the FOM now providing THREE Scholarships to students from the island of Rapa Nui who wish to bring their skills back to enrich their home island - you can read about our very recent 2013 donation here: http://www.fraternalorderofmoai.org/news/index.php/2013/11/04/fom-sends-2013-donation-to-eif

So, yeah, we enjoy preserving a bit of tiki history when we can, we raise money for good causes, we put on events & we have a hell of a lot of fun together while doing it all - and pretty much always with a drink in our hands. The FOM has grown far beyond it's initial roots & we are doing some fun stuff that can & does make a difference.

tikiskip posted on 11/20/2013

I can say that if not for croe67 (Caroline) the FOM would not be one tenth of what it is.
She is a go getter for sure.

Pages: 1 2 62 replies