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After meeting on TC, Hewey & Liana are married!

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hewey posted on 11/22/2013

So Liana and I met each other on TC a few years back now. At the time I thought she was cute, but it was a pity she lived in a different state and was 7 years younger than me. :lol: Anyway fast forward 3 months and we were talking pretty much every day, after finding out our mutual love of tikis, rockabilly, old cars, architecture etc Benzart saw what was going on and did his part to help things along :lol: :lol:

Anyway, Marcus (mr Tiki Beat himself) was having a luau, and it was a perfect excuse to fly interstate and meet her. Needless to say it went pretty well! What followed was two years of doing the interstate relationship thing, seeing each other every 4-6 weeks, with visits based around hot rod runs and rockabilly gigs in each others cities. Living together was just as awesome, so I asker her to marry me. :D

The plan from the start was a fun and relaxed day with family and friends, and that’s exactly what we got. We also wanted something that reflected US as a couple. So naturally it had to include our EK Holdens, our mates old cars, lots of rustic and vintage décor, great tunes (blues, rockabilly and rock and roll), and of course great food. We coordinated the whole thing, and bought or made all the décor (even the 75m of bunting, the bouquet made from vintage brooches, all the signage and stationery). I think scouring the op shops and antique stores in little country towns every time we went away was one of the best bits!

We also did a unity cocktail (of our own recipe) in a tiki mug for a unity ceremony, to celebrate how we met on here.

Full set of pics here

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/22/2013

Big Congrats! & best of luck to you guys.

Kon-Hemsby posted on 11/22/2013


MadDogMike posted on 11/22/2013

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Beautiful pictures, looks like it was a fun party. "Unity cocktail", I like it. Much better than some damned candle or vase full of mixed colored sand! :lol:

lunavideogames posted on 11/22/2013

Awesome story! Sounds like it was meant to be. Congrats!

LoungeShark posted on 11/22/2013

Dude that looks like a butt-kicking awesome time. LOVE the pictures and that you guys have such an incredible support structure of friends and family that participated in the look and feel of your special day. You best be framing most every one of those pictures for your house, each one is totally magazine quality. Nope, I'm not jealous much (and I LOVED our wedding day). Ha. May the rest of your lives together be this magical and perfect!

8FT Tiki posted on 11/22/2013

Congrats. Wishing you the best of life as Man & Wife!!!

bamalamalu posted on 11/23/2013

Fantastic! What a great idea having a special cocktail IN the ceremony.

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 11/23/2013

Fantastic story, lovely wedding, beautiful pictures!

Wishing you love & happiness in your married life. :)

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VampiressRN posted on 11/24/2013

WOW...true awesomeness. Congratulations to your both, what a great story about meeting up on TC and a fabulous wedding spread. YEAH!!!

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danlovestikis posted on 11/24/2013

This is one of the best weddings I've ever seen. How cool, the setting, the chairs the fabric triangles just on and on creative.
You know a lot of people with vintage cars. I hope those without them got to attend as well.

Congratulations to you both, you are a beautiful couple, Wendy and Dan

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TikiTacky posted on 11/24/2013

Fantastic! Many years of happiness to you both.

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bigbrotiki posted on 11/24/2013

Congrats! Great photos, great story, great everything!

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tiki mick posted on 11/24/2013

Awesome! Beautiful story...and off topic but I love that rat rod in that one picture!

hewey posted on 11/26/2013

Thanks guys. No, you didn't have to have an old car to attend! They were great for people to check out though. :D We just had a quiet week up the coast for our honeymoon, but looking at coming over stateside next year.

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komohana posted on 11/29/2013

Way to go Hewey & Liana !!

The bride and bridesmaid arrived on the tailgate of the wagon !?! that's too kool !

Love the single big table arrangement so's everyone is seated together... and the saw-horse lasso...

and, well... everything.

Just awesome you guys, hope you have a long and happy life together.

cheers, Kaye & Rob.

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RevBambooBen posted on 01/12/2014


hewey posted on 02/25/2014

Thanks guys!

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Pele Paul posted on 03/04/2014

wow! What a fun wedding and looks like a fun couple!!!! congrats you two, you guys are adorable !!!!! that looks like a made for TV movie!!

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