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Looking for a Bartending Warehouse in Los Angeles

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TikiMonkeySpirtos posted on 08/16/2007

Anyone know of a good one-stop liquor shop that's open to the public? What would you guys consider MUSTS for a well stocked Tiki Bar. Also what is the best way in storing custom cocktail syrups?

UtopianDreem posted on 08/16/2007

Here are a few older threads with some good suggestions. You should try the search option to narrow it down for you. There's a wealth of info on this site--just need a little patience and time!
The "Starter" Home Bar and Rum
outfitting a home bar
I need a list for a fully stocked bar (Tiki and the Usual)
Approve of my rum selections

As far as liquor warehouses, it all depends on what you're looking for. Beverage Warehouse is a great place near Marina del Rey, but my fave if you're up for a little traveling, is Hi-Time in OC.

TikiMonkeySpirtos posted on 08/17/2007

Thanks for the help. The main question was for a Liquor Warehouse in LA, I just threw in the other questions while I was at it. I also heard rumors that there was a bartender's warehouse somewhere in Culver City, any ideas where, or if it's even true?

There's also some syrups I want to try to make. Does any one the self life of you average syrup and the best way to store it?

[ Edited by: TikiMonkeySpirtos 2007-08-17 07:57 ]

jazzman posted on 08/18/2007

It's hard to beat Beverage Warehouse in MDR. I usually stop by there when I'm back in town. Great selection of rums there and generally low prices. They carry some TV syrups. Another place mentioned on these boards, out in Van Nuys on Saticoy has a good selection and very low prices.

van Oosten posted on 08/18/2007

If you're looking for bar supplies like jiggers, pourers and all, there's a nice bar supply shop right across from Wine Warehouse.

mattesq posted on 08/20/2007

but are there any in los angeles proper? i'm a silverlaker and seldom have the inspiration to trek to the valley, let alone the westside or o.c. bevmo is fine, but i'm looking for something with a better selection.

JaredB posted on 08/23/2007

As for bartending supplies, there is Surfas in Culver City. They are a chef/restaurant supply place with some decent bar items and a LOT of different syrups and that sort of thing available. I wouldn't mind knowing of a better place for jiggers/shakers etc. but so far Surfas is all I've found.


Beverage Warehouse in Marina Del Rey does have a good selection of booze. Better than most. But their prices are hit and miss so you may want to comparison shop before buying a lot.
Wine and Liquor Depot in the valley is much smaller than BevWar, but has a great selection and sometimes better prices.
HiTimeWines in Costa Mesa was also mentioned, and I agree that it's the best liquor store for price and selection that I've found in CA.

Digitiki posted on 08/24/2007

I can highly recommend Wine & Liquor Depot in the San Fernando Valley (near the intersection of Balboa & Saticoy) on Saticoy. Its not a huge place, but their selection is out of this world. Great selection of premium rums, including Lemon Hart Demerara (both 151 & regular proof).

Hakalugi posted on 08/24/2007

On 2007-08-23 11:55, JaredB wrote:
HiTimeWines in Costa Mesa was also mentioned, and I agree that it's the best liquor store for price and selection that I've found in CA.

"THE BEST for price and selection in California". And possibly anywhere. If you live in Los Angeles "proper" you'll find that it is well worth the drive to Costa Mesa. (They do mail order too)

Registered Astronaut posted on 09/05/2007

I believe the bartending warehouse you are looking for is on Redwood avenue, just south of the Foster's Freeze off Washington Blvd.
Here's the location:
Tepper's Bar Supply and Equipment
4131 Redwood Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90066

(310) 821-0841
I have driven by this place twice on accident and wondered what they sell. I imagine everything but alcohol. Impression that it was a wholesaler is what kept me from wandering in.

Mai Tai posted on 09/06/2007

On 2007-08-24 10:42, Hakalugi wrote:

On 2007-08-23 11:55, JaredB wrote:
HiTimeWines in Costa Mesa was also mentioned, and I agree that it's the best liquor store for price and selection that I've found in CA.

"THE BEST for price and selection in California". And possibly anywhere. If you live in Los Angeles "proper" you'll find that it is well worth the drive to Costa Mesa. (They do mail order too)

Yeah, Hi Times is awesome! I try to make a pit stop there every time I go to Southern Calif. And it's definitely worth it! The rum guy there actually recognizes us when we walk in there! They have a top quality selection of all kinds of booze other than rum too, including some great bourbons - Elmer T. Lee on sale for under $20 bucks? Fantastic! Ron Zacapa Centennario 23 yr rum on sale for under $30 bucks?!? Sign me up!!! I also just recently discovered their beer section, and must say I was floored by what they have. They also carry some quality mixers like Depaz Pure Cane Syrup.

I noticed that they have a great selection of bar tools as well. In fact, they have a whole couple of aisles that are dedicated to bar tools, kind of like a bartender's hardware store section! There's tons of gadgets for just about every need. Last time I was there, I picked up one of those Guinness Turtles, to make Black and Tans, and an industrial strength lime squeezer. I noticed that they had a big selection of stainless steel cocktail shakers, in various cool styles like beehive, all for around $20 bucks, and they were all advertized as being leak free.

Anyways, you might want to take a trip out to Hi Time Wines to check it out. It sounds like the kind of place you are looking for. Oh, and they have a frequent buyer's club as well.

"It's Mai Tai. It's out of this world." - Victor Jules Bergeron Jr.

[ Edited by: Mai Tai 2007-09-05 22:24 ]

Chippy posted on 04/20/2011

I stumbled upon this thread while looking for some different Zombie recepies and thought I needed to give a nod to a great store in Silverlake.

The Bar Keeper
3910 West Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, Ca
(323) 669-1675

They have a great selection of classic (or retro) bar suppiles as well as a few new tools and the like. They carry the full line of Trader Tiki's syrups as well as a dizzying array of bitters.

Whenever I am up in the area, I alsways try and stop in. If you do go on Wednesday, be aware that is street sweeping day and it may be tough to find parking.

tikilongbeach posted on 01/20/2014

Bartending supply store The Mixing Glass opens up in Costa Mesa, CA on January 21st.
3313 Hyland Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

According to the OC Mix website: http://shoptheocmix.com/store/the-mixing-glass/

Orange County has been hot on the craft cocktail trend for a few years now, but only recently has it offered its community and bartenders a place to find the highest quality bar tools found nowhere else in Orange County, bitters, vintage glassware, and classes taught by leaders in the craft cocktail movement – thanks to the opening of The Mixing Glass at The OC Mix at SOCO. Gabrielle Dion, the mastermind behind some of the most innovative and buzzed about cocktails in Orange County, is now offering the tools and education to make craft cocktails at home and to the trade.

The product mix at The Mixing Glass will include cocktail wares and supplies, bar tools imported from Japan and London, hard-to-find bitters that shoppers can sample, vintage barware and glassware, books, and cocktail kits like the Moscow Mule Kit which includes everything from the traditional copper mug to the ginger beer. The Mixing Glass will also host regular classes ranging from how to make homemade ingredients for cocktails, as well as bar mechanics, and Mixology 101. Gabrielle plans on bringing in guest speakers such as lead bartender Ricky Yarnall from Broadway by Amar Santana and Jason Schiffer from 320 Main to share their knowledge with Mixing Glass customers.

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