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Tiki Central / California Events

The Original TIKI Market Place "End of Summer Extravaganza" September 23, 2023

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tiki mick posted on 12/08/2013

Ken Ruzic, your stuff just keeps on getting better and better. This is actually high brow art, my friend! (And it will be worth a LOT when you are dead! )


The Sperm Whale posted on 12/08/2013

Good Times Yesterday !!!

Fez Moai posted on 12/08/2013

I'm impressed with the creativity and craftsmanship of the sellers. And rubbing elbows with all the other tiki fans is great!

danlovestikis posted on 12/08/2013


When you get to this page just scroll down to find all my photos of Marketplace December 7th, 2013.

Thank you WooHooWahine and Soccer Tiki for the best of all the events. We drove 800 miles to attend and it was WORTH IT!

Cheers, Wendy

We found that there is so much excitement, adrenaline and good cheer going on at Marketplace that you need to go to every booth a dozen times or you will miss something. Right near the end we spotted Skootikis wonderful carving and jumped on it for Dan's collection. We never have the backseats in the PT cruiser just in case we find a large tiki to haul home. We did. Thank you Skootiki for this wonderful addition to our home.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-12-09 08:48 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 12/09/2013

We had a visit from Brad Parker, Sven (Back in the USA!) Wendy & Dan came south
& a rare visit from Kinny in vending mode

And all the usual suspects despite a very cold & rainy day, great to see everyone of you bastards!
and thanks for coming out on a "untypical" California day.

TikiPops posted on 12/09/2013

Another great marketplace. We even had a few rain drops on the inside, but the vibe was great! It was nice to everyone in a festive spirit. Sales were great. Thank to all guys who bought lamps. Chris & Karen, Thanks again for all the hard work you do. A big Thank You the DTB staff, they are always there with Our food & drink orders. We'll see everyone at the next one, it will be the 2 year anniversary. WooHoo!!!

Merry Christmas!! Mike & Karen

bigbrotiki posted on 12/09/2013

What a wonderful return to Tikiland for me! All my friends, all the goodies - and all that in one of the most authentic Tiki environs left in Southern California!
Where else do can you see a classic Hapa Haole band like the Smokin Menehunes against the back drop of a functioning indoor waterfall (one of TWO!) festooned with a Milan Guanko Tiki?

And then be beckoned to enter the doorway to the HIDDEN VILLAGE:

…to find a Christmas market of the Tiki kind!

…all the while sipping fine tropical concoctions :)

SoccerTiki posted on 12/09/2013

Mahalo to all of you that came out to make the International TIKI Market Place so fun and successful! Karen and I enjoy so much seeing so many familiar faces and getting meet so many new friends! After all, this is what it is all about...Friends, Fun, and Good Times!

We had people come from as far away as Spain and Tahiti! (Not to mention our Northern California Ohana and friends from afar-like our jet-lagged friend from Germany!) And with comments like; "What a great turnout" & "So much talent under one roof" & "What a great variety of new and vintage stuff" & "Good times yesterday!" & "We drove 800 miles to attend and it was WORTH IT!" & "Another great marketplace" it really makes us feel like we're doing something right!

Thank you to our Sponsor Deadhead Rum and to Delia, owner of Don the Beachcomber. A very big "Mahalo" to our entertainment from The Smokin' Menehunes, Kimo and His Hawaiian Steel, Richard Knight on his slack-keyed guitar to Emmett Hadley and his One-Man Olde-Tyme Christmas Band!

Thank you Vendors once again for bringing your "A-game" and your wonderful works of art, products and collectibles to share with the customers! I am really amazed at how the vending keeps getting better and better! You all are fantastic!

At this point I want to say THANK YOU to Karen, my beautiful wahine and partner in this and all of life's adventures! AND.....Get ready for the next ITMP as it will be marking our...wait for it..........2nd ANNIVERSARY!!!!! WoooHooooooooo!


"Marriage, Mortgages, Market Places and Mai-Tai's...Whatta life

[ Edited by: SoccerTiki 2013-12-09 08:15 ]

danlovestikis posted on 12/11/2013


Just scroll down my thread to find all the tiki treasure that Dan brought home from Marketplace and Southern CA. You just can't beat a trip to Tiki Marketplace. We love it.


forgotten tikiman posted on 12/20/2013

Had a great time yet again :D. Can't wait for the next one in January. 2nd anniversary one from what I hear. :)

Its quite a dialogue when you intellectual giants get together.
Stay Tiki and Aloha!!!

[ Edited by: forgotten tikiman 2013-12-22 21:01 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 12/23/2013

Mark it on Your Calendars The International Tiki Market Place's 2 Year Anniversary will take place on Saturday, January 25th....Woohoo! Stay Tuned for Details!

SoccerTiki posted on 01/06/2014

Vendor List coming soon!

JenTiki posted on 01/07/2014

Oh, hey! Looks like I just might be in SoCal when this is happening! Yay!

WooHooWahine posted on 01/07/2014

On 2014-01-07 00:16, JenTiki wrote:
Oh, hey! Looks like I just might be in SoCal when this is happening! Yay!

We hope to See You at The ITMP JenTiki :)

SoccerTiki posted on 01/14/2014

Wow! We've got a tremendous list of Vendors and Entertainment lined up for our 2nd Anniversary on Saturday January 25th! Over 40 vendors and an added musical attraction! Lineups and lists out tomorrow! This will be an event you don't want to miss! I know your friends will be there! Cheers!

Fez Moai posted on 01/14/2014

PM sent about vendor spot SoccerTiki

SoccerTiki posted on 01/14/2014

On 2014-01-13 22:00, Fez Moai wrote:
PM sent about vendor spot SoccerTiki

Thank you for reminding me...For those of you who are interested in being part of the International TIKI Market Place, thank you! And please be patient as there is a wait list and I will be contacting vendors as openings arise. We are working at accommodating everyone....We will continue to grow and hopefully have all of you at the event at the same time!

Mahalo again for you interest!!! Hang in there and we hope to see you either way!

GROG posted on 01/14/2014

Looking forward to seeing everybody.

TikiVato posted on 01/15/2014

I hope to have four of these available on the 25th.

forgotten tikiman posted on 01/16/2014

Nice TikiVato!!! Something a little different too. :D

RevBambooBen posted on 01/17/2014

Bamboo Ben
Custom Tropical Decor
I build Tiki Rooms for you! Just ask around :wink:

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2016-03-24 20:12 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 01/18/2014

Only None More Week........WooHooo!

skootiki posted on 01/19/2014

I'll bring these guya along next Saturday
see ya there

TikiPops posted on 01/20/2014

I'll have four new lamps for this coming weekend.

Here a little bamboo & mosaic glass lamp. It's 9" tall & 10" in diameter at the bottom. Perfect for your home bar.

Here it is on.

Here is a drum with bark cloth. It's 10" tall & 12" in diameter.

Here it is on, different flowers on this side.

The bottom has matting to let some light thru.

A new Moai, this one with Tapa cloth.

Without the flash.

Here's a Witco inspired one with red mosaic glass. It's 18" tall & 10" in diameter.

Here's a closer look.

We'll have our vintage clothes & other stuff too. See everyone Saturday.

SoccerTiki posted on 01/20/2014

Here is the list of Vendors for the upcoming International TIKI Market Place: Atomic Tiki Punk & Jungle Ginger, Bamboo Ben, Baypark Buzzy, Bongo Fury, Crazy Al, Deadhead Rum, Dee Cache, Dirk Yates, Don the Beachcomber, Eric October, Fancy Fruits, Falling Cocos, GoTiki, Happy Chi, HB Tiki, Hottiki, Humble Poi, Johnnie Velour, Kingfish Vintage Stuff, Picture Show Gallery, Mahalo Tiki, Nelson’s Tiki Hut, O.B. Tiki, Retro Ruthie, Sabu, Schmaltz Family, Skootiki, Smokin Tikis, Spike, Taboo Island, Tiki Al, Tiki Broker, Tiki Diablo, Tiki Pops, Tiki Roots Rocka, Tiki Tony, Tiki Shaker, Tiki Vato, Tom Hofer, Trader Pup, Vintage Island Art & More!!

Combine all the great vendors and live music from the Smokin' Menehunes, Ka'amea & Kimo and his Hawaiian Steel and all the great drinks and food and atmosphere of Don the Beachcomber and you're sure to have a great time catching up with your friends and picking up some great tiki merchandise!

A special announcement tomorrow, so stay tuned!!!

Cheers and have a tiki-rrific week!

hottiki posted on 01/20/2014

Mid Century Modern Tapa Wall Hangings

Finished size with frame and hanging hardware
Yellow or Green 19"x19" $50.00, Orange, Blue, Yellow, or Green 35"x19" $75.00, Orange or Green 51"x19" $150.00, Green 67"x19" $250.00

finky099 posted on 01/20/2014

Wow, there's gonna be some great stuff there on Saturday again. Can't wait!

TikiRootsRocka posted on 01/21/2014

I'll have a fresh round of "Nuka Hiva Booze Barrels," as well as some potted NHBBs, coconut mugs, and spiral mugs planted with succulents and cactus. The NHBBs will have black, blue, red, or green glaze on the inside. Valentine's Day is right around the corner, so these'll be perfect for your Tiki Queen, and you can justify spending more on yourself. $25 and up.

I'll have one handmade palm leaf serving plate. $45

Some vintage paper, records, and tiki mugs that I'm blowing out for $2-10.

Menu from, Don's Tree House in the Banyan, at the former, International Market Place, Waikiki.

I'll also have a couple WITCO pieces and maybe a black velvet painting, or two.
Please let me know if you're interested in the WITCO or velvet paintings, because I don't really want to lug them around.

Thanks for looking and hope to see you on Saturday.

SoccerTiki posted on 01/22/2014

Here's a look at the Commemorative Glassware on sale this Saturday. There will only be 25 sets of 4 & 10 pairs. More details soon!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/22/2014

I like those Chris!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/22/2014

I've been scouring the internet for some glasses like those. If anyone who's going to the ITMP is willing to buy me a set of 2 glasses I'll paypal you the $ plus whatever they cost to ship! PM me if you'd be willing to help out a fellow TC member!


RevBambooBen posted on 01/22/2014

Bamboo Ben
Custom Tropical Decor
I build Tiki Rooms for you! Just ask around :wink:

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2016-03-24 20:13 ]

hottiki posted on 01/22/2014

South Sea Clubs... carved and finished to invoke found relics

Short Clubs $25.00... Long Clubs $45.00

Bowana posted on 01/23/2014

I'll be bringing some of my Bowana Hawaii Ku mugs produced by Gecko'z South Sea Arts.
$25 and I'll sign 'em for a smile!

See ya'll there!


bongofury posted on 01/23/2014

We will have a couple of my PNG Drum and Pygmy Skull mugs, lamps, 1960's plastic leis plus some vintage treasures from the Rincon Trading Post. Looking forward to seeing you all there.

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hottiki posted on 01/23/2014

Signs, Signs, and more Signs....$25.00 to $35.00

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Surface Detail of Wooden Signs

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SoccerTiki posted on 01/23/2014

This information goes out to members of this Facebook group and Tiki Central first! On Saturday we will be selling sets of 4 (2 red/2 aqua) commemorative glasses for $30. Now we only have 25 sets, so if you want one, please come early before they run out! Also....We will give a FREE T-SHIRT with each set purchase! the T-shirts will be for sale for $5 each at the event. ***If you for sure want a set, please message me today and I will put your name on a set. You must pick up on Saturday between 10:30am and 1pm. After that any remaining sets will be sold to the public. Please pay with cash or check. Mahalo!
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tobunga posted on 01/23/2014

WOW! Those glasses look great!

I'm working on some new mugs, all PNG inspired.

A lidded shot glass based on Kovave figures (I made two).
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And three different pieces based on eharo masks.
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One of the mask pieces had really long arms, and fearful that the would be to fragile all in ceramic, I made the forearms and hands out of wood... they kind of look like big forks!

I'm still working on some Valentine's Day items. I'll post as soon as they're ready!

See everybody this Saturday!

hottiki posted on 01/23/2014

South Sea Wood Pendants ...$25.00...flame shaded, burned in Tapatatoo designs
Koa, Rotang, Kauri, Mango, Teak, Monkey Pod, Rosewood

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/24/2014

I have arranged for a local to pick me up some glasses. I appreciate the offers of kindness!

Thanks David, I owe you!

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 01/24/2014

On 2014-01-23 16:32, LoriLovesTiki wrote:
I have arranged for a local to pick me up some glasses. I appreciate the offers of kindness!

Thanks David, I owe you!

Did you mean local or loco?

RevBambooBen posted on 01/24/2014

Bamboo Ben
Custom Tropical Decor
I build Tiki Rooms for you! Just ask around :wink:

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2016-03-24 20:14 ]

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SoccerTiki posted on 01/24/2014

On 2014-01-23 09:38, SoccerTiki wrote:
This information goes out to members of this Facebook group and Tiki Central first! On Saturday we will be selling sets of 4 (2 red/2 aqua) commemorative glasses for $30. Now we only have 25 sets, so if you want one, please come early before they run out! Also....We will give a FREE T-SHIRT with each set purchase! the T-shirts will be for sale for $5 each at the event. ***If you for sure want a set, please message me today and I will put your name on a set. You must pick up on Saturday between 10:30am and 1pm. After that any remaining sets will be sold to the public. Please pay with cash or check. Mahalo!
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Thanks for all the interest!!! I had no idea they would be so popular! There are only a few sets left, so please let me asap if you are interested in picking one up tomorrow. Mahalo!

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Dirk Yates posted on 01/24/2014

Aloha Everyone !!!

Rum Decanter Update -

As of right now I only have 4 of my 2014 Decanters left for preorder.

If you would like to get one before they are gone ... Please contact me here or via email at [email protected] .

You have been asking about my new barware line ... Well here is the first in the series. This is my "Spooky Tapa Cloth" Rum Decanter.

Direct from my Islands of Lana Pua by way of the artful hands of Johnnie Gibson of Johnnie Velour Ceramics.

Only 12 will be made ... and then its retired. Each is accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity and a very special free gift.

Each month we will be releasing a new piece of barware. Throughout this coming year I will be celebrating my 25th Anniversary in art. Along with celebrating comes prizes and surprises!!!

As a thank you ... I will be giving away 25 free gifts each and every month ... some in person at events and some online. So keep your eyes peeled for the

Be sure to stop by and pre-order yours at my booth at The International Tiki Marketplace ... January 25th at Don The Beachcomber in Huntington Beach .. or you can message me on Facebook, via email [email protected].

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[ Edited by: Dirk Yates 2014-01-27 21:07 ]

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Luckydesigns posted on 01/24/2014

I'll be selling my hand carved and painted signs again at the Marketplace.

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ALSO, Hula Girls' CDs, records, tees, and
TICKETS to our big BURLESQUE show that happens next Saturday!

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Looking forward to the marketplace!!

Bowana posted on 01/25/2014

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I'll have an assortment of Aloha Bow Ties. 12 bucks each!


RevBambooBen posted on 01/25/2014

Bamboo Ben
Custom Tropical Decor
I build Tiki Rooms for you! Just ask around :wink:

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2016-03-24 20:15 ]

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tobunga posted on 01/25/2014

On 2014-01-24 18:19, Bowana wrote:
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I'll have an assortment of Aloha Bow Ties. 12 bucks each!


Too cool!

Is that why they call you BOWana?!?

Will you be sporting one tomorry? See you then!!!

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