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The Original TIKI Market Place "End of Summer Extravaganza" September 23, 2023

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tobunga posted on 01/25/2014

Here's my holiday offerings for the Marketplace... sort of...

I'll have my Tiki Valentine set of 16 cards, a Valentine version of plush Tiki Bob (perfect for your sweetie!) and a PNG inspired plate and bowl set.

I'm also working on a PNG inspired Valentine platter, but I'll be picking it up on our way down to the marketplace tomorrow morning, so I only have the template I used to create the pattern to show (sorry!)... I'll have another Smog Monster mug that has been very popular since Monsters & Mai Tais at Tonga Hut, plus a Tangaroa plate and bowl set (bowl is being picked up tomorrow too, so no pic available!)

Plus, a glass seller friend of ours came across a piece that he thought would be appropriate for the Marketplace... It's a vase from the 1960's. It's part of a line called Arts Hawaii by an artist named Gary Oda. He made pieces with sandblasted Hawaiian flowers on them. Yours for $30!

See everyone tomorrow!

WooHooWahine posted on 01/25/2014

WooHoo! Today's The Day!!!! See You at Don's :)

WooHooWahine posted on 01/26/2014

WooHooo.....What a Day! Mahalo! Mahalo to EVERYONE who came out to Don's to Celebrate The 2nd Anniversary of The International Tiki Market Place. With Over 500 people is attendance this was the Biggest Market Place Ever. A Special Thanks to All The Vendors, The Smokin Menehunes, Kimo, and Ka'amea who have helped to make The International Tiki Market Place what is today. Cheers to Delia, Don's Bartenders & Servers who kept our Glasses Full and provided with Tropical Flavors from the Islands :) See You In March!!!!

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2014-01-25 17:40 ]

Tiki Shaker posted on 01/26/2014

Once again, what a great day. Always a great mix of tiki veterans, tiki newbies and locals. Consistently a great event, every time!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/26/2014

80 degrees in January, a packed house & the best bunch of vendors around
a great day indeed! Thanks Chris, Karen & Don's staff for a Tiki day!

RevBambooBen posted on 01/26/2014

Bamboo Ben
Custom Tropical Decor
I build Tiki Rooms for you! Just ask around :wink:

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2016-03-24 08:22 ]

TikiVato posted on 01/26/2014

Incredible Day. I met new friends that from traveled from Chicago, San Diego, Inland Empire, Ventura, Northern California, Fresno, Nevada, and Arizona. Wish I had more time to talk to the other vendors. Thanks to Chris, Karen and the entire staff of DTB.

hottiki posted on 01/26/2014

SoccerTiki posted on 01/26/2014

On 2014-01-25 17:34, WooHooWahine wrote:
WooHooo.....What a Day! Mahalo! Mahalo to EVERYONE who came out to Don's to Celebrate The 2nd Anniversary of The International Tiki Market Place. With Over 500 people is attendance this was the Biggest Market Place Ever. A Special Thanks to All The Vendors, The Smokin Menehunes, Kimo, and Ka'amea who have helped to make The International Tiki Market Place what is today. Cheers to Delia, Don's Bartenders & Servers who kept our Glasses Full and provided with Tropical Flavors from the Islands :) See You In March!!!!

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2014-01-25 17:40 ]

Well put and well said! The only thing I can add to that is my deepest heartfelt thanks to ALL who came and enjoyed a wonderful "Tiki" day at Don the Beachcomber! The commemorative glassware sets sold out! I do have 3 pairs left and will order more if there are more people interested in them. Now, to rest up after 10 hours of fun!!!

hottiki posted on 01/26/2014

Bowana posted on 01/26/2014

Thanks for the last minute add, Chris and Karen!
I had a great time even though I was the only one in the building wearing a bow tie....THAT wasn't very awkward :P

On 2014-01-24 21:25, tobunga wrote:

Too cool!

Is that why they call you BOWana?!?

Will you be sporting one tomorry? See you then!!!

Eric: yes, funny how things work out some times!

Aloha, y'all,


forgotten tikiman posted on 01/26/2014

Had a great time yet again. Great to see everybody and hang out. Got some cool stuff too. Not to mention a great end to the day with a visit to the Tiki Ti with Adrian.

hottiki posted on 01/26/2014

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 01/26/2014

Nice pix Tom! Post sum mo. CeCe and I enjoyed chatting with you. Btw, show off your creative genius and post a pic of your hat-you know the one you better not leave unattended when I’m around. Heh.

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2014-01-26 14:08 ]

tiki mick posted on 01/27/2014

Thank you, Chris and Karen, for inviting the Smokin' Menehunes to play! We always enjoy it, and the event just gets better and better! Nice to see all the cool tiki peeps! We had a cute little hula dancer....someone's little girl.....I hope someone got a picture of that! She was adorable! Her dad was wearing a navy academy t-shirt.....

And thank you, French Film crew for filming us....hope it comes out good!

Until next time,



[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2014-01-26 18:47 ]

Cammo posted on 01/27/2014

Hey Bowana - meet your long lost brother, Mattawana:

He's famous on another island.

Bowana posted on 01/27/2014

Cool! Where was he on Saturday when I needed backup?!

TikiRootsRocka posted on 01/27/2014

Wow, that was the best ITMP, yet! I just wanted to say thank you to Chris and Karen, the DTBC staff, other vendors, and everyone else who came out to support the event. I only got to spend about 15 minutes away from my booth, so I have a lot of shoppers to thank, as well. Your repeat business and referrals mean a lot. Hopefully I'll get to catch-up with some of you between events. Thanks again and I'll see you next time!

hottiki posted on 01/27/2014

SoccerTiki posted on 01/29/2014

It's Official! The Next International TIKI Market Place will be on March 8th from 11am to 4pm at Don the Beachcomber!!! More info soon!

danlovestikis posted on 01/29/2014

That's Dan's birthday. A trip would be a fun time to be celebrating. Wendy

WooHooWahine posted on 01/29/2014

On 2014-01-29 07:51, danlovestikis wrote:
That's Dan's birthday. A trip would be a fun time to be celebrating. Wendy

WooHoo!! Come On Down So We Can Celebrate!!!!!

SoccerTiki posted on 01/29/2014

Just a little rehash from page one:

What: International TIKI Market Place (In our 3rd year!)
Who: Over 40 Tiki Vendors, Live Entertainment & More!!!
When: Saturday, March 8 @ 11:00am
Where: Don the Beachcomber, Hidden Village and High Chief's Room
Cost: You pay $10 admission (CASH ONLY) and get $10 voucher for food and/or drinks!!!
Why: In line with Donn Beach and his founding the International Market Place in Hawaii in 1956, we bring the International Tiki Market Place to Don the Beachcomber.

This is a Family Friendly Event, Kids Under 12 Free.

We want to thank you all in advance for sharing our vision of bringing the spirit of the International Market Place (founded by Donn Beach in 1956) and the spirit of TIKI which we all share thanks to Don the Beachcomber! And a special thanks to Art Snyder who gave us the opportunity to bring this idea to you! Mahalo! Mahalo! Mahalo!-SoccerTiki & WooHooWahine, Promoters

“Don the Beachcomber admires very much the work that members of our community have put into the development of such events as the amazing Tiki Oasis, The Hukilau, and other big ticket gatherings of our clan across the United States. Through that work a very positive effect has been felt in the growth and expansion of Tiki in America. DTB supports each of them, both financially and emotionally.

However, we believe that Tiki would additionally benefit from the development of smaller projects, that do not demand long trips, reduce costs to the participants simply by holding the costs to those who stage them to a minimum, making access possible to vendors who otherwise would not be able to afford it.”
Art Snyder, Owner, Don the Beachcomber (RIP-11/07/2012)

And a very BIG MAHALO to our sponsors:

Guppy posted on 01/30/2014

I had a great time at my first Marketplace, don't think I'll be able to make every one of them, it's a long drive from San Jose... but I'll for sure come down again.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 01/31/2014

On 2014-01-30 14:35, Guppy wrote:
I had a great time at my first Marketplace, don't think I'll be able to make every one of them, it's a long drive from San Jose... but I'll for sure come down again.

But, less then an hour to Forbidden Island and Trader Vic’s Emeryville!
Cheers-Welcome to you Guppy!

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2014-01-30 16:07 ]

danlovestikis posted on 02/02/2014

Guppy and just a few hours to the October 2014 Sacramento Home Tiki Crawl that lasts 3 days.

Marketplace is so addicting that Party on we are coming down! Wendy and Dan

TikiHula posted on 02/04/2014

Can someone tell me who was there selling these Tiki Diablo Marquesan mugs? I'm interested in buying. mahalo.

SoccerTiki posted on 02/04/2014

On 2014-02-03 23:00, TikiHula wrote:
Can someone tell me who was there selling these Tiki Diablo Marquesan mugs? I'm interested in buying. mahalo.

Tiki Diablo and his wife Stephanie were at their booth all day.

TikiVato posted on 02/04/2014

That was Stephanie, Danny's (Tiki Diablo) wife. Try to pm Danny. Let me know if you can't get a hold of him and I'll reach out to him and have him get a hold of you.

TikiHula posted on 02/04/2014

I will. mahalo!

SoccerTiki posted on 02/05/2014

Vendor List coming soon! Entertainment List coming soon!!! More Commemorative Glassware coming soon!!! More Fun coming soon!!!

WooHooWahine posted on 02/06/2014

WooHoo!! The Purple Pig will be making a RETURN Guest Appearance at The International Tiki Market Place on Saturday, March 8 for Our March Madness Raffle. Stay Tuned for More Details!!!

Raffle Tickets will be sold for $5 a ticket or $20 for 7 tickets.

Your donations will help Disabled Children Walk, Talk, See, & Play.

*All Proceeds will be donated to The California-Hawaii Elks Purple Pig Project.

Mahalo! - WooHooWahine

RevBambooBen posted on 02/08/2014

Bamboo Ben
Custom Tropical Decor
I build Tiki Rooms for you! Just ask around :wink:

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2016-03-24 08:23 ]

tiki mick posted on 02/09/2014

SoccerTiki posted on 02/09/2014

They're in!!! I just received the last shipment of the ITMP commemorative glassware! I had a bunch of people ask for them after we sold out, so this will be the last 25 sets of 4. Again, there will be an over-sized "Tiki Blues" 100% cotton T-shirt as a bonus gift with purchase. Please contact me via private message to arrange pick-up either at Don the Beachcomber this week or we can meet up in the Long Beach vicinity. Again, this information goes out to members of this group and Tiki Central first! To recap, the sets of 4 (2 red/2 aqua) commemorative glasses are only $30. Now we only have 25 sets, so if you want one, please contact me before they run out! After that any remaining sets will be sold to the public and at the ITMP in March. Please pay with cash or check. Mahalo!

WooHooWahine posted on 02/10/2014

On 2014-02-05 20:11, WooHooWahine wrote:
WooHoo!! The Purple Pig will be making a RETURN Guest Appearance at The International Tiki Market Place on Saturday, March 8 for Our March Madness Raffle. Stay Tuned for More Details!!!

Raffle Tickets will be sold for $5 a ticket or $20 for 7 tickets.

Your donations will help Disabled Children Walk, Talk, See, & Play.

*All Proceeds will be donated to The California-Hawaii Elks Purple Pig Project.

Mahalo! - WooHooWahine

If you would like to donate a Prize for Our March Madness Raffle PM Me or send an email to woohoowahine@yahoo.com

WooHooWahine posted on 02/11/2014

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2014-02-28 08:20 ]

tiki mick posted on 02/22/2014

The smoking menehunes are looking forward to it!


TIKIBOSKO posted on 02/22/2014

Looking forward to attending and seeing many old friends, hopefully a few new ones as well, come by and say hello we're in the dark S+E corner!


forgotten tikiman posted on 02/22/2014

Only 2 more weeks!! :D. Looking forward to it.

HB TIKI posted on 02/26/2014

Only 11 days to the International Tiki Market Place at Don the Beachcomber on March 8, 11-4 pm. All the dealers have new merchandise. see you there.

[ Edited by: HB TIKI 2014-02-26 07:42 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 02/28/2014

WooHoo!! The Purple Pig will be making a RETURN Guest Appearance at The International Tiki Market Place on Saturday, March 8 for Our March Madness Raffle. We have lots of Tiki-rrific Prizes donated by some of our vendors to give-away.

Raffle Tickets will be sold for $5 a ticket or $20 for 7 tickets.

*Winners Need Not Be Present to Win but Must Make Arrangements to Pick Up Their Prizes

Your donations will help Disabled Children Walk, Talk, See, & Play.

*All Proceeds will be donated to The California-Hawaii Elks Purple Pig Project.

Mahalo! - WooHooWahine

SoccerTiki posted on 02/28/2014

We still have a few sets left, so either PM me to save you a set to pick up March 8th or we can make arrangements. Mahalo!

On 2014-02-09 08:47, SoccerTiki wrote:
They're in!!! I just received the last shipment of the ITMP commemorative glassware! I had a bunch of people ask for them after we sold out, so this will be the last 25 sets of 4. Again, there will be an over-sized "Tiki Blues" 100% cotton T-shirt as a bonus gift with purchase. Please contact me via private message to arrange pick-up either at Don the Beachcomber this week or we can meet up in the Long Beach vicinity. Again, this information goes out to members of this group and Tiki Central first! To recap, the sets of 4 (2 red/2 aqua) commemorative glasses are only $30. Now we only have 25 sets, so if you want one, please contact me before they run out! After that any remaining sets will be sold to the public and at the ITMP in March. Please pay with cash or check. Mahalo!

SoccerTiki posted on 03/03/2014

We've got a very special vendor debut! HINT: Do you know what a "Skorch" is???

GROG posted on 03/03/2014

Skorch was the first Red Lantern slained by the Third Army in DC comics.

WooHooWahine posted on 03/03/2014

WooHoo!! The March Madness Raffle is Right Around the Corner and We have all Kinds of Tiki-rrific Prizes to Give-Away!! The Raffle Drawing will take place at 2:00pm in The Hidden Village. We have prizes from: Bamboo Ben, Deadhead Rum, Dee Cache, Dirk Yates, GoTiki, HB Tiki, Hot Tiki, Humble Poi, Johnnie Velour, Mahalo Tiki, The Picture Show Gallery, Poly Hai, Tiki Roots Rocka, Tiki Tony, Tiki Shaker, Tiki Vato, Trader Pup, Ventiki, and Vintage Island Art.

Raffle Tickets will be sold for $5 a ticket or $20 for 7 tickets.

*Winners need not be present to win by must make their own arrangements to pick up their prizes.

Your donations will help Disabled Children Walk, Talk, See, & Play.

*All Proceeds will be donated to The California-Hawaii Elks Purple Pig Project.

Mahalo! - WooHooWahine

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2014-03-05 11:00 ]

Dirk Yates posted on 03/05/2014

Aloha Everyone!!

Well this has been a busy month down here in sunny Palm Springs.

Its time for mom and I to load up the wagon and head down to the beach and Don The Beachcomber's in Huntington Beach!!

I am celebrating my 25th year in the art biz all year long ... To celebrate I am doing some crazy things!! I will be giving away some really great gifts and prizes at random to my friends, fans, and collectors!

Please join me and my fellow artists and vendors for the March Madness of the International Tiki Marketplace!!

Amazing art, great live music, wonderful food and all of your fiends will be there so pack up the car and come on down to see us!!

I will be there with all sort of goodies ... I will be handing out the limited edition decanters that were ordered. Thanks to everyone ... I am sold out of them!!

Be sure to get involved with the "Purple Pig" raffle ... I have donated a fun piece for it.

So stop by my booth and visit ... learn about the next piece in my Exotic Barware line ... Maybe you might just hear a tale or two from my Islands of Lana Pua!!

SoccerTiki posted on 03/06/2014

Making it’s debut at the next International Tiki Market Place on Sat March 8 is a new product from SHAG. This is the first offering from his new line known as “Josh Agle Objects”. SHAG is working in conjunction with the Mod Fab Group, who is bringing his art to life as actual, tangible, art objects and home accessories.

SKORCH is a pair of functional Tiki Torches that is a must for any outdoor (or indoor if wired with flickering “flame” lights) tiki inspired environment. The Skorch is made of a high quality ceramic skull with powder coated aluminum post and canister's for durability and beauty. This first offering is a limited edition of 50, and can be reserved through Mod Fab Group prior to the event but must be paid for at the ITM to secure your reservation. A set of two Skorch torches are $495 and delivered 4 weeks from ordering.

In addition to SKORCH, SHAG has introduced his first full size sculpture, “Phaedra” . Phaedra is a full 5’ of beautiful, graceful, art, suitable for indoor or outdoor display. You can view Phaedra at http://www.modfab.co

[ Edited by: soccertiki 2014-03-06 11:00 ]

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