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Wayfarer Lounge

Pages: 1 9 replies

Wayfarer posted on 02/10/2012

This is my little home bar. I'm renting on Guam, so the walls are all solid concrete and I'm leaving the island soon so I can't exactly put up the bamboo and rattan wall coverings I'd have wanted. (Didn't seem worth the time for the time I'd be on island.) What I can say about this bar is that everything in it has a story, mostly personal ones, some purely historical (like the Clipper pictures). I'm in the Navy and am currently attached to a submarine tender so the past few years I've made port calls in the Philippines (plus personal trips), Borneo and Hong Kong, once lived on the epitome of the tropical island- Diego Garcia (the only place I can call home), and have had the good fortune to see Japan, Singapore and Hawaii as well while on other deployments or on vacation. Pretty much everything is either an artifact or a souvenir from these trips. Except for the stuff my grandfather gave me, like his cousin's Tahitian tikis. I'll put up some more close up shots later.

McTiki posted on 02/10/2012

Welcome to TC Wayfarer.

Nice beginings. Nice Coin collection too.

I lived in Dededo for 4 yrs. Beautiful island.



simplydlacruz posted on 02/10/2012

I visited a friend on Guam once. I thought it was a very cool place. Kind of dead sometimes but I'm from Hawaii and it's kind of the same there. I like what you've done with the place.

Wayfarer posted on 02/11/2012

Thanks guys. For now I'm mostly collecting bric-a-brac and antiques and stories of course, but I hope to someday settle somewhere I can make a lounge like Mr.Pupupant's with all this stuff. Or start an actual tiki bar with it.

Guam's been nice, I haven't explored it as fully as I should have but its great living on this island.

Q-tiki posted on 02/11/2012

Thanks for posting Wayfarer! I'm really digging the Clipper pics and the actual bar looks very nice as well. CHEERS!

VampiressRN posted on 02/12/2012

Very nice collection...I have a blowgun too...so always fun to see how other folks have them displayed. Keep up the great work...snag a Tiki. :tiki:

Pele Paul posted on 02/06/2014

Nice!!! do I see some US Military challenge coins by chance?! I thought I saw a 5th Group USSF one. too cool, love to see some more pix

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 02/06/2014

Thanks for serving! I’d bet my Kabar that you’ll have a fantastic lounge when youre done wayfaring and settle into your own place. Nice, nice souvenirs - you’re in for some sweet memories.
Good luck on the rest of your tour.

TikiAno posted on 02/06/2014

Very cool- and even more so with the personal connection to the pieces displayed!

dtel posted on 02/07/2014

Cool collection, Thank you for your service, where would we be without it, don't want to know.

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