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Noa Noa Tahitian Rum?

Pages: 1 12 replies

Tiki Royale posted on 01/19/2004

I just picked up a bottle. I loved the look of the bottle and the lable and for $10 I fugured "What the Hell".
Is anyone familar with this stuff?

Unga Bunga posted on 01/19/2004

Hi tiki Royale
Which bottle did you get?
i like them too. I have the bottle that looks like a Cognac bottle.

Tiki Royale posted on 01/19/2004

Hey Unga,
I got the second one down. I didn't know there were so many kinds.
I just finished a Mai Tai using it... Mmmmm.
Very rich, I want to say it was almost... "chocolatey" for lack of a better term.

PiPhiRho posted on 01/19/2004

Yes, that stuff is wonderful. It is a very nice sipping rum and it makes a great mai tai. I have also used it in hot buttered rum. It's a great, smooth rum with an interesting flavor. Hard to find, but dirt cheap for something of that quality. I have never seen the other ones, just the rhum brun (2nd one down on Unga's posting).

martiki posted on 01/19/2004

Actually, aquarj gave us a bottle of Noa Noa, and we really like it as well. Nice stuff!

Doctor Z posted on 01/19/2004

PiPhiRho gave me a bottle (Mahalo!) and I agree, it's great for sippin' and imparts a nice flavor to mai tai's as well. Next: the hot buttered rum!! However - I've never seen it before, and if it's hard to find, I'm gonna have to sloooow down on it...

Pacific Andy posted on 01/19/2004

Actually the stuff is made in Tahiti by an American Ex-pate living there. Its pretty good stuff he is also the guy behind the Tabu Beer that is in Tahiti - Good stuff - Where did you get it, here in the states? If you go to Tahiti you can go to the plant where they make the stuff and a lot of free samples - Good thing its on an island

Pacific Andy posted on 01/19/2004

Hey Bunga since you live in Carmel have you ever crossed paths with Erhard Lux? He is a Crazy German guy who paints Tahitian landscapes. Excellent work. He lives part time in Carmel with his wife and the other time in Moorea Tahiti. A great guy with a lot of great Tahitian stories.

Unga Bunga posted on 01/19/2004

On 2004-01-19 15:40, Pacific Andy wrote:
Hey Bunga since you live in Carmel have you ever crossed paths with Erhard Lux? He is a Crazy German guy who paints Tahitian landscapes. Excellent work. He lives part time in Carmel with his wife and the other time in Moorea Tahiti. A great guy with a lot of great Tahitian stories.

Hi Andy,
Know I have not. Sounds like a guy I would like to meet. And a life I would like to do, Carmel than Tahiti? Dream come true?
Does he have a website?

Pacific Andy posted on 01/20/2004

Here is a website out of Tahiti.
click on artists and you'll find "Lux"

Where can you find Noa Noa Rum In Cali?

Unga Bunga posted on 01/20/2004

On 2004-01-20 11:55, Pacific Andy wrote:
Where can you find Noa Noa Rum In Cali?

These guys will ship to California

Pacific Andy posted on 01/23/2004

actually I am going back next week - I will pick some up as well as some of the Tabu and Tiki Beer they have -

Blowfish posted on 04/26/2006

Giving this a bump... I tried some Noa Noa rum yesterday at the Emeryville Trader Vic's with TikiHula... we both really enjoyed it and would love to hear about how to get some in the Bay Area.

Any help is appreciated in finding a source... I did a search and could not find one for the bottle we had which is the taller version in tis post of the darker colored rum.


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