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WAR of the GARGANTUANS Closing exhibition with Kinny,Toe,and Doug Horne! March 22nd!

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/06/2014

Hey I recognize the woman in "The Lure of the Marquesan" !
can I get her autograph at the show, Doug?

Tiki-ESP posted on 03/06/2014

What's a good bar around in that neck of the woods? Any tikiphiles hitting up Sams afterwards?

tiki mick posted on 03/07/2014

On 2014-03-06 15:37, Tiki-ESP wrote:
What's a good bar around in that neck of the woods? Any tikiphiles hitting up Sams afterwards?

The side bar is in the same section as the train station. The Hula Girls performed there once.

the TikiTraveler posted on 03/07/2014

Aloha!...and YES...THERE IS A FUNKY TIKI-HAWAIIAN THEMED BAR NEAR BY....NOW ,keep in mind this is more like a college hang out and not authentic in any way...they do serve a Huge drink called 'Fish Bowls"...they ARE NOT true tiki drinks ,but they pack a punch with 96oz. of alcohol and fruit juices :)Soooo... having said that, if you're interested in just hanging out and not getting pissed 'cuz no one knows how to make anything from the 'Grog Log'...go ck it out , it's on Harbor blvd. it's called 'the Palapa Grill' (good burgers)... of course there's always Sam's....either way, we'll see everyone tmrrw..ALOHA!....'there's always rum just around the corner'

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/07/2014

On 2014-03-06 15:37, Tiki-ESP wrote:
What's a good bar around in that neck of the woods? Any tikiphiles hitting up Sams afterwards?

Friday nights in Fullerton are "College" night out, & pure hell for folks like us (Rap music & drunk kids everywhere),
"Steamers" is a cool Jazz club but can be super packed on weekends.

Sam's is a good choice, but also crowded on weekends & you may end up waiting in line for some time to get in.

Tiki-ESP posted on 03/07/2014

Those DARN kids!! :P

Aren't the Hula Girls playing at Don's? Can't we just bring a portable bar into the gallery?

little lost tiki posted on 03/07/2014

i'm bringing a flask fulla Cinnamon Whiskey
the rest of you are on your own....

bigtikidude posted on 03/07/2014

On 2014-03-06 16:55, lucas vigor wrote:

On 2014-03-06 15:37, Tiki-ESP wrote:
What's a good bar around in that neck of the woods? Any tikiphiles hitting up Sams afterwards?

The side bar is in the same section as the train station. The Hula Girls performed there once.

That's the Slide bar, not side bar.

For cool retro, I recommend the Continental room.

Just a 100 yards or so to the East of the gallery.
If Continental is full, Heros bar n grill is good too.

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2014-03-06 19:51 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/07/2014

It's Rap & college kids at the Continental room on weekends.

Tiki-ESP posted on 03/07/2014

Hey guys....
Is something happening tonight?

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/07/2014

On 2014-03-07 08:17, Tiki-ESP wrote:
Hey guys....
Is something happening tonight?

Besides this Art opening and The Marketplace at Don's tomorrow?

PolynesianPop posted on 03/07/2014

On 2014-03-07 13:22, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:

On 2014-03-07 08:17, Tiki-ESP wrote:
Hey guys....
Is something happening tonight?

Besides this Art opening and The Marketplace at Don's tomorrow?

Don't forget Ding Dong Devils at The Barkley tonight, Tikiyaki 5-0 at Tonga Hut PS tomorrow night, and Rhum Rum Club at Tonga Hut NOHO on Sunday.

There IS life outside of Orange County!

tiki mick posted on 03/07/2014

The good news is that you can find lots of parking even on a friday night at the train station itself, or the adjacent parking structure.....if you park at the train station, you can usually find spots that are unlimited time at the far east end of the parking lot...the ones that are always filled near the SLIDE bar ( :) ) are usually 3 hours only, and always taken...the train station is like 2 blocks east of where the art district is. Within walking distance.

I know all this because I am a train geek who use to go there all the time before the Kelley Thomas situation...and when there were indie bands playing right near the tracks at the santa fe cafe......

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2014-03-07 13:41 ]

Tiki-ESP posted on 03/07/2014

Don't forget Ding Dong Devils at The Barkley tonight, Tikiyaki 5-0 at Tonga Hut PS tomorrow night, and Rhum Rum Club at Tonga Hut NOHO on Sunday.

There IS life outside of Orange County!

There IS life outside OC?

[ Edited by: Tiki-ESP 2014-03-07 16:40 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 03/07/2014

My response was mostly directed at ATP who seemed to only have his sights on the art show tonight and Don's tomorrow.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/08/2014

On 2014-03-07 15:37, PolynesianPop wrote:
My response was mostly directed at ATP who seemed to only have his sights on the art show tonight and Don's tomorrow.

You are right Polypopster! I should have mentioned the other groovy goings on, but I thought
the question was, what else is going on in the Fullerton area after the Art show.

But the main question is how many is PolynesianPop going to hit, because he is a mad event attender extraordinaire!

Tiki-ESP posted on 03/08/2014

Yea, my initial response was more sarcasm-ish. But guess it didn't come across as such.

Good to see that there is lots to do this weekend in the tiki circle. Now, that would be a lot of driving to each location for sure! Kudos to anyone who can pull it off, which I think you could do Adrian. :)

PolynesianPop posted on 03/08/2014

Not this weekend! I have to work :( BUT I will try and make it out to Fullerton tonight.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 03/08/2014

Just got back from the show. Doug, Toe , and Kinny were beyond dapper. Their art is some of the best I’ve ever seen. The pix on this thread cannot do em justice. You won’t be sorry if you get out to the gallery during this shows run.
Just a few pix-none of the art-most has already been “previewed here.
We arrived fairly early and snagged a LLT print and also one of Dougs.
Was I pleasantly surprised when I found out that I had inadvertently grabbed #1 0f 10 (both dougs and Kinnys)

Wendy Cevola wid the boys

My wife CeCe

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2014-03-07 23:23 ]

Tiki-ESP posted on 03/08/2014

Great show guys. Next Saturday is a docent tour!

whoseyrtiki posted on 03/08/2014

Great seeing everyone. Will have to try and make it back before the show closes and spend a little more time taking in the art. Hope there are more events like this in the future.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/09/2014

My eyes! the Art!

little lost tiki posted on 03/11/2014

A BIG MAHALO and Squeezy Hugs to ALL of you TCers who
braved the Wild Roads of Orange County and came down
to give us love and support!
I hope we were able to thank you ALL who showed up!
What a fun night all dressed up and dapper
and able to show and share our toils and joys on the Egan gallery Walls!

Will gather up some photos to add to the atmosphere and make y'alls feel like you were there!

We have two more chances for you to share the magic!

Here's your chance to gain great insight and chuckles as BigToe,Ruzic,and Horne blather on about the paintings,the categories,How the show was born,amusing anecdotes,and MUCH MORE!
6pm and 8pm
This Tour is FREE!
March 15th Saturday 6pm to 10pm

apologies to Solomon J Solomon's "Samson" 1887

and there's still the Closing Reception
Friday March 21st 6-10pm

little lost tiki posted on 03/15/2014

did i mentionour sponsor for the evening?
COLD Singha Beer !
C'mon Down and quaff with the Gargantuans!

little lost tiki posted on 03/20/2014

Closing Reception of the World-Renowed War of the Gargantuas Exhibition!
This Saturday the 22nd from 6 to 10 pm
Doug,Tom,and Ken will be Hurling Blows and Insults in what Looks to be a FINAL SHOWDOWN!
There will be Wonderful concoctions from the Wonderful Folks at DeadHead Rum for all to Enjoy!
and Prizes!
Did i mention Prizes?

at the Egan gallery at the Magoski Arts Colony
223 W Santa Fe in Fullerton!

Don't Miss out on this Historical Event,Kids!

And RUM!
Don't forget the DeadHead Rum!

little lost tiki posted on 03/21/2014


little lost tiki posted on 03/22/2014

TONIGHT!!!! Come on Down for the Closing Reception!
it should be a HOOT anna HALF!

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