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The Best Bongos

Pages: 1 13 replies

tikiace posted on 03/02/2014

[ Edited by: tikiace 2014-03-03 13:56 ]

[ Edited by: tikiace 2014-03-03 13:57 ]

ickytiki posted on 03/03/2014


Can't these still be bought new for only $20.00???


[ Edited by: ickytiki 2014-03-02 21:51 ]

tikilongbeach posted on 03/03/2014

Let the buyer beware!

kingstiedye posted on 03/03/2014

sold for $72.99! unbelievable! i guess there really is a sucker born every minute.

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2014-03-03 10:18 ]

SandraDee posted on 03/03/2014

I don't think its being a "sucker" I think some people just don't look elsewhere when they are collecting stuff.

It works out well if you are a seller :wink:

TikiTacky posted on 03/03/2014

I agree with SandraDee (shock and horror!). :wink: I've made a hasty purchase or two on eBay at times when something had a Buy It Now and I thought it was a fair price and didn't want to let it get away. Mugs of that caliber tend to be in the $60+ price range, so what's really surprising is that it's only $20 at Hale Pele. I have a birthday coming up, I may have to casually point my wife to that one!

Rum Balls posted on 03/03/2014

Aloha from Portland! Yes, the mugs are still available at Hale Pele for $20! (Not to be confused with the limited editions that came out last year...and yes, I have one of each) :drink:

LoriLovesTiki posted on 03/03/2014

Thanks to this post I bought one of each for my husband for his bday next month.


kingstiedye posted on 03/03/2014

well, it's one thing to sucker your average ebay joe, but this was aimed at us.

leisure master posted on 03/04/2014

...oh wait, I see - this thread really is about bongos...:wink:

Rum Balls posted on 03/04/2014

"Interesting" that the original poster edited the subject! Covering your a**???

tikiace posted on 03/13/2014

Ebay feedback on item: Wonderful Ebay Transaction, Fast Shipping, I Love It, Thanks!

.......but what is really important is what kingstiedye & Rum Balls think.

Tikipussies Rule!

kingstiedye posted on 03/13/2014

so happy I have such great ohana trying to gouge me and call me names.

Rum Balls posted on 03/13/2014

And so why DID you change the subject, Tikiace?

Pages: 1 13 replies