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Dick Moano´s "Introducing original Polynesian tropical bar recipes ... mai tai, navy grog 1963

Pages: 1 2 3 142 replies

bochi posted on 12/21/2012


does anyone own the book "Introducing original Polynesian tropical bar recipes ... mai tai, navy grog ... and many more" from Dick Moano (Aku-Aku) or does someone have a digital copy of it?

I can´t find anything about this book in the internet and i think it would be very interesting. Was there a mention of the mai tai recipe before 1963? Trader Vic published his first recipe of the mai tai in the 70s. did´t he?

Cheers from
Münster / Germany

Hale Tiki posted on 12/21/2012

Welcome Bochi!
Do some searching around the forums, you'll find a wealth of information.

http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=20200&forum=10 is a great thread on the components of the mai tai, for example.

As far as the Mai Tai goes, there's a long-standing debate, which was settled by a lawsuit in 1970, that Trader Vic invented the Mai Tai. Don the Beachcomber claimed to have invented it in 1933, but if you check out the link below, you'll find a good history of it, as well as more information.


Sadly, I don't have the book that you mention, but hope that some of this information has helped!

Also, check out all of the Beachbum Berry books, browse through our forums, get yourself an orgeat recipe, and welcome to tiki!

bochi posted on 12/21/2012

Hi thanks a lot,

i wasn´t searching for infos about the mai tai. i am searching infos about the book and wanted to know if there were more prviously published recipes. the first published recipe i know is from the 70s and i wondered if there were some recipes published before.

i contacted jeff and he said that there were some books that published a mai tai recipe before trader vic did but this were only guesses. he also had this book in his hand a longer time ago and published a few recipes in his intoxica book.

so if anyone knows someone who owns this book i am interested in a digital copy or some photos becaue i think it´s an interesting booklet.


Hale Tiki posted on 12/21/2012

Sorry, I think something got lost in translation, or perhaps I'm missing something.

Surely Vic published a Mai Tai recipe before 1970. Anyone care to jump in on this? All my cocktail books are in storage, except for Okole Maluna, which I'll consult when I get home.

Hale Tiki posted on 12/21/2012

Good luck finding the book. I'll be sure to post it if I can find one.
I recently scanned in a bunch of old cocktail books for posterity's sake, and that us one I do not have.

Trad'r Bill posted on 12/21/2012

I found the listing on Amazon - but it's out of stock: http://www.amazon.com/Introducing-original-Polynesian-tropical-recipes/dp/B0007K3IRU looks intriguing

-Trad'r Bill

TropicDrinkBoy posted on 12/22/2012

I'd also be interested in learning if he published it before 1972. Of course Trader Vic created the Mai Tai in 1944 but I don't know of any instances where he published the recipe before his 1972 "Trader Vic's Bartender's Guide". It is not in the 1947 "Bartender's Guide by Trader Vic". I also have the 1968 "Trader Vic's Pacific Island Cookbook" and while it has a few recipes for some of his exotic cocktails the Mai Tai is not one of them. They were selling the Mai Tai mix prior to publishing the recipe from basic ingredients in 1972.

Big Bad Beau posted on 02/23/2014

Just stumbled across this site and wanted to let those interested know that Wally Turnbow is my Dad (he passed away in 2005) and that I have a case of his and Dick's Bar Guides Brand New from 1963 direct from the publisher. My Dad was the Manager of the Islands Restaurant located in Phoenix, Arizona at the time that he and Dick Moano published this booklet. Anyway, not sure what I may want to do with the books. I did see on e-Bay that one recently sold for $88 that was signed by my Dad. Anyway, I will check back and see if any of you want my contact info. I would be glad to share any of the information in the book with you.

[ Edited by: Big Bad Beau 2014-02-27 21:01 ]

[ Edited by: Big Bad Beau 2014-02-27 21:04 ]

KrakenHunterSteve posted on 02/25/2014

I would be interested in that book.

Semyon posted on 02/25/2014

Hi Big Bad Beau,
these are really great news! I would be interested in a copy, too! So if you are willing to sell one or another, please let me/us know

Best wishes

Sunny&Rummy posted on 02/25/2014

Also interested in a copy of the book. If the Aku Aku Zombie recipe from Remixed is any indication of the overall quality of the rest of the recipes this would be a great addition to the Tiki drink library.

I-Tiki posted on 02/25/2014

Count me in as well please.

Big Bad Beau posted on 02/25/2014

I appreciate all the interest being generated and the interest of some in purchasing the booklet. My Dad and Dick Moana made thousands of friends over the decades, and I do know that their Polynesian Recipe book was at one time the Holy Grail for the Original Recipes of many of the most popular and famous Polynesian and Exotic Drinks. I know he would be happy that this 31 page booklet full of Dozens of the Best of the Best in Polynesian Mixology still garners interest from so many people. Of the box that was left to me by my Dad, there are probably around Eighty or so books. I want to save around half of them to sell on e-Bay and keep 10 or so to myself to give to my kids and grandkids.
Anyway, all that being said, as it was just a fluke that I ran across this site and it just so happens to be full of Dads FAVORITE kind of people, I will offer a portion of the booklets to those that are interested for the same price as one of the members has already paid - $20.00 which will include shipping within the USA including Hawaii of course. :) If out of the country, let me know and you can pay whatever the actual shipping cost is.
You can send the payment for 1 or up to 2 books via PayPal. Send to User Name - atozsales@aol.com
I will check it daily and send out ASAP (which reminds me - I am heading to the Post Office here shortly to send out to my first Tiki "connoisseur".
If you don't have PayPal, send me a Personal Message and I will give you my mailing address so you can send me a check.
Any question you might have, feel free to get in touch. By the way, I have been a verified PayPal member since 1999. Hope all this didn't bore all of you too badly - now I will attempt to post a few scans I did earlier today of the booklet. Pages are crystal clear, but scanner caused some shadowing effect.

[ Edited by: big bad beau 2014-02-27 07:53 ]

SoCal Savage posted on 02/27/2014

Sent you a PM Beau. Thanks!

Hakalugi posted on 02/27/2014

Great find BBB! You certainly came to the right place. Can you tell us anything about your dad? Any memories of visiting some of the establishments he worked with?

BTW, PayPal payment sent.

Cheers! and Looking forward!

A Frame posted on 02/27/2014

Very exciting, thanks so much...love the graphics!
PayPal sent!

Big Bad Beau posted on 02/28/2014

Letting everyone know that all orders as of last night (even International) have been sent out. Check your USPS Tracking on PayPal or your e-mail to see progress. I have chatted with Ace about putting together some history of my Dad, which is very interesting and VERY Polynesian - as that was the way he lived his life.
I have sold several on e-bay recently for $35 (and a couple for $30), but I would rather the members of this site have an opportunity to get one, so I am keeping the price here at $20 - including Free Shipping
I, and I know my Dad appreciate all your interest in his booklet and his Legacy.
Thank you all so much!
I still have some booklets available for TC. Make PayPal payment to - atozsales@aol.com
Thank you ALL SO MUCH!!
Ron "Beau" Turnbow

[ Edited by: big bad beau 2014-02-27 20:50 ]

[ Edited by: big bad beau 2014-02-28 07:09 ]

[ Edited by: big bad beau 2014-03-07 09:44 ]

[ Edited by: Big Bad Beau 2014-03-07 09:49 ]

[ Edited by: big bad beau 2014-03-08 05:34 ]

arriano posted on 02/28/2014

Thanks Ron! I just sent my PayPal payment today. Maybe in the future you might consider republishing the book as an ebook. Mahalo!

AceExplorer posted on 02/28/2014

Ron, I got my copy in yesterday's mail. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! Truly a wonderful addition to my collection, and in mint condition. You will not regret sharing with TC'ers - we do appreciate the material and your father's legacy. Now I'm off to spend some more time in my lab - er - bar!

Big Bad Beau posted on 03/01/2014

So happy Ace that you liked the booklet. As of today, all orders from Tiki have been sent out. :)
Thanks again,
Ron "Beau" Turnbow

Q-tiki posted on 03/01/2014

Hi Ron!

I got my recipe booklet today. Thank you very much for the quick response and shipment.
I am really looking forward to perusing the book and serving up the recipes!

Cheers and aloha,


Quasimodo57 posted on 03/01/2014

I also received my book and look forward to trying them out.....squeezing fresh lemons and limes now! Mahalo from Arizona!

hiltiki posted on 03/03/2014

Ron, got mine today, thanks for a quick delivery. looking forward to making some of these drinks.

SoCal Savage posted on 03/04/2014

Hey Ron. Just got my copy in the mail. What great condition. Like pulling something out of the past. Thanks again!

[ Edited by: SoCal Savage 2014-03-04 10:19 ]

Wichita Lime Man posted on 03/04/2014

Ron, mine arrived today also, in perfect condition. Mahalo!

The Below Decks posted on 03/04/2014

Mine arrived yesterday. Looking forward to trying some of the recipes. Thanks again.

Big Bad Beau posted on 03/05/2014

Thanks again to all of you that have brought this booklet back to life after all these decades! I am sure my Dad is smiling. I know I am! :)
Ron "Beau" Turnbow

Big Bad Beau posted on 03/08/2014

Wanted to let all here know that I still have some booklets available for TC members. :) If interested, make payment of $20 to my PayPal account - atozsales@aol.com - and I will get one out to you ASAP.

howlinowl posted on 03/08/2014

My wife's gonna kill me.....

Money just sent.

Thank you,

TikiTacky posted on 03/08/2014

You won't be disappointed. 59 recipes of tiki fame!

Big Bad Beau posted on 03/09/2014


There are things Worse than Death By Wife! Torture by Wife {or any Gender Significant Other) is MUCH WORSE than a Quick Easy Death! :)

[ Edited by: big bad beau 2014-03-08 20:30 ]

scottxwl posted on 03/09/2014

Paypal sent. Thanks for doing this!

howlinowl posted on 03/09/2014

On 2014-03-08 17:09, Big Bad Beau wrote:

There are things Worse than Death By Wife! Torture by Wife {or any Gender Significant Other) is MUCH WORSE than a Quick Easy Death! :)

[ Edited by: big bad beau 2014-03-08 20:30 ]

Hehehe....who said anything about quick and/or easy??/

I showed it to my wife, THEN I showed her the ebay listing for the 88 dollar used one. Must have touched her "shopping" gene. It's ok, since I got a good deal.

(mental note to self.... anytime you buy something, find it more expensive elsewhere to show the wife).


[ Edited by: howlinowl 2014-03-09 04:02 ]

howlinowl posted on 03/09/2014

I don't know if you would know, but I am kinda curious about the original distribution of the booklet back in the day. Was the booklet offered to the general public...sold in restaurant gift shops, mail order, maybe advertised in magazines? Or was it solely intended for the bar/restaurant trade...sold through liquor distributors?


gabbahey posted on 03/09/2014

I sent a Paypal and can't wait to dig in.


Klas posted on 03/10/2014

Received my copy today and was very pleased with it! Looking forward to mixing myself a Wally's Kanaka Punch!

howlinowl posted on 03/10/2014

Hopefully you don't mind, I posted a link of this thread on the thread in "Locating Tiki" for The Islands in Phoenix. I imagine that a lot of folks who visit this site may not visit the "Tiki Food and Drinks" section often and that maybe cross posting may bring a few more folks here to buy.


Big Bad Beau posted on 03/11/2014

Thanks Howlin :)

Very thoughtful of you and I do appreciate it!

lunavideogames posted on 03/11/2014

I just sent a payment for one as well. Thank you.

Big Bad Beau posted on 03/13/2014

Took a few pictures of a couple old 1962 Vintage Menu's from the Islands Restaurant and Tiki Bar that I found among some of my Dad's things. I am going to go through some of the stuff that he left to me, as I know there are many items he held on to that pertained to the Polynesian Culture and the Tiki Lifestyle that he so admired. Again, THANK you all for your interest and also for ordering his booklet! Is it just me, or have PRICES GONE UP OVER THE YEARS. Those were "Good Old Days"!

Kahuna Tiki posted on 03/13/2014


I just got my copy and I couldn't be more thrilled! It's a little piece of history and in mint condition! Thank you so very, very much for sharing this with us. And a big thank you to your Dad and to Dick Moano for creating it.

Mahalo, Aloha and Cheers! :drink:

howlinowl posted on 03/13/2014

Mine just arrived! Like the post above, in mint condition and beautiful. To think this item had been stored away since the time of the Kennedy administration, waiting for me! I'm imagining many a night spent trying a new and different recipe! And thank you for posting the menu above! I've already recognized a few drink names from the booklet (Chinese Itch, Banana daiquiri). Thank you very much!


howlinowl posted on 03/13/2014

...thought I'd throw this out, the OP of this thread was asking about if the book had a Mai Tai recipe. It does, and it is surprisingly close to this recipe in a letter from TV dated 1956:

http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=37143&forum=1&hilite=mai tai recipe

I'm not going to post the recipe from the booklet due to the fact that I'd hate to cost Ron any sales of his booklet. But I can tell you that is is close.

Once again Ron, Thank you.


Big Bad Beau posted on 03/14/2014

BTW - I sent the OP a booklet at no charge. The Least I could do! :)

gabbahey posted on 03/14/2014

I received my copy a few days ago as well. It is in great shape minus a few dents caused by my postman jamming it in the mail slot with mere junk mail. Nothing a few rum stains can't fix. Anyway, this thing is awesome and you've been just great. Here is a picture of me trying out the Islands Sour.

It is delicious and my wife loved it too.

That was already one of my favorite mugs because I like Colorado tiki stuff and there is an Phoenix Islands/Tommy Wong's Islands connection. It is outlined in this old thread:


Thanks for everything and keep posting anything else you find.


[ Edited by: gabbahey 2014-03-14 11:23 ]

TikiTacky posted on 03/14/2014

The drink illustrations in the menu were lifted straight from Trader Vic. That was pretty common practice back then, so not surprising really.

littlegiles posted on 03/15/2014

Thanks for this amazing offer.

Paypal sent.

  • Dale
bamalamalu posted on 03/15/2014

Ours just arrived today - that was incredibly fast shipping!
Mahalo, Big Bad Beau!

Pages: 1 2 3 142 replies