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Upcoming Movies I want to see!

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/06/2013

This one was off my radar, but I must see it!


Trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9dIINAH8ovM

uncle trav posted on 03/07/2013

Godzilla 2014.....yep, he's back

creativenative posted on 03/07/2013

Filming this summer in Hawaii. Set in San Fran & Tokyo with whatever in between-THE PACIFIC. According to Japanese Godzilla lore, the monster was born in the South Pacific, a gecko mixed with nuclear test like most of their monsters on the South Pacific, "Monster Island". Lots of related Japanese films attest to his history w Polynesian natives (Japanese extras in brown paint) & tikis. The last American Godzilla film had Godzilla stomping though Tahiti (shot in Hawaii), hope this one has him stomping through Hawaii itself on the way to Frisco. Just don't step on any tiki you big cluck! I also can't wait for this film.

[ Edited by: creativenative 2013-03-07 00:53 ]

[ Edited by: creativenative 2013-03-07 00:55 ]

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 03/15/2013

Holy Motors, Pacific Rim, John Dies at the End, and the new Lone Ranger all interest me. Maybe the new Evil Dead as well. I'm torn when it comes to remakes.

Heath posted on 03/16/2013

John Dies At The End was horrible!
I read the book and was really looking forward to the movie.
I wanted to like it but just couldn't.

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 03/26/2013

It comes out next week on Blu Ray, so I'll still give it a shot. On the other end of the spectrum, I just saw the new trailer for World War Z and can't think of a movie not featuring glittery vampires I want to see less. Looks so bad.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/29/2013

This just caught my attention: "Wrong"
from the guy who did "Rubber"

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-TPKGTh4ahQ

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/29/2013

I am not sure about the new "Star Trek" movie
the trailer makes it look interesting

but this was a lot of fun watching:


ErkNoLikeFire posted on 03/29/2013

Rubber was a great, messed up surreal ride. I'm disappointed that Wrong is not playing anywhere near me. It's not a new movie, and I've seen it before but I really hope I have the time this weekend. A friend gave me a copy of El Topo on blu ray for my birthday.

tikilongbeach posted on 03/29/2013

On 2013-03-28 18:27, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
This just caught my attention: "Wrong"
from the guy who did "Rubber"

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-TPKGTh4ahQ

Cinefamily is showing Wrong for 1 week and Rubber 2 times. The director will be there for a screening of each. http://www.cinefamily.org/films/wrong-one-week-run/

Friday, March 29th: 7:30pm (Quentin Dupieux in person!)
Saturday, March 30th: 6:00pm, (Quentin Dupieux in person!), 8:45pm
Sunday, March 31st: 7:45pm, 10:15pm
Monday, April 1st: 7:30pm, 10:00pm
Tuesday, April 2nd: 7:30pm, 10:00pm
Wednesday, April 3rd: 5:30pm
Thursday, April 4th: 7:30pm

Friday, March 29th: 10:00pm (Quentin Dupieux in person!)
Saturday, March 30th: 3:45pm

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 04/10/2013

OK here is the big summer movie for me!



I hope Ironman 3 & Pacific Rim bring the goods also, but this is my number one choice for the summer.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2013-04-09 18:50 ]

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 04/19/2013

Just watched the new trailer for Man of Steel. Whoa, now i can't wait to see it.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/11/2013

So we are well into the summer movies & much disappointment for me
Star Trek, Ironman 3, World War Z all fell very short of what they should of been
but Man of Steel was a pleasant surprise and the only film I really enjoyed so far

but "Pacfic Rim" may be the winner we are hoping it is, we will find out this weekend.

Here is one for all you Rabid Disneyphiles

"Saving Mr. Banks" http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=a5kYmrjongg

But I will be in the theater next door for this:
"Filth" from the folks that brought you Trainspotting http://www.filthmovie.co.uk/

JOHN-O posted on 07/11/2013

On 2013-07-11 15:26, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
So we are well into the summer movies & much disappointment for me
Star Trek, Ironman 3, World War Z all fell very short of what they should of been
but Man of Steel was a pleasant surprise and the only film I really enjoyed so far

but "Pacfic Rim" may be the winner we are hoping it is, we will find out this weekend...

ATP, why are you wasting your time and money on all of these Hollywood CGI-driven wank fests ?? !! You know they're all gonna suck.

Instead of "Pacific Rim" I suggest you seek out the original source material like "The Terror of Mechagodzilla" or better yet 1960's episodes of Ultraman.

Rubber suits rule !!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/11/2013

You know I've seen all the classics, but I got to keep feeding the movie monster, John-O!
but I do prefer those foreign & Independent movies over big Hollywood flicks


JOHN-O posted on 07/13/2013

On 2013-07-11 15:26, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:

...but "Pacfic Rim" may be the winner we are hoping it is, we will find out this weekend.

OK ATP, being a semi Tokusatsu nerd, I shelled out the clams for "Pacific Rim". I was especially interested in what director (and Kaiju fanboy) Guillermo del Toro's take on the genre would be.

It was interesting in spots, but what killed it for me was the bombastic use of CGI. So much "cut","cut","cut" in the editing of the scenes. And as with all the other summer "tentpole" movies, I felt like I was trapped inside a video game. CGI is really becoming a crutch for good story telling. Also CGI looks so much like... CGI.

Give me the physicality of stunt men in rubber monster/robot suits wrestling and crashing through balsa wood cities any day...


[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2013-07-13 13:11 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/13/2013

I thought "Pacfic Rim" was a surfing movie?

khan_tiki_mon posted on 07/13/2013

Too much CGI just sucks. "Transformers" is perfect example. So much on the screen, frenetic pace, all noise and mayhem. I couldn't even tell what was going on most of the time. How can you be engaged when you don't know what's going on? Check out the 2009 film "Moon" if you want to see excellent storytelling and see what can be done with a very limited budget. I think huge budgets stifle creativity. Film should be about the story and the characters and the acting. Remember that the best scene in "Jaws" didn't have 'Bruce' the shark in it but rather was just Robert Shaw, a wonderful actor (RIP), and the Indianapolis speech.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/13/2013

And do you want to see my scar?

khan_tiki_mon posted on 07/13/2013

Mary Ellen Moffat. She broke my heart.

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There was a time when movies had stories and it mattered who's ass was on the screen!

YouTube: Idiocracy speech (Warning: Politically Incorrect language)

Actually, the fictional "Ass" movie in Idiocracy had a better story than most CGI based movies today.

[->>King Bushwich 33rd on Hulu.com

creativenative posted on 07/14/2013

Yes, I also was a little disappointed in Pacific Rim. I don't mind CGI if done right but most of the CGI Monster/robot fighting was at night, close and blurry. Trying to save money I guess with these CGI short cuts. Good Science fiction is for all ages and ageless. This film was made for 14 year old boys in 2013. I'm not 14 so I was disappointed. As suspected the Japanese style robots were a rip off Gundam Wing anime series. Now that would make a great CGI movie-wake up Hollywood!

I really went to see if any Kaiju would destroy any Pacific Hub islands not just Pacific Rim coastal cities. South Seas Cinema is full of weird monsters, killer trees and mushrooms and so for some morbid reason I love to see Giant monsters or end of the world disasters destroy a Paradisiacal isle - the ultimate irony. See classic Godzilla or Mothra films or 2012 (Waikiki is destroyed by Diamond head erupting) American Godzilla (the giant gecko tramps though Tahiti), Battleship (like Pearl Harbor but instead of Japanese it's an Alien attack on Pearl and it's surrounds), Day After Tomorrow (Hawaii gets wiped out by a killer hurricane) and the newest Godzilla who takes a Waikiki vacay. Ha! Out next year. Anyway only mention of Pacific Hub is the rift the monsters are coming from and that the Human piloted robots (Jaegers) are (according to the computer graphics every where) headquartered in three places (Alaska, Hong Kong and Honolulu) of course only the first two HQs were filmed not Honolulu. No wonder the movie sucked! Just kidding - home boy prejudices. :)

Finally the Monsters reminded me of Axora on Dexter's Laboratory which on the same episode had Tiki Torch a superhero from Justice Friends. Isn't there a thread for Tiki super heroes, hope he's included. Anyway del Toro must of been influenced by this cartoon. I stand corrected this is a film not for 14 yr. old boys but for 10 year old boys who watch Dexter's Lab.

Kaiju from Dexter's Laboratory:
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Tiki Torch superhero:
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JOHN-O posted on 07/17/2013

I always wondered why a Tiki inspired monster never showed up in all of the Tokusatsu (Japanese live-action Sci-Fi) films and TV shows of the 1960's. It's not like the Japanese didn't appreciate that South Seas pagan idol aesthetic (i.e. Mothra Island). Some of those wacky Kaiju designs were very Jack Kirby-esque and we know "The King" loved his Moai monsters.

Here's a recent design that might not be good classic Tiki-style but I think is pretty cool Kaiju-style...

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Just food for thought in anticipation of next year's Godzilla-themed Tiki Oasis. :)

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/17/2013

So we kidnapped Doug & saw Pacific Rim, It was better then most of the other summer movies so far
but I understand your guys criticism, it is much better then any the Transformer movie
but I have to be a little less hard on the CGI aspects of the movie since how can you do
all the battle scenes otherwise, even the last few Japanese Kaiju movies are using CGI.

Pacific Rim has some story issues, but no where near the poor quality (Story wise)of the last Star Trek movie.
Next up Elysium!

JOHN-O posted on 07/17/2013

On 2013-07-16 17:58, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:

...how can you do all the battle scenes otherwise, even the last few Japanese Kaiju movies are using CGI.

THIS is better than CGI !!

Also it's more "Tiki". I know I'm right. :)

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bigtikidude posted on 07/17/2013

I went and saw Lone Ranger on Monday.
Not perfect or amazing,
But I liked it a lot, entertaining and visually appealing.

Jeff btd

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bigtikidude posted on 07/17/2013

Red 2 looks like it will be pretty good.

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2013-07-16 23:41 ]

khan_tiki_mon posted on 07/17/2013

I liked the first Red. Helen Mirren with a big 50 cal what's not to like?

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Steven Spielberg and George Lucas believe that the movie industry will experience a financial collapse because of it's emphasis on big budget special effects saturated movies.

Motley Fool: Is Steven Spielberg Right About an Imminent Movie Industry Meltdown?

However, some believe that plots in movies overrated

YouTube: SCTV-Farm Film Report

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/24/2013

Check out this new trailer for "Gravity"
from Alfonso Cuaron....


Extra clip: http://youtu.be/ZV-UEca2W9U

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2013-07-24 11:28 ]

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GROG posted on 07/24/2013

You mean there are more movies than just porn movies?!!! Wow, GROG need get out of cave more.

uncle trav posted on 08/02/2013

This looks good. Unfortunately the movie industry seems to have deemed Kalamazoo a cultural backwater and the movie is a limited release so I doubt I'll be able to see it on the big screen.


"Anyone who has ever seen them is thereafter haunted as if by a feverish dream" Karl Woermann

[ Edited by: uncle trav 2013-08-02 05:46 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/02/2013

Europa Report is playing on VOD right now with cable subscribers, uncle trav
(I have Time Warner, the bastards)

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socksoff posted on 08/26/2013

On 2013-08-02 12:38, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Europa Report is playing on VOD right now with cable subscribers, uncle trav
(I have Time Warner, the bastards)

did you watch this? i kinda liked it even though it was another "horror movie in space" that relied a little too much on not showing you anything at all.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/12/2013

On 2013-08-25 19:14, socksoff wrote:

On 2013-08-02 12:38, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Europa Report is playing on VOD right now with cable subscribers, uncle trav
(I have Time Warner, the bastards)

did you watch this? i kinda liked it even though it was another "horror movie in space" that relied a little too much on not showing you anything at all.

I think they did a good job with this movie, for an Independent, low budget Science Fiction movie
it looked pretty good, the story was intriguing , though a little more money in the budget could of allowed
some of the scenes to have more of an impact, at least the science was solid unlike the last Star Trek movie.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 12/11/2013

So a new trailer for a little movie called:


just came out, see it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjKO10hKtYw

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/17/2014

And a new Trailer for Godzilla, I am interested in this now
as it seems to have a somber adult tone to it & not a children's movie.


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Cammo posted on 03/17/2014

Yeah, the newest trailer looks GREAT! -


uncle trav posted on 03/19/2014

"In 1954 we awakened something" a quote from the trailer and the original 1954 film. It's been sixty years since Godzilla roared to life on the big screen. The original Japanese release was a serious film about all that was wrong with the new atomic age and a warning of what was to come if science was not vigilant. The 1956 American release was cut and jazzed up for our consumption with the addition of Raymond Burr and lost a bit of the message. Fast forward to 2004 and after nearly thirty films the production company Toho announced the the last Godzilla film, Final Wars would be the last of the big guy. The new films director assures fans that this new installment will be a serious tribute to the Godzilla legacy. Not many movie icons have lasted sixty years and fans know that Godzilla can not be killed so the story will go on. Sorry for the rant but as you can guess I am a huge Godzilla geek. Folks it's a giant monster movie and should be just plain fun and I can't wait to see it. "History shows again and again....... "

"Anyone who has ever seen them is thereafter haunted as if by a feverish dream" Karl Woermann

[ Edited by: uncle trav 2014-03-19 05:06 ]

creativenative posted on 04/10/2014

Captured from the latest Godzilla 2014 trailer more of Waikiki scene. Browse for it, make sure it is the April 2014 release or extended trailer.

It all starts on Bikini Island during 1954 nuclear test. Oh oh, the U.S. Navy woke something up:
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Mommy! There's an uninvited guest at the luau:
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Famous Waikiki Lewers street fills up with more than tourist:
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(FYI I'm in this scene somewhere-my bucket list-screw the bulls, Godzilla chased me!)

Waikiki aftermath from the international trailer. The giant gecko stayed at the Rainbow Tower of the Hilton Hawaiian Village-wish he shopped at the new International Market Place and destroyed it!
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bamalamalu posted on 04/11/2014

I'll have to see this, but the more images they release, the less excited I am about it.

I don't like the design of Godzilla at all, and the CGI is so rampant the whole thing looks like a video game. Which isn't a surprise, but somehow it's even worse than I expected.

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bamalamalu posted on 05/18/2014

No spoilers - We saw the new Godzilla movie today. While I certainly have my complaints (everything from the already-known monster design, CGI, script issues...), I have to admit I didn't hate it as much as I expected to.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/22/2014

So many movies look good in the trailers, but just fall flat when you finally see them
most of the movies I posted about fall in this catagory, but I just got back from "Godzilla"
and for once it lived up to the hype, it's a Monster movie, not high art, but a damn good monster movie!
I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

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bamalamalu posted on 05/23/2014

The husbandbot gave it 4 out of 5, too.
I'd rate it a bit lower, but I'm an incorrigible nit-picker.
It was certainly worth seeing in the theater, which is almost unheard of for us.

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bamalamalu posted on 06/06/2014

Just finished watching the Super Duper Alice Cooper documentary. There's some pretty good footage in there!

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lunavideogames posted on 06/09/2014

Bam - Em and I went to see Godzilla Saturday night. I found out afterwards that she had never seen a Godzilla movie?!? I don't know how that can happen but she really liked the movie. I thought it was a lot of build up and not enough action. We do not go to see movies often in theaters these days, maybe once every couple years. For the $45 I spent I would have rather had a tiki mug :)

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bamalamalu posted on 06/10/2014

Oh my - I thought the Godzilla discussion was a prerequisite for marriage! :lol:

I had very, very low expectations for the new movie, but it was much better than I expected and I was actually pleasantly surprised by a couple aspects. I guess it helps to set the bar low.

We never go to the theater (because people don't know how to behave) but made an exception for the big guy. It was a bit pricey but nowhere near that much - Ouch!

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EPCOTExplorer posted on 06/10/2014

Godzilla was a great film until they killed off their best actor and dispensed with the actual story. But still a fun flick.

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