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Wanted: Various Detroit Tiki Items

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MergeTiki posted on 03/30/2014

Hello Fellow Tiki Fans,

I am looking to buy anything tiki related from Detroit, especially from the Chin Tiki and Mauna Loa restaurants (basically anything but postcards..those can be found in abundance on EBay).Tiki mugs, menus, etc. Let me know if you have anything you are willing to sell or if you know of anyone I could contact.



Tattoo posted on 03/30/2014

You should look on Ooga Mooga (http://www.ooga-mooga.com) which will also give you a better sense of what these things go for. Here's a Chin Tiki Mug for sale for $125 which is more than fair.


And here's a Mauna Loa black tiki mug for sale for $65 which is also fair.


The nicer Mauna Loa mugs are simply rare and get super pricey. The menu's do pop up on ebay once in awhile although I have never ever seen a Mauna Loa drink menu for sale.

Also, what is this for? Are you doing a project or just collecting? Depending on what you're doing, people might be willing to loan you items.

Good luck!

uncle trav posted on 03/30/2014

That's a nice wish list. I have been hunting Michigan for years and anything from the Mauna Loa is indeed a rare find.

tikilongbeach posted on 03/31/2014
MergeTiki posted on 04/01/2014

This is all great information! Keep it coming and thanks to all who have posted so far.

I was able to get a few pieces from Ebay (Manua Loa mug, Chin Tiki matchbooks, etc), but it hard to find some of the bigger items like menus, chairs, etc.

MergeTiki posted on 04/01/2014

Also, I am just collecting. Not a project or anything.

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