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Blue Chair Bay coconut rum

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kkocka posted on 04/05/2014

I just saw at my local Vons a new coconut rum - Blue Chair Bay coconut and spiced coconut. I've never heard nor seen this before and as I just finished researching coconut rums (looking forward to purchasing Koloa coconut) thought I'd point it out.

Its priced at about $17, which tells me its better than Malibu and Parrot Bay, though that isn't much of a feat. I found spiced coconut interesting but I don't really have the desire to try it.

The best thing is apparently this I'd Kenny Chesney's rum lol.

howlinowl posted on 04/05/2014

On 2014-04-04 19:19, kkocka wrote:
I just saw at my local Vons a new coconut rum - Blue Chair Bay coconut and spiced coconut. I've never heard nor seen this before and as I just finished researching coconut rums (looking forward to purchasing Koloa coconut) thought I'd point it out.

Its priced at about $17, which tells me its better than Malibu and Parrot Bay, though that isn't much of a feat. I found spiced coconut interesting but I don't really have the desire to try it.

The best thing is apparently this I'd Kenny Chesney's rum lol.

Pffft.... First Jimmy Buffett, then Sammy Hagar, now Chesney. Why is it every musician has to market their own brand of rum? Not interested.


lunavideogames posted on 04/05/2014

Don't forget about Ron Jeremy...

Being a rum from a country singer was a deal breaker for me. I would avoid.

kkocka posted on 04/06/2014

You beat me to the Ron de Jeremy punch, haha. I do seriously wonder the quality of this though, there are plenty of bad coconut rums out there that are in the $9 range.

stormrider posted on 04/26/2014

I tried the coconut and coconut spiced rums at the rum renaissance yesterday, the we're both good but not special. For the money I am still going with Barcardi coconut. Kenny doesn't need my money that bad.


wizzard419 posted on 04/26/2014

On 2014-04-04 19:19, kkocka wrote:
Its priced at about $17, which tells me its better than Malibu and Parrot Bay...

Price is a bad metric for quality in many cases. If they are a small brand without the volume they may be really bad and have the higher price to cover costs. They also might be really good and trying a low price at first to get into people's carts.

Even reviews can be kind of bullshit, like the wine discussion yesterday, but they can also point out red flags like "This tastes like turpentine".

stormrider posted on 04/28/2014

I am going to revise my earlier statement, Koloa coconut rum will be the only coconut rum I use once my lid of Barcardi runs out.


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