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BIG garage sale may 2nd at Bamboo Ben....

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The Sperm Whale posted on 05/03/2010

I had so much fun yesterday!!! I wanna thank everybody for putting up with the Hard Riders!!! I hope some of you liked us!! Thanks to all of my Tiki Pals for being the most fun and awesome bunch on the planet!! Thanks to Tiki Ray and Cindy for the awesome whale you gave me!! I have so much fun with everybody!! I really want to thank the BOO TRIBE for letting us play and throwing such a fun event!!!

TikiG posted on 05/03/2010

The Hard Riders?

Those guys are the most un-polished, un-rehearsed, un-professional, un-talented, un-acceptable...

...underated, unashamed, unbound, unsung heroes that I have seen live in a while

Don't take this post seriously guys, you guys KICK ARSE!!

Thanks Scott (and others) for playing live yesterday in the parking lot at Ben's.

Tonga Tom posted on 05/03/2010

Some band shots...

Daves Not Home posted on 05/03/2010

Yesterday was AWESOME! Thanks to the Boo's for putting this on and all the happy people for the good vibes.

Traderpup posted on 05/03/2010

Thanks to Bamboo Ben and Mrs. Boo, and everyone who made this possible! We had a great time!

happychi posted on 05/03/2010

Had such a great time yesterday. Thanks Mr and Mrs Boo!! It was an AWESOME day:)

Matt Reese posted on 05/03/2010

Had a blast at the Boo's sale! Great folks, great music. Can't believe I'm at work now. Feeling a little depressed.... damn! Thanks to the Boo's for everything, very very cool event.

hottiki posted on 05/04/2010

Nice weather, good food, great music, wonderful garage sale. Thanks to Bamboo Ben and Mrs. Boo for a perfect day !

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/04/2010

On 2010-05-03 11:36, The Sperm Whale wrote:
I had so much fun yesterday!!! I wanna thank everybody for putting up with the Hard Riders!!! I hope some of you liked us!! Thanks to all of my Tiki Pals for being the most fun and awesome bunch on the planet!! Thanks to Tiki Ray and Cindy for the awesome whale you gave me!! I have so much fun with everybody!! I really want to thank the BOO TRIBE for letting us play and throwing such a fun event!!!

I found my middle aged ass starting to Slamdance for a minute, but then I hurt my back.
Thanks for playing the gig & the CD! you are a good bunch of Guys.

Nice seeing everyone down at Don's afterwards, I was exhausted & running on fumes, but you guys managed to keep Nancy & I awake
almost the whole time!

Always a pleasure hanging out with Stacey,Doug,Bigtoe,Deanna,Trevor,Holden,Mike (My Brain just froze up!to many Mai Tias yesterday)
I know Kenny was there! Jeff, and the rest of you Maroons I plied with endless Mai Tias!

But Most of all THANK YOU! BEN & Mrs BOO! for a great day!

Bowana posted on 05/04/2010

Thanks Ben and Vicki for a PUNK ROCKIN' time!


RevBambooBen posted on 05/04/2010


The BANDS!!!


The CADS!!!

and THE PEOPLE!!!!

GooD TimeS !!!

Melekalikimaka posted on 05/04/2010

Oh M'gosh I had SUCH an awesome time! Thank you muchly Bamboo Ben for setting this shindig up. Not ONLY did I get to hang with some of SoCal's BEST artists, but I also got to hang with Little Lost Tiki and Big Toe! (I know, that was total bulls**t, huh?) :wink:
C'mon... ya know I love yaz.

Here's all the pics I took. Guess I was having so much fun I didn't want to be stuck behind the lens. :D


Tiki G and I didn't go to DtheBs as we had to get up mighty early in the am, not to mention the 100-mile drive home.
Until next time... ALOHA and MAHALO!

1961surf posted on 05/04/2010

Thanks Mr. and Mrs Boo for putting on such a fun event.Great to meet alot of you who
have only seen my stuff on Tiki Central before.Nice to meet you TikiPops.
Thanks for posting such great pics Billy the Crud and family.
I am thinking this should be a twice a year event ...whatta yah think?

Some mugs on display in my booth

Friendly visitor buying a Bosko mug

Billy the Crud in action

An amazing Bosko tribute mask.The one that slipped away.Damn it I knew I should have bought this !

A couple of new aquisitions from the day

[ Edited by: 1961surf 2010-05-03 20:25 ]

ravenne posted on 05/04/2010


It was so great seeing everybody
Big'ole Family Reunion!
Thank you BambooBen & Mrs. Boo for putting on such a kick-ass event! :)
The music melted faces & the artwork & other goodies were golden,
can't wait to do it all over again next year,

I took waaaaay too many pictures, just gonna post a few.

kinny & MP were sharing everything... everything.

The lovely Miss Kiki

HB TIKI posted on 05/04/2010

Thank you Mr.& Mrs BamBoo Ben for putting on the great garage sale. Everything was organized and the food was great. Ben did a great job of directing all the sellers and thanks for the donats. Please have another event in the future. Thanks again Roger and Margi Brittan

GO TIKI posted on 05/05/2010

Ben and Vicky,
Thanks for such a FUN day! Thanks to all! Was a good time!
GoGo and Dani

tobunga posted on 05/05/2010

Wow! I'm just now sufficiently recuperated from the weekend to post about it!

Mucho Mahalos to the Bamboos for hosting!

So much great art! At great prices! If only I could afford it, I woulda bought something from everybody!

As it was, we inherited a cool tapa print jacket from Holden and awesome tiki shirts from WooHoo and TikiVato!

And Manuel got really sunburnt! (it's fading to a nice tan now, though...)

Tiki Kitty posted on 05/05/2010

We had a fantastic time, and while I already sent my thanks to Ben and his family, we also want to give big props to all you vendors, and the bands too! SUCH a good time due to all of you, and so much fun hanging out with our tiki family! Oh, and The Cadillac Kings car club was just the icing on the cake for this Caddy enthusiast.

We went home with huge smiles, lots of great art and goodies, and me with a sunburn. I'll post some pics tonight from the day, as well as of the group at Don's that evening.

Most sadly though, when we finally fully recovered and went out to unpack the car today, (yes, we just did it today!), I discovered that we were missing 2 of the pieces of art I had bought from Ben. One was the pin-up fabric framed in a bamboo hut (it was the one on the top left row of his display, one of the larger ones with the brunette pin-up, made from the fabric from a shirt),and the other was one of the bamboo framed pieces with the abstract carved tiki face on it (kind of like a negative-space look). We would have had them stacked behind or near the Doug Horne and Happy Chi booth, so someone could have easily packed them up with their things by accident. Or maybe I had too many of Atomic Tiki Punk's refreshing Mai Tai's (thank you Lance!) and set them down somewhere, like I did with my Lake Tiki piece earlier in the day? :wink: Regardless, any help in locating them would be so appreciated! I'm so sad to have realized we don't have them! Mahalo!

P.S. If my descriptions are too crazy, I'll ask someone to help me label the 2 items for me on the pics Ben posted of the treasures he was selling, as both of the pieces were in those pics. That might be especially helpful if'n I did just lay them down somewhere! THANK YOU!!

Tiki Kitty posted on 05/05/2010

Jeeeez, I'm a mess. It was actually all THREE pieces we bought from Ben. There was a triangle shaped tiki mask with small bamboo cross-bars behind it that's missing too. In fact, all we ended up coming home with was our freebie from the $10 box! :(

Any clues as to who might have picked them up for us would be most appreciated. Thanks so much, and sorry for derailing the thread for that.

Tai Won On posted on 05/05/2010

We had such a great time at Bamboo Ben's last weekend. Huge thanks to the Boo's, the vendors, and of course, the Hard Riders, Chum, and the Squares. You all kept my adrenalin (and alcohol) pumpin'. I left So-Cal hung over and broke....exactly as I planned. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I posted a rather poor quality video of Chum's opening song "Brand New Cadillac" to youtube.
It's here if you're brave:


Tiki Kitty posted on 05/05/2010

YAY! Doug and Stacey grabbed our stuff for us, so we're all good. Thank you!

Oh, and Tai Won on, I LOVE that video you shot of Chum - thanks for posting!

mp posted on 05/05/2010

You two put BabyMan down this instant!!!

Thank you Ben and Vicki for letting me join you at the Garage Sale!
It was a blast meeting new people and catchn up with everyone I know.
The art, tiki treasures, sick caddies were awesome & the bands kicked ass.
Ben, Ive wanted to check out your shop for years now, your art is badass!
I came home with art from BEN, BigToe, Kirby and Buzzy and also picked up some goodies
from Notch's shop on the drive home. EXTRA BONUS. I am stoked!!!

Mahalo to everyone for the warm fuzzies!!! Hope to be there next year! MP

little lost tiki posted on 05/05/2010

Even if you take a bite of his left hand or brain
i still think babyman could create a killer painting!

Kiki von Tiki posted on 05/05/2010

On 2010-05-03 09:19, little lost tiki wrote:
Hero numbah four......that would be Chloe,Kiki's daughter!
She always makes me smile and is just so full of energy
She pepped up the last few hours of the garage sale!
Thanks CHLOE! I now love the Jonas Brothers!

Awwww! Kinny, I will pass this on to her for sure! It will make her smile real BIG! She loves you too, you know! But really, stay away from that JoBro stuff, it'll rot your brain.

I had a bunch of fun, hanging out with all you great people, supermex tacos, lots of Ruzic laughs and hugs, my red haired supervixen Ravenne, meeting some new folks, drinking beer in the sunshine with my neighbors Tiki G and Melody, good times with MP, Jen, Toe, Deuce and Kim, Dave L., Doug, Stacey, and GROG too. etc, etc.(Didn't get to wander too much, so sorry I missed seeing some of the other vendors)! Bands were great too! Thanks again to the Boos for putting on such a super event and including me as a vendor. Sold some good stuff but also got comissions for 7 custom clothing pieces! Yay!

I have to admit the highlight for me was seeing Scott make his debut in his "International Man of Leisure" tiki jumpsuit that I made for him. Scott, you are the most fun client ever!

Looking forward to making swanky apparel for all of you and more fun in the sun, soonest possible!

Kiki von Tiki stuff on etsy.com!

[ Edited by: Kiki von Tiki 2010-05-05 09:26 ]

Mongoloid posted on 05/05/2010

Big ole Mahalos to da Boos for hooking this up and offering up some rock bottom prices on some one of a kind treasures. Spermy's band brought mosh pit and tiki together like never before seen....classic. Mahalo Kiki Von Tiki for the apron and oven mit, mom is going to look pretty snazzy come Mothers Day. HB Tiki mahalo for giving Mrs. Mongoloid the Maile leaf necklace from Hawaii. Ben is the master at redefineing what can collaborate with tiki and pull it off like no other!

Lake Surfer posted on 05/06/2010

Awesome Music!

Awesome Vendors!

Awesome Customers!

Awesome Weather!

Big Mahalos to the Boo Family for throwing another awesome parking lot party!

It was great to see everyone this past weekend!

Kiki von Tiki posted on 05/06/2010

On 2010-05-05 14:25, Mongoloid wrote:
Big ole Mahalos to da Boos for hooking this up and offering up some rock bottom prices on some one of a kind treasures. Spermy's band brought mosh pit and tiki together like never before seen....classic. Mahalo Kiki Von Tiki for the apron and oven mit, mom is going to look pretty snazzy come Mothers Day. HB Tiki mahalo for giving Mrs. Mongoloid the Maile leaf necklace from Hawaii. Ben is the master at redefineing what can collaborate with tiki and pull it off like no other!

Yay! Good for Mom! It was good meeting you kids and glad to see some of the Tiki Kitchen stuff going off to a good home!

RevBambooBen posted on 01/19/2011


Who has a parking lot that we can have a sale in this year??



Crazy Al??

GROG posted on 01/19/2011

Tonga Hut

bigtikidude posted on 01/19/2011


Wildsville man posted on 01/19/2011

Don's baby........count down to Caliente party.

Daves Not Home posted on 01/21/2011

BtD, let me know what's up for Don's. I might have a spot in San Clemente available if needed.

tikiyaki posted on 01/21/2011

I miss the Tiki Farm shindigs....Holden...where are you ?

StanTheMan posted on 01/21/2011

SO... Will there be a 2011 Bamboo Ben's Garage sale now that his shop is closed? I had a blast last year.

I got this guy there:

kirby posted on 01/21/2011

I hope you didn't pay for that stan.

StanTheMan posted on 01/22/2011

I think he was $15. He broke in half a couple months later. I also got 2 Harvey's buckets for $2 each... they're my favorite daily mai tai bucket.

RevBambooBen posted on 05/04/2014

CHUM at the HB ( Huntington Beach) pier Hi- Noon Sunday!!! 5-4-2014!!!!

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