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2014 Sacramento Cap City Tiki Crawl (October 3,4,5) CRAWL PICTURES

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VampiressRN posted on 01/24/2014

We have secured our Cap City Tiki Crawl schedule. We will be crawling on the first weekend in October, which is now our standard event date. We are in our ninth year for this event. Scroll to the bottom of this post for an exciting offering of a beautiful t-shirt in several styles and sizes at Swanberg's (a Sunday stop).

CRAWL ASSISTANCE FOR ERIC - We got Eric covered for mugs so please bring a bottle of rum to donate to Eric's empty bar lost from the earthquake.

OHANA MARKETPLACE - Please bring your Tiki related items to sell & buy (FRIDAY NIGHT at Dale and Tonie's stop).

~Buddy @ Tankhouse = 4pm to 6:30pm
~Dale Jenkins = 7:30pm to 10pm [Tiki Marketplace]

~Darilyn = (12:30pm-3:45pm) [Pool, Entertainment & Food]
~Dan/Wendy (4p-6:30p)[Food]
~Dave/Eva (6:45-10p)[Food]

~Breakfast = 9am to 11am (The Fox & Goose Pub) http://foxandgoose.com/
~Swanberg's = 11:30am to 1pm (hosted by Lauren) http://www.swanbergsformen.com/
~Barbara & Audrey = 1:30pm to 4pm
~Nelson & Mary's = 4:30pm to 6pm http://www.mahalotiki.com/

LIST OF CRAWLERS (PM me your email so I can send addresses as we get closer to the event)
Marlene (VampiressRN)
Sandy (Corona Contessa)
Wendy & Dan (Dan Loves Tikis)
Tom & Terri Coleman (tikitnt)
Nelson & Mary (Mahalo Tiki)
Dave & Eva
Barbara & Audrey
Matt Hull
Dale & Tonie
Eric Jorgensen
Laura Lee Riley
Matt & Melody
Mike (TikiHula)
Tony & Karen(Longboard)
Brenda & Scott
Jeremy & Wife (JJ Mai Tai)
J & Maggie (Miss Monk ii)
Chuck Caroll(Polynesian Paddy)
Mike Masterson
John Mumford (MaukaHale)
Brook & 2 possible guests (KingsTieDye)
Sean & Lynne
Monty Dunnington & Debbie (Marone Tiki)
Jay (Miss monkii) and Maggie & Deb
Bruce (Tikituba) and Cecily (KaKalia)
Keith Richardson & Molly (Muskrat)
Jim Donohue + (jdseeks)
Gabriel Baldwin
Dru (Kalu)
rizzeaux & Jill
Michael (Mr Haiku)
Clayton Kadleck
Natalie and Jay

CORAL REEF T-SHIRT AT SWANBERG'S (This is an Awesome T-Shirt with a piece of Sacramento Tiki history...various colors, sizes and styles-more info to come.)

Here are some posts about The Coral Reef that once existed in Sacramento.

Here is our beautiful crawl mug from Wendy...please post in this thread if you want a mug so she can add you to the list. There is a limited run of this mug, check out her list lower on this page.

No Fez for this year, but plan on a Crawl Fez for 2015, I already have my contact.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2014-10-10 18:08 ]

Lloyd*AloHHHa posted on 01/29/2014

Will do, Marlene!

[ Edited by: Lloyd*AloHHHa 2014-01-28 20:27 ]

TikiTnT posted on 02/09/2014

Can't wait! We so appreciate the date move so we can catch Mod Palm Springs too! Wendy... mug?

VampiressRN posted on 02/17/2014

Wendy has the crawl mug started for us. I will let Wendy post the specifics so she can track orders here.


Lloyd*AloHHHa posted on 02/17/2014

Just an FYI, I want to host when da' ohana comes to the Elk Grove homes! :wink:

VampiressRN posted on 02/28/2014

I am working on an option for a Sacramento Tiki Crawl fez. If you are on Facebook, go take the poll https://www.facebook.com/groups/169558449730736/

If you are not on Facebook, please send me a Personal Message here on TC. I don't want to hose up this thread with yeah or nay posts, so look forward to hearing from crawlers.

danlovestikis posted on 03/25/2014


Progress Report on the Sacramento Crawl mug. For the step by steps described go to the link above.

To just see the photos, here they are.

We have been pouring mugs for one month and have 48 drying on the shelves.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 03/26/2014

The first few have gone into the kiln. I'll be using these for glaze tests. Wendy

aboarts posted on 03/31/2014

Can't wait! I'll be there this year!

danlovestikis posted on 04/01/2014

Welcome aboarts, we look forward to meeting you. Wendy

These are the sign ups to purchase a mug. PM me or post on this thread if you want a mug and I'll add your name here. Thank you.

$60 per mug

  1. Brenda
  2. Scott
  3. Psycho Tiki D
  4. Cathi W.
  5. Sean Klein
  6. Matt Hull
  7. Eric Jorgensen
  8. William LaPalia
  9. Dr. Tiki Mojo
  10. Tonie Jenkins
  11. Marlene - VampiressRN
  12. Sandy - Corona Contessa
  13. Laura Lee Riley
  14. Matt Kenoyer
  15. Eric Banks
  16. jdseeks Jim D.
  17. markmywords
  18. dartharnie
  19. debbiedotikito
  20. Gregory Ramirez
  21. Loki-Tiki
  22. Monty Dunnington
  23. Monty Dunnington for Debbie
  24. Kingstiedye
  25. cdtiki
  26. KrakenHunterSteve
  27. Terri Colman
  28. mondo-by-the-bay
  29. Miss Monk-ii
  30. Cole Unger
  31. Mahalo Tiki
  32. Aquatic Safarinaut
  33. tikilongbeach
  34. LiddleLola
  35. MrHaiku
  36. Kalu
  37. Slowhandtikiman
  38. JJ Mai Tai
  39. Sgt. Tiki Jim Giddings
  40. Joanne K.
  41. Moai Mike
  42. Choptop specific number
  43. MaukaHale
  44. Lloyd*AloHHHa for Adrian
  45. Lloyd*AloHHHa

Thank you very much.
This year I'm selling them the to everyone (attendees and out of town folks) and assigning numbers as the orders come in. So once it is made if you change your mind please let me know ASAP. I will not ship until after the crawl has ended.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-08-31 21:46 ]
[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-09-06 17:02 ]
[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-09-06 17:06 ]
[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-09-07 21:25 ]
[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-09-15 10:55 ]
[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-09-23 20:31 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-09-27 13:29 ]

danlovestikis posted on 04/02/2014

Hello Sacramento Ohana and all our friends.
I have poured, opened the molds, and re-carved the last two mugs for our October Crawl.

All lined up and drying. Each one will be again carved with a wire brush then sanded and fired. After that will come the glazing.

I will continue to update each time we do another step.

Working this far ahead will take the pressure off when we attend Tiki Kon and Tiki Oasis this summer.

I'm ready to Tiki Party!!! Cheers, Wendy and Dan

TikiHula posted on 04/04/2014

Woohoo - congrats on that milestone Wendy. They look awesome!

LiddleLola posted on 04/04/2014

Hi Wendy,

Is it too late to get in on a mug?

danlovestikis posted on 04/06/2014

LiddleLola you have been put down for mug #34. I still have 13 mugs available. Thank you, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 04/13/2014

Another load has been sanded, dusted and bisque fired in the kiln. It's great to stack them. When I glaze they can't touch so I'll not be able to do very many at one time.

Loading the bottom of the kiln, once filled I

loaded the top.

Dan's started fixing up the jungle room for the crawl. We have a new room to show now...the dining room is totally tikified.

Cheers, Wendy

TikiHula posted on 04/14/2014

Maybe I can help glaze 'em?

danlovestikis posted on 04/14/2014

Sure can Mike. You'll have to audition, oh wait you've already passed that part! This will be one of the most difficult glaze projects. I will be using wax resist to keep the brown glaze off of the white glaze. So it will be three big steps. Also I have to do a wipe on the tiki so he shows up well. There will be lots to do. But being productive is fun. Cheers, Wendy

TikiHula posted on 04/14/2014

I'm honored. It sure is fun to be busy when it's something fun to do!

danlovestikis posted on 04/17/2014

Your are good at glazing too Tiki Hula.

All but 5 of the mugs have been bisque fired and washed.

Covered to keep the dust off until it is time to glaze. I need those last five mugs first.
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This is such a wonderful crawl. I hope all our Sacramento Ohana and all our out of town friends attend this year.
There will be a day in Elk Grove a tiki hot spot.

Cheers, Wendy

VampiressRN posted on 04/17/2014

Thanks Wendy, for posting all the wonderful updates and pictures of the 2014 mug...it looks awesome.

I will place the preliminary plans in the intro post, so still need to work on some more stops (mostly for Sunday).

If you are planning on crawling please post here to let me know how many will be with you. For example: John & Lisa Stewart and friend Kevin Lane will be crawling on all days.
I will keep a running list in the intro post, so watch for updates there.

Lloyd*AloHHHa posted on 04/17/2014

I love my Saturday slot (& the mugs)! Hey Dan & Wendy, do you guys need a hand this weekend wit da' mugs (since I'm a "local boy" & all)?

danlovestikis posted on 04/17/2014

Lloyd*AloHHHa the crawl mugs are now in hibernation while I finish Wish List #4 and the Tiki Atari kickstarter projects.
If you just want to visit give us a call. Unless we are running errands we are mostly home working on tikis and you are always welcome. Wendy

Lloyd*AloHHHa posted on 04/17/2014

Thanks alot, Wendy! I will give you guys a call on Saturday. :)

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MahaloTiki posted on 04/17/2014

You can count me and Mary in for mugs and you know we want to be stop on the crawl at our store.

VampiressRN posted on 04/20/2014

I think it will be good to finish the crawl at your place Nelson & Mary. Just need a couple of fillers between Swanberg's and your place for Sunday now.

Lloyd*AloHHHa posted on 04/23/2014

Me and my little ohana have been getting sick for the past week, sorry that I didn't get a chance to call you guys on Sat. (Dan & Wendy), but now thank God, we are all better! Will there be anything that you all will need help with or are the mugs still in hibernation?

All is Aloha and Aloha is all!

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[ Edited by: Lloyd*AloHHHa 2014-04-23 00:17 ]

danlovestikis posted on 04/23/2014

Lloyd*AloHHHa this weekend is a tiki break with family from Oregon coming in for a visit. There will be lots of times for fun this summer. Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 04/23/2014

I picked the glazes to use.
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First I painted a clear around the rim.
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Then I poured it into the mug and coated all of the insides by rotating the mug three times.
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Then I poured it out being careful to not have the clear run down the outside of the mug. I held it upside down for 3 minutes.
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I checked to make sure it was all coated and there were no skips.
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I then painted wax resist along the top edge. That way if I touch the brown glaze to this area it will wipe off and not ruin the rim. I let this dry overnight.
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As I paint the top of the mug the glaze runs off of the wax resist.
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Now with the mug dry I can put my hand inside to hold it while I paint on the flat brown glaze.
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All done I let it dry overnight.
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Now I rubbed the glaze off of the tiki.
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This is a test. I expect the final to look different from this one. I will tweak until I get it right.

Lloyd*AloHHHa posted on 04/24/2014

I'm lovin' this year's crawl mugs!!! I hope you all have TONS of fun chillin' with da' ohana! :)

danlovestikis posted on 04/28/2014

Thank you.

The first test mug in the kiln. Wendy

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Lloyd*AloHHHa posted on 04/29/2014

Lookin' FANTASTIC, Wendy & Dan!!! B)

danlovestikis posted on 05/01/2014

Here's the latest glaze test for the October Crawl mug. The color for the coconut and the lettering is now set. I still
need to run tests until I get the tiki to stand out.

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Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 05/03/2014

A better image of the first glaze test mug. I'll still work to highlight the tiki. Wendy
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MaukaHale posted on 05/03/2014

Its looking good!

VampiressRN posted on 05/05/2014

Wow...that last picture is fabulous, it really shows off the mug. Another amazing crawl mug...thanks to Wendy & Dan.

danlovestikis posted on 05/05/2014

Thank you so much. I love making the crawl mug each year. Wendy

Tiki Hula wanted to work so I gave him the next glazing test for the Sacramento Crawl mug to do.

First I had him spray the inside and outside with water to start the capillary action to hold the glaze on tighter.
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Next he painted three layers on the tiki with a small brush.
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Dan played music for us while we worked.
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The front is all done.
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The back lettering is all done.
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I took over for a few moments to use a wet washcloth to rub off the excess glaze.
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Working on one mug a day to perfect it the best I can.
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It was hard being outside working on a kickstarter mug for Tiki Atari so we moved back inside. Tiki Hula painted 3 layers around the rim of the coconut.
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Next I had him pour in the jar and swirl it around until all the inside was covered three times with the rotation.
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The layers of glaze around the rim act like a barrier to keep the glaze from spilling out.
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The last step was three layers of glaze on the outside of the coconut.
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This test is different because the black was added first and covered with the brown glaze. If the black shows up this is how all the mugs will be done.

Done and drying.
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VampiressRN posted on 05/10/2014

Yee Haw...Mike's a glazing wild man!!!

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Choptop posted on 05/23/2014

I'm on for the crawl and thanks Wendy for saving me my normal crawl mug #. Cant wait.

danlovestikis posted on 05/25/2014

Here's Mike's mug.

The Sacramento crawl mug test showed that three layers of glaze is too much. It ran to the bottom and glued to the stilts. Better that than to the shelf in the kiln. That's why I always fire on the stilts.
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I knocked them off with a hammer and Dan will dremmel the bottom flat.
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The highlighting with black on the tiki worked well. I'll probably do one more test and then I'll know what I want to do for the final mug.

You are welcome ChopTopDaddy. I bet your little daughter is running you around by now. She sure was quite at the last crawl.

Cheers, Wendy

TikiHula posted on 05/26/2014

I think the brown underglaze is perfect. Maybe just a coat or two of clear on top? And I vote for painting the tiki with the gold pinstripe paint....as long as it stays put with washings.

Great job Wendy!

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rugbymatt posted on 07/13/2014

I can host this year on Sunday.

VampiressRN posted on 07/14/2014

Thanks Matt....will you be able to host the Tiki Marketplace? I will send you an email as I think we now have a full schedule. Much appreciated.

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Longboard posted on 07/14/2014

Hey guys!

Any updates for the Crawl this year?

Trying to arrange to come up from San Francisco.


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JenTiki posted on 07/14/2014

Hey Vamp! I think I might come up for the crawl this year. Please add me to the list! Cheers, Jen

VampiressRN posted on 07/15/2014

That would be great. I now have a full line up to cover Friday night, Saturday & Sunday. Map is posted at the start of this thread. Sunday we will shop till we drop...Swanberg's in the morning, then the Marketplace in the afternoon at Matt's, and closing up the crawl at the Mahalo Tiki Shop with Nelson & Mary.

Post if you are going to crawl and PM me your email address for the address send out as we get closer to the event.

Check out the awesome t-shirt Lauren has at Swanberg's.

Also, only a few mugs left from Wendy, so post if you want one.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2014-07-19 17:50 ]

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Dr.TikiMojo posted on 07/20/2014

Hey! I didn't know you guys were taking volunteers? :o I wanna come over to watch the process and paint mugs for you! I can be there on my bicycle in 15 minutes or less!

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Dr.TikiMojo posted on 07/22/2014

For those that didn't attend last year we had purchased a 1980 Mid-Century Modern "style" Streng Atrium and moved in just 8 weeks prior to last year's crawl.
We still want to purchase and install a ton of bamboo and thatch but here's a little background:
Our main influence is Disney's Adventureland. With that in mind we have several "themed" rooms, including Tiki, The Pirate's Lair, Undersea Theater and more. Remember we have not even been in the house a year yet....but it's making progress.
To see photos of the yard and interior shots please visit our page on Facebook and "LIKE" us.

Mahalo and hope to see you in the flesh at The Headhunter's Hideaway and Jungle Room Lounge


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Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 07/31/2014

Capt Tiki and I are crawling, but probably won't make all the stops. Aloha!

Pages: 1 2 3 128 replies