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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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lunavideogames posted on 05/08/2014

Tavarua Tiki did drink out of it at Bali Hai. I saw it with my own eyes. That is a great mug Wendy and the glaze job is one of the best I have ever seen. Keep up the amazing work!

Tavarua Tiki posted on 05/08/2014

The goblet in its natural state...
Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone! Yes Wendy great choice on the glaze, it is amazing!
Jon you "crack" me up with that Grog joke!
Treg beat me to it, yes the goblet was christened with not one but TWO Bali Hai Mai Tais!!!
Last question, who in their right minds shoots "bullets" at Gecko mugs??? I heard Elvis would shoot expensive things like cars/tv's, but man that's crazy to damage a Gecko bowl with a bullet! ...Or maybe bullet is the family pet!

Tavarua Tiki posted on 05/08/2014

The Creature meets The Place of Refuge!

hang10tiki posted on 05/08/2014

Those 2 mugs rock.....

danlovestikis posted on 05/08/2014

littlegiles I like being tiki busy.

hang10tiki oh GROG is so cute I want to rub that furry tummy. The bath is up to kingstiedye.

lunavideogames thank you. This was one that came out of the kiln without anything to touch up. I was so happy.

Tavarua Tiki kingstiedye's other name is Bullet. I had to go back and read the post, good catch. I sure am enjoying your photos. They remind me of the Tiki News magazine section showing where the issue shows up.

hang10tiki when I made the Creature of the Black Lagoon holding a Doug Horne puffer fish (with permission) it was the most difficult request at that time for the Wish List. I think that set the mood for challenging me. It's all fun.


Please show your photos of the Wish List projects when you have them. Thank you so much Tavarua Tiki and dartharnie.


I've been working every day on the kickstarter project. Soon I'll have some photos to post that show the variations I'm doing for the rewards part of Tiki Atari's project.

I have five mugs left to make. It's been a time of dedication to work for me. Far more hours than my past day jobs.

I saved some other photos to share during this time.

Mitch is a member of the band APE. He is also a professional photographer. Check out his web site when you have time.

mitch tobias photographer
601 Van Ness Ave. #E3-847
San Francisco, CA 94102

SF (415) 647-0242
LA (310) 455-7224

He came to our home and spent a day taking photos of Dan's tiki collection. He said I could share these photos with everyone here.

I'm starting backwards. At the end of the day he walked through each room and took photos of individual tikis on shelves.
Here are some of his shots.


Dan mixes vintage and new. He is into perfect displays by color, height and space. I'll share more in the next few days.

Cheers, Wendy

TikiAno posted on 05/08/2014

Love the new pics. Wendy, good luck with all those mugs lining up to get worked on- hope they all cooperate.

Tavarua Tiki, congrats on the new mug- sorry I missed you guys at the Bali Hai on Monday, too many catering jobs that day (and night)! Would have loved to see the mug in person. Enjoy and Happy Birthday!

hang10tiki posted on 05/08/2014

Dan-0 the Man-0
Wow- love seeing the photos of the collection
And looking at many mugs/items I've never seen before
We all bow down to the king

Tavarua Tiki posted on 05/08/2014

Now that's a set of Salt 'n Pepper shakers!!! Dan has a world-class collection. Can't wait to see the next installment of pics, thanks for sharing them with us Wendy!

TikiHula posted on 05/08/2014

Glad we finally got to see some of Mitch's photos - good stuff.

Speaking of covered couches, did you notice Tavarua's beautiful mod couch? It's so beautiful - and white! You must not have pets? :D

I'll be at Caliente this year for the first time. Woohoo! Looking forward to meeting Chris and Jon. Anyone else from this thread gonna be there?

Wendy, those mugs take so much work and you only have five left to do?! Incredible amount of work :o

danlovestikis posted on 05/08/2014

My post will be number 5001. I decided a month ago that I would give a small prize (a puffer fish necklace)to whoever did post number 5000. Well it's too funny that it's Tiki Hula who will be here on Saturday to go to breakfast with us. I think I'll just have him make his own prize since I've been teaching him the fine art of ceramics. Congratulations Tiki Hula its time for you to get back to work.

Tiki Ano work is good. I did a bit on the swap art today. Those mugs are super hard to work on but hopefully they'll be great when they are finished.

hang10tiki take good care of Tiki Hula at Caliente, keep him out of trouble...NOT! I hope you'll share lot's of photos here.
I see mugs I'd forgotten about in Dan's collection. Now he just wants me to make Wishes for him.

Tavaura Tiki I sure am loving your posts. You too have fun with Tiki Hula.

Tiki Hula it's good to have a witness to the hard work. Today I re-built 12 breasts because they just were too small.

My break is over and it's time to go back to work. Cheers, Wendy


Tavarua Tiki posted on 05/09/2014

I can't believe I'm the first to recognize the best Wendy post EVER on this thread..."today I re-built 12 breasts because they just were too small". Not counting every amazing mug her and Dan put their all into for our collecting pleasure. Just say'in.
Wendy, you and Dan will be sorely missed at Caliente this year. I hope Tiki Hula likes a good steak house cause Hang10 and I have a reserved spot at Lyon's every night at TC.

Tiki-Atari posted on 05/09/2014

Wow Wendy- that wish list group shot is phenomenal. Just gorgeous work. If I had to pick a fav, it might be the Fink mug. There is nothing like a collection of tiki mugs, truly.

The work you are doing on the Kickstarter mugs is amazing, and humbling. I'm you took it on, and how gorgeous they are turning out is yet more testament to your amazing skill. Thank you! (Thank Dan, too!).


Tavarua Tiki posted on 05/09/2014

Last of the Bali Hai party pics! Mai tai...Ahi Poke...Chocolate Brownie dessert

[ Edited by: Tavarua Tiki 2014-05-09 08:34 ]

danlovestikis posted on 05/09/2014

Tavarua Tiki photos below, enjoy! I PM'd Tiki Hula about Lyon's in case he didn't read your post.

Tiki-Atari thank you. One of your mugs will be glazed like the rat fink. Dan says you are welcome.

Tavarua Tiki I am saving all your photos, thank you.


Tiki Atari's kickstarter project. It's been my job to mold his original and to make 23 fine tuned mugs. It's a weird project because what I'm attempting to do is to make the cast look as close to his 3D printer master as possible. It takes a day to do one. Here are a few examples.

The printer didn't make one of the butt cheeks large enough.

So here's where I have added it. I also carved the background lines and pressed in all the indentations.

One of the mold lines ran over this area and a lot of detail was lost.

I add suction cups, some so tiny that I use a wooden skewer to sculpt them.

Another mold line runs over the sunken city ruins.

There is a lot of detail to add back into this area.

To cast this master I had to fill in all the deep or undercut portions.

I dig out the letters so that they will show up better.

I use a wet brush to smooth them.

When I finish a set I line them up and go over them again to make sure I didn't miss anything.
What I found yesterday was that all the left breast had shrunk more than the right as they firmed up.
So one by one I added clay and

built them all back up to double D's.

They are back in plastic bags so that they will firm up slowly and this new clay will stick.

I number all the bottoms and I have been allowed to put my name on the bottoms of those I work on. This is entirely Tiki Atari's design. I'm just hired help.

This is a run of 6 with breasts on the half woman and half creature part of the sculpt.

They show up on the standing woman and the diving woman.

I have four to change with carving and 1 to do with special glazing.

I better get busy.


Tomorrow I'll put up more Mitch Tobias photos. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-05-09 13:26 ]

MadDogMike posted on 05/09/2014

Wendy, I don't stop in here every day (busy with wedding plans and such). I stop by about one a week so I can be COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED by what you have done! :)
The Al Dead Bowl is one of my most favorite pieces by any artist in the past few years
Isn't that crackle glaze fun? I also like the swirled colors of the blue flame.
For some reason Hang10's ginormous pendant reminds me of a PNG crocodile
Love the colors on the Bumatay Fish mug with the blues and oranges
Your attention to detail on the Atari kickstarter mug is AMAZING!!!

See ya again in about a week :D

hang10tiki posted on 05/09/2014

Chris- didn't want your drink to spill
Or da food to fall off your table

Wendy- yesterday I found this Witco lookin candleholder
at a junk store for 1.00
Cleaned up nice
Hmmmmmm, no candles in my bar but
I do have a tiki mug or two
How about a coaster

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TikiHula posted on 05/09/2014

Wow you miss even half a day here and you miss a lot! Won a contest I didn't even know about - breasts are flying everywhere - a beautiful chocolate brownie and even more beautiful Honaunau mug - steak houses - Witco wood - mass hysteria!

So much fun but I can't keep up :D

TikiAno posted on 05/09/2014

On 2014-05-09 13:08, TikiHula wrote:
Wow you miss even half a day here and you miss a lot! Won a contest I didn't even know about - breasts are flying everywhere - a beautiful chocolate brownie and even more beautiful Honaunau mug - steak houses - Witco wood - mass hysteria!

So much fun but I can't keep up :D

Ha ha ha! Yup, that's about right. :)

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Holler Waller posted on 05/09/2014

Creature Breast - gotta be tiki

hang10tiki posted on 05/10/2014

Mai-Tai last night wit dinner

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danlovestikis posted on 05/10/2014

MadDogMike that was really fun to read. Sorry I'm missing you and Teresa at events this year. You two are always welcome here.
After last night the AL DEAD bowl is finished. See below.

hang10tiki than you for fixing the photos. I've learned to never turn my camera if I want to take a photo to post.
I like that coaster/candle holder fix. It really makes a mug look special.

TikiHula and then you ended up your day here painting your AL DEAD bowl with Mahalo Tiki's pin striping paint.

TikiAno your swap mug is great. I need to start posting photos of my project. I have worked about 30 minutes on it this week.

Holler Waller isn't it fun that tiki has so many areas in art. Tiki Bob started off in Africa not Hawaii. Good to see you here.

hang10tiki I can't remember who has what mug that I've made so I love these drink photos that bring it all back.


Mahalo Tiki loaned Tiki Hula a can of pin-striping paint in gold so that he could paint the letters on the Fez of the AL DEAD bowl. Thank you Nelson and Mary.
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I started the first section and
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then I turned it over to Tiki Hula.
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This paint is very runny and wants to accumulate at the bottom of each section.
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So every so often he would swipe up from the bottom to relocate the drip to the center.
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It all worked out and
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now the bowl is finished
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and is worth showing off in a few angled views.
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Tiki Hula will be at Caliente so please say hi and let him know if you liked his bowl design.
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Speaking of Mahalo Tiki...it's a small world.

I went to Alpha Fired Arts to buy glaze from Brian the owner.
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Dan hangs out on the couch while I walk through my dream store. I'd be there every day if it weren't an hours drive away.
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When I checked out there on the counter was Mahalo Tiki's business card. He'd been there the day before to pick up supplies.
Nelson and Mary have a kiln now and plan to make mugs.
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This is all such fun.

Mahalo Tiki I abused your kindness. When Mike was painting his letters I painted the tiki on the Sacramento Crawl mug as a test.

I like it. I still haven't decided the final outcome for the mug. I have other tests in the works.

Same can of paint.
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A very light layer.
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It's looking good.
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I have started to receive checks for the Wish List Projects. I work on the honor system. I ship and wait to be paid when everyone is happy with my work.

I had two wonderful surprises yesterday. The first was from DooWop who had the blue Creature mug made for Jerry her boyfriend.

She sent us the album cover that matched the mug I'd made along with a letter I'll have to save and a check I'll have to spend.
Thank you very much DooWop. We will treasure the album and letter.
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Meet Jerry and see his Jerry's Jungle Room. Very cool.
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I've never received presents for my work before. Imagine our surprise to have two in one day.

I did the Rat Fink in Disneyland for Tiki Wahini. She sent us two Reyn Spooner Hawaiian shirts in our sizes
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and a mug Dan quickly grabbed from my hands.
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He didn't have this excellent mug in his collection.
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Thank you so much. We'll think of you when we wear the shirts and see the mug in the danlovestikis collection.


Well our Friday couldn't have been better. Now it's time to, what else, work on clay. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-05-10 09:13 ]

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Tikiwahini posted on 05/10/2014

Wendy/Dan - It was so much fun watching you two work together on my Rat Fink in Disneyland. Your "togetherness" is a large part of the charm of your thread. Plus of course your talent for ceramics and fabulous pics!! I've already started thinking about the next Wish List - what do I want next....hmmm..... Thanks again!

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MahaloTiki posted on 05/10/2014

Awesome Wendy... You can use the paint for whatever you want. Love the way it came out!!

hang10tiki posted on 05/10/2014

What an awesome episode of the Cevola show....

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VampiressRN posted on 05/11/2014

Wow...more amazing mugging!!!

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 05/11/2014

Even I loved Wendy's breast comment and I'm female!

too funny!!!!

Excellent work as always.....

danlovestikis posted on 05/11/2014

Happy Mother's Day

Tikiwahini thank you again for your over the top gifts and comments. What makes this thread the best are all of you who look and post. Every day is fun for us. I really couldn't do all this work without Dan's help.

MahaloTiki thank you so much and see you soon.

hang10tiki your photos sure enhance what goes on here.

VampiressRN did the Corona Contessa like her mug?

LoriLovesTiki there probably will be more of those today. This part of the mug has been a challenge.

Here are more of Mitch's photographs or our collection. With so many to choose from it was fun to see what he selected.

mitch tobias photographer
601 Van Ness Ave. #E3-847
San Francisco, CA 94102

SF (415) 647-0242
LA (310) 455-7224

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My sculpt of the Forbidden Island signature tiki. A prototype for their 5th anniversary.
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Ocea Oteca
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The final sculpt for the Forbidden Island party.
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The glass says it all.
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Munktiki salt and peppers.
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Stockton Islander.
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Mai Kai.
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Eric October.
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Exotic gold statue. $10 at a antique mall.
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My tribute mug for the Lanai San Mateo California.
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Thank you Mitch. I'm so happy to have these photos to share.

More on Tiki Atari's kickstarter project. I have now started on the UBER mugs. Those require a variant background after I fine tune the mug. Here's the first one that I have done.

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I think of the swirl as a Maori pattern. The next two he has requested be PNG and Tapa. I'd better get busy. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 05/11/2014

Great pics

I love the Wendy and Dan-0 show
But my old TV has no volume
I wonder what the theme song is???

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TikiTacky posted on 05/11/2014


I always love to see your wok, and I'm very excited about Tiki Atari's new mug design that you're working on with him. But there's one thing that's niggling at me, and although I didn't want to say anything I thought now might be the time.

On the woman diving down, you commented earlier in the thread that you had to restore part of her buttock, which was lost in the molding process. But it looks to me like the buttock is actually on the wrong side? Like it's on the front of her leg?

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Maybe it's just the angle, or maybe I haven't had enough Mai Tais, but it looks wrong to me.

Anyway, I hope you don't mind my commenting. Either way, it looks like it's going to be a great mug!


[ Edited by: TikiTacky 2014-05-11 09:10 ]

danlovestikis posted on 05/11/2014

hang10tiki you've made me a star on General Hospital. Now if Rick Springfield was there on the same day well...

TikiTacky it's the angle. the enhanced butt cheek is part of the lower leg. Butt now that you mention it the upper leg looks like it's turned at a strange angle.

Here's the Tiki Farm version showing that area.
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This part of the mug is where the woman turns from hula girl into a creature, she's morphing so we'll cut her some slack!

Thank you though, I had to go check the mugs. Butt I did just follow instructions from Tiki Atari. In the END I hope he's satisfied.

Cheers, Wendy

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c57167aa6631748387e7de1f18f35038?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiTacky posted on 05/11/2014

Ahh, now I see it! It's the butt cheek from the leg in front (which is bent). Hard to tell with the lighting. Thanks, I feel better now. :)

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dartharnie posted on 05/11/2014

Wow, catching up again and I gotta say...Really impressive. the gold pin-striping looks perfect on the Al Dead bowl (what a piece of work. something to truly be proud of) and I really love it on the Sac. Crawl Coconut with the golden tiki. I know you aren't asking, but that is a design I could vote in favor of, for sure.

I also think the swirl pattern on the custom Uber Fogcutter is excellent. It gives it a bizarrely summer, beach boy vibe. If it wasn't for the fact the girl turns monster, the side with the girl and board would be a great print or album cover complete with a very cool sun radiating behind her.

On a slightly different note, yesterday both girls filled their custom bowls with popcorn and blueberries (an oddly yummy combo), snuggled under an A's blanket and watched a mini Three Stooges marathon with me. Thank you again.

danlovestikis posted on 05/12/2014

TikiTacky me too.

dartharnie I have the coconut that Tiki Hula and I glazed. That may be the one but if it isn't the gold version will be at the top of my list too. The paint from Mahalo Tiki really made Tiki Hula's bowl perfect.

The Uber fogcutter mug has one side for tiki collectors and the rest for Horror in Clay collectors. Tiki Atari made a mug for everyone.

I won a bowl at the California State Fair when I was 10. I used to peel a half dozen pomegranates to fill the bowl and then lie in bed eating one seed at a time. I would pretent I was a princess. I still have the bowl. Good memories. I hope that the girls will have them too. Especially of the dad who got the bowls for them.

More photos of the danlovestikis collection by;

mitch tobias photographer
601 Van Ness Ave. #E3-847
San Francisco, CA 94102

SF (415) 647-0242
LA (310) 455-7224

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Kirby's necklaces.
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Vintage clock.
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Louie B shaker and ?
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My Lanai tribute mug.
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My 1/1 Bloody Maori severed head.
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One of Dan's perfectly arraigned shelves.
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Gravel Art by Suzanne.
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Tiki Atari's next Uber mug. PNG as requested. I just used a design that was on a mask hanging on the wall next to me.

I started Uber number 2 by cleaning off all the cast designs on the surface.
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Next I did a grid pattern on the bottom to represent movement in the water. She's diving in as the water moves out.
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Next I added all the outlines for the PNG pattern. Front.
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Next I started the PNG ovals.
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All done with the pattern used completely around the top of the mug. Carving into clay is softer but similar to doing real PNG wood carving. I felt at one with the PNG population.
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Tomorrow will be the Tapa Version.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-05-12 08:29 ]

hang10tiki posted on 05/12/2014

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Holler Waller posted on 05/13/2014

Drink photos I can do:

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hang10tiki posted on 05/13/2014

Holler- love dat Honu mug bra

TikiHula posted on 05/13/2014

It was great to put the finishing touches on the Al Dead bowl. Left the next day for vacation (including the upcoming Tiki Caliente Woohoo) so I'll be taking lots of photos of it in action when I get home.

Loving all the mug photos!

hang10tiki posted on 05/13/2014

TikiHula- see u soon


danlovestikis posted on 05/13/2014

hang10tiki the second mug has a Bumatay on the back.

TikiHula I've seen some fun photos of your trip on facebook.

hang10tiki I just heard that MadDogMike can't make it to Caliente. Too many wedding details to take care of right now.


mitch tobias photographer
601 Van Ness Ave. #E3-847
San Francisco, CA 94102

SF (415) 647-0242
LA (310) 455-7224

More photographs by Mitch.

This section of mugs a mostly vintage.
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My Tiki Crate mugs for Forbidden Island.
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Tiki Atari's Uber #3 for kickstarter rewards. This is the Tapa version he requested.

I started with seaweed growing on the bottom. Then I made wavy water lines through it. I carried that theme around the mug.
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Next I carved the boxes that will hold the Tapa Designs. Front
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and back.
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All done.
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I have one mug left to do and I get to decide what to do with it. More fun tomorrow.


TikiAno posted on 05/13/2014

So. Much. Good. Stuff.

Missed a few days due to work, so many great things. Hula's painting gold letters, Wendy's painting gold tikis, checks, Aloha shirts in the mail, holy moly.

As Jon said, it's (always) a good episode of the Dan & Wendy (Wendy & Dan?) show? :)

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ebtiki posted on 05/14/2014

Wow, Wendy - I love the tapa background!

hang10tiki posted on 05/14/2014

Wait, first you drop a bomb on us that you 2 will not be there
Now this
No Mad Dog at Caliente
:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

We will raise a glass (or 50) in honor of you 3

danlovestikis posted on 05/14/2014

TikiAno and I've also started to work on the swap project.

ebtiki I really enjoy doing tapa carvings. I bought a tapa book.

hang10tiki I have my fingers crossed that the 108 degrees won't scare off a few more friends. I love Caliente but even that temperature is too high for me to be comfortable.

Here are more photos from:

mitch tobias photographer
601 Van Ness Ave. #E3-847
San Francisco, CA 94102

SF (415) 647-0242
LA (310) 455-7224

A wall of my bathroom taken in black and white.
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A different wall of my bathroom where I huge seahorses that were in different colors.
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Spare bedroom. I had to get up and check...nope my carpet is not buckled.
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Mai Kai by Tiki Farm.
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These are all Tiki Bob's I've made that Dan took for his collection.
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War God's that I sculpted and Gecko glazed.
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Mitch...each time I post I'm saying thank you for the photos and fun day.

There are more to be posted.


Tiki Atari's project is coming along fine. With this last "Artists Choice" mug I've completed the sculpting portion.
As soon as they dry I'll be sanding and fine tuning again before the bisque fireing.

This is the mug I got to have fun with. I didn't want to take it too far away from Tiki Atari's original idea so I just added more detail.

First step was to completely clean up the cast and to remove the background swirls and dents.

After enhancing the butt cheek I added some seaweed and a small fish swimming away from the creature.
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I added another tentacle from behind the creature and wreckage.
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Once it firmed up I carved around each tentacle and
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then I smoothed it and added the holes.
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I added some stars because this will be a night scene like DooWops creature mug.
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All done. There are other enhancements so I took a lot of photos to share. This is more of a lake scene than an ocean scene.
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23 days and 23 mugs have been made.
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When they are completely dry it will be time to bisque fire.
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Thank you for the visit, Wendy

HW Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/dae1388506a9493d71567449da0ebb1f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Holler Waller posted on 05/14/2014

hang10 - dat Honu mug def in my top fav mugz

hang10tiki posted on 05/15/2014

Holler- as well it should be :)
Wendy- good update

hang10tiki posted on 05/16/2014

In Palm Springs
Lyons is closed for the summer :(
Off to Tonga Hut

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Ps- got lotsa compliments on the necklace

danlovestikis posted on 05/16/2014

Holler Waller that made my day!

hang10tiki that made my night!

More photos by;

mitch tobias photographer
601 Van Ness Ave. #E3-847
San Francisco, CA 94102

SF (415) 647-0242
LA (310) 455-7224

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Thank you Mitch. More to post in the next few days.

I'm going to leave now and visit some places on Tiki Central.

Thank you all for stopping by...I wish I were at Caliente. Enjoy, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 05/16/2014

Big CY
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Michael / Jungle Modern
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