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what is the update on bahooka's rufus??? the dreaded question continues?

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Fez Moai posted on 05/23/2014

On 2014-05-21 22:00, christiki295 wrote:
Spooky for you.
However, for me, I would choose asinine, disgusting, needless, horrific, stupid, shameful, negligent, reckless, revolting and some other words that the TC code of conduct prohibits me from posting.

Alan Zhu, the new owner, could have done the right thing, stepped aside and not interfered with Rufus' pre-arranged transfer to Damon's, where one of the bartenders proudly pointed out to me where his tank would be located.

Greedily, the new owner wanted to keep Rufus and, in addition, the $1,000.00 HLA raised for Rufus' transfer, claiming that he deserved the $1K for transferring Rufus to a new tank, which seemingly was never done. Had he actually followed through on his word, we would have been sent actual photos of Rufus, not the phony photos which Fez Moai fraudulently tried to pass off, as THOR warned and predicted, and which Atomic Tiki Punk and others appropriately called him out for doing.

Instead of doing the right thing, the greedy bastard tried to keep Rufus for his own business, but apparently was too cheap to continue to pay Rufus' longtime caretaker. As Aquari and others pointed out, the new owner recklessly exposed Rufus to an almost certain death by placing him in some sort of garden koi pond.

I don't have the monopoly on the facts here, so if I've missed something, please so indicate.

[ Edited by: christiki295 2014-05-21 22:20 ]

Looks like I have a slander lawsuit here. Fraudulently passed off, huh? Can you prove that?
Unfortunately the moderator doesn't seem to be stepping in and stopping these unfounded accusations. What's going on here Haka?

[ Edited by: Fez Moai 2014-05-22 18:30 ]

THOR's posted on 05/23/2014

O.K! LOCK THE THREAD! PLEASE…. it no longer is of service to the cause! I asked NUMEROUS times for no more ego battles and banter!!! The productivity is GONE! Let's lock it! ..and I will tell yah why! The bullshit over rode the cause. No answers, and a lot of promises and hope, not delivered on! This thread was to lock when I gave the thumbs up ! The "good intent" of this was recognized by moderators, Fez! That's what it was aloud to stay open! I am sick of this…FINALLY. I have to hope good old fashioned "fate" will make good on this! "Thanks" for "helping" Rufus and the spirit of Bahooka!

[ Edited by: THOR's 2014-05-22 18:59 ]

christiki295 posted on 05/23/2014

[i]On 2014-05-22 18:25, Fez Moai wrote:

Looks like I have a slander lawsuit here. Fraudulently passed off, huh? Can you prove that?
Unfortunately the moderator doesn't seem to be stepping in and stopping these unfounded accusations. What's going on here Haka?

[ Edited by: Fez Moai 2014-05-22 18:30 ]

Fez Moai, please send me a PM and I will give you my full name and address to enable you to draft and serve your Complaint. If you need law firm referrals, I will happily provide those, too. If no attorney will take your worthless case, and you need to file in pro per, I might even help you draft the Complaint.

Of course, filed with my Answer to your Complaint will be an anti-Slap motion seeking attorney fees. All I ask in return is that Alan Zhu also is named as a plaintiff in the Complaint, so I can file my motion against someone with the resources to pay those attorney fees.

I have a 16 sample on my desktop right now from another case, so, please, make my day.

[ Edited by: christiki295 2014-05-22 19:44 ]

thePorpoise posted on 05/23/2014

if you lot had any genuine respect at all for mid-century tradition, you'd be setting a time to meet up in the parking lot and settle this like men-- with a good old-fashioned fist fight. (I wager twenty bucks on the fat guy btw, any takers...)

THOR's posted on 05/23/2014

Oh man… fools will surface to the last snap shot won't they! lol

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