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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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little lost tiki posted on 03/05/2014

Hi All! Have a FEW MINUTES to spare,sooooooo

On 2014-03-02 15:13, whoseyrtiki wrote:
Thanks so much for sharing the concept to beginnings of Amy's project! Loving where this is going especially since several of the locals represented are near and dear to my heart as well. Can't wait for more. Will definitely be by to check out the opening of the War of the Gargantuans show :D

Mahalo Whoseyrtiki! Be sure and introduce yourself at the Opening,they'll be plenty of pieces to gawk at and discuss!

On 2014-03-02 15:20, LoriLovesTiki wrote:
Love everything! The mugs are way cool!

Thanks LLT! JUST sold the Jungle Night one and made a TC member's day! LOVE doin that!

On 2014-03-02 15:52, danlovestikis wrote:
We are coming to the show with Woo Hoo and Soccer Tiki. This is going to be mega fun to see you gorgeous guys and all your outstanding tiki art. Oh and lots of hugs, Wendy

YAY! So excited you'll be in town for this! We're gonna look EXTRA gorgeous for you in our suits and tuxedos! :)

On 2014-03-02 16:06, zerostreet wrote:
Beautiful job painting those mugs, Ken!

Thanks zerostreet!
They usually take some time BUT are always well worth the journey,as you know! :)

TONIGHT on latalkradio.com....
Come hear us clowns drunkenly promote the Gargantuas show...

There will be a DOCENT TOUR/MEET and GREET exhibition
Saturday March 15th 6 to 10pm
Friday March 22 6 to 10 pm

C'mon Down and Share some Madness!!!!

Here's the Tiki pieces I'll be showing at the exhibition

Here's a flier that i made especially for the event's Opening.. I'll have TEN limited edition prints offered as a Special show commemorative poster... Only Ten made! Get yours the night of the Opening.... a way to pay ken back for all those years of free flier madness,wouldn't you say?

Category:Papua New Guinea
"Sepik River Totem"
around 6' tall""
Acrylic and Paintpen on a well used Surfboard

An old dinged up Surfboard in the studio has been SCREAMING to be transformed into SOMETHING! ANYTHING! So,in order to quiet it down,i have chosen to craft it into an Ancestor Totem,festooned with denizens of the Sepik River....

Category:Marquesan Islands
"Bar with Marquesan Artifacts"
19 x 23""
acrylic on wood with a Bamboo Ben frame

i KNEW Toe and Doug were going to paint a Marquesan Tiki with a girl in one form or another. Desiring to produce something to offset the heavy Girlie theme,i have chosen a bar scene and littered it with relics from that distant and magical land....

Category:Rapa Nui (Easter Island)
"Rapa Nui Nocturne"
17 x 25.5"
Orongo Birdmen,summoned to life from the island's rock petroglphs.Dance around a Moai in the hopes of giving the Stone Spirit...

The exhibition will be 6 to 10
BUT! there's a 2-hour After party til Midnight there!

TikiAno posted on 03/06/2014

Posters are great, newest work even greater, wish I could make it up to the show and see all of the work in person!

Dig "Rapa Nui Nocturne" and "Bar with Marquesan Artifacts," super awesome.... as always. Surfboard looks great too- THAT I'd love to see in person and all close up like. Wow.

Clarita posted on 03/06/2014

Everything very cool as always, and I LOVE the project for the Queen Amy, epic! Congrats.

whoseyrtiki posted on 03/07/2014

Your manic creativity is always inspiring. That Sepic River totem surfboard is ridiculously off the hook cool! People would freak if I paddled out on that :D Eager to see it in person.

little lost tiki posted on 03/14/2014

Hello Kiddies!
Still recovering from an Incredible Show last Friday...
so many friends and Ohana gathered at the Gargantuas Exhibition
So much Love and GREAT conversations with folks!
After that...
Rested and Relaxed and Read this weekend
Baths and Mudmasks....
a dash of post-Show Depression (that feeling of "okay......what next?")
and alternating between Don Quixote and Michael Moorcock's "Dancers at the End of Time" trilogy (a set of books that i haven't read since High School)
and then on Sunday
not having been able to paint for about a week
(on the edge of the edge of cranky)
finally! got to paint!
and it felt like JOY!
(i think the fact that the
4th Season of Archer is on Netflix now,
certainly enhanced the Euphoria that day)

But first.....

On 2014-03-06 08:07, TikiAno wrote:
Posters are great, newest work even greater, wish I could make it up to the show and see all of the work in person!
Dig "Rapa Nui Nocturne" and "Bar with Marquesan Artifacts," super awesome.... as always. Surfboard looks great too- THAT I'd love to see in person and all close up like. Wow.

Thanks TikiAno!
We will be having a DOCENT TOUR of the Gargantuas show this Saturday March 15th
223 W. Santa Fe in Fullerton (at the Magoski Art Colony)
Parking Garage (free) half a block down the street!
6 and 8 pm are the two tours-the gallery is open 6 to 10pm
and we gots a BEER sponsor!
Come on Down! It'll be a LARNin Experience!

and March 21st is the Closing Reception
6 to 10pm for that
Same address as above...

On 2014-03-06 12:17, Clarita wrote:
Everything very cool as always, and I LOVE the project for the Queen Amy, epic! Congrats.

Mahalo Clarita!
So glad you enjoyed the studies for that Big Project! Been sitting on it and awaiting the Queens word to GO! But,in the meantime,it was 3 months of preparing for the Gargantuas show and other projects...WHAT have YOU been working on lately,my friend? i just KNOW your brain is Buzzing with ideas you are going to bring to life! :)

On 2014-03-06 20:57, whoseyrtiki wrote:
Your manic creativity is always inspiring. That Sepik River totem surfboard is ridiculously off the hook cool! People would freak if I paddled out on that :D Eager to see it in person.

So..... What did you think? Hope you enjoyed yourself there! I usually feel overwhelmed and run outside for a cigarette and cinnamon whiskey break!I sealed the heck out of that board with some 2-part-the can's contents solidify after 24 hours...35 bucks a can,but Toe used it for a helmet he painted and it was PERFECT for the BOARD! all it needs is one fin (one was missing when i got it)but replace that
and it is good for paddle out!
or a photoshoot with a sweet wahine!

If you missed it LAST Wednesday night
Here's our gargantuan Noisy Hour with the ever tolerant Ray Boylan
on LATalkRadio.com
Listen if you dare....

aaaaand some pictures taken by our dear Wendy and Dan and the esteemed nui 'umi 'umi
and a couple others gleaned from Facebook,OC Weekly,etc.

I hope that made you feel like you were there if you couldn't make it..
You were in our gargantuan hearts and thoughts that night! :)

Well...like i said earlier
i gots to paint on Sunday
and it was wonderful and long overdue
after a week or so muddled in alls and artist statements and the like

Here it is!
"Outside the Hidden Village"
acrylic and certainly-vinyl on wood
with a Bamboo Ben frame!
image: 15 x 19"
with frame: 20 x 21.5"

and just the image...

No real story here for this one
at least no intended one..
this one started as just swishes and swirls of color
a frantic sketch in white pastel pencil (wipes off with damp towel after dry!)
and then building up the mood
the depth
and a alls bit of mystery...

and some close-ups

the First mask tied to a mossy tree
smiling and beckoning the viewer to walk closer

to the far right
there's a surprised fellow
Is he warning us to be wary?
Does he see something behind us?
Anyways,the Tiki below him ain't buying it

Mr. Crabbypants on the right seems to be trying to force some advice upon the
younger shield,still filled with happy wonder....
And what's the deal with the huts in the background?
Are they occupied?

This shot gives a good view of some of the foreground plants
the swishy brushy background
peeps out of the ground
here and there....
the shield on the left
appears to be the young buck's older brother

There! a kind of narrative for you
if'n you need one!
If not....just enjoy the MOOOOOD!

Hope to see you on Saturday!
DOCENT TOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you again for all the comments and visits
Makin this cel hermit SMILE!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/14/2014

Kinny you did look sharp in your Tux!

hang10tiki posted on 03/14/2014

What ATP said

Clarita posted on 03/14/2014

Mahalo Clarita!
So glad you enjoyed the studies for that Big Project! Been sitting on it and awaiting the Queens word to GO! But,in the meantime,it was 3 months of preparing for the Gargantuas show and other projects...WHAT have YOU been working on lately,my friend? i just KNOW your brain is Buzzing with ideas you are going to bring to life!

Oh yes yes I've been checking out all about the Gargantuas show on FB
a ton of amazing art, a total hit, congrats guys!
and laughed a lot with the flyers, you guys are nuts
a sort of three stooges of wonder art geniuses :)
and about me, I've made a new bamboo I like very much,
that's about it for now but happy about it.
Congrats on the big show again, and a hug.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/03/2014

U R sooooo AWESOME!

danlovestikis posted on 04/03/2014

We were so happy to make it to your show with Tiki HUla, Woo Hoo Wahine and Soccer Tiki. What a show of terrific art. Seeing you three there was such a blast. Congratulations, Wendy and Dan

little lost tiki posted on 04/11/2014


Packing for Mojave Oasis
but thought i'd share a few drawings
before i head out to Paradise...

Just bringin a few things to vend

gonna be relaxin and sketching and drawing..

I will reply next week

here is some art
Still Life with Volcano Bowl
Copic Marker and ink on Aquarelle watercolor paper

"the Bowl of Fruit"
Copic Marker and ink on Aquarelle watercolor paper

pencil and ink on Aquarelle watercolor paper

"the Forgotten Corner"
Copic Marker and ink on Aquarelle watercolor paper

"The Uncontagious Smile"
Copic Marker and ink on Aquarelle watercolor paper

Welp....gotta Pack
but upon my returni will be sure to reply to you all
Thank you for your patience,Ohana!
MOJAVE here i come!!!!!!!!!!!


danlovestikis posted on 04/11/2014

Love your art. I hope you take some photos at the event. I'd like to see that smile. Enjoy, Wendy

TikiDaye posted on 04/13/2014


Congrats on a great show... One day I hope to be close enough to visit. Great stuff, as always...

God bless,

Jason 'TikiDaye'

tigertail777 posted on 04/14/2014

Super crazy, super awesome as always LLT! I wanna see a closer shot of that nutty self portrait from the gargantuan show. Looks like a good time was had by all. :wink:

little lost tiki posted on 06/04/2014

now HOW has everyone been?
and a few Rum Beverages!
Well, i have a lot
i mean a LOT of art for you to see

Been recording ideas and concepts on paper
for a few Tiki Oasis paintings
which will be shared shortly...

but first...
some long awaited replies to those of you who were kind enough to leave a comment...

On 2014-03-14 00:13, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Kinny you did look sharp in your Tux!

On 2014-03-14 07:46, hang10tiki wrote:
What ATP said

Well thank you Gents! i did feel a bit SCHNAZZY that evening
alongside my dear friends and artistic heroes
ALSO in their finest finery!
We have recently been running down
a list of candidates for next year's madness..
Who is available-who jibes well with us three stylistically-who can bring something a little different to the theme.....stuff like that
and a BIG Thanks again to ALL who came to the shows
or playfully egged us on
around the internets!

On 2014-03-14 14:27, Clarita wrote:

Oh yes yes I've been checking out all about the Gargantuas show on FB
a ton of amazing art, a total hit, congrats guys!
and laughed a lot with the flyers, you guys are nuts
a sort of three stooges of wonder art geniuses :)
and about me, I've made a new bamboo I like very much,
that's about it for now but happy about it.
Congrats on the big show again, and a hug.

Mahalos for the hug and all the well wishes dear fellow artist friend!
Glad you're still creating beautiful work,and happy that you are deriving loads of joy from it... Your work always carries with it some of that warmth and love! Big hugs back to you! :)

On 2014-04-03 02:52, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
U R sooooo AWESOME!

Aw Brad! You ALWAYS make me blush!
YOU....Sir, are the awesome one! Painting and adventuring on the island ,and being so kind and willing to share with us all here and on FB on an astonishingly consistent basis!
You and Wendy.....man! Kudos to you Alls!
Your constant motivation and dedication to your art sets the bar for us all to follow! looking forward to seeing you and your works in person in July! There's something about being next to a Parker painting that is hard to describe.....tingles...and wonder!
now get back to crackin on that canvas,Art brother!

On 2014-04-03 07:31, danlovestikis wrote:
We were so happy to make it to your show with Tiki HUla, Woo Hoo Wahine and Soccer Tiki. What a show of terrific art. Seeing you three there was such a blast. Congratulations, Wendy and Dan

Speaking of Wendy!
Darling Sister! It WAS such a thrill ride seeing you and Dan and ALL the Ohana gathered together with other art folks and other types of art besides our usual genre.... I found that fascinating and am assured that everyone in attendance left with some extra insight ,observation,and achieved their quota of hugs! :)

and as for Mojave Oasis photos..
Here are just a few
AND let me tell YOU...
it was Paradise and so relaxing
and so madcap
and so much fun
and full of love
and the true essence of Ohana....
and the Cocksmen ROCK!
Hope they do a room party this year at Oasis!
Lemme get these last few answers done and i'll start with a few pics
before laying down some art....

On 2014-04-13 14:35, TikiDaye wrote:
Congrats on a great show...
One day I hope to be close enough to visit.
Great stuff, as always...
God bless,
Jason 'TikiDaye'

Mahalo Jason!
You are ALWAYS welcome at the studio whenever you're in town
All i need is a few day's notice,chum!
I'll be having a Solo exhibition down here in November
so if you're in the area....

On 2014-04-14 01:05, tigertail777 wrote:
Super crazy, super awesome as always LLT! I wanna see a closer shot of that nutty self portrait from the gargantuan show. Looks like a good time was had by all. :wink:

It was a BLAST! All that work and BAM! over in 4 hours
sore feet
Taco bell run on the way home
Ah! the Glory....

Anyways... Here's that closeup you requested...

Well! now that we got to do a lil exchange for awhile
Lemme tell you about Mojave Oasis
my absolute favorite event of the year
so down-home and simple
put 100-150 friends in a park with a lake and other lil fun spots to hang
bring in some bands
have some crawls
and build a beautiful Clamshell bar as a beacon
Nighttime there is MAGIC!
I'm still resizing pics from that event
but here are a few of my faves already sized...
Danny's incredible shack
as viewed during a drunken midnight water paddle
on Lake Mojave with mah girlie!

Decided not to vend but to just chill...
to read,to relax,to converse with friends,to make some art...
this was all i made,but hey! i was drankin and a chattin and whatnot!

"Morning in the Valley"
ink on Aquarelle watercolor paper

i wanted to capture that vibe of quietness
RIGHT before everyone gets up.
Because that's when i like to get up
and wander the grounds
and enjoy watching
the makeshift village of tents and trailers
slowly stir....
Plus there was this incredible aerial phenom
i got to witness as the sun rose
y'see,the sun rose over the hills,all bright and warm
there was a little cloud right above it
a light wispy one.
Well, as soon as the sun rose and hit that cloud
the re was a strange eclipse
and the sun itself had this ring or colors
wrapped around the edges
hugging them and spinning around.
The closest thing i could liken it to
were some of the alleged miracles at Virgin Mary apparitions
i had read about during a two-year BVM research jag...
Fatima most certainly came to mind....
Though not as extreme as those accounts
still a lil miracle...
and then it was Gone!
the sun had been ladled out of the misty cloud
and the day was ready to begin....
See? Mojave Oasis is MAGIC!

Here's my trailer

i call it mine because Amy always asks me
if i want my favorite trailer
before every event...
it DOES got's mah scent!
Amy has created a Paradise!
LOVE that woman!
and DO NOT get me started on Ray!
That guy is a treasure!

Here's a nice inside view of the Clamshell mermaid lounge
with beautiful lamps,a gorgeous Tiki Ray sculpture
and two 3 x 4 or 4x5 foot (i can't remember) mural panels on the ceiling
by yours truly...
Here's a closeup for you newbies...

"Land of the Mermaids" Angelfish

"Land of the Mermaids" Seahorse

Back to some Mojave...
Here's that smile,Wendy!

Chillaxin by the lake in one of the cabana huts...

and of course....the infamous Cocksmen! Yeah Baby!

Been vacillating between
Pure Blind Experimentation via drawings
Tiki paintings and concepting for oasis pieces
Working on pieces and concepts and studies for November's solo show...
Annnnnnnnd i'll be sharing a suite with Thor by the pool this year
and we are each proudly displaying,not only our pleasurable Handiworks of art
BUT also we are each premiering a Tiki Farm MUG and BOWL at the EVENT!


Will share studies and sneak peeks when i get clearance
but these are gonna be some Winnahs! :)
A must for every Bar that dares to attach the word "Tiki" to it!

So,now having explained the long neglect and absence of this post
i will try to make amends with thee pieces that have been piling up
(and this is just the TIKI stuff!)
i have another pile of studies and drawings for the November show
and one six by four foot canvas i've been tackling
non-tiki,but if you're interested...
I started a Blog about it

and here's the blog

Well... Here's a piece for Oasis
"the Singing Waterfall"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with an exotic Bamboo Ben frame!

sans frame

i remember at the Mai-Kai,how the open interior area had this wet cool
loam-smelling (did i use that correctly? Loam? like a lichen on rocks,right?
okay...wet rock and wood scented pathway....
so i created my dream bar's version...
With a huge Solomon Islands Paddle carving,of course!

i always like to test out some of my favorite mug creations on these
paintings...If it's gonna be a dream bar,why not create all the mugs,right?
Decide to set a PNG shield into a TikiBob kind of palm shell... The blue is simply an indulgence and a way to echo the coolness throughout the picture...

Here's an Orongo Bird Volcano Bowl with a PNG Bird drum in the distance!
carrying that whole "song" theme throughout...

Here's a dapper tribal sun mug with a fancy red umbrella!

Here's a closer view of the drum in the foliage..

an ominous harbinger looms on the wall
a reference both to the predatory nature of the jungle,but closer still in theme,the water! But the main reason is i LOVE those giant Shark jaws and turtle shells that adorn some classic tiki bar walls
as exploited as they are,i still dig em...

And of course....
the STAR of the painting
the Singing Waterfall!

Here is a study for a painting or a woodburn that will try to picture wind,
a theme i've tackled before ,but decided to see if i could refine it
stylize it

"the Windy Jungle"
sharpie and Copic marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper

Here's a funny one
despite everyone crying
Well....except for that fellow middle right side of the drawing
cheeky bastard...

"the Crybabys"
sharpie and Copic marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper

i LOVE the mug in the foreground
Would LOVE to make him someday!
i think i'd call him ...
"Dammit JANUS"
(a shout out to all you old school Rocky Horror Fans!)

Another painting!
"the Rowdy Bunch"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood

Decided to throw some violet into the mix
see how it played with the red orange
seein if it would create a subtle tension
and the background was an attempt to get some background lighting effects
create a nameless depth
a chasm...

i call this lil shorty short guy,the "mark",the"dupe"
the unreluctant participant
in whatever mischief these rowdies are planning..
also, you get a closer look at how i treated the lei in this piece
with transparencies and other nonsense goin on...

a view of the table and the clutter of flowers and ceramic mugs
unbearably close to clinking against one another!

a little portrait of an accident awaiting to happen

These are the crazy brothers that i wouldn't trust fer nuthin!

Here's a real rough drawing
just trying to capture a composition
some lighting
before if flaps away to some other brain..

"the Shadowy Oasis"
copic marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

that squished moai makes me laugh!

"the Relaxing Scenario"
Sharpie and ink on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

"Lunch at the Waterfall"
Sharpie,watercolor,and ink on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

"the Abandoned Drink"
Sharpie,bleachpen and ink on Aquarelle Watercolor paper 0

Lots of crybabys....What up wit dat?

and as we begin to near the end of this massive tome
here's a poppy lil wakeup call!

"the Celebration"
Sharpie and copic marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

and lastly...this study for a painting i have almost finished
i'll show you the painting next installment!

"Pele's River"
Sharpie,bleachpen and ink on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

Well....i think that;s it for tonight...it's past midnight and i have work tomorrow....It was great finally catching up with y'alls,and thank you so much for the comments and the visits!
i see i broke the 800,000 views...
Don't you folks have better things to do?

lunavideogames posted on 06/04/2014

Love all of your art! I need to buy more of it!

I will go running now if that is something better to do. Possibly for my body, but not my soul :wink:

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/04/2014

Really dig your continued exploration of color in your work, Kinster!
your mood is coming through in those little splashes of whimsy too.

hang10tiki posted on 06/04/2014

Epic eye candy

hiltiki posted on 06/11/2014

The Singing Waterfall rocks.

little lost tiki posted on 06/11/2014

Howdee Fellow Tiki Centralians!

Created a few more pieces for Tiki Oasis this year and a couple more surprises BELOW!

But first.......let's chat it up!

On 2014-06-04 00:20, lunavideogames wrote:
Love all of your art! I need to buy more of it!
I will go running now if that is something better to do. Possibly for my body, but not my soul :wink:

Mahalo for the kind sentiments,LGV! Running is good for both body and soul,my friend... The solitude,the focus,the isolated action...they all aid the soul,so run to your heart's content.And whenever you desire more LLT art,there will always be pieces available for your hut!

On 2014-06-04 03:49, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Really dig your continued exploration of color in your work, Kinster!
your mood is coming through in those little splashes of whimsy too.

Thanks Lancelot!
Being a lover of color yourself,i am glad you dig...

On 2014-06-04 07:45, hang10tiki wrote:
Epic eye candy

Thanks Buddy! While the pieces are never as eye-popping as seeing the original,there's still enough OOMPH! there to delight all my friends on the internets! :)

On 2014-06-10 19:19, hiltiki wrote:
The Singing Waterfall rocks.

Mahalo Darling! That one was really a joy,as i imagined the sounds and the smells of wet stone and wood aromatic concoctions... I hope the audience is able to feel a lil bit of that magic....

Well, in between creating work for the big November solo show and working four days a week,Tiki Oasis looms...awaiting
and this boy needs some new pieces for the peeps.
Not too many,like last year
just enough...

this way the boy doesn't get run ragged....

"Men's House"
Kuvenmas Village
Blackwater River
Middle Sepik region
Papua New Guinea
pyrography on wood with cel-vinyl tinting

here's a close-up of the front of the structure
with inset tiki and crocodile mid-beam

the row of trees behind the men's house

the jungle behind the village

the side of the building,with porches and windows and support poles

the distant jungle on the other side of the piece

Here's a reeeeeal close-up of the tiki in the inset on the front of the men's hut..You can get a real good look at the rough nature of the woodburning...

"Waft of the Sea Breeze"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
6 x 12"

a fun sweet painting in a modernist-inspired style
Here's a detail showing the Uli-Uli and distant bay

and here's the Heiau with a pair of Hawaiian Tikis carved into thew support poles...

and now.....
Here's some fun behind the scenes stuff!

As you already know,my ultra-talented and extraordinary art-mate Thor and i will be vending out of our suite near the pool this year at Tiki Oasis this year.
Well, Holden was kind enough to pitch us each doing a mug and a bowl to premiere at the event...Needless to say,we were thrilled and up for the challenge.
That challenge being to come up with some concepts
get two approved
and then create final art for the sculptor
all in about a week....

Usually a mug simmers slow roasts percolates for a bit
being fine-tuned and re-examined over a month or so...

Not these!
Reliance on initial thoughts and seasoned and trained instinct had to come into play.
Here are some of the sketches i sent to Holden. The chosen mug and bowl have been blurred out to enhance the anticipation...

These were mostly gleaned from old sketchbooks and characters/mugs
from my Tiki bar interior paintings...
These two rely on texture
to reward the owner with a nice feel..
something to stroke while sitting in a booth and chatting with your girlie...
On this page is a Modernist style aquatic bowl
to satiate my educated sophistimicated side
and then the silly side concocted the happy sad shields on a thatched "wall"
a light-hearted papua new Guinea inspired vessel...

Here's a page with a bunch more concepts
Modernist Moais
Maori rowers
and Fishies and Coral!

a Dopey Gope
a big bold Tropical Moderne thin sleek mug
and a grumpy fellow lifted from "Pele's Diamond"
a spy-themed Cocktail scene painted for the Tiki Oasis Spy exhibition

and here is another mug concept page
(with the Mystery Mug blurred out for now)

i just LOVE the top left mug
it would be a Tiki bar wall scene in low relief...
If any of youse want to make some of these for me
let's talk.
i just don't have the motivation to branch out in mug production today....

And here is our last page of concepts
(with the mystery bowl blurred out)
"Dammit Janus" my favorite name of the batch
i was kinda hoping for a Janus style mug-but oh well...

Anyways...Hope you all enjoyed this brief little share
Thanks again for visitin and enjoying the work...
See you all SOONS!

hang10tiki posted on 06/11/2014

Busy man
Can't wait to see it all at Oasis

little lost tiki posted on 06/18/2014

and you will,hang10,ol buddy!
Not as much product as last year,but a sizable selection to oggle at..
Preparing for that AND a November show can be quite daunting
i may need an end of the year vacation!
See you there!

Alooha Folks!
Well it's been a few days and to assure you that i haven't been slacking,here are a couple of more pieces for your ocular amusement..

"the Hidden Waterfalls"
Copic marker and pencil underdrawing on Aquarelle Watercolor paper
16.25 x 12.25"

Decided to play around with some
not so typical color palettes this session.
For his drawing, i just sketched out the initial landscape
in pencil
then decided on the mood and semi-light source,
and just winged it with copic and Chartpak markers...

Maybe enjoying the fumes a lil too much,but hey...
there aren't many perks when you're an old workhorse!

As planned,it began to take shape with a Paint by number feel.
That and the kind of 40ish wallpaper look/reminded me of some of the earlier print work we did at Hawaiian island Creations and Rusty back in the 90s...

those old fabric prints-
especially some of the Conversational ones
have this nice breakup/simplification of the
forms and plants and water and occupants...
Nice chunks of colors,
relying on a graphic breakup/easy to cut screens.
i think it was there that my love of
mythology and Tikis and the Exotic
translated into a love for old fabrics and graphics
from that whole poly-Pop era
(we just didn't know what to call it back then..)

the more playful the better with Rusty....
and a nice appreciation of Hawaiian culture,from Tropical prints to more down to earth native inspired art..
a playful mix of insider and outsider was the fare at H.I.C.

i hope you enjoy stumbling over the vegetation
with palms casting long shadows
diving into the cool clear water
RIGHT as the orange rays of evening begin to saturate it.....

THAT..My friends,is what i hoped to communicate in this piece...
Plus i wanted to investigate subtracting a step from the process... to see if i could get the same point in a more restrained manner...

NEXT UP.....
if you remember a week or so hence
(ALWAYS wanted to use the word "hence" in a sentence,but could never find the PERFECT opportunity.. this JUST might pass...)
i had produced an olive and green fanciful little drawing called

"Pele's River"

the olive and red
a kind of chancy combo
BUT just enough challenge to translate it into a painting
BUT with a reddish orange AND DARKER olive ground
and that ol angel of inspiration whispered."aqua"
and i knew i had the color that could
BIND the whole composition together
AND deflect any insider artist jibes about marketing for Christmas
with the red and green combo....

Well here is what happened..
Ordered some BooBen frames
and he got me some good'uns!
as you will see shortly..

"Pele's River"
Acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with a big hefty Beautiful Bamboo Ben frame
19.5 x 20.5"
painting 14 x 18"

and here it is
sans frame to envelop you into the WORLD before you!

and now let's wander about this fantastical landscape..

Here is the bottom left
where our journey begins....
My favorite area with an obviously Fireproof wooden bridge...

Next we carefully watch our steps and arduously reach the first hut,
an outpost of sorts...
My apologies for mixing a
Ku Tiki
a Hawaiian Goddess'river
with a Papua New Guinean Shield and House..
But hey.... Why not?
if you'd like to see it all Authentic
then paint one
or commission yours truly

a little oasis of palms

Now be careful!
We're going to have to leapfrog over to the next hut....

Next we can take a gander at the FireBowl eater
BigToe was concerned that he might get indigestion...
He's a KU!
They eat fire for breakfast!


Here's one more closeup of that ever-lovin bridge
my favorite area on this painting
the place i visit the most

to really get in there!

and there you have it...
i can now hit the pillow
assured that i was able to inspire and delight some friends!

http://www.kinnyruzic.com Art Blogs Wishes Fulfilled!
I'm on Facebook too! under my real name Ken Ruzic

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2014-06-17 22:59 ]

hiltiki posted on 06/19/2014

Just love this piece.

TikiAno posted on 06/19/2014

Awesomeness. Loved the tour of "Pele's River"- digging the warm (hot?) tones of that painting, look forward to seeing it in person.

Man, I have a (similar, just not as groovy) drawing for a mug not unlike your bar wall vignette. I'll have to scan the scrapbook and send it to you, if I can find that scratching on the pad. I was never able to execute it, but now maybe I'll give it a go & do my darndest.

Keep on keepin' on, love seeing all the newest work!

little lost tiki posted on 07/02/2014

Aloha Folks!
Well what a thrilling week!
Found out that i'm not only in the TikiPop exhibition in Paris
But...... I got in the book too!
How thrilling to be included with so many talented friends!

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But! it's getting late so i have to do some chatting and then
post some new work for y'alls

On 2014-06-18 22:49, TikiAno wrote:
Awesomeness. Loved the tour of "Pele's River"- digging the warm (hot?) tones of that painting, look forward to seeing it in person.

Man, I have a (similar, just not as groovy) drawing for a mug not unlike your bar wall vignette. I'll have to scan the scrapbook and send it to you, if I can find that scratching on the pad. I was never able to execute it, but now maybe I'll give it a go & do my darndest.

Keep on keepin' on, love seeing all the newest work!

Hey Ano! Thanks for Enjoying the River Tour!
Would LOVE to see that mug
SOMEBODY has to make one!
it's just too good of an idea,huh?

Anyways... Here's some new pieces for Tiki Oasis!
"Dawn at the Waterfall"
25.5 x25.5"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with a Beautiful bamboo Ben frame!
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just the painting!
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Closeup of the Waterfall
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a Volcano!
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See No Evil Kanaloa
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Speak no Evil Lono
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Hear No Evil Ku
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Next piece!
This is for the BEYOND SQUARESVILLE exhibition at Oasis!
"Polynesia Bohemia"
20 x 16"
acrylic and cel vinyl painted onto a wooden construction crafted by our very own Bamboo Ben!
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Here's a view of the dimensionality of the painting
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Here's a pic to show you how the wood rectangles were stacked
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a Maori with a Stand up bass
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a Moai with a Saxophone
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a Coconut monkey playing guitar
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and a ku at the bongos! Crazy man!
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a lil PNG shield spouting out some MAD poetry
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a lil still life in the corner to set the moooooooooood
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"Aripa (female) figure"
Middle Sepik,
Upper Korewori / Inyai-Ewa people
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
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ACTUALLY got to see this incredible sculpture at an exhibition in San Diego a few years back.... Stunning attention to detail and intensity of execution...There is an art spirit that inhabits all cultures.....
Well that's it! Get to see Bradley Parker on Friday!
Gonna share a drink with mah buddy! YAY!
and buy books!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for visiting Folks!

little lost tiki posted on 07/14/2014

Aloha Ohana!
Well, was able to take a break from Art
and immersed myself into the new Planet of the Apes film Saturday morn...
Worth the ticket price!

But...JUST so you know that i haven't been slacking
Here is a PORTION of the week's labours in preparation of August
not ALL of them... a PORTION of them..
for your enjoyment...

First off..
needed some woodburns for Tiki Oasis this year
so.....delved into pyrography for a spell...

"the Morning Meal"
pyrography on wood with cel-vinyl tinting
12 x 4"
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revisited some popular/favorite themes

"the Crying Cannibal"
pyrography on wood with cel-vinyl tinting
7 x 9.5"
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"Hungry little Cannibal King"
pyrography on wood with cel-vinyl tinting
6 x 7.5"
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"the Expedition" (untinted)
pyrography on wood
9 x 12"
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Went for a red-orange sunset
an end of the day expedition..

"the Expedition"
pyrography on wood with cel-vinyl tinting
9 x 12"
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"the Line-up"
Pyrography on wood
with acrylic gouache,matt acrylic,and cel-vinyl tinting
6 x 12"
Private Collection
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Also did some affordable smaller pieces for
all my friends with limited budgets..

"the Prized Shield"
mixed media on wood
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Loved this guy so much,decided to paint him again!
"Coconut Monkey"
Cel-vinyl and acrylic on canvas
5 x 5"
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and created these three lil abstractions of three of the Hawaiian Tikis
"Ku""Kanaloa" and "Lono"
Cel-vinyl and acrylic on canvas
5 x 5"
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Well....that's all i got's for today..
Hope they make you smile!
Thanks for visitin!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/14/2014

Hey Kinster!
Everything is mind-splosion enlightening nirvana
but those panels of "Polynesia Bohemia" well man that is out of this world.
you're a Bossa-Nova Superman with a paint brush, daddy-O.

little lost tiki posted on 07/31/2014

Aloha Ohana!

Been busy at work and
burning the Tiki Torch at both ends
and am very excited to show you the results
of my Energy Drink and cigarette fueled JAG!

But First....

On 2014-07-13 21:15, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Hey Kinster!
Everything is mind-splosion enlightening nirvana
but those panels of "Polynesia Bohemia" well man that is out of this world.
you're a Bossa-Nova Superman with a paint brush, daddy-O.

Hey Lancey!
Thanks Buddy!
Can't wait for you to check out the Bohemia piece in person
it changes as you walk by it,Daddy-O!
Thanks for the stoke
and we'll be seeing you and JG SOON!

Well, here are some drawings
I'm too pooped to make much commentary this week
so please,enjoy them
and forward any questions here on the thread
and i'll be happy to answer them!

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"the Toppled Mug"
8.5 x 9.5" approximate
markers and ink on Aquarelle watercolor paper

"the Blurry Night"
Copic marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper
10.25 x 7"
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"the Blurry Night"
Copic marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper
10.25 x 7"
this is the reverse of a finished piece,but i just LOVE
the mottled look of the marker on this side
kinda like those Reyn Spooner shirts
with the print on the inside...

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"the Skull Mug"
Copic marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper
7 x 10.5"

i drew the initial image on the reverse
flipped it over and reworked it
utilizing the "seep-thru" as a textural element

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"the Swank Pad"
Markers and bleach pen on tissue paper stained Aquarelle paper
9 x 12"

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Marker and colored pencil on tissue paper stained Aquarelle paper
9 x 12"
private collection already,Sorry!

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Markers and bleach pen on tissue paper stained Aquarelle paper
12 x 16"

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Markers and bleach pen on tissue paper stained Aquarelle paper
9 x 7"

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Markers and bleach pen on tissue paper stained Aquarelle paper
8.5 x 10"

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Markers and bleach pen on tissue paper stained Aquarelle paper
10 x 7"

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Markers and bleach pen on tissue paper stained Aquarelle paper
10 x 7"

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"Shade of the day"
Markers and bleach pen on tissue paper stained Aquarelle paper
10.25 x 7"

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"Waterfall Cliffs"
Copic marker and bleachpen on Tissue-paper stained Aquarelle watercolor paper
10.25 x 7"

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Copic marker on Tissue-paper stained Aquarelle watercolor paper
10.25 x 7"

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"Gaze of the Guardian"
ink and Copic marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper
7 x 10.5"

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"the Flood"
Markers and bleach pen on tissue paper stained Aquarelle paper
10.25 x 7"

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"Warrior Stance"
Copic marker on Tissue-paper stained Aquarelle watercolor paper
7 x 10.25"

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"Sound of the Waterfall"
Markers and bleach pen on tissue paper stained Aquarelle paper
12 x 16"

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"Island of the Cannibal"
Markers and bleach pen on tissue paper stained Aquarelle paper
9 x 12"

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"Brothers in the Bush"
Copic marker and bleachpen on Tissue-paper stained Aquarelle watercolor paper
7 x 10.25"

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"the Watchers on the Shore"
Copic marker and bleachpen on Tissue-paper stained Aquarelle watercolor paper
7 x 10.25"

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"the Long Lost Friend"
Copic marker and bleachpen on Tissue-paper stained Aquarelle watercolor paper
8 x 12.25"

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"Maori Melody"
Copic marker and bleachpen on Tissue-paper stained Aquarelle watercolor paper
6.5 x 9"

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"the Giggle"
Copic marker on Tissue-paper stained Aquarelle watercolor paper
9 x 7.5"

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"Tropical Tour"
Copic marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper
10.25 x 7"

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"Visit from the Sun"
Copic marker on Tissue-paper stained Aquarelle watercolor paper
10.25 x 7"

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"study for Polynesia Bohemia"
Copic marker oand ink on Aquarelle watercolor paper
12 x 16"

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and here i am
after cranking out 26 affordable drawings JUST FOR YOU
this last weekend....
Available at Tiki Oasis THIS AUGUST 2014!
I'll be sharing a suite poolside with the esteemed THOR
so please pop on by
say Aloha
and have a drink and some air-conditioned chitchat
amidst some Mind-Boggling ART!

Well,that's it
Think i'm gonna hit the hay at 10ish tonight
haven't went to bed before 1 for a LOOOONG time
so Nighty night,Ohana!
Thanks for your comments and visits

hiltiki posted on 07/31/2014

Kinny, I enjoyed your Song of the Puffer fish painting in Sven's Tiki Pop book. It's always fun seeing your artwork. One of these days I hope to get one of your art pieces.

hang10tiki posted on 07/31/2014

Wow- my favs:
toppled mug, waiting, the collection of the Hawaiian gods and

Dude you are on fire
And u kick ars


danlovestikis posted on 08/02/2014

It's been awhile since I had my last Kinney fix. When you do post its a feast for the eyes and heart.
I still love those birds best. I think your art would look great on Jams World Hawaiian shirts. They
are my favorite shirt maker. They are located in Hawaii but I've never seen one of their shirts with
a tiki on it. They need you desperately. Then I could wear your art. Their shirts are very different
just like you!

I'll miss my Kinney hugs at Tiki Oasis but we'll be done for some Marketplaces at Don's. I hope you keep
going there.

Cheers, Wendy

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TikiRootsRocka posted on 08/04/2014

Dude, you're a sicko! Great, great work! I've had some episodes prepping for Oasis where I thought I was going to lose it, so I can't imagine how you felt cranking out those 26. Keep it up Brada!

little lost tiki posted on 08/11/2014

Hey Alls! Alooooha! The clock is ticking on the Oasis Timeline
So i thought i'd peek in here and drop off a ton of stuff to tease y'alls with!

But first.... may i announce....
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Thor and i will have a Limited amount of our bowl and mugs
So stop on by and have a lookSee before they're gone
Here's Tom's Brilliant Offerings!
We agreed to do a light vs Dark thing with our mugs and bowls
like yin and yang,MAN!
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Of course,if you miss out,one can always find them on the TikFarm website shortly!

At oasis they will be ONLY Available HERE!
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Now let's chat with some friends before we delve headlong into the ONSLAUGHT of NEW stuff birthed ,as always from that WAVE of Tiki Renaissance RIGHT BEFORE
the Event! Something Hits us Artists and carvers and etc and BAM!
Creative Tsunami!

On 2014-07-31 08:06, hiltiki wrote:
Kinny, I enjoyed your Song of the Puffer fish painting in Sven's Tiki Pop book. It's always fun seeing your artwork. One of these days I hope to get one of your art pieces.

Aloha hil!
You have always been so sweet and supportive and i thank you! The Tikipop book and Exhibition was an unexpected thrill to be a part of!
and sharing the foldout with Doug,Derek, and Brad gave us all a nice validation for all the amazing output (i was talking for them,i still feel like a little brother in amazement of his older,more masterful siblings) Remember Darling,i try to keep all budgets,big and small,in mind... Original art for the Peoples!:)

On 2014-07-31 08:29, hang10tiki wrote:
Wow- my favs:
toppled mug, waiting, the collection of the Hawaiian gods and

Dude you are on fire
And u kick ars

Mahalo Jon! Hope a few cracked you up!Sometimes i feel like the narrative breathes life into these drawings,extends the joke/good feeling about the situation pictured.. The Hawaiian Gods were just kinda abstraction studies
and they somehow got a lil inspired-maybe as full blown paintings later! Waiting is already on the way to a hut in Canada. I imagine those two waiting in customs..

On 2014-08-01 22:16, danlovestikis wrote:
It's been awhile since I had my last Kinney fix. When you do post its a feast for the eyes and heart.
I still love those birds best. I think your art would look great on Jams World Hawaiian shirts. They
are my favorite shirt maker. They are located in Hawaii but I've never seen one of their shirts with
a tiki on it. They need you desperately. Then I could wear your art. Their shirts are very different
just like you!

I'll miss my Kinney hugs at Tiki Oasis but we'll be done for some Marketplaces at Don's. I hope you keep
going there.

Cheers, Wendy

Hey Wendy! Sorry to hear that you won't be at oasis BUT we'll catch up soon
at some Intl Tiki marketplace! I used to design a lot of prints when working for Rusty and especially Hawaiian Island Creations back in the day.Aimee always tells me i should do prints... I would just need a manufacturer to take the art-translate it into a repeat that i approve ,allow me a say in the final samples and fabric and after final approval send me a few samples and some royalty checks...if you find one-throw them my way! I'll hook Dan Up! :)
Sending you a Big Tiki Sister hug to you and Dan over the internets!

On 2014-08-04 08:55, TikiRootsRocka wrote:
Dude, you're a sicko! Great, great work! I've had some episodes prepping for Oasis where I thought I was going to lose it, so I can't imagine how you felt cranking out those 26. Keep it up Brada!

Thanks TRRocka!
As you will see below...turning 50 has not slowed down this express train...Especially before an event ,when one gets that burst of energy knowing they may touch many people with their art,as well as reunite with old friends and meet fellow like minds! no wonder our creative juices flow so crazily right beforehand! Thanks for the encouragement kind Sir!

And now onto some new work and a collection of work that you may have seen,but that i'll be bringing to share at the event!

Let's look at embellished ceramics FIRST!
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A Captain Seamus Appleton Estate mug Ruint by yours truly!
(Toe and i each painted a mug of the other's design.
Tommy is doing up a PiNGo!)
next to my PiNGo "Comedy Gold" Edition
Both were lovingly embellished with enamel on the outside only
Still wouldn't advise drinking out of em
but my lawyers say i gotta say that...
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More Customized PiNGo mugs!
"Jungle Love" edition (left)
"Nocturnal Neighbors" edition (right)
acrylic and cel-vinyl paint on the PiNGo bisques with a TRIPLE MAXXX Ultra Clear and Glossy Polymer sealing
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and this last version of PiNGo offered to you humble natives
"Oranges Schmoranges,who Cares?" edition
acrylic and cel-vinyl paint on the PiNGo bisques with a TRIPLE MAXXX Ultra Clear and Glossy Polymer sealing
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Here is a customized Classic Cocktail set....
the Colorforms edition!
What Holden did was save me a few of the pitchers with the sandblasted areas unglazed SO it would still be safe for drinking,AND i could customize the outside!
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Remember this mug?
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Also hand-painted an extra Tikifarm/Kinny collaboration "Pu-pule" mug.One of the first three mugs i did with the Farm! Conceived and drawn out by moi,sculpted by the Master,David "Squid" Cohen,and produced by Holden,this was a set of three (Oli-oli.Kakaka,and Pupule) they had side panels depicting various day and night scenes...Since Pu-Pule means "Very angry/offended",i pictured Cannibal huts on the side medallions....

Well Check out the "Chocolate Thunder" edition!
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i even hand-tinted the medallions with washes of enamel
Boy was that Difficult!
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Here it is!
The Coup de grace!
The Holy Grail of fun things i have painted!
the Finished and Sealed collaboration between
my dear Art-Comrade Squid,and myself...
Years ago, Thor Stor produced a Beautiful Spirit Hut
carved by the legendary David "Squid" Cohen,
He was kind enough to give me a bisque to paint....
Well, after sitting under the waiting couch in the computer room,
i dusted it off and painted it specifically for this Oasis!
And cuz i was thinking of my buddy Dave Cohen AKA Squid !
One of a kind and ready for your Trophy Shelf!
"Spirit Hut"
Beautiful bisque mold by Squid
ruint by kinny "Little lost Tiki" Ruzic!
"Aquarium Edition" One of a Kind!
I think these might be out of stock as well
but i can't confirm that yet...
Enjoy! It looks all juicy with the Triple Coating Sealing!
And it really POPPED the colors ,as you can see! Available at Tiki Oasis!
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and some closeups to really get a feel of the Aquarium Colors!
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here's a new painting that needed to get banged out!
"the Drum Triage"
12 x 12"
Acrylic and cel-vinyl on canvas mounted on wood
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with some close-ups
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I'll also have over 200 drawings-all in a fancy milk crate for you to peruse!
Like this ONE!
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And by the way....Did you recognize these fellows from around?
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or these three rapscallions?
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Does this look a lil familiar?
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Not mentioning any names... I'm just going to show all these older previously posted pieces but keep them anonymous for now
(it's just too late to type them out tonight)
But they'll all be at oasis for you to see in the Reals!
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besides all this
a handful of prints
and some woodburns you've seen in a previous post...

I'll be bringing these oddities!
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Nuff Said Ohana!
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We'll see you THERE!

little lost tiki posted on 10/01/2014

How y'alls doin?
Well,it's been awhile
so i will be brief with catchup...

Oasis was a splendid success
Sooooooo many paintings,custom mugs,and drawings
went off to good homes
even Australia!
So many hugs and so many friends and soooooo many drinks!
AND i lasted in Tiki Hell for a solid 2 and a half hours on Sat night!
so much fun and with dibroc and Thor as suite-mates
it was a BLAST!
We only brought around 50 of each of our TikiFarm mugs and bowls
and the remaining inventory could be counted on one hand!
Thank you ALL!

Here's my favorite pic from Oasis...
Hammied on i don't know HOW many drinks
and dancin with my lady in the Tiki Hell room!
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Also was involved in the Grand Opening exhibition
at the Surf Club Art gallery last month
with Toe,Doug,Diablo,Atomikitty amongst others

Odd Rodney,sculptor extraordinaire joined us at the opening
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Also,been getting ready for the International Tiki marketplace this month!
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Doug,Toe,Ben,and i will be there hi-jinxin
as well as a SPECIAL appearance by the legendary Odd Rodney
Artist Par Excellence!

We'll all have some goodies for you to oggle at!

and last,but not least....
"Sympathies and Antipathies"
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yet another in a string of solo exhibitions since 1989
but this one is gonna have some HUGE pieces
which is why the internet has been ignored after work for so long...
the website DOES have some Polynesian pop pieces in there
so feel free to go exploring!

Here's a link to the HUGE paintings for this show
details,insights,and tutorials

Here's a NEW painting for November...

"the Sleeping Volcano"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with a beautiful Ben Bamboo frame!
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Here it is sans frame...
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We'll start at the lower left corner...
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a little A-frame guarded by a shield on a stick

as we move to the right an aerial view of a long hut appears!
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Back to the left middle,we see the main community center
multi-leveled with enough room to accommodate the village
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a little ravine between the huts
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Here's a distant A-frame,sleeping volcano,and shield brothers
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Thus concludes our tour,dear friends
Thanks for visitin
and we'll talk soon!

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MadDogMike posted on 10/01/2014

I give it a "B" for BITCHIN'!!!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/01/2014

Love it! Love the colors! As always - a lesson in color choices…almost exactly the colors I am thinking of for my current piece!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/01/2014


TikiAno posted on 10/01/2014

Awesome. I dig the tours, but I (also) love getting lost wandering around on my own in your paintings.....

danlovestikis posted on 10/02/2014

I always start with the last page posted and then I back up a page just to get a bigger "fix". So much good art to enjoy. Keep posting we can't get enough. Wendy

little lost tiki posted on 10/12/2014

Aloha Ohana!
Well, have just a smidgen of time to relinquish,as i have a 6 by 4 foot "Fall of the Rebel Angels" and a few other pieces to finish for November 7th's solo exhibition
"Sympathies and Antipathies"...
Perhaps you are wondering....
Why has ken's output been so sporadic and few and far between lately?
because i have been working on
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and,at 3 x 5 feet,just finished THIS!
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And numerous small pieces
which,you'll have to come to the Exhibit to see...
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So, enough of the shameless plugs ...
and let's get back to TIKI
seeing as this is Tiki Central...
i made some special goodies
just to keep one foot in Polynesia
whilst loftier monumental paintings occupy
a large portion of time lately..

But before strutting these out
I would like a few minutes to reply and banter to your sweet comments above
concerning "the Sleeping Volcano" WHICH...by chance ...is also going to be in the November show...
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On 2014-09-30 23:05, MadDogMike wrote:
I give it a "B" for BITCHIN'!!!

Thank you Mikey! JUST YOU WAIT when you see the 2 x 5 footer vertical jungle waterfall piece i have just DECIDED to create for the show...
Truth is,i want to finish watching the Godfather trilogy as i relax from the ITMP yesterday...and the 6 x 4 footer does not allow for television viewing
as the canvas blocks the set... (and also because a theme such as the fall of the Rebel Angels deserves COMPLETE FOCUS)
So today will be the beginnings of a piece that will be TRIPLE B-Bitchin!
Check in here next week,bubs! :)

On 2014-10-01 03:36, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
Love it! Love the colors! As always - a lesson in color choices…almost exactly the colors I am thinking of for my current piece!

Love you Brad! That gorgeous tonal Kitty Tiki Tune Max Fleischer piece must be driving you NUTS,with your awesome love and mastering of juicy tonalities! Eager to see the OUTSIDE of that room! :) How's the Escher piece coming along,BTW?
Anyways...miss you,my friend,and wish you were closer...Jammin with Doug and Toe on a regular basis has allowed us all to understand each others work,and have seen it grow,which is such a joyful (and FUN) experience!
miss you...

On 2014-10-01 04:37, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:

Great seeing you and Nancy yesterday!

On 2014-10-01 08:44, TikiAno wrote:
Awesome. I dig the tours, but I (also) love getting lost wandering around on my own in your paintings.....

Wander away buddy!
As these are painted,i get lost in the foliage,or want to stagger inside an A-frame....a little escape to paradise!
So glad i can take my friends to places secret and sacred...

On 2014-10-02 16:15, danlovestikis wrote:
I always start with the last page posted and then I back up a page just to get a bigger "fix". So much good art to enjoy. Keep posting we can't get enough. Wendy

Love you Wendy! You are one of my artistic role models
with your quality output
tireless and selfless heart
and beauty and personality of created objects...

Well, look who sailed up to the shores of the Studio of Solitude this week!
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it appears my PiNGo "Jungle love" Edition mug has brought two more fellows
for me to care for....

Well, let's look at these two
BEFORE being lovingly enhanced....
First off
the Kolohe mug
the Crybaby..
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Here he is transformed into the GINGER EDITION!
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and here is the KAINOA Bowl
before desecration...
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WHICH,you can find on the TikiFarm website
So order a few and make this next royalty check of mine a HAPPY one! :)

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So that is all i gots for now....
These ceramics are enamel painted "cold painted" over the glaze
but are safe for drinkin out of AND dishwasher safe!

Well, i'm off to paint a 2x5 foot tropical landscape
and enjoy some Godfather...
and try not to cry when Fredo gets Whacked on the boat in Lake Tahoe....


danlovestikis posted on 10/13/2014

I can imagine your smile as you manically work your fingers to the bone enhancing these lovely tiki mugs and bowls. I hope to see you at the December IMP. Wendy

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swizzle posted on 10/13/2014

Both those mugs and that bowl look awesome Kinny. Nice work.

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congatiki posted on 10/20/2014

Wow....happy that I popped over to The LLT thread. Absolutely love the
huge painting of the cat with the eye-piece. Lots to look at...I can see
that you have been very busy.
One of my favorite threads...gives me ideas for fancy firewood.

hang10tiki posted on 10/20/2014

Those turned out awesome my man
Two tiki thumbs up

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 10/20/2014

I love that bowl and your mugs too! Fantastic work, love the colors!

little lost tiki posted on 10/23/2014

Aloha ohana!
Well, gotta get some zzzz's tonight
so I'm perky for work tomorrow
i have a few things to share
before the hypnagogic state welcomes me to dreamland....

On 2014-10-12 20:16, danlovestikis wrote:
I can imagine your smile as you manically work your fingers to the bone enhancing these lovely tiki mugs and bowls. I hope to see you at the December IMP. Wendy

You WILL! and do i have a HUUUG for you!
A Big Mahalo for the beautiful pufferfish necklace!
and MANIC is the word these days
as the November 7th exhibition looms....
Work Work Work!

On 2014-10-12 21:57, swizzle wrote:
Both those mugs and that bowl look awesome Kinny. Nice work.

Thanks mate! I always like to paint these puppies how i would like to see them.
Hopefully you are riding a wave of inspiration that hasn't dissipated since Oasis!

On 2014-10-20 12:48, congatiki wrote:
Wow....happy that I popped over to The LLT thread. Absolutely love the
huge painting of the cat with the eye-piece. Lots to look at...I can see
that you have been very busy.
One of my favorite threads...gives me ideas for fancy firewood.

Thanks for the visit,Conga!
That cat with the eye-piece is "Saint Surveillance"
he's a 3 x 5 foot painting for my Nov solo exhibit...

If you go here i have chronicled the process and painting of this piece
scroll down.... http://kinnyruzic.com/blog/
and please pop by whenever you feel a need for inspiration
Almost every page is crammed full of art posts in this thread!

On 2014-10-20 14:57, hang10tiki wrote:
Those turned out awesome my man
Two tiki thumbs up

mahalo buddy!
Lots of folks dug on em
and held em
and got into the details
at the International Tiki marketplace a few weeks back
and there's still a few nibbles here online
but so far,I've been able to keep them around the studio
to play with....
Thanks for all your kind posts...they keep me chipper!

On 2014-10-20 16:47, LoriLovesTiki wrote:
I love that bowl and your mugs too! Fantastic work, love the colors!

Thank you Lori!Hopefully when time allows,I'll be able to paint up a few more colorways that have been quietly nagging my thoughts...Thank you for the nice visit! :)

and Now we shall reveal
"Shield of the Living Things"
acrylic and paintpen on wood
48 x 17"
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and here are some close-ups!
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and here is a 2 x 5 foot landscape
created for the Nov exhibition

if you would like some narration for this journey thru the piece
go here and scroll down-there's a whole TOUR!
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But here,with Sleep beckoning
i will merely post the shots..
my apologies...

"the Waterfall"
24 x 72"
acrylic and paintpen on canvas
that's FIVE feet tall!

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Sorry there are no Tikis
or Huts
or Shields
in the above painting
just a little tropical joy
nothing more....

Goodnight dear friends!
Until next posting...

http://www.kinnyruzic.com Art Blogs Wishes Fulfilled!
I'm on Facebook too! under my real name Ken Ruzic

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2014-12-30 19:44 ]

danlovestikis posted on 10/24/2014

Kinney you kill me. That's beautiful. I need a bigger house with more wall space. I just love the waterfalls. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/03/2014

That shield is amazing...............
And the giant billboard piece is killer
U da man

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