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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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hang10tiki posted on 06/15/2014

It looks like the Grog spilled out of your mugs

hang10tiki posted on 06/15/2014

hang10tiki posted on 06/16/2014

Wendy's last post was 20 days ago
She said they were gone for 3 weeks
Back tomorrow?
Or are they coming to ........

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2014-06-15 17:27 ]

TikiAno posted on 06/16/2014

On 2014-06-14 10:47, hang10tiki wrote:

Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Might be a little cold when said chicken dinner arrives, Not sure if Wendy & Dan remembered to fill us the bag from the ice machine at the hotel before they sent it. Might want to be careful with that.

Oh, that's just an expression? All righty, then....

[ Edited by: TikiAno 2014-06-15 19:53 ]

TikiHula posted on 06/16/2014

Ok hang10, how did you get one of their wedding photos!! I'm speechless :o

Lunavideogames check out Tiki Tony photo bombing. Haha.

WooHooWahine posted on 06/16/2014

Right Back Where They Started from.......WooHoo!

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Thanks, Jon!

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What, they're baaaaaackkkkk?

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Welcome back, kids. Hope you had a great time wherever you went- and then some! :) :)

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That's awesome

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I got a sneak peek at the newly released

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LoriLovesTiki we are back and the men did keep the thread moving along with photos better than any that I took on our cyber free holiday. Wow were we out of touch. All the time all the heads around us were looking down at hand held devices. It's so weird to see that.

littlegiles thank you. Our trip was almost perfect. Knowing my friends would have fun here made coming home fun too.

hang10tiki you are a wonderful duo. You and Tiki Ano have to celebrate an anniversary of keeping my thread so much fun. I really did mean you and Janelle! Dan did the placement of every tiki himself. He loves tiki arranging.

VampiressRN thank you, Mitch did a lot of tiki homes and all are fun to see on his web page.

MaukaHale I'm just Dan's hired help. You are right he is the collector master.

dartharnie no tiki work for three weeks. I hope I'll remember how to get back to work.

Atomic Tiki Punk we did!

lunavideogames our insurance agent came to the house and after he got his mouth shut he said, "you don't have to list every thing if the house goes we'll just make a settlement". Horrors, we can't let that happen.

I've done some tweaking but the mug is reall all Tiki Atari's.

hang10tiki I love the photos. Some are really part of our trip.

Big Kahuna we are tiki crazed for sure.

TikiAno I think Chippy has a good plan to specialize. There is so much out there that no one can have it all. Dan did try with my help but now he's ready to just enjoy what he has and to relax.

hang10tiki that was an idea that I really could enjoy. I like those photos but for entertainment it's hard to beat your and Tiki Ano's photoshops.

TikiHula I hope your AL DEAD bowl photos will be coming up soon.

WooHooWahine thank you for sending us on a wonderful adventure. I'll be posting photos here soon.

littlegiles (:

hang10tiki (:

TikiAno (:

hang10tiki (:

TikiHula (:

hang10tiki (:

WooHooWahine (:

cy see you soon at Tiki Kon!

Badd Tiki (:

hang10tiki (:

Badd Tiki (:

TikiAno How did we end up on Days of Our Tikis when I like General Hospital best?

TikiAno (:

WooHooWahine are you sure we were there?

hang10tiki (:

LoriLovesTiki I agree!

WooHooWahine Holy Toledo was terrific.

hang10tiki (:

MaukaHale (:

TikiAno (:

hang10tiki (:

Badd Tiki (:

hang10tiki I think the AL DEAD bowl will look like that when Tiki Hula lights it up...soon.

tigertail777 will I see you at or near Tiki Kon?

Beachbumz to you as well. I check out your work as well. We love your art.

TikiAno (: Dan's my hero along with all my friends here.

WooHooWahine I hope one day you'll be able to send all our tiki friends on fun trips.

zerostreet thank you. I can still picture our fun dinner out with your family. That was a great trip and visit.


BAck to finish soon.

Well, we took a break for TV and fell asleep until 7:30 PM. Jet lag just sneaks up on a person.


hang10tiki (:

WooHooWahine (:

Chippy (:

hang10tiki (:

TikiAno (:

TikiHula (:

WooHooWahine (:

hang10tiki (:

TikiAno (:

hang10tiki (:

lunavideogames I think that was a bit off the map.

hang10tiki (:

WooHooWahine (:

hang10tiki (:

TikiHula (:

TikiAno (:

hang10tiki (:

hang10tiki (:

WooHooWahine (:

hang10tiki (:

hang10tiki (:

WooHooWahine (:

Badd Tiki (:


GROG you know if I had surgery I'd be waiting for a Double D Tiki Bob mug from you!

hang10tiki (:

hang10tiki (:

Badd Tiki (:

hang10tiki (:


TikiAno (:

hang10tiki (:

hang10tiki (:

hang10tiki (:

TikiHula the fatigue only hits if we sit down. I can't be trusted to write checks for bills yet. I went into the bank to do 3 things. Came out doing only 2. Dan remembered the 3rd and sent me back inside. We are not yet thinking clearly.

hang10tiki (:

TikiAno (:

hang10tiki (:

WooHooWahine (:

LoriLovesTiki no computer until our last night. We looked at Tiki Central and then packed for the long journey home.

hang10tiki (:

TikiHula that did happen to me when I was a tour guide in Yellowstone National Park in the 70's. I don't like to camp since then.

TikiAno (:

hang10tiki (:

hang10tiki (:

WooHooWahine (:

TikiHula (:

TikiAno (:

hang10tiki (:

hang10tiki (:

lunavideogames it was a great one and Dan has yet to open his tiki presents.

hang10tiki (:

Badd Tiki (:

TikiHula (: I was wanded and patted down at every airport because of my metal wrist. Dan had his knife and bottle opener confiscated at the airport. Because of that they made him strip everything from his pockets even a handkerchief.

hang10tiki (:

Badd Tiki (:

ebtiki on this trip we only saw one graffiti tiki painting and nothing else. I will share it later.

hang10tiki (:

hang10tiki (:

WooHooWahine (:

TikiAno (:

WooHooWahine (:

hang10tiki (:

TikiAno (:

TikiAno (:

hang10tiki (:

TikiHula (: Dan took his Bond dinner jacket with us. Photos will show up here.

hang10tiki (:

lunavideogames (:

hang10tiki (:

hang10tiki (:

hang10tiki (:

TikiAno (:

TikiHula (:

WooHooWahine (:

hang10tiki (:

hang10tiki (:

TikiAno (:

hang10tiki (:

hang10tiki (:

Wow a huge thank you to all of you for keeping my thread alive and fun. I copied all the photos into my save file in case TC ever crashes big time. Those photos were all works of art. Of course I feel that way because you made Dan and I stars and we just are hammy enough to eat that up. You all just made coming home so much fun.

Next I have the welcome homes to reply too and then I'll start sharing our trip photos while I start to work on tiki mugs again. I need work photos and I have none so it's trip photos coming up soon.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-06-17 23:03 ]

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I see someone is out of practice on posting :wink: ....or just really tired and needs catch-up sleep...

Welcome home you two!

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on Tue, Jun 17, 2014 3:23 PM

On 2014-06-17 14:06, MadDogMike wrote:

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On 2014-06-17 14:06, MadDogMike wrote:

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GROG posted on Tue, Jun 17, 2014 4:07 PM

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Wendy Testaburger
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GROG posted on Tue, Jun 17, 2014 4:45 PM

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Good One!!!!!!

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All the good ones are taken so I give two:

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On 2014-06-18 01:11, bigbrotiki wrote:
Wendy: It's in the show, and it has a full page in the book! :)

Congrats on your mug going down in history Wendy! Congrats on being #1 on cool & current too!

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That's awesome...........

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TikiHula I didn't think I was jet lagged but I couldn't sleep until 1 am and then I was awake and ready to run at 4 am. So I had a diet coke with breakfast so I'd stay awake all of today. It's worked really well. I even started going through my trip photos selecting those I'll post here.


MaukaHale (:


MaukaHale (:


MaukaHale (:

Badd Tiki(:

lunavideogames I am so excited to be in his book. I love Sven's books. The Book of Tiki and Otto's Tiki News is what got us started collecting.

I didn't know I'd moved up to #1 on Cool and Current. You all are so good to us. THANK YOU.

hang10tiki (:

On 2014-06-18 01:11, bigbrotiki wrote:
Wendy: It's in the show, and it has a full page in the book!

Here are mugs being set out for display. Sven has 500 to put in the show.
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Available starting September 1, 2014:

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Published to tie in with the "Tiki Pop" exhibition at the Musée du quai Branly in Paris.




This has been the best year ever. If I hadn't volunteered for a heart study and found out I was due for a heart attack I could have missed all this fun. Now I'm healthier and Dan and I are planning one adventure after the next. I just love all my tiki buddies, you rock my world. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-06-18 18:32 ]

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Welcome back you two! I am not sure if I will make it to Tiki Kon or not. Bad news is the money is dwindling, good news is I landed a small art job, so time will tell I guess. I'd love to see you two again. :)

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8f5088418f70de46f901538b3580a3c4?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

TigerTail, You have a very creative website. I like the use of the movie projector.

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Nui nui congrats on having your work included in Sven's book! That just rocks!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8e2554124f0d1830625df8e10abad657?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Welcome back, and congrats on the inclusion in Sven's book and gallery show. 500 mugs in the show? How many did he borrow from Dan's lending library/ collection? :wink:

D Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/02fda1af943fa800b4526bf84202312a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

tigertail777 how far from the hotel is your studio?

MaukaHale glad to be reminded to visit tigertail777's site.

TikiHula a total surprise and I love surprises.


Since I'm just getting back to work on Tiki Art today I will just HAVE to post photos of our trip. I kept our Cyber Free activities a secret because we didn't want GROG throwing a party in our home while we were gone!

We went on a trip of a lifetime. My first European trip ever. Dan had freshened up his Spanish and started working on his Italian just in time. It was fun to hear him converse with our tour guides.

Our trip was three weeks so I'll be catching up on art while I post a day by day journal until I have some art to share.

We started our journey by getting up at 4 am. Hours later we were on our first flight. We always laugh at the tikis for sale on the plane.
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Near the end of 30 hours in flight we were no longer laughing.
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It was a long way from California to Madrid Spain. We never slept.
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This was the view from our hotel window. We later walked the tree lined street and found a Starbucks for dinner.
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The next morning we started our first tour in Spain with a stop at a Don Q. statue. I can't remember the spelling for the famous book. I carried the Tiki Magazine with us for three weeks. I sure hope we make it into an issue someday. Dan just told me it's
Don Quijote. The staue is of Quijote and Sancho.
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The tour stopped at little towns. This one had a bar full of cow heads.
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Out the window of the bus I spotted a McDonald's sign as well as the crowds that would be with us throughout our journey.
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We were starved for tikis so even a mermaid in a gift shop got our attention.
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Now we were off to the walled town of Toledo, Spain. This would be one of our favorite stops. It was built in 1200 and looks the same today except for all the tacky tourist items sold in the shops. We walked for hours in this village.
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This church was the main stop. To see what artists and architects could do so long ago was inspiring.
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This is the front of the church.
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The town on a postcard.
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A view as we left.
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The next day we boarded a bullet train for Barcelona. Wow what a smooth ride at 150 miles an hour.
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We could watch our progress on a monitor but most of the time we watched out the window. Spain looked like Southern California.
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I had so much fun seeing all the signs that pointed the way. How considerate that they did that just for me Wendy Cevola aka WC.
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After a night in a hotel in Barcelona we were off on another tour.
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Looking out over the city you could see Sangrada Familia on the left. I had read of the church in National Geographic. I didn't know we would visit this marvel.
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We whipped out our TM in front of the church.
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Looking up was so much fun. They hope to finish the church 100 years after it's start.
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Inside it is a forest. The trees support the ceiling of branches.
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Stained glass glowed behind Dan. Take your own ear buds on trips. None would fit in my ears and shoving them in was painful.
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This is what the overall structure will look like when finished.
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I found graffiti in every city but it wasn't in English.
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We walked a street fair that was miles long. We never reached the end before we turned around.
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We paid to go to the top of a shopping center by elevator. While we went for a city view I know what you guys are looking at and it's not Dan!
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Our last night in Barcelona took us to the beach for a
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farewell dinner for our tour group.
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There was rioting on the streets so our bus was blocked by the police. We eventually got back to our hotel.
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The next day we will board the ship and sail away.

I took 3000 photos but I'll choose just enough to tell the story of our trip. Thank you always for the visit. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-06-19 15:48 ]

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on Thu, Jun 19, 2014 12:52 PM

On 2014-06-19 09:29, danlovestikis wrote:
we didn't want GROG throwing a party in our home while we were gone!

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-06-19 09:48 ]

Too late. GROG not have enough time to throw a full party, so it was just GROG and a few strippers a couple of nights.

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Great to see you two and your smiling faces. glad you had a great trip and the pics, so far, are wonderful.

Hopefully we didn't vandalize your thread too much. :)

Welcome back.

  • Dale
C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
cy posted on Thu, Jun 19, 2014 5:14 PM

Great pics, glad you guys are back-Just not the same without your daily posts. Tigertail lives close to me so come visit both of us if you decide to venture out. We are about 30 miles east of Portland.

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30 hour flight...

Amazing photos

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Yep what cy said. :) We both live pretty close so you could hit us both.

Thanks for the comments on the site, MaukaHale! Yeah I was trying to give a 1940's tiki dive feel, it sort of actually tells a story if you pay attention all the details. :wink:

Looks like you two had fun traveling to Spain. :) Can't wait to see more details.

I gotta run and get ready for my own trip right now. We are heading down the coast to Coos Bay again for the grand re-opening of the Egyptian Theatre... they want me to talk about my painting and stuff. Catch you later!

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GROG you naughty boy. So that's where all my whipped cream disappeared too. Now Dan has to wait for his banana cream pie!

littlegiles not only did you guys do a great job here I spent hours copying 61 of the photos into a save file.

cy a visit this year sounds like a fun plan. We could add a visit to those we have planned with family. How does the 9th sound for you and tigertail777? What time are you two home on this day?

hang10tiki not all in planes. We had a 6 hour layover in Dallas Texas. It was the trip of a lifetime.

tigertail777 I want to hit you both but not hard.

Back to the ship. On this day we made it to the Port of Barcelona to board the Celebrity Equinox.
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This is our itinerary while on the ship. Three times in Italy and three times in Greece.
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Leaving Barcelona behind on our way to De VilleFranche.
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Many times on the trip we had to take a small boat to get to shore.
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This is the main street and where tourists shop and eat.
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We took a little train ride to the top of a hill to
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look back at the bay and our ship.
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Now we took the real tour of the day to the country of Monaco.
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This man was our tour guide.
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We arrived close to the palace. On the walk there the guide pointed out the apartment where Princesses Caroline and Stephanie live.
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For a Beatles festival the Yellow Submarine had been brought there. The Princesses could see it from their apartments.
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We hiked up a hill to reach the palace. I made friends with this bird.
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This was the view from the patio at the palace. Prince Albert was in attendance but didn't come out. His wife is pregnant so the monarchy continues on. In the future a woman will be allowed to inherit the thrown. Imagine that!
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Can you think of a caption for this photo?
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Here is the front of the palace and
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a couple of cars parked out front.
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All we tourists took photos of these cars. To leave them unprotected was interesting.
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We passed this church where Prince Rainier and Princess Grace are entombed.
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We now drove on to Monte Carlo. They were busy setting up for the Grand Prix. This is the box for Prince Albert and his family. It's at the start line. It would be better to watch it on TV. This reminds me of Jack in the Box.
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I'm in front of the Monte Carlo casino. It cost 15 Euro to go in and no photos allowed. So we skipped it and
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went into a high end shopping mall.
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In addition to high end treats they
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had a skull chandelier.
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Here's a close up of a head.
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That skull art must be popular there because we saw
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lots of skulls on clothing and used as decorations.
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Now it was back to the ship. Nope I didn't even buy a postcard.

We waited to exchange our anniversary gifts until yesterday. I bought Dan one of zerostreets statues. It's terrific and Dan loved it. Thank you Robert.
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I love coincidences. After trying to spell the names of the men in the statues yesterday I started to read again in the book I'd bought in Italy. This is what I found on the first two pages I read.

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Dan said that j and x sound the same and that's how he got it wrong.

He did remember the friends name correctly. What are the chances I see these on the same day we needed them?
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Cheers, Wendy

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Reminds me of an ACDC song

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Photo caption:

"Imagine Dan's disappointment when told by Airport Security that he had to leave his new marble collection behind."

  • Dale
T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8e2554124f0d1830625df8e10abad657?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

On 2014-06-20 11:01, littlegiles wrote:
Photo caption:

"Imagine Dan's disappointment when told by Airport Security that he had to leave his new marble collection behind."

  • Dale

ha ha ha!

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"So many bowling balls, not enough alleys...."

Wendy, why isn't everyone freaking out over this character????

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Glad no one got worried when "Nessoai" emerged to say aloha to you guys.....

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Thanks for posting all the photos!

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Over a million views! Holy Moly! What does that make you - Grand Poo-Bah Tiki-file? Now, just think if well all have given you a dimes or a quarter for each view… you have enough for a tank of gas or something! I guess the rumors that FB was going to kill TC are dead wrong! Very happy to know true Tiki Tribe uses TC fully and every day. I feel so connected with it, and I thank you for posting . I don't always rely, but I watch your thread. Love it. Feel like ohana! Aloha and keep it up! here to 2 Million!
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I feel privilege I even got to meet you in person as well as ogle your life on the net!

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hang10tiki (Reminds me of an ACDC song) I never knew any of there songs but I can guess since you left it to our imaginations.

littlegiles OH - clever.

TikiAno ("Nessoai" emerged to say aloha to you guys..... ) Is that the weird creature in the street photo? I never spotted him. Good job.

Tiki Shark Art it is so true we are all one big Ohana. We found a treasure in Tiki Central and we aren't giving it up. I saw you passed 1,000,000 too. Congratulations. It's so fun to watch numbers and connect with everyone. I loved coming home to see what had showed up on my thread. I was blown away. Thanks for stopping by and joining the fun. I sure do enjoy your art thread and it was so much fun to meet you at Don the Beachcomber's. You generated a whole ton of excitement.


We awoke to another day in Itlay.
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Poor Dan I'd booked another tour. Back in the early 70's as a language student in college he had already visited the tower. Now it was my turn.
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We pulled into a very industrial port.
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We were soon joined by a Looney Tunes ship.
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On the walk to the walled area with the tower we say tiki graffiti. This would be the only tiki we would see in Italy. We were happy to have this reminder of our passion. I wonder what it says next to the Moai.
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This is the wall you walk along until you get to the entrance.
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The first view.
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This proved I was there.
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Our next shot at a try for Tiki Magazine.
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First in Spain and now in Italy I was being shown the way.
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I wish they would make the sign look antique to blend in but I guess they didn't want me to miss it.
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We didn't go inside, not enough time on the tour but we did get really close.
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How fun to see a sign with my home state mentioned.
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It was formal night and Dan became the most interesting man in the world. We dressed up and ran to read the menu. Nothing we wanted so we went back to the room and changed and went to the buffet.
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Dan was thrilled that the buffet had shish kabobs. This was my plate. I'm still on my cardiac diet but tonight I cheated.
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From the casual dining area there is a view. As we left the port to journey on we saw old towers.
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Thank you for going on the trip with us. Polynesian Pattie and his wife Barbara did just that. We had so much fun. More to share tomorrow. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-06-21 08:35 ]

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GROG posted on Sat, Jun 21, 2014 12:16 PM

On 2014-06-21 08:08, danlovestikis wrote:

This proved I was there.
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No it doesn't. It totally looks fake.You two were in rehab the whole time or recovering from plastic surgery (or both). You took photos beforehand and hired someone to Photoshop you guys in front of other people's vacation photos to look like you were on vacation.

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Awesome pics Wendy! It's great to be able to see so much of your trip! Glad Dan liked the Marquesan!

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Have no idea if the writing on the wall has anything to do with the Moai

but google translate gave me this, not sure I got the first letter right and couldn't read the word before mi:

liex giving us critical consciousness I

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hang10tiki (: Dan's looking a bit pale.

GROG you figured it out. For years due to shyness I bound my chest flat. Here's how I really looked. But no more I had reduction surgery and I no longer need to bind my chest to look flat. But since I faked so many vacation photos I'm going to post the rest.
I'm also going to continue to bleach my hair blond. I do live in California after all.
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zerostreet he found a place for it in his new tiki room aka dining room. We both love the paint choices. It's a great statue.

Badd Tiki giving us critical consciousness I - is a pretty deep sentence. Thank you for the translation.

We pulled into port and caught a bus to Rome.
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It was a 1.5 hours to reach the city. We continued to see land that looked like Southern California the same as the parts of Spain we visited.
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The first view of the Roman Coliseum.
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Once again the photo we will send off to Tiki Magazine for consideration.
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Here's our own Polynesian Paddy and his wife Barbara.
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Once inside we were greeted with part of a statue that had been uncovered. Can you tell what you are looking at?
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The floor is missing and that reveals the holding rooms beneath.
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I really want the photo to have both of us but sometimes we took separate photos.
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Inside the ring of the Coliseum. Polynesian Paddy and Dan.
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As we drove away in the bus I noticed this café. Chains are everywhere.
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We had a nice meal in a Roman restaurant. Notice the photo over our heads.
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They had nice watermelon art at the entrance.
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This was half of our 10.5 hour tour. More soon. Cheers, Wendy

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Grog- u funny
Wendy- u funny too

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