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Powdered/Dehyrated Poi

Pages: 1 7 replies

MadDogMike posted on 07/14/2014

Has anyone tried the powdered poi? Is it suitable for the next backyard luau? Available in 3 oz, 1 lb and 5 lb packets, 1 pound of dried powder makes 4.5 pounds of poi (that should be about 2.5 quarts). Looks like the 3 oz and the 1 lb are made from fresh poi while the 5 pound bag is made from fermented poi so it's got that "tang"!

AceExplorer posted on 07/14/2014

Yes. And it's absolutely suitable for your next backyard luau - if you dislike your guests or want to make then scratch their heads in puzzled wonder, heh...

Most don't care for poi, but it is an authentic staple food from the islands. Don't make too much - I don't think too many will want large servings or seconds. You can have fun serving it as an oddity of sorts and share with them how "authentic" it is. Or use it to hang wallpaper, heh!

MadDogMike posted on 07/14/2014

Yes Ace, I've tried the fresh - it's pretty nasty but it does lend an air of authenticity :lol:

I figure you serve a teaspoonful in a condiment cup just so people can try it. For my last Hawaiian style dinner I added a small amount of purple food coloring to mashed potatoes and told my guests it was poi. Then I told them how nasty poi was and waited to see who had the kahunas to try it. Of course I told them the truth later :)

Sunny&Rummy posted on 07/14/2014

I lived in Hawaii for two years, but before anybody gets jealous it was my FIRST two years on earth and of course I remember absolutely none of it. Thanks Dad and Mom, great timing there! :(

Mom tells me as a baby I ate poi like nobody's business and I guess it's traditionally the first solid food you'd probably get as a baby in Hawaii. I have never had an opportunity to taste the stuff again and I'm not so sure I would be as fond of it as I apparently once was but I'll certainly give it a go if I ever get the chance.

[ Edited by: Sunny&Rummy 2014-07-14 11:28 ]

[ Edited by: Sunny&Rummy 2014-07-14 11:28 ]

AceExplorer posted on 07/14/2014

MadDogMike - you are clever and sneaky!

Sunny&Rummy - bummer for the timing on having been too young to remember those days in Hawaii. At least you can go and visit.

On real poi, it's just bland and not exciting. It reminds me of leaving a glass of good rum sit out in the air overnight and then taking a sip the next morning - generally speaking, the flavor all but disappears.

wizzard419 posted on 07/14/2014

Since it's not edible... have you considered setting it out on a mirror with some straws?

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/14/2014

When it comes to Poi, I prefer to serve Tapioca Pudding instead
and just tell everyone it's Poi......

I firmly believe Poi is a joke played on tourists by Hawaiians.

TikiAno posted on 07/15/2014

MDM... "waited to see who had the kahunas." I'm hoping others saw the TCing of "cojones." Mike, way to keep things family friendly. Hahaha.

I might borrow that. To chime in, I'd say that poi is quite a bit more palatable then, let's say, Marmite or Vegemite- which I just don't "get" at all. :) :)

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