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Tikiskip's "The Ohana Be Gonna Lounge" Home Tiki Bar.

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Here's my Tiki house I call it "The Ohana be Gonna Lounge", work with your
family for ten plus years and you would know why I call it this.
Sabina and her husband came over years ago
and took great shots of it so I have a link to that up here first.
Will add photos now and then.
Place is a wreck now as all I'm doin is making lights to sell at Hukilau.
I also have the left side Tiki from the front of the Kahiki restaurant plus a few
other Kahiki Tiki ECT...

-==--==--==--==-Google "Tiki bar lights" To find TIKISKIP-==--==--==--==-


[ Edited by: tikiskip 2013-05-29 12:31 ]

Cool Bamboo/China Hat lamp!


I didn't know you had one of the fish, John. That's awesome. Are they aluminum or steel?

And no, I'm not going to cut one out for myself on the plasma cutter...okay, I might.


Thanks Longboard,

And Hale it is aluminum.
There are two styles of fish I have only the one.
The first ones on the Kahiki were made of wood.
I guess the wood did not last so long.
Go ahead and cut one.( can you make a smaller size?)
Would make a good light I always thought.
The FOM used this photo to make the logo that is on the Hula Hop mug.
I like the heart that is in the middle of the fish.

NICE indeed. I too think that lamp is awesome. More pics please...

Would not expect anything less Skip. Looks awesome!!!!!! :D

whats all that weird white stuff on the ground?? im in so cal we dont get any of that exotic stuff!!


Ha! Paul I just saw this.
Tiki Central is so big I don't see all of it.

That stuff on the ground is what is going to drive me
away from Ohio.
Man winter sucks here!
Heck this year summer sucks here, coolest summer on record I think.
Did not get in the pool once.

TIKISKIP: Maker of TIKI bar lighting, Let me make one for you.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2013-09-06 18:40 ]


I hear ya, Skip! New England sucks, too!


There's that weird white stuff again, what do you all call that again? non-alcoholic Pina-colada mix?? love the gaudy orange lamp in your living room!!!


NJ isn't much better. this summer had one hot week and lots of cooler weather. Our pool gets full sun but we don't have a heater so it never got warm enough for my taste. I didn't get in it much, more than never but not much more.


I love this picture. there is something magical about this picture, hard to explain.

Wow, I really like your pond! Looks amazing.

Wow, the dude who makes your lamps is a stud


Wow...I just clicked on the link to your pictures...FABULOUS!!!


On 2013-09-13 13:13, VampiressRN wrote:
Wow...I just clicked on the link to your pictures...FABULOUS!!!

wow for VampiressRN to give her thumbs up says something!!! not to mention, her place is a super cool fun place with a mix of tiki and African art!!!! another one of my fav home bars and people!! we need more pics!!!!
btw love the name too, lol, did your mother in law live in the space before???? lol


" did your mother in law live in the space before???? lol"

And thanks all, been busy fixing ect...
Here is our latest project putting up a wall and some fence.
Man it goes slower as you get older.

-==--==--==--==-Google "Tiki bar lights" To find TIKISKIP-==--==--==--==-


It looks awesome. What is the plant next to the double doors? It must be fairly cold hardy for Ohio.


Real nice doors TS! I’ve been thinking about that look in my tiki patio to hide some very out of place looking sliding glass doors leading from my garage. Thanks for the inspiration.
That’s a good looking plant stormrider commented on. Looks like a well cared for variety of alocasia.

It looks awesome. What is the plant next to the double doors? It must be fairly cold hardy for Ohio.



"Looks like a well cared for variety of alocasia"
That area of the yard got Blown out by a falling tree so
we really are just trying to get it back to looking ok.
Have not had time for well cared on much.
That is an Elephant ear I think, At least that's the low brow name.
And no it is not cold hardy, you did up the bulb and bring it in for the winter.
So it stays inside like all us Ohio suckers.
Then you replant in the spring.
Here's a few more shots.

-==--==--==--==-Google "Tiki bar lights" To find TIKISKIP-==--==--==--==-


[ Edited by: tikiskip 2013-09-20 17:58 ]

What we like so much about your place is that even though it's an Ohio climate you get that feel of indoor-outdoor California ranch living--it's just like the old Sunset books. And those are impressive elephant ears!

Can you say more about the pond construction? We love the way the squares of the patio are laid out in an irregular edge over the water. Are they concrete?


On 2013-11-19 22:23, mike and marie wrote:

Can you say more about the pond construction? We love the way the squares of the patio are laid out in an irregular edge over the water. Are they concrete?

mike and marie Sorry to take so long to get back to you.
The pond is 900 gallons and is a custom fiberglass install.
We do love the pond BUT every animal on earth tries to eat your fish and or frogs.
And on the squares they are concrete, and for the most part we like them.

Here are some summer shots of Tikiskips home bar the "Ohana Be Gonna Lounge"

Most are welcome, er... not family, it's in the name.


-==--==--==--==-Google "Tiki bar lights" To find TIKISKIP-==--==--==--==-


[ Edited by: tikiskip 2014-07-23 04:25 ]


A few more...
It's all about the gardens for me.
This year they had a plane dust for a type of moth, it was so cool
watching this plane dive bomb our homes, and spray us with DDT.

Funny story about that light in the first photo,
My wife saw it at an antique store and said "we must get this"
But I said "only one? that would be cool if there were two or three"
So then she looked down and saw two more, Now I got to wire these dam lights up.
They are cool though.


Lights for home and
commercial TIKI bars.


Wow Skip, its all about the garden for me too. Love what you have done with it. I like your concrete tikis also. Nicely organized vegetable garden.

hey Skip,
as always, your area is looking awesome! is that electric wire to keep deer out or your guests in?

That is one hell of a yard!

Looks great... looks like a ton of work!

What's the tiki in the pool?

Also can you give more info about your palm tree looking creations?

dtel posted on Wed, Jul 23, 2014 2:16 PM

The pool area, garden, bar and vegetable garden, you are way more organized and energetic than me, very nice.


On 2014-07-23 13:53, jimsflies wrote:
Looks great... looks like a ton of work!

What's the tiki in the pool?

Also can you give more info about your palm tree looking creations?

The electric is to keep Raccoon, Skunk, ground hog and fox, rabbit, deer, ect out....
And my wife does most of the work really, I love the flowers and just all the plants, plus fish.
That is what I see when I make lights.

"What's the tiki in the pool?"
That is our pools floating chlorinator, don't go looking for one I made that out
of one of those bobblehead tiki guys.

"Also can you give more info about your palm tree looking creations?"
I did not make those god did, we just feed water and bring inside in the winter.
But they are Madagascar Palms.
Get some they are great!
Plus easy care really.

There's even a Sago Palm.

The only bad think is taking them in and out every fall and spring.

"What's the tiki in the pool?"
That is our pools floating chlorinator, don't go looking for one I made that out
of one of those bobblehead tiki guys.

Cool idea...please take a pic of it out of the water if you get a chance!


On 2014-07-23 14:16, dtel wrote:
The pool area, garden, bar and vegetable garden, you are way more organized and energetic than me, very nice.

My wife fell over laughing when I told her what you said.
Me no organized or energetic.

Will post pic's soon jimsflies.
Had problems with computer, all better now.


The cool thing about where we live is it's a township but we still live close to everything.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2018-02-19 06:21 ]

Is your wife.....OK? :lol:

dtel posted on Tue, Aug 12, 2014 3:12 PM

On 2014-07-27 19:31, tikiskip wrote:

My wife fell over laughing when I told her what you said.
Me no organized or energetic.

Well looking at those pics someone has spent a lot of time to get it like that, well some of us need a good wife to keep us organized, or at least out of trouble. :blush:


Hey a few shots of the back over the holiday weekend.


My god skip...you have a most excellent tikipad. I guess I should have known...better than I imagined though.

Looks great!


Thanks guys.
We are blessed with a very cool area to live with lots of land great neighbors
but still close to most everything.

Lots of the shots are staged or at the time of a party, this time it was

But it's fun to get all the tiki stuff out and see what vignette you can come up

But winter is closing in and that is no fun out here.

Your place looks great John! I'm sitting up here in Kazoo drinking coffee on a balmy forty two degree Sunday morning. Any tiki I have outside will be coming inside soon. Everything is still green here and the hummingbirds are still here and the goldfinches are still gold. I already notice the angle of the sun creeping south. It won't be long and I'll be relegated to my basement hideaway. Keep up the good work. I always enjoy seeing new pics of your projects.

"Anyone who has ever seen them is thereafter haunted as if by a feverish dream" Karl Woermann

[ Edited by: uncle trav 2015-09-13 05:09 ]

"I'm sitting up here in Kazoo drinking coffee on a balmy forty two degree Sunday morning"


Wanted a Bosko but got this.


Lights for home and
commercial TIKI bars.

Pages: 1 41 replies