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What AreYou Drinking- Right Now?

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lunavideogames posted on 07/14/2014

Ace, we missed Pusser's in Tortola but went to Marina Cay. We may still head there since we departed from Tortola.
Drinking a Dark n Stormy at Crawl Pub in Bitter End now.

AceExplorer posted on 07/15/2014

lunavideogames, what a life -- exploring bars in the Caribbean!

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 07/16/2014

Hot and muggy here in SoCal. Feel so lazy. Coke and Kraken are so easy to fix and drink.

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2014-07-15 22:04 ]

Hurricane Hayward posted on 07/16/2014

In honor of Tales of the Cocktail and its official drink, a new creation that pays tribute to the classic with a special twist:

The Mai-Kai Hurricane

Check out the recipe, plus see how it stacks up against the Tales of the Cocktail contest winner:

Okole maluna!

kkocka posted on 07/16/2014

Yesterday had a Jet Pilot (might be my new favorite drink, knocking off Navy Grog), Queens Park Swizzle, Bourbon Special, and what was called a Dry Tai but was indeed a very dry but delicious bourbon drink.

kkocka posted on 07/16/2014

Yesterday had a Jet Pilot (might be my new favorite drink, knocking off Navy Grog), Queens Park Swizzle, Bourbon Special, and what was called a Dry Tai but was indeed a very dry but delicious bourbon drink.

lunavideogames posted on 07/16/2014

Nilla Killa at Soggy Dollar.

lunavideogames posted on 07/16/2014

Pain Killer at Soggy Dollar.

Ace, it horrible here :wink:

AceExplorer posted on 07/16/2014

Suck it up, lunavideogames! Your liver must be punished!

Great pics, I hope to make it out there sometime. Your whole trip trip must be a blast. Send us more pics of bikinis, er, I mean, tiki drinks and bars!

lunavideogames posted on 07/16/2014

Full write up...

Skip the Soggy Man, no bueno. Stick to the painkillers and the nillakillas. I think the best drink of the trip so far was the Rum Swizzle at Pusser's. I like Willy T's better than Soggy Dollar personally. Obviously no place has been bad in the slightest. I prefer the drinks I made on the boat. Brought the Potions of the Caribbean and made a few so far off the menu including the Colonel Grog, which was great. Tough to find good rums, I was super happy today when I found St James Hors de Age for $40. Best rum so far. No Havana Club in sight. Here are some more Soggy Dollar pics.

Got some of my sailing buddies in the pics :)

Here are some from Willie T's. Lots o nudity there so not too many pics. Got foggy after the shotsky, which was right when we got there. :wink:

Going back to Willies tomorrow. Excited!!!

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2014-07-16 14:23 ]

lunavideogames posted on 07/16/2014

Don't really see any bikinis here Ace


[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2014-07-16 14:26 ]

djmont posted on 07/16/2014

I'm having a Margarita, and oh it's good. :)

mikehooker posted on 07/18/2014

Enjoying a Planter's Punch while being edumacated.

djmont posted on 07/18/2014

The wife and I headed down to the Tiki bar for Mai Tais (Appleton 12, Clement VSOP, Pierre Ferrand Curacao, B.G. Reynold Orgeat). Then it was on to Margaritas. Now I shall eat...

hang10tiki posted on 07/20/2014

Frankie's Mai-Tai

Hurricane Hayward posted on 07/20/2014

In honor of National Daiquiri Day, tonight we visited our little local Tiki bar for a Floridita Daiquiri and Special Reserve Daiquiri ...

Aloha mikehooker! Good to have you aboard.

thePorpoise posted on 07/20/2014

Stone's Imperial Stout.

howlinowl posted on 07/21/2014

Papeete Treasure.
From the defunct Moon Islander in Titusville, Florida.


KrakenHunterSteve posted on 07/22/2014

Beachcomber's Gold followed up by a Daiquiri.

thePorpoise posted on 07/22/2014

hemingway daiquiri aka papa dobles!

i'm old enough to appreciate the tartness, and young enough to pack these drinks away all night! (isnt it pretty to think so...)

Tonga Tiki posted on 07/22/2014

Relaxing with a 1934 Zombie at my tiki bar in Safety Harbor, FL. Today I ordered another 2 bottles of LH151 to shore up my reserves. Currently at 11 1/2 bottles. Until production cranks back up next year I will be more selective with who I share it with. I would like to figure out a decent replacement for partys.

[ Edited by: Tonga Tiki 2014-07-22 12:40 ]

AceExplorer posted on 07/22/2014

Greetings to you, Tonga Tiki, from us up here in Jacksonville, FL!

I picked up a bottle of Goslings 151 this morning and will be testing it as a sub for LH151. I don't expect an exact match by any means, but it is an option suggested by others and one which I'm going to test. I'll be posting results in the "LH151 Crisis" thread here on TC when I've done my tests.

"Lemon Hart 151 is a basic human right!" --Bonzo Motts, Derelict

thePorpoise posted on 07/23/2014

Tonga- werent you in tampa proper before? (or was that just your byline before?)

Tonga Tiki posted on 07/23/2014

Yes..I lived in the Carrolwood area, but I've been in Safety Harbor for about 5 years.

hang10tiki posted on 07/25/2014

Day off
Hit da pool wit da wahine

thePorpoise posted on 07/25/2014

a mentirita...

thePorpoise posted on 07/25/2014


thePorpoise posted on 07/26/2014

Bajan punch.

DAMMIT- i know i aint the only one drankin'!!

Hurricane Hayward posted on 07/26/2014

Trying out a new snifter glass I picked up at The Hukilau with a tribute to The Mai-Kai's Mutiny ...

AdOrAdam posted on 07/26/2014

On 2014-07-25 21:52, thePorpoise wrote:
DAMMIT- i know i aint the only one drankin'!!

Sorry thePorpoise to busy to post!

Last night = Jet Pilot x2 :)

lunavideogames posted on 07/26/2014

Last night I had:

Pacifico x2
Old Fashioned
Fireball shots

Friends in town for Comic Con.

AdOrAdam posted on 07/26/2014

Earthquake, Pacifico, Yellowtail, Runation Luna?

Aku Aku Zombie followed by Mai Tais before bed:

lunavideogames posted on 07/26/2014

Those look tasty!

Ruination is a beer from our local San Diego brewery, Stone.

Yellowtail is from another local brewery, Ballast Point. They name all their beers after fish. Yellowtail wine actually sued them, and forced them to take Yellowtail off their beers, so now it is just Pale Ale, but I still call it Yellowtail. So boycott Yellowtail wine (WHINE)! :)
Pacifico is fizzy yellow Mexican beer. Earthquake is a drink with Absinthe and Cognac. Quite strong with no other ingredients.

hang10tiki posted on 07/27/2014

Lookin good guys

mikehooker posted on 07/27/2014

Just got back from a friend's birthday party with a couple drinks he called "40 Lemons" in my belly. Yes, 40 lemons went into the making of this concoction, plus a few bottles of rum, some brandy, fresh squeezed oranges, orgeat and some other ingredients I can't recall.

thePorpoise posted on 07/27/2014

a Jai Alai IPA; a Cuba Libre; a Sunstorm...

thePorpoise posted on 07/27/2014

On 2014-07-26 14:52, lunavideogames wrote:

Yellowtail is from another local brewery, Ballast Point. They name all their beers after fish. Yellowtail wine actually sued them, and forced them to take Yellowtail off their beers, so now it is just Pale Ale, but I still call it Yellowtail. So boycott Yellowtail wine (WHINE)! :)

Ima boycott Ballast Point Brewery and all of San Diego for copying the name of the olde and ancient Tampa neighborhood of Ballast Point!!!

wizzard419 posted on 07/27/2014

From what I hear it is the upper crust of Tampa... :D

kkocka posted on 07/27/2014

Last night: Cocoanut Grove Cocktail (what the Miehana tries to be), and a Reverb Crash.

AdOrAdam posted on 07/27/2014

On 2014-07-26 14:52, lunavideogames wrote:
Those look tasty!

Ruination is a beer from our local San Diego brewery, Stone.

Yellowtail is from another local brewery, Ballast Point. They name all their beers after fish. Yellowtail wine actually sued them, and forced them to take Yellowtail off their beers, so now it is just Pale Ale, but I still call it Yellowtail. So boycott Yellowtail wine (WHINE)! :)
Pacifico is fizzy yellow Mexican beer. Earthquake is a drink with Absinthe and Cognac. Quite strong with no other ingredients.

Nice Luna - It's unlikely those beers will make it to the UK but I have the kit for the Earthquake & it sounds great!

2 questions:

Question 1: Any recommendations on the cognac?

I have low-rent Greek brandy (Macieira? Not bad for a Fish House Punch etc but isn't refined) & Remy Martin VSOP (which
I think of as the good stuff & am using in Champagne Classics).

Question 2: what the method? (Eg neat, chilled & stirred). I read a few recipes & they called for different methods.

You say 'brandy & absinthe', I think Sazerac :)

It's been too long...

I remember once upon a time thinking this was a complicated drink - now I think it's easy peasy... & delicious!

wizzard419 posted on 07/27/2014

Always weird that the drink can be made with brandy but it still retains the rye brand name for the drink...

It kind of depends on what you're going to be doing with the spirit. If you're going to be mixing it, ice, etc. then Henny is fine, but if you are drinking it straight up you would move to nicer brands/varieties.

lunavideogames posted on 07/27/2014

AdOrAdam - I really do not know my Cognacs. They are unexplored territory for me, so I don't have any recommendations. Corvarsier maybe - Think I butchered the spelling.

The Earthquake is always served neat, whether it is chilled, stirred and strained or just straight up. I like them chilled for sure.

I think Remy would be your best bet of on hand booze.

I usually have a few Absinthes on hand. I like Lucid, Vieux Pontarlier and even Mansinthe. The Absinthes that have the most flavor and spice are the ones I tend to purchase.

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2014-07-27 14:47 ]

wizzard419 posted on 07/27/2014

Then you have the entire world of Armagnac, if I recall the distillation process is different as well as being in a different region, which offers different flavors and possible health benefits over Cognac.

thePorpoise posted on 07/27/2014

On 2014-07-27 14:03, wizzard419 wrote:
Always weird that the drink can be made with brandy but it still retains the rye brand name for the drink...

I think there was once a Sazerac brand of cognac, and a Sazerac Cafe in Nawlins where the drink was popularized...

lunavideogames posted on 07/27/2014

Is it really National Scotch Day???

wizzard419 posted on 07/27/2014

Yep, and it's hot as balls out. So unless you want to drink it on the rocks like a cretin, you may want to wait until it's a bit cooler out.

djmont posted on 07/27/2014

Yep, Sazerac was the name of the cognac (Sazerac-de-Forge et Fils) as well as the establishment (Sazerac Coffee House) where the cocktail was invented, circa 1850. It was a combination of cognac, absinthe, sugar and Peychaud's bitters (the anise-flavored kind made down the street by Creole apothecary Antoine Amadie Peychaud).

When cognac became hard to get -- due to the Phylloxera outbreak of the late 1870s and '80s -- they replaced the brandy with rye whiskey. When absinthe was outlawed in the U.S. in 1912, it was replaced with locally-produced pastis Herbsaint. ("Herb Sainte" was what they called wormwood in New Orleans.)

As a historical footnote, the bar was eventually taken over by Thomas Handy -- this is why one of the rye whiskeys in Buffalo Trace's Antique Collection is named after Handy. (The other is Sazerac.) Handy is supposedly the one who gave the recipe for the Sazerac to William T. Boothby, who first published it in his book The World's Drinks and How to Mix Them (1908).

djmont posted on 07/27/2014

If you're looking for a good cognac that's not too expensive and not too hard to find, I highly recommend the Pierre Ferrand line. They even make one expression (the 1840 Original Formula) that is intended to use in cocktails.

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