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The Official Tiki Oasis 2014 Beat*Tiki Room Crawl Schedule Pg. 1

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JudyLuck posted on 07/17/2014

please add judy luck+ todd doty!

the TikiTraveler posted on 07/17/2014

KOOLZVILLE!! Oh yeah! can't wait for the BIG EVENT! :wink: TikiMouse and I will be there in all our glory!Swinging with all you 'Hep Cats' and 'Swing'n Sheilas' daddio! I'll be the one slapp'n those 'Baby-Skins'( that's Bongos for you squares out there)at each and every 'room crawl' we make it to. Diggit??Aloha,Hipsters! see everyone there!!!!......"there's always rum just around the corner"

Sleeveless posted on 07/18/2014

The missus and I will be crawling, too. Cheers and mahalo!

robtikiti posted on 07/20/2014

I'll start the night walking, but intend to end the night crawling.

Please count me in!

WooHooWahine posted on 07/21/2014

belinda posted on 07/22/2014

On 2014-07-21 10:33, WooHooWahine wrote:

what time ???

Bill5925 posted on 07/22/2014

Hope to crawl if I can walk.

aboarts posted on 07/26/2014

One more trying to crawl...

belinda posted on 07/28/2014

So I got an email from the oasis mailing list & there's a blue hawaii elvis theme crawl fri night ?

WooHooWahine posted on 07/29/2014

WooHoooo! Stay Tuned......Room Party Schedules will Be Posted Soon :)

SurfsUp posted on 07/29/2014

We are newbies to Tiki Oasis - 2 to crawl!

jdseeks posted on 07/30/2014

Please add myself + 4 to the crawl. Mahalo!

creepykbear posted on 07/30/2014

Krista & Jason for the crawl - crawl virgins!!!

CongoCongaCam posted on 07/31/2014

two more crawl virgins (and one new to TO): Cameron & James...

bgodzillagirl posted on 07/31/2014

We missed last year, ready to be back this year. Please add myself +4 to crawl list. One crawl virgin included

TikiKenn posted on 08/01/2014

Please add me plus one room crawl virgin to the crawl list. Thanks!

Tavarua Tiki posted on 08/03/2014

Count me in for the crawl WooHoo!!!!

[ Edited by: Tavarua Tiki 2014-08-02 17:45 ]

kraken tim posted on 08/03/2014

Got the full Core4 crew going this year, so kraken tim + 3 please!

heylownine posted on 08/04/2014

Let the crawl hype commence! I know I'm looking forward to the Purple Orchid kickoff on Thursday...what can crawlers look forward to on Friday and Saturday?


WooHooWahine posted on 08/05/2014

heylownine posted on 08/05/2014

We have a flyer!


Ridric posted on 08/05/2014

First timer here (shhhh!). Add me for the crawl +1!

TiKi TiFfY posted on 08/05/2014

holy guacamole! some howzzzzz u missed me and the tall boy 4 the crawl??? plz add tiki tiffy and tall tiki :) thanx bunches can't wait! xxx :)

[ Edited by: TiKi TiFfY 2014-08-04 23:37 ]

belinda posted on 08/06/2014

Are the crawl hosts purposely torturing us?

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Tai Won On posted on 08/06/2014

WooHoo, please add me to the list of stumblin' crawlers.

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MrPsychoGreaser posted on 08/10/2014

Please add me to the room crawlers pretty please! Javier Obregon + 1. :D

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Tikizealot posted on 08/10/2014

Leigh Older + 3 for crawl. Can't wait!

WooHooWahine posted on 08/10/2014

Room Party Schedule

Purple Orchid Welcome Wagon Room: 1331 4:00pm-5:30pm

Pixie's Hula Hut Room: TBA 2:00pm-3:00pm
China Town Room: TBA 6:00pm-7:30pm
Rum Lounge Room: 1135 10:00pm
Blue Hawaii-Elvis Party Room: 1549 10:00pm
Thee Swank Bastards Room: 1603 10:00pm
Jane Bond - The Spy Who Loved Tiki Party Room: 1701 10:00pm
Steadfast Pomeade Room: 1703 10:00pm
Tiki Hell Room: 1749 10:00pm
Casbah's Molokai Room Room: 1849 10:00pm
Beatniks in Space Room: 1503 10:30pm

Booze & Brews Blowout Room: 1135 10:00pm
Munster Monster Mash Party Room: 1549 10:00pm
Thee Swank Bastards Room: 1603 10:00pm
Jane Bond - The Spy Who Loved Tiki Party Room: 1701 10:00pm
Steadfast Pomeade Room: 1703 10:00pm
Tiki Hell Room: 1749 10:00pm
Casbah's Molokai Room Room: 1849 10:00pm
RUM-ble in The Jungle Room: 1649 10:30pm

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Dr. Shocker posted on 08/10/2014

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The VenTiki Room Crawl Info:
Time and Day will be posted in the Elevators.....Location will require a bit of looking on your part.

VenTiki Crawlers will total 5

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isotiki posted on 08/10/2014

Terri will be crawling and bringing a newbie. Cheers to two more

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Pineappleman11 posted on 08/10/2014

Can't wait to crawl....So many choices....You see the pictures afterwards and always feel like you missed something.
I wish I could clone about 5 copies of myself for Tiki Oasis and experience everything --then download all the experiences afterwards.

I think my crew has grown to about 12 from 2 since the first year I was at Tiki Oasis when it was the Zombie Island theme

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Tiki Mysterioso posted on 08/10/2014

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Get ready for the Shake Shack!
Saturday by TikiBroker, and Doug Dorr

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Dolewhip posted on 08/11/2014

Dolewhip +3, up for the challenge!

[ Edited by: Dolewhip 2014-08-13 14:31 ]

belinda posted on 08/11/2014

Sat night they're all at 10 ! --- but there's only 1 of me ?

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cryptkicker5 posted on 08/11/2014

Please add me to the crawl list. First time crawler.

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JOHN-O posted on 08/11/2014

What's more fun than Beatniks ?? How about "Beatniks in Space" ? That's the theme for this year's room party brought to you again by the team of Matt Rios and John-O.

Actually make that "Beatniks in Space.. and Beyond Time" as we'll be hosting the party inside our Tiki TARDIS ("It's bigger on the inside") piloted by the 13th Doctor, Kelly Reilly, aka Dr. HiphipaWHOla. She'll be mixing up a unearthly concoction for you, sponsored by Zacapa 23.

If that isn't enough, it'll also be the release party for the Ding Dong Devils' new Outer Space themed CD, "Space Fezcapades", which they'll be performing new songs from.

We hope to see you there !!

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TheKiltedFez posted on 08/11/2014

I'm excited for the Purple Orchid Welcome Wagon. I've never made it to this one before, and I think I might finally be able to get there this year!

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Lomtandre posted on 08/12/2014

I am fasting from Mai Tais until Friday. Hope I can make it. Please add me +1 to the crawler list. I got a wad of dough to tip the hell out of the hosts. All Set.

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Ojaitimo posted on 08/12/2014

Some video from last year sans Room Parties. Things got a little crazy there. Mistakes were made police got called. It wasn't pretty. There fore I am with holding the video from the rooms parties.

WooHooWahine posted on 08/12/2014

Woohoo & Snap! Snap! Snap! Only 2 More Days :)

WooHooWahine posted on 08/12/2014

Woohoo & Snap! Snap! Snap! Only 2 More Days :)

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THOR's posted on 08/12/2014

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little lost tiki posted on 08/13/2014

Was gonna just post the map,but saw it ended up on the NEXT page
so here's a recap.....
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And here's a handy Dandy map y'alls!
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Be sure to come by and meet Thor
Not only is he a magical artist
But he also possesses a wonderful temperment
and kind heart. It is that child-like genius
that spills onto any piece of art he creates!
So come on over and visit us!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2014-08-12 18:34 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 08/13/2014

WooHoo & Snap! Snap! Snap! Only 1 More Day....Are You Ready to Crawl??

Room Party Schedule

Purple Orchid Welcome Wagon Room: 1331 4:00pm-5:30pm

Pixie's Hula Hut Room: TBA 2:00pm-3:00pm
China Town Room: TBA 6:00pm-7:30pm
Rum Lounge Room: 1135 10:00pm
Blue Hawaii-Elvis Party Room: 1549 10:00pm
Thee Swank Bastards Room: 1603 10:00pm
Temptress Beat-Tiki Pin-up Party Room: 1701 10:00pm
Steadfast Pomeade Room: 1703 10:00pm
Tiki Hell Room: 1749 10:00pm
Casbah's Molokai Room Room: 1849 10:00pm
Beatniks in Space Room: 1503 10:30pm

Booze & Brews Blowout Room: 1135 10:00pm
Munster Monster Mash Party Room: 1549 10:00pm
Thee Swank Bastards Room: 1603 10:00pm
Temptress Beat-Tiki Pin-up Party Room: 1701 10:00pm
Steadfast Pomeade Room: 1703 10:00pm
Tiki Hell Room: 1749 10:00pm
Casbah's Molokai Room Room: 1849 10:00pm
RUM-ble in The Jungle Room: 1649 10:30pm

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[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2014-08-13 22:01 ]

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PiPhiRho posted on 08/13/2014

Add two more to the crawl list.

WooHooWahine posted on 08/13/2014

WooHoo & Snap! Snap! Snap! Come Find SoccerTiki & WooHooWahine tomorrow Night at The Bali Hai for Your Room Crawl Cards.

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KikaAkua posted on 08/14/2014

I would like to crawl please. Tiki Sue too.

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Cindiluhui posted on 08/14/2014

Join us Friday evening for the Mandarin Coffee Hour in room 1825.
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[ Edited by: Cindiluhui 2014-08-14 22:59 ]

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