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2014 Sacramento Cap City Tiki Crawl (October 3,4,5) CRAWL PICTURES

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danlovestikis posted on 08/03/2014

I'll be posting photos of the mugs in progress soon. Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 08/04/2014

While the kickstarter mugs were in the kiln I started to work again on the Sacramento Crawl mugs.

First step is to spray them with water so that the glaze will stick better.

This time around I'm using a squeeze bottle filled with under-glaze to fill in the letters.

I did amento first and let it dry so that it wouldn't run out.

Then I did the Sacr and CA.

Next I did the Albert's Tiki Village and

then using a brush I covered the tiki.

Back to the squeeze bottle for the bottom.

25 drying before the next step.

I used a wet wash cloth to rub off the front

the back and the bottoms.

One at a time

I get them done.

I don't just keep sheets on my furniture because our cat is destructive I do it so I can pile tiki projects on the surfaces.
This home is a tiki factory and depository.

The first step of glazing is done for 25 now I'll start on the next 25. Dan's already carrying them to the table.

Thank you for the visit, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 08/06/2014

Progress Report on the Sacramento Crawl mugs. I've been working on the second half for a couple of days. Here's where I stopped tonight.

Now they will dry for a few days before I wipe off all the extra glaze.

One step at a time, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 08/16/2014

Next steps.

I wiped off the excess glaze from the second half of the mugs.

Sometimes the washcloth took off too much. For some I used an underglaze pencil to put the line back and sometimes I painted it back on. I had to check the bottom of every mug to make sure they were OK. My bottoms are hand done so they don't look manufactured.

My next day I prepared to glaze all the insides so that they would be white there and around the edge. These are coconut mugs with white meat. My first plan was to fill the mug and coat the inside and then to put them upside down on these plates to drain further. Then I would smooth the outer edge when I picked them up. I changed my mind see how below.

I set up another table and brought all the mugs together. My goal is to get the insides done in one day.

I poured in the glaze and coated the insides.

Then I quickly poured out the excess. Instead of putting it down on a plate I had found bowls that fit the coconuts so that they could drain into the bowl.

6 at a time could drain.

Also I would use a spatula every so often to clean out the bowls and put the glaze back into the pitcher.

Another 8 draining.

When I turned them over I spread the glaze around the rim with my finger.

I made it. In one day I did all the crawl mugs interiors.

danlovestikis posted on 08/18/2014

I'm catching up my photos. Here's four days worth of work on the Sacramento Crawl mugs.

I need an unglazed spot to mark the 1/50, 2/50 etc. on the bottoms. I cut pieces of painters blue tape and put in on the bottom of each of the mugs.

Then I walked around each table and painted over the tape covering the bottoms with glaze.

I finished the bottoms in one day.

The next morning I decided that I needed to do more of the sides before flipping them over. This photo shows how far down the sides I ran the glaze. Another day gone.

The mugs dried overnight and now on the third day I flipped them over and glazed from under the rim down.

One table down two to go.

Now all three tables full have one layer done. They dried overnight.

On the fourth day I did the second layer

and put them on trays on the floor as I worked.

Glaze layer number two done after 9 hours of work. One more layer left to do.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 08/19/2014

Now that I'm putting on the third layer of glaze I am also adding one more layer to the top edge and

pulling off the blue tape so I can number them.

Once they were all done they went into the 90 degree heat of the backyard to dry out for several hours.

Into the kiln. I was just able to do three layers. 21 mugs per load.

I brought the rest of the mugs into the shed where it will get real hot.

Dan surprised me by putting boxes together. There's still a lot left to do. Before they go into the boxes but this just puts us a step ahead.

I hope everyone is safely home from Tiki Oasis.

Cheers, Wendy

VampiressRN posted on 08/19/2014

Wow...what a wonderful production line you have going on there!!!

kingstiedye posted on 08/19/2014

hey, missed you 2 at tiki oasis!

danlovestikis posted on 08/19/2014

VampiressRN our home is our factory! Good thing I love doing these and Dan helps so much. His name is on the bottom of the crawl mugs.

kingstiedye we saw a photo of you at Tiki Oasis so we knew you were there having a blast. Mahalo Tiki is bringing back a Buzzy pinup for us to hang in the Buzzy Bedroom. We hope to make it next year.

Soon I'll open the kiln to see if they turned out. Cheers, Wendy

JenTiki posted on 08/19/2014

Go ahead and take me off the crawler list; I'll be living on the other side of the country by then. :(

danlovestikis posted on 08/20/2014

I hope you have a good move. We'll miss you. Wendy

I opened the kiln to find all those coconuts waiting to be removed.

I still plan to paint them with some pin-striping gold paint to highlight the tiki and lettering.

The second of three shelves. I can't put a mug under the thermal couple on the left because it shoots out specks of black metal.

21 out of the kiln.

21 more into the kiln to fire.

closing the lid.


Dr.TikiMojo posted on 08/20/2014

Great work Wendy! Getting excited! :D

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 08/20/2014

This will be our 2nd year as part of the Cap City Home Tiki Bar Crawl. Between last year's home purchase, repairs, and being out of work the decorating slowed to a crawl. Also with the current drought our dreams of a lush tropical yard have become desert grasslands. Since both nature and budget were working against me I came up with a new idea for our place. The main Atrium would become a rotating art installation. Using donated materials and whatever I happen to have on hand I have started creating THIS YEAR'S installation titled "Charlie don't Surf".....yes, inspired greatly by the film Apocalypse Now, which I have seen in the theater, owned on VHS video tape, DVD, Blue Ray, and watched again streaming Netflix....in all I've likely seen it 100 times.
We've twisted this into a Tiki variation appropriate to The Headhunter's Hideaway and Jungle Room Lounge.
There's still a lot to do in just 6 weeks but last year we moved in, unpacked, decorated, cooked and made a cocktail punch in just 8 weeks so there is still hope!
Photos will start leaking here first....soon.

danlovestikis posted on 08/21/2014

Very cool. Dan's watched that movie many times too. You'll have to talk about it at the crawl. We are looking forward to your entryway. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 08/22/2014

Time to share again. I opened the kiln to expose load number two.

After the kiln was empty I loaded in the third and maybe last group of Sacramento Crawl mugs.

I carried these all into the house to add to the growing stacks.

MaukaHale posted on 08/22/2014

They're looking good!

VampiressRN posted on 08/24/2014

Please check out the intro post...we will have a Rum donation for Eric.

[ Edited by: vampiressrn 2014-08-25 12:06 ]

Or Got Rum? posted on 08/25/2014

Awesome work Wendy....you are a unstoppable force. I don't comment often as I have been away from TC lately. You and Dan are a tireless pair. I love the Albert's mug....all accounted for? Thank for reminding me to dig my Albert's menu out of storage. It may have to go on the fall block to help pay for mugs and my daughter's college expenses. Also, your drive makes me want to finish my 2 in stages TIKI paintings. Again...very cool production line. OGR

Lloyd*AloHHHa posted on 08/25/2014

SO BUMMED! I already let Marlene know, but I wanted to let da' rest of da' ohana know too, that the 1st Friday night/Saturday night of October is Yom Kippur! That means I cannot go to the Friday and Saturday crawls, I still can host on Saturday night because that will be the night when the fasting required for the observance of Yom Kippur will break. I'm sorry about this ohana, but God and family are super-important to this bruddah.

danlovestikis posted on 08/26/2014

MaukaHale we are looking forward to you showing up at the crawl.

VampiressRN checked it out and I have a replacement mug for him.

Or Got Rum? we would love to see the menu from Albert's. I have some mugs left for sale. Also you should start a thread on "other crafts" and show your tiki paintings step by step! My motto is, you sit you die a slow death. Don't want to do that.

Lloyd*AloHHHa we sure hope we see you on Sunday then.

The last batch of the Sacramento Crawl mugs are out of the kiln.

Dan completed the next step which was to sand all the little spikes of glaze off the bottoms.

After he did these he finished putting all the boxes together.

I will add some slight gold highlights to each coconut by hand starting soon.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-08-25 21:09 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-08-25 21:10 ]

MaukaHale posted on 08/26/2014

On 2014-08-25 21:04, danlovestikis wrote:
MaukaHale we are looking forward to you showing up at the crawl.

I'm looking forward to it. It will be fun to see you and Dan again. I see that Moai Mike and Polynesian Patty are going to be there as well. I may even bring my ukulele.

VampiressRN posted on 08/27/2014

Oh that would be fun...DO BRING YOUR UKELELE.

Dan & Wendy...those mugs are already well loved.

Lloyd...we sure do hope to see you on Sunday.

"Oh waiter, another cocktail please!!!"

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2014-08-26 20:43 ]

TikiHula posted on 08/27/2014

Sunday? He's hosting Saturday evening, right? :)

Can't wait - mahalo for all the work people are putting into this! If there's anything I can help with please let me know.

danlovestikis posted on 08/27/2014

Tiki Hula the schedule keeps morphing. Check out page one for the most current updates. Cheers, Wendy

Lloyd*AloHHHa posted on 08/28/2014

I will definitely be there on Sunday (all day), I can host Saturday night because that's when we break the fast for Yom Kippur, I just can't do 5-7pm shift because the sun will still be up by then.

VampiressRN posted on 08/28/2014

We tried to move things around, but plans are already made for some folks on Saturday. Times have been adjusted so check the intro post everyone. We had to move off the second weekend due to another event that is now occurring. Maybe we can get you on a Sunday spot next year....wink wink.

Lloyd*AloHHHa posted on 08/30/2014

I don't mind a Saturday night spot, it's just it happens to fall right on Yom Kippur this year. Usually that wouldn't be the case, but because the Hebrew calendar is different than our Gregorian calendar, it will vary from year-to-year.

MaukaHale posted on 08/30/2014

CRAWL ASSISTANCE FOR ERIC - We got Eric covered for mugs so please bring a bottle of rum to donate to Eric's empty bar.

What kind of rum does Eric like?

Or Got Rum? posted on 08/30/2014

Thanks for the great tip Wendy...here is a few pages of the menu (in light so you can see them :)) and a pic of one of the paintings I am ready to start painting. I have since tightened the base drawing up.

danlovestikis posted on 08/31/2014

Or Got Rum? Thank you so much for the photos of Albert's menu. I'd also love to see the cover. Do you remember if they actually served the drinks in these volcano and tiki bowls?

Is your painting of what you remember of the insides of Albert's Tiki Village? I so curious.

Very cool, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 08/31/2014

The next step has been to add gold highlights with pin-striping paint that I got from Mahalo Tiki.

These mugs have traveled a lot during all these steps.

The crawl is getting closer. Cheers, Wendy

VampiressRN posted on 09/01/2014

Eric says his favorite is Cruzan rum. He lost: Ron Zacapa, Lemon Heart 80 & 151, Appleton Estate, 12 yr, Reserve & VX, Cruzan White Rum. Any donations towards the cause will be appreciated.

Wendy...the mug is looking beautiful We can't thank you enough for your dedication and artistic skills for our crawl mugs.

We are tightening up the schedule so keep an eye on the intro post and if you are crawling please send me a PM with your email address so I can send you the stop addresses.

We have a great group of hosts, so any liquid gifts to them is greatly appreciated. Looking forward to meeting new Tikiphiles and catching up with usual posse.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2014-09-04 20:47 ]

danlovestikis posted on 09/05/2014

VampiressRN thank you very much.


Sacramento Crawl Mugs.

I finished the mugs and they are waiting for their signature cards and to be boxed.

I numbered all of the boxes. For while Tiki Hula hid behind them.


danlovestikis posted on 09/05/2014

Important Message*************************************************

Hi Crawlers, the cost for the Albert's tiki mug is set at $60 each. Check the list on page one to make sure you are there if you want one. If not just PM me here on Tiki Central or just post a message on this thread. Thank you all for letting me make the mug each year I truly love doing it. Wendy

Lloyd*AloHHHa posted on 09/06/2014

Wendy, you & Dan are truly a blessing to our ohana! Much, much mahalo for all that you do. That being said, can I purchase #49 too? I want to get it for our long-time ohana-bruddah, Adrian Eustaquio! Thanks again!

danlovestikis posted on 09/07/2014

Gotcha on the list for 49.

Here's an updated list. If you spot any errors let me know. Thank you very much. Wendy

As of 9/6/14 hese are the sign ups to purchase a mug. PM me or post on this thread if you want a mug and I'll add your name here and on my "other crafts" thread page one. Thank you.

$60 per mug

  1. Brenda
  2. Scott
  3. Psycho Tiki D
  4. Cathi W.
  5. Sean Klein
  6. Matt Hull
  7. Eric Jorgensen
  8. William LaPalia
  9. Dr. Tiki Mojo
  10. Tonie Jenkins
  11. Marlene - VampiressRN
  12. Sandy - Corona Contessa
  13. Laura Lee Riley
  14. Matt Kenoyer
  15. Eric Banks
  16. jdseeks Jim D.
  17. markmywords
  18. dartharnie
  19. debbiedotikito
  20. Gregory Ramirez
  21. Loki-Tiki
  22. Monty Dunnington
  23. Monty Dunnington for Debbie
  24. Kingstiedye
  25. cdtiki
  26. KrakenHunterSteve
  27. Terri Colman
  28. mondo-by-the-bay
  29. Miss Monk-ii
  30. Cole Unger
  31. Mahalo Tiki
  32. Aquatic Safarinaut
  33. tikilongbeach
  34. LiddleLola
  35. MrHaiku
  36. Kalu
  37. Slowhandtikiman
  38. JJ Mai Tai
  39. Choptop specific number
  40. MaukaHale
  41. Lloyd*AloHHHa for Adrian
  42. Lloyd*AloHHHa

This year I'm selling them the to everyone (attendees and out of town folks) and assigning numbers as the orders come in. So once it is made if you change your mind please let me know ASAP. I will not ship until after the crawl has ended.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-09-07 21:25 ]

danlovestikis posted on 09/07/2014

Tiki Hula and I have been working to make a photo for the signature card. Cheers, Wendy

Or Got Rum? posted on 09/07/2014

Mugs look awesome Wendy! Here is the cover w/ my scanner bring a little yellow tint. I never went to Albert's...the painting is based on another haunt that is also mysterious. OGR/Chris

danlovestikis posted on 09/07/2014

Or Got Rum? Thank you very much for posting the menu cover. It looks like it is in great shape. Because of the gold highlights I couldn't take a good photo of the mug. So thanks to you I'm going to use the menu cover for the signature card. I've just finished printing out 50 of them. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-09-07 21:27 ]

danlovestikis posted on 09/12/2014

A few more steps are finished.

I've signed all the cards and

today I'll start to box up the mugs.

The crawl is around the corner and we are so excited.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 09/14/2014

Progress Report on the Sacramento Crawl mug. The crawl is October 3rd, 4th and 5th. Three days of joy.

My tiki factory home had all the mugs in their corresponding box.

I lifted each mug out of the box and turned it over. They had been numbered in the little white box on the bottom. I took a brown felt pen and colored in the box so that it showed less.

Next I tore 50 sheets of paper from a big roll. There was only one sheet left when I finished so the roll went bye bye.

Then I took one sheet and stuffed it around each mug.

Then each mug was paired with it's numbered signature card.

Now I taped the boxes closed and then labeled each one with the person who was purchasing it at the crawl.

They are all ready for the crawl or to be shipped. My Asian living room is starting to return to normal. I bet you thought my whole house was tiki, it almost is.

Sgt. Tiki posted on 09/15/2014

Hi There - I would like to get one of your cool mugs. I live in Sac but I'm not sure if I can make the crawl yet because of work. Can I reserve one of the mugs?

Jim Giddings

danlovestikis posted on 09/15/2014

Hi Jim, I'll put you on the list. I'm shipping after the crawl to those who miss coming or you could pick it up here when you are able. Try your best to make it this is such a blast. Cheers, Wendy

Longboard posted on 09/16/2014

How much are the mugs going for?


MaukaHale posted on 09/16/2014

On 2014-09-05 07:56, danlovestikis wrote:

Important Message*************************************************

Hi Crawlers, the cost for the Albert's tiki mug is set at $60 each. Check the list on page one to make sure you are there if you want one. If not just PM me here on Tiki Central or just post a message on this thread. Thank you all for letting me make the mug each year I truly love doing it. Wendy

VampiressRN posted on 09/21/2014

Hello ALL Crawlers...I think I am missing some emails, so need to dig through my emails and messages. In the meantime, please PM me your email address so I can send you the stop locations. Getting close!!!

danlovestikis posted on 09/24/2014

6 mugs left for sale. If you still need one they are $60 each. Not long now, Dan's dusting the jungle...NOT! Wendy

VampiressRN posted on 09/25/2014

I just sent the email with stop addresses. If you are crawling and did not get the email, please send me a message with your email address so I can send it to you. My apologies if I did miss anyone. Getting close!!!

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