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Spirit free cocktail

Pages: 1 5 replies

I love the whole Tiki culture thing, but believe it or not, despite being Scottish I don't drink wine or spirits! Can anyone recommend a cocktail or two please. I do indulge in lagers.

so you looking for beer cocktails?

or non-alcoholic tiki cocktails?

Surferbhoy, I'm assuming you're asking about non-alcoholic cocktails, or "mocktails." Try a Google search for non-alcoholic cocktails and you'll get a wide variety of books. This segment of the cocktail recipe market seems to have exploded in recent years, so you should have little trouble finding what you're looking for online.

I, myself, keep a book handy with non-alcoholic drinks for my guests who are either non-drinkers, or are on a diet. Sometimes I make special mocktails for their kids. Some titles which are pretty new on the market and which you might find interesting:

"Kiddie Cocktails" published in March, 2014. Don't let the title fool you. There are tasty libations in here which adults will love. And don't underestimate the effects of lime juice, a sweet juice or syrup, and bitters. This book is interesting and fun.

"Preggatinis: Mixology For The Mom-To-Be" published in 2008. Pregnant women should avoid alcohol, so here's an author who studied the non-alcoholic stuff and wrote another recipe book.

So my examples are weird - kiddies, pregnant women - but the basics are there. With some time and some testing you can come up with a number of things which are very likely to appeal to you. Oh, and you might pick up a book on "bitters" while you're at it. There's nothing like a good bitter to playfully oppose the sweetness of sugar syrups and intermingle across your palate with other sweet juices.

Have fun and please write back to let us know what you ended up doing. There will be others in the future who will look at this thread with similar questions and interests.

On 2014-08-27 17:08, Surferbhoy wrote:
I don't drink wine or spirits!

At All?

Like no alcohol at all?

Or just no cocktails because that's too much alcohol?

Because there are several Low-Proof Cocktails that I could recommend but they do have some alcohol in the recipe. Most of them wind up at about 3% to 5% in the glass, roughly equivalent to a basic Lager in total alcohol.


On 2014-08-28 13:19, Chip and Andy wrote:

On 2014-08-27 17:08, Surferbhoy wrote:
I don't drink wine or spirits!

At All?

Like no alcohol at all?

Or just no cocktails because that's too much alcohol?

Because there are several Low-Proof Cocktails that I could recommend but they do have some alcohol in the recipe. Most of them wind up at about 3% to 5% in the glass, roughly equivalent to a basic Lager in total alcohol.

Mrs Bun: Have you got anything without spam in it?
Waitress: Well, there's spam egg sausage and spam, that's not got much spam in it.
Mrs Bun: I don't want ANY spam!
Mr Bun: Why can't she have egg, bacon, spam and sausage?
Mrs Bun: That's got spam in it!
Mr Bun: Not as much as spam, egg, sausage and spam.

[ Edited by: arriano 2014-08-28 16:12 ]

Thanks Guys...I actually DO like a drink...I just don't drink spirits of wine! It's usually just a lager for me, I'm far from being tee-total :)

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