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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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hang10tiki posted on 08/24/2014

Well next time I watch the Dan-0 n Wendy show
I should make sure the spousal unit isn't looking over my shoulder
After yesterday's domino episode she said "let's paint the bedroom"
That took a lil time
Then when done
She said "let's do new cordless shades"
Took all day but came out great
So thanks
I think

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2014-08-24 10:00 ]

ZeroTiki posted on 08/24/2014

We are gonna try & make the crawl this year. Finally!
P.S. - I love the movie posters in the garage!

GROG posted on 08/24/2014

danlovestikis posted on 08/25/2014

TikiAno I never go to utube but I followed you link to the Van Morrison song and then I was watching Jimmy Fallon do musical impersonations, he's so good that it took my 30 minutes to stop!!!

MadDogMike exactly why I use all those lights. How's your married life?

Joshua Bell we slept through it and didn't know until we turned on the TV. One of the Sacramento Ohana lives in Napa and a big tiki fell over and broke his mug collection. We are going to donate mugs to get him started again. I'm glad you are OK.

hang10tiki that's funny because your home is so new that the original paint isn't dry yet. Photos?

ZeroTiki yep Dan's decorated the garage too. I'm so excited that you are coming to the crawl.

GROG are you glazing tonight?


The Dreaded Domino Effect Part 3.

Dan decided that these tikis would look better downstairs rather then behind a chair in his tiki jungle room.

He carried them down, one by one placing them in front of the fireplace.

These were really heavy and he wasn't careful. He wacked the corner of our kitchen tile work. Looks like I have a domino to fix.

We never liked having the bamboo shelves in front of the windows. It was time to move them.

The reason this is working is that we threw out half of our couch earlier this year and now we are getting rid of one more piece. Now we just have the two recliners from the ends pushed together.

It's coming together now. The square rug is for our cat to claw. She had ruined most of the couch that we threw out. We won't get better as long as she's alive. We love our cat.

I had another chunk lamp hiding in a closet so I brought it out and we worked it into the room.

Lit up.

The room is now finished and here's the result.

My shell lamp collection is lit. No flash for this photo.

I used a flash here.

The Domino Effect is over. Dan just needs to put mugs on the new shelves. He'll enjoy doing that slowly.

Cheers, Wendy

VampiressRN posted on 08/25/2014

Glad the big Tiki got to come back inside. He is the good vibe that helps you with your glazing. Your family room looks really great now...love the fireplace grouping. Looking forward to seeing it on the crawl.

SandraFremgen posted on 08/25/2014

Wow Wendy,

I love all your photos, especially your shell lamps without the flash. They look magical. :)

Is your entire house Tiki themed?


SandraFremgen posted on 08/25/2014

Hi Wendy,

I didn't take too many pictures. My original intention was to photograph the ladies at Tiki Oasis because their looks were so inspiring for my paintings. I realized I didn't need to take my own pictures because the ladies were posting pictures of themselves on Instagram. I loved their fashion, hair and make up choices.

Here's a photo of me with my painting. This is an outfit I used to wear for Hula dancing. I was so happy that I got to wear it again! I'm sad to say that my painting didn't sell at Tiki Oasis. It just hasn't found the right home yet! =)

I bought some bamboo motif frames from "The Guru Gallery." He is a framer in Costa Mesa. It's interesting to have the frames first that will inspire the painting.


hang10tiki posted on 08/25/2014

Cheers to you guys

Bob liked his beer

TikiHula posted on 08/25/2014

Wow, I missed a few days and I missed a lot! Great redecorating/upgrade you two. That'll keep you in shape :D

Aloha Jon and Janelle. Looks like you guys are having fun at Hula's!

TikiHula posted on 08/25/2014

Holy crap! You are a third of the way to 2,000,000 views already.

danlovestikis posted on 08/26/2014

VampiressRN hi Vamp, thank you. We are getting ready for the crawl. Today Dan swept out the man cave and back patio but they'll need it again before October. We are so happy with the new room set up and it was fun to share.

SandraFremgen it's really fun to find those old lamps and to jazz them up with a hundred more shells. Here's a close up.

Every room used to be a different country but now most of the rooms are tiki. I still have an Asian livingroom and an Egyptian master bedroom. VampiressRN also has an Egyptian master bedroom. We found that when we attended her first party.

SandraFremgen your painting for Oasis is over the top creative. You have such a wonderful talent and on top of painting you hula dance? Wow.

hang10tiki AHH. Those photos brought a big smile to my face. I didn't know Bob liked beer.

TikiHula aren't they at The Islands?

The room looks a lot better to us I'm happy to get a good response to the work.

TikiHula yep but I need to get more interesting fast the numbers have slowed down by 2/3'ds this month. Must be all the kids going back to school.


I started the day by repairing the corner of the counter in the kitchen. I glued the two pieces together and held them with tape.

Next I added more goop glue to the back to make it stronger.

Then I glued it back in place and held it there with tape until it set.

It's good enough for us.


The last batch of the Sacramento Crawl mugs are out of the kiln.

Dan completed the next step which was to sand all the little spikes of glaze off the bottoms.

After he did these he finished putting all the boxes together.

I will add some slight gold highlights to each coconut by hand starting soon.


Now it's time to read more and rest up for work tomorrow. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-08-25 21:02 ]

TikiAno posted on 08/26/2014

Great photos, glad to see Dan is earning his keep around there! (just kidding). Love the new crawl mugs, and the shell additions look great!

Sorry you got caught up on youtube- I really try to avoid it, still surprising that so many use it to listen to and discover new music and more!

Since the dominos have temporarily stopped falling, I guess you and Dan have time to enroll in a club. I like that it's open from 8:00AM until... rum?

danlovestikis posted on 08/27/2014

TikiAno you are right. Dan works for tikis. He's take 4 that I've made just this week alone.

I had fun seeing Jimmy Fallon impersonating different singers. What a talent.

Where is this Hut Domino Club? I bet they have different Dominos.


I made another visit to Alpha Fired Arts and picked out 8 new glaze colors.

I lined each one up with a brush and started layering it on the pre-made tiles.

3 layers, 2 layers and at the top 1 layer of glaze.

Then two layers of clear glaze along the side.
I was so lucky. I only had 8 tiles left.

Time to make some more tiles for the next time I buy glaze. When I cut clay off poured ceramics I save it in tubs.

I just took out the pieces and rolled them flat.

I cut each piece, shaped it and made indentations along the side. Now they will sit until I have new things to fire.

I've finally started to glaze some of the items that have filled the top of my dining room table for months.

I had a repair man dump water in a tray and ruined some of my mugs. I was able to salvage the backside of one to turn it into a wall hanging. This will be a dark blue with brown highlights if all goes well.

I like to glaze as much as possible so I did the back too.

I've made some more necklaces.

I put them in the shed to continue drying. I need to glaze an entire kiln load before I fire.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-08-26 21:31 ]

hang10tiki posted on 08/27/2014


LoriLovesTiki posted on 08/28/2014

Love all the redecorating! I love how you're getting ready for the crawl. That's another event I'd lie to attend.

ZeroTiki posted on 08/28/2014

Those puffers are sooooooooo adorable!

danlovestikis posted on 08/28/2014

hang10tiki just the way I like it!

LoriLovesTiki it's so much fun. Just a thought. You could organize one in your area.
The room morphed again today with more improvements. I'll have to photograph them when I know Dan's done.

ZeroTiki puffers are cute in ceramic art, not so much in the wide. We have one that I picked up today and got stuck, ouch!

Another Glazing Day

This time I glazed the peanut mug that I changed into a Moai.

We wanted it to look like the Black Islander mugs. I covered it in black under-glaze. The inside was done in glossy black.

All covered I let it dry.

The next day I wiped off just enough to make it look like the classic Islander mug.

I then painted the top and bottom rims in glossy black.

Rappa Moai ready to fire.

Next up is a hula girl in a tapa decorated bowl. I choose these colors.

I started with filling in the tapa carving.

All done.

After it dried I wiped off the excess.

Next I glazed the inside of the bowl and her skin.

Then I started on the bottom of the bowl.

I finished the outside of the bowl.

The hardest part was the bottom of her hair. I just used my finger to rub glaze in place. Remember all glazing is done three times.

Lastly I did her skirt and lei.

I put it outside to dry. It's now in line to fire.

It's really fun to get to work on these projects that have been patiently waiting for months.

Cheers, Wendy

ZeroTiki posted on 08/28/2014

You are absolutely amazing, Wendy!

hang10tiki posted on 08/29/2014

What Zero said!!!!!!!!!!!!

hang10tiki posted on 08/29/2014

Got home from work
Saw this in the kitchen
Spousal unit made this recently and brought it home today


ebtiki posted on 08/29/2014

Just sat down with my new Tiki Magazine ... whoa!!

danlovestikis posted on 08/29/2014

ZeroTiki and you are super sweet. I can't wait to see you at the crawl.

hang10tiki and you are too!

hang10tiki and she is too. That is darling. I just know how much she smiled thinking of giving it to you. More photos?

ebtiki you are the first to mention it. We just opened our editions. It shows our obsession with everything tiki.

Friends Dan and I are the centerfold in this months issue of Tiki Magazine. We are the Tikified couple. Mitch Tobias took the photos of the collection and Tiki Hula took the photo of Dan and I. We are such hams that we are thrilled to be in this issue.

I will love to hear what you think of the spread.

This magazine is a must for collectors and historians. Every article is well done and worth saving. Queen Kamehameha aka Amy has kept up the high standards since taking over from Nick Camera. Please check it out.

Back to Bloody Maori's. The first severed Maori head I did for Dan wasn't my favorite so I told him I would make him another. Well that first head ended up in the issue of Tiki Magazine so now he'll not part with it but he still intends to take one of these heads. The other I will sell.

When these were first cast I altered one to have a high forehead and tongue sticking out. The other still resembles a Ren Clark head.

I used the squirt bottle to do the inside of the mouth.

Next I choose the glaze.

Then I did the insides of each mug.
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I used the squeeze bottle to fill in all the moko carvings on the faces.
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Another view and
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one more view.
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I used a wet washcloth to wipe one down and
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then the other one.
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I choose all the colors for doing the faces.
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I did the mouths and eyes.
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I choose the skin color that went well with the interior glaze.
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Then I painted one and
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then the other one.
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I then did the bottoms of the mugs.
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Next I wiped off the glaze on the eyebrows and
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painted black on the space.
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Now I've finished with doing the hair too.
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Side view. The closest mug has an earring.
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Now hopefully the black moko will show through the skin glaze.

What do you think? Wendy

TikiHula posted on 08/29/2014

Congrats on Tiki Magazine. Can't wait to see it!

Those severed heads are going to be SICK!

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hang10tiki posted on 08/29/2014

What TikiHula said....................


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TikiAno posted on 08/29/2014

What Hang10 said about what TikiHula said.

I saw you & Dan in Tiki Magazine, awesome!

The latest heads look great. Your glazing, and patience re: said glazing, is always beyond impressive. Thanks for showing off for us! :)

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danlovestikis posted on 08/30/2014

My three Musketeers have written to me! I love male, I mean mail.




Thank you men.


I'll post a photo from Tiki Magazine soon. If you see it tell me what you think. I look at it and think Obsession.


Now it's back to glazing. This is the weird bowl I made from left over casts. So I call it the Polynesian bowl.

First I glazed the inside white and then the outside brown, it's a coconut.
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Now I raised the bottom up and let it dry overnight.
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I rubbed black into the crevices
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and choose a color for these parts.
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Glazed them.
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I glazed all the Moai and put it out in the backyard to dry. I have enough to run a load now.
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Bottom shelf.
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Center shelf.
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Top shelf.
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Now it's back to the coconuts. Cheers, Wendy

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hang10tiki posted on 08/30/2014

That kiln is full of awesomeness

The spousal unit found this at a yard sale
The colors are better in person
Can't wait to see the kiln open

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danlovestikis posted on 08/31/2014

hang10tiki are those two birds beak to beak? Whatever the theme it's really pretty.


Have mugs will travel. The Sacramento Crawl mugs made it back to the nook one more time. I'm enhancing the tiki and the wording with gold pin-striping paint that I got from Mahalo Tiki.
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It's taking extra days but I think it makes it all stand out from the background so it's worth it.
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We are totally thrilled to be the centerfold for Tiki Magazine this month.

Here's the cover with Sven. His Tiki Pop book is a must have with so many photos it's over the top.
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Here's our centerfold.
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We had a Buzzy type of sunset.
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Dan gave me the nickname of Goofy and my lucky number is 10 so when I saw this license I had to snap a photo.
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We went on another tiki hunt.

Dan spotted this tapa on a board.
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We didn't buy it but I took a photo for use when carving mugs.
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He did spot one extra cool mug to buy.
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Then off to another store where he spotted this mug.
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By the end of the search we had these to purchase.
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I've already added my sailfish to the bathroom wall.
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hang10tiki I'll open the kiln tomorrow! Cheers, Wendy

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rugbymatt posted on 09/01/2014


Please make sure you have me down for a crawl mug. Mahalo!


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danlovestikis posted on 09/02/2014

RugbyMatt thank you your all set, see you at the crawl.


To start off here are some futzing around photos.

I tried to see how well the moon would show up one evening.
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Gotta have a tiki in there too.
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I found the first Tiki Atari kickstarter mug that I'd cleaned up and fired as a guide. I glazed and hand painted it and sent it off to him as a gift.
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Dan moved two large Gecko'z bowls downstairs so I suggested he put all our tiki/music books on the empty shelves. Hi filled it up and then I reminded him that the huge new Tiki Pop book is still out. No room left!
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We bought a Witch Doctor Hawaiian Eye mug and Dan asked if I would change the color.
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I'm just painting right over the old glaze. First with underglaze in black and
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then in a rusty spotted orange.
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I'm working to glaze a load for firing.


Sacramento Crawl Mugs.

I finished the mugs and they are waiting for their signature cards and to be boxed.
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I numbered all of the boxes for while Tiki Hula hid behind them.
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The kiln is opened.

Shelf number 1.
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I close up of the Zombie wall hanging that I made when the front of the mug was ruined with water spilt by a repairman.
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Shelf number 2.
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Dan snagged his Rappa Moai.
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Shelf number 3.
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New glazes to use in the future.
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I'll take some close up photos of the new pieces and post them here soon. Cheers, Wendy

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/02/2014

Thanks for the shout out, Wendy, you remembered that is my favorite part! :)

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danlovestikis posted on 09/03/2014

Atomic Tiki Punk I like to remember special statements.
I fixed my (here) error on the header. I'll have better photos soon.

Cheers, Wendy

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hang10tiki posted on 09/03/2014

Great photos

Did a super quick trip to
Oregon and Washington
Lots of great food and drinks
Wish you guys were with us

Found these:

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Postcards and two old photographs of Samoa
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Dan-0 check out the size of thus HUGE cinnamon roll
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hang10tiki posted on 09/03/2014

Ps- congratulations on the centerfold

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danlovestikis posted on 09/03/2014

hang10tiki good finds. I wish your trip had brought you here. That a Dan sized cinnamon roll. Beware of big treats!


The kiln is unloaded and all the new works are on the dining room table.
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The lump past these are all the rest of the bisque fired pieces waiting to be glazed. There's always something to do.
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I hope you all have a great hump day. That's Wednesday of course. Cheers, Wendy

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TikiHula posted on 09/03/2014

Saw the severed heads in person last weekend and they are awesome! Hey...great name for a band...

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hang10tiki posted on 09/04/2014

That's a sweet lookin table full of tiki

We sent the wife's mother a pineapple from Oahu
Here's the top growing like crazy
I can't seem to get them to take here in Vegas

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danlovestikis posted on 09/04/2014

Tiki Hula, that would be a fun name for a group. They could play in the dark with black clothing and gloves and florescent head makeup. Getting their heads on upside down would be hard.

hang10tiki that was a fun gift. Check with Chippy he's growing a whole bunch of them from the tops he cut off grocery store pineapples.


As I continue to glaze items from the table Dan continues to say, "I've got dibs on that one".

These will be put on the wall in the dining room. We keep adding to his collection so that there are more things to view on the Sacramento crawl in October.
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Necklaces of Puffer Fish and
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Here's how the Zombie Village wall hanging turned out.
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I cast a few peanut mugs for Mahalo Tiki (who has learned so much so fast and is now making his own mugs, check him out on facebook) and he let me cast and change this one mug into a Rapa Maori mug.
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I made this bowl for Dan. I tried to make it look like a vintage bowl. Did I succeed or do you have suggestions for next time?
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Got to go play, Wendy

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TikiAno posted on 09/04/2014

Beautiful work. Love the different glazes, especially the grey stone Moai (all the way on the left).

Think it DOES look like a vintage bowl- the jungle gem-ish glaze definitely adds to that look, especially in how it fired. That being said, maybe a vintage looking bowl shouldn't look SO GOOD? :wink: Also love the exterior glaze on that bowl, adds to the vintage feel.

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danlovestikis posted on 09/05/2014

TikiAno the glaze on the grey Moai is one of Duncan's new sparkle glazes. They are really fun to use.
Looking old is a good thing unless you are talking about me! Dan's put the new bowl into his collection.


Here's the next new bowl and of course Dan's taken it away too. This is the bowl that I made with leftover cast pieces.
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When I made the two Ren Clark style heads I decided to add the blood the heads the way they did with cold enamel. Here's a couple of photos of doing just that. I still need to do my fancy photos.
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Tongue out mug.
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There will be a next Wish List #5 this time. Keep in mind what I have done and what you think I can do. Cheers, Wendy

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TikiAno posted on 09/05/2014

Wendy, thanks for letting me know re: glaze. Since we fire to Cone 6 have to use different ones- though it's fun to fire 06 glazes to cone 6- sometimes for more "melty" looks. Unfortunately, can't expect them to look like how they're "supposed to" look. :)

New Ren Clark heads look beautiful. Well, beautifully bloody? :)

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MadDogMike posted on 09/05/2014

Just caught up with your thread again Wendy, so much good stuff! Love the vintage wahini bowl, I would swear it's 50 years old.
Married life is great but keeping me very busy :) Got my kiln and most of my clay supplies moved to the new house and set up a "studio" area but haven't had time to work on much yet. Still need to change the kiln elements too, well let you know how that goes :wink:

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danlovestikis posted on 09/07/2014

TikiAno I think my shed would burn down if I fire hotter than 04!
Dan thinks those heads look great in "his" collection.

MadDogMike 50 years old is just what I had hoped for, thank you. Let us know everything you do with your studio and kiln. Please.
I've not done any repairs to my kiln yet and I hope that firing low will help it last longer.


As of 9/6/14 these are the sign ups to purchase a mug. PM me or post on this thread if you want a mug and I'll add your name here and on my "other crafts" thread page one. Thank you.

Ready to box.

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$60 per mug

  1. Brenda
  2. Scott
  3. Psycho Tiki D
  4. Cathi W.
  5. Sean Klein
  6. Matt Hull
  7. Eric Jorgensen
  8. William LaPalia
  9. Dr. Tiki Mojo
  10. Tonie Jenkins
  11. Marlene - VampiressRN
  12. Sandy - Corona Contessa
  13. Laura Lee Riley
  14. Matt Kenoyer
  15. Eric Banks
  16. jdseeks Jim D.
  17. markmywords
  18. dartharnie
  19. debbiedotikito
  20. Gregory Ramirez
  21. Loki-Tiki
  22. Monty Dunnington
  23. Monty Dunnington for Debbie
  24. Kingstiedye
  25. cdtiki
  26. KrakenHunterSteve
  27. Terri Colman
  28. mondo-by-the-bay
  29. Miss Monk-ii
  30. Cole Unger
  31. Mahalo Tiki
  32. Aquatic Safarinaut
  33. tikilongbeach
  34. LiddleLola
  35. MrHaiku
  36. Kalu
  37. Slowhandtikiman
  38. JJ Mai Tai
  39. Sgt. Tiki Jim Giddings
  40. Joanne K.
  41. Moai Mike
  42. Choptop specific number
  43. MaukaHale
  44. Lloyd*AloHHHa for Adrian
  45. Lloyd*AloHHHa

This year I'm selling them the to everyone (attendees and out of town folks) and assigning numbers as the orders come in. So once it is made if you change your mind please let me know ASAP. I will not ship until after the crawl has ended.


Dan and I just got home this afternoon from a Tiki Hunting road trip. I'll have photos to post tomorrow. Tonight is my
45th high school reunion and we are getting ready to go party with all the old folks! I hope to have a lot of fun with
friends from my past.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-09-06 17:24 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-09-07 08:14 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-09-07 21:28 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-09-15 10:57 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-09-23 20:33 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-09-27 13:30 ]

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TikiHula posted on 09/07/2014

You did a great job on making the bowl look vintage. And those puffer fish necklaces - love'em and will have to get me one :D

Have fun tonight!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 09/07/2014

I had the magazine on the table but hadn't opened it. WOW! I just opened it, showed it to my husband and said that's Wendy, who made my custom mug and her husband, Dan. I feel like I "know" a celebrity!!!

Very cool. As is all of your work, as usual.

PS- I saw your post about organizing a home crawl. Very interesting idea!

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/07/2014

Love this part, Wendy!

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danlovestikis posted on 09/07/2014

TikiHula I owe you a puffer from the contest you won so long ago. I finally made enough that you can choose from them. I'm so glad that the bowl turned out well that the comments here are good ones. Thank you.

LoriLovesTiki having a crawl is the highlight of the year here in our area. We have also done Tiki Tuesdays where we would meet up once a month at a restaurant. It's great to connect with friends who enjoy tiki.

I'm thrilled with the centerfold! I love saying I (leaving Dan out of the statement) am a centerfold model (thank you Tiki Hula).
I took the magazine to my 45th HS reunion last night and said that before showing it to old friends. We were all old!

Atomic Tiki Punk I'm so glad. I'm going to glaze the entire table of tikis and I'm starting again. I need to fill that kiln to fire. I need GROG to come and glaze for me!


Last night Dan and I went to my 45th High School Reunion.

We sat with my friend Eric and his wife Sue who was Dan's friend in a different high school. Our friends married and for a time we lived next door to them.
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We bought $10 worth of raffle tickets and very few attendees did, lucky us we won three great prizes!
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Another step for the crawl mugs is to make a signature card. I can't seem to get the gold highlights to show up in the photos. I may just go with a card with the mug before I enhanced it.
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Now that the kiln is waiting for the next load I'm back to glazing again.

This is Slow Poke Bob. Somehow I made an alien snail.
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After I glazed the insides I let it sit upside down to have the extra run out. Since the surface is clean I was able
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to use this brush to pick up the glaze and to put it back into the jar.
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I did the face in underglaze and then
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coated it with clear.
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He looks happy. Three times I did this glazing.
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Next is a Tiki Bob coconut bowl.
There are so many nooks and crannies on this one.
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The inside and lip is glazed to be white.
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First layer done and I'm letting it dry before I do the rest.
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It's fun to be home. As soon as Dan unwraps his tiki treasures and I take photos I'll post our trip.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-09-07 08:55 ]

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hang10tiki posted on 09/07/2014

Coconut bob bowl
Great idea

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