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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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VampiressRN posted on 10/20/2014

Your mug carving are fabulous!!!

hang10tiki posted on 10/20/2014

I know who would look cool sippin out of groovy Bob
Marcia Brady


Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2014-10-20 08:27 ]

ebtiki posted on 10/20/2014

More great Bobs ... my bank balance loathes you!

hang10tiki posted on 10/20/2014

Did a stay-cation at a local hotel yesterday

Not as busy as you 2 but I found a lil time
to carve a bit more on my new one

LoriLovesTiki posted on 10/20/2014

You have mad carving skillz!

danlovestikis posted on 10/22/2014

VampiressRN I love hearing that. I'm just having fun taking my time getting well while doing my favorite thing, playing with clay.

hang10tiki someday I'm going to see the episode they filmed in Hawaii. Or was it a movie?

ebtiki tell your bank balance to let me know if I come up with something he can't do without. That message came from my bank balance!

hang10tiki I thought I had Las Vegas memorized but I can't figure out which hotel you stayed at, please share.

Wow that's a wonderful carving. You are doing more and more elaborate carvings. Have you run out of dead trees in your yard?

LoriLovesTiki when I started I really didn't carve all that well. Practice really does help.


Here's one that took two days. One to make the blocks and one to fancy them up.

Just having a really fun time with Bob. Thank you all for the kind comments. Wendy

TikiAno posted on 10/22/2014

Jon, nice carve!

Wendy, love Flower Power Bob- great use of found object. Love the detail/ combination of peanut & flowers. I wonder if Dan is going to wear a matching flower power shirt when he steals this mug????

Also love the detail on the Venice leg Bob, but who's counting? :) Hope you're getting a bit of rest in, too.

hang10tiki posted on 10/22/2014

Lori- thanks, love hitting a chisel with a mallet
Wendy- we stayed in Henderson at Green Valley Ranch
Square tapa Bob is cool looking
Brady Bunch 1974 season 4 episodes 1-3 in Hawaii :)
Then there was a Brady Bunch return to Hawaii TV movie
David- thanks Bruddah, fun carve

Have a great day Wendy
How's the back?
Aloha to Dan-0

Dan-0 Make Wendy a couple crispy cookies

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2014-10-22 08:02 ]

hang10tiki posted on 10/22/2014

Here's a clip from the 2014 sequel.

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2014-10-22 08:11 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 10/22/2014

Those are some of my most favorite Brady Bunch episodes ever! I was addicted to the show as a kid. :) I have been know to stay tuned to Tv land Brady Bunch marathons in the hopes of catching a Hawaii episode. Vincent Price! Hawaii! Scorpions! Surfing!

But sadly, I haven't seen one of them in YEARS! :(

danlovestikis posted on 10/23/2014

TikiAno you make me blush with all the fun comments. Dan too for hogging all my work!

hang10tiki is Green Valley Ranch the place with the casino that looks like Italy? I'm really close to being 100% healed and feeling better than I have in years. This wasn't a surgery connected to my back. It was to fix a muscle. I have cramping issues. However my physical therapy that is going along concurrently is pure hell. I dislocated my jaw and messed up my TMJ. They press so hard outside and inside my mouth to stretch the muscles that work the jaw that it's almost not bearable. Then they do shock treatments with an EMG machine. That's why I'm getting so many day trips from Dan so that I also have good times too.

Thank you so much for the photos. I really have been so curious about that show. I only saw a bit of it now and then. That's wonderful that you could access them for all of us.

I hope you have other carving projects to share here.

LoriLovesTiki (: Childhood memories can be such fun. I still have a box with some small mementos.


Today is catch up day where I share what we do besides make tikis.

As soon as I finished my TMJ PT we headed off to Folsom, California to the Animal Sanctuary. They even have feral cats here.

This was my favorite animal by far.

Dan tried to fly like an eagle.

We saw dear just hanging out.

The next day we drove to Grass Valley. It fun to find tikis in the wild or is it Dan being wild?

In an antique shop we found some Harvey's vintage mugs. Three for $28 was too good to pass up.

Next we went to Roge's shop. He's retiring again from making chunk lamps so all he has left are on Etsy.

These are for sale on the site.

We bought all the rest of his cast Moai that I had sculpted for him to mold and cast.

When we got home I lined them up on the top shelf of the nook.

He had just enough left that I was able to perfect the display.


At an estate sale near our home we found two glass floats that Dan hung with our Tiki Tony pet bird.

I'll call it a night with Dan rocking our baby to sleep.


Thank you all so much for making each day so much fun. I love posting and reading your comments, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/23/2014

You two sure have fun
I love when you show a shelf of your mugs
I always see mugs I've never seen before

danlovestikis posted on 10/24/2014

hang10tiki every time we go to someone's home they have things we have never seen. I think it's good to collect a certain style or artist so that your home doesn't get taken over like a couple I know personally. WE B Buried in Tikis but not with them.


I sat down and started to work on a new PNG Bob and got so absorbed that I didn't move from the chair for hours. I also forgot to take in progress photos. That's so not me!

Rings around the body. Texture added and then the pinup photos.

I'm working hard to get a kiln load. Once I get that accomplished and fired I'll think about opening the next
Wish List which will be number 5. I also need to start sculpting the next Sacramento Crawl mug for 2015. Ceramics
are not fast so I always start early.

See you all soon, I hope, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/24/2014

Another great lookin BOB

TikiHula posted on 10/24/2014

Yeah, that's a really elaborate one and should keep you busy for awhile :)

TikiAno posted on 10/25/2014

New Bob = amazing. Even without progress shots I'm still impressed! :)

I'm still looking for the full streaming episode of that Brady Bunch episode, but here are a few clips:



This is pretty fun, too, a "mash-up" of the 3 part episode (to music):


Jon, great pics, ha ha ha!

danlovestikis posted on 10/25/2014

hang10tiki Tiki Bob says he's very please you think he looks good.

TikiHula glazing will require some patience but I don't mind. Maybe you'll be here to watch.

TikiAno It's so much fun to multitask. Get well, watch TV and carve a Tiki Bob all while nibbling on veggies! I watched the Brady bunch movies. I'd never seen them and it was so fun. Vincent Price was a favorite actor of Dan's and mine. It was good to see him too.


Here's a fail that I turned around. I did this once before but this time I supercarved Bob.

Every once in a while I pour in slip that doesn't have enough water content. When I go to pour out the Bob I sometimes forget to check that all the slip has poured out before I leave the mold upside down for the night. If I'd noticed I could have stuck in a long stick to get the sludge moving or pounded the side of the mold with a rubber mallet, this too will get the thick slip to move out of the cast.

Well since I did neither I had a Tiki Bob whose bottom half of the mug was thick wet slip. The only way to get it out was to cut out the bottom of the mug and scoop it out. I did it until it looked like this.

It is easier to add a top than to form a new bottom so I made a piece of clay with a hole in the middle.

I added some sticky clay to this piece and then I pressed Bob into place.

I cut around to remove the excess but left some that I

could pull up the side of the mug to seal on the piece better.

I flipped him over and cleaned up the whole mug.

Once it was firm enough I carved in some designs. This Tiki Bob will have a flickering bulb on top of his head. He's a torch.

Now I just started doing some carving around his sides.

Not too elaborate just fun.

I also added a hole for the electrical cord.

The swirls in the front didn't tie in so I changed them and then I hated it so

I removed the new design also.

Sometimes less is better so this is how I've left him to dry.

This Tiki Bob will join his brothers to wait for his day in the kiln.

I hope you are having a fun weekend.

Tiki Ano's baby is due in a couple of weeks. Will you name it Tiki Bob or Tiki BobBette? Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-10-25 09:42 ]

TikiAno posted on 10/25/2014

Ha ha ha! Unfortunately my wife has vetoed most of my names offered (a number of them tiki related). Hopefully he stays in there a little bit to be fully cooked (cone 00004?). Yes, it's a boy- though won't be named Mo(ai). (It got vetoed).

VampiressRN posted on 10/25/2014

Grass Valley has been good to you two. I am so glad to have my chunk light from Rog with your Tikis on it.

danlovestikis posted on 10/26/2014

TikiAno Dan agrees with your wife to nix the Mo. Otherwise your son could become one of the three stooges. It will be fun to hear what the two of you agree upon.

VampiressRN one day I'll get to see where you hang your Roge lamp. It's a thrill to have helped with his creations. It's hard to see it end.


More photos tomorrow. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/26/2014

Ano- cone. Good one
Vamp- hope to see your Tiki set up some day
Wendy- Torch Bob, great idea

danlovestikis posted on 10/26/2014

hang10tiki thanks for the visit. I like making torches now and then. It's great that they still make flicker bulbs.


Some of the mugs I make are similar to previous mugs. I do this because Dan has taken what I made before and it has disappeared into his tiki jungle room.

I had this cast that had an irregular top so I decided to make a bamboo Bob.

I just started by doing the bamboo and then I added leaves.

Some leaves go in front of the stalks and some behind.

For this mug I did a rocky wall behind the bamboo.


Tiki Hula is here right now working on my computer back up drives. Something isn't right. I've given him a challenge.

I hope your weekend is fun and free of glitches.

Cheers, Wendy

Holler Waller posted on 10/26/2014

W0W - that Bob looks GREAT

danlovestikis posted on 10/27/2014

HallerWaller thank you for the visit. Tiki Bob thanks you too.


On Friday we went on an all day trip to go to new Discovery Shops in towns within driving distance of our home. We were gone 12 hours total. It wouldn't have taken so long but a big rig had an accident on the Freeway and we were stuck for hours sitting in our car. We were just so happy that we were not part of the accident.

In Freemont we found a shelf of tikis but most were marked one hundred dollars so we kept on going.
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20 years ago we searched for this mug when in Hawaii and didn't find it. It's a Daga Honolulu. $14 Yippy!
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I also found Dan a couple for $3.
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Then we were off to Las Gatos and lunch at Billy's Boston Chowder House. Yum.
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The Discovery Shop were we go most days is run by the American Cancer Society. In Las Gatos it apparently gets donations that are worth a lot more than in our home town.
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As we rounded the corner I saw that renting space in this town must cost a lot.
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We also went to San Jose, Sunnyvale and then to San Mateo to our favorite restaurant away from home. The Fish Market. The view and the sourdough bread are the best.
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The ride home before the backup began.
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For Tiki Bob's you can carve the body, the face or both. Here's a Maori Bob with his tongue out.
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One of these days I'll open Wish List #5 so I can work on your creations.

Today we get our flu shots. They really work. I hope you all can get one too. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/27/2014

That new Bob is killer

U 2 sure have fun

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TikiG posted on 10/27/2014

Wendy - Here I am with my restored mug, as promised I took this photo the other night and had a chance to post it today. Thank You so much for this effort of restoration - it looks better than ever and has been put back on display. Oh yeah - Hi Dan! Cheers! G

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TikiAno posted on 10/29/2014

Jon, awesome pics- oh yeah, and Wendy, too. Great finds on your trip, and sorry about the traffic jam....

danlovestikis posted on 10/29/2014

TikiG you are so welcome. Dan has your painting in his man cave. Each day I feel one of the pieces that I used the new sealer on and when it stays fine and not sticky I am so happy. I hope your stays fine from this point on. Thank you so much for the eerie photo, full of mystique.

TikiAno traffic used to be so light in the 50's. There's no more room in downtowns to widen the roads. How will it work in another 50 years? Better make some mass transit that is appealing.

Jon's photoshops were terrific, I agree.


Dan's last request for awhile. He wants another huge volcano bowl with Frankoma (salt and pepper shaker) Tikis around the bowl.
I'll have fun sending a photo of the finished bowl to Jonice Frank when it's done. That's how we met. I made a bowl with her design and a friend sent her a photo. She called me at work to tell me how much she liked it and we became friends.

I poured in the slip and let it sit in the bowl mold for two hours.
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Dumped out he excess slip but since I had to put the bowl back flat on the table I wiped out more that ran into the bottom from the sides.
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Not too bad. I let it sit overnight exposed like this.
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The next day I flipped the bowl over and labeled the bottom.
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This is how I do the flipping. I just hold the two boards together and turn it over.
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To make the volcano I'm going to use a tubular mug that I also cast.
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I cut out a hole in the center of the bowl and
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wiped sticky clay around the hole where I want to stick on the mug.
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I stuck it in place.
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Then I spread out the clay into the bowl.
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I put more sticky clay on a long paintbrush.
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After cutting the tip off the mug I wiped the sticky clay around the mug on the inside.
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I began to press in the sides to form the volcano.
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I pinched off the top.
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Then using this wooden ball I made the indentation.
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I started to form the volcano but it was too soft and
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began to sink. Only the trapped air is keeping it from melting like the bad witch of OZ.
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Dan keeps me busy with his own Wish List. I hope this helps you all make your volcanos. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-10-28 19:42 ]

hang10tiki posted on 10/29/2014

At first I thought it was a GIANT BOB in the middle of the bowl
This is going to be good


With Dan-0's huge collection

You are going to need a bigger house soon


danlovestikis posted on 10/30/2014

hang10tiki he just stands in the living room and makes wishes. A Giant Bob hummmmm.......


I missed posting yesterday as Dan and I ran around having fun in the sun before the rain starts tomorrow. I'll make up for it

Maori number II. The first one had his tongue out. This guy is frowning.
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I added clay to smooth out below his chin.
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I next carved in the outlines.
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Time for Moko.
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Details show best when in light and
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then dark photos.
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All done with this guy.
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I decided to see how well I could do a crazy Hawaiian shirt Tiki Bob. It will take a lot of different glazes to
bring out all the colors on this guys outfit.
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It sure is fun to play with clay. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/30/2014

Oh my
I Like both of these

Our early sunrise this morning
On our daily walk
Down 22 lbs so far (21 to go)

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[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2014-10-30 10:07 ]

danlovestikis posted on 10/31/2014

hang10tiki congratulations on the loss. I'm still at 21 off and ready to start with Dan tomorrow. We shook hands last night that we would both work on it. Beautiful sunset.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone. Here are the 13 photos that Dan allowed me to take. little lost tiki won that contest and has his necklace.

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Since it is supposed to start raining in Northern California today we went to the zoo. I've lived here my entire life and it's the first time I've gone at Halloween and seen the decorations.
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My costume!
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We went to lunch and the server pointed out that
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my total was appropriate for Halloween. He said to buy a lottery ticket. Maybe I will.
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We went antiquing and I found these monkey's.
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We didn't buy this...$175 but I thought it would be fun to show. We run into her every so often.
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Once again Happy Halloween dearest friends. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/31/2014

Great pics

danlovestikis posted on 11/01/2014

hang10tiki how about an in progress photo?


I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween and can recover during the weekend. Change your time back 1 hour tonight!

When Dan and I are out and about we stop at garage and estate sales. I saw this tool and thought I could use it with clay.
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I did the first cut around the face with my regular tools then started with the DIVOT. When I read the package it said it was for green repairs. Good, a tool for the environment.
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I made all the drag marks with the DIVOT and then again made them deeper and better with my other tools.
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This worked well for keeping the lines
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straight and even.
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Now it was time to Super Carve.
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I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Wendy

PS I figured out that the DIVOT is for use on the green for tightening spikes on golf shoes!

A message from my sisters husband Steve.

What you have there is a divot tool, used to repair divots (ball marks) in the greens from your ball landing on them and leaving little craters or dents. It’s also designed to be used to change the spikes on your shoes.
Sure, I use them.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-11-01 08:59 ]

hang10tiki posted on 11/01/2014

Divot Bob, great idea for the golf tool
Who said golf and Tiki can't merge

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Ok, update on the new 1

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TikiHula posted on 11/02/2014

Hang10 that tiki is looking great. How tall?

The photos of Dan in the Halloween store are hilarious :D

And I saw Wendy's latest Bob sculpt work last weekend and it's perfect. Wendy, you really have good hand/eye coordination and lots of imagination to pull off all these amazing pieces!

hang10tiki posted on 11/02/2014

Hula- 4 1/2 feet tall

Started working on his feet

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He reminds me of someone but I can't think who
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danlovestikis posted on 11/03/2014

Tiki Hula with comments like that you'll always be on my good side and welcome back to play with clay.

hang10tiki you make Dan feel very special. That's a great tiki although it looks a bit crazy in the last photo.


Dan's Frankoma bowl firmed up some so that I could start to work on it again.

First I lined up all the Frankoma tikis to be cleaned.
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I put them in a plastic tub to keep them from drying out.
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The next day:

Now I have all the parts ready for the bowl.
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The volcano had collapsed a bit and was too big. Observing that I needed to push out some air from inside the volcano
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I helped Dan to side two choppers underneath the bowl and to lift it up.
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Once this was done I was able to squeeze in the sides before we put the bowl back down on the turnstile.
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Now the volcano is taller and the right size all around.
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Now we put the tikis around the bowl to get them into place.
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Looks pretty good.
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I can get an idea of what the bowl will look like finished and 6 tikis was just right.
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I put a little ball of clay centered on each tiki so that I'll know where to put it after I take it away for the next step.
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I cut off part of the tikis butt until it would get up close to the bowl.
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I added some very soft and sticky clay back to that same area.
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I pressed the tiki in place while holding the bowl from caving in.
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I did this with all 6 tikis and also cleaned up excess clay where the tiki was joined to the bowl.
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When I finished Dan came for a final inspection.
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Top view still pretty good placement.
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Side view.
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Next day:

These tikis will pop right off if the drying process isn't slow enough. So the whole bowl has been in plastic over night and this morning it was taken out for a couple of hours. Then back in again. I also needed the inside of the volcano to dry so with help from Dan it was placed on these two turnstiles so that the opening is not covered.
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I will dry this bowl over the next week or two. I will watch for cracks and repair them as they show up.

So that's it for now. Have a great night, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/03/2014

Da bowl is looking sweet

hang10tiki posted on 11/03/2014

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TikiAno posted on 11/03/2014

Wow, all the new Bobs are fantastic, the divot one might be my favorite? Actually it might NOT be my favorite, since all the other ones are equally beautiful. The new bowl looks great- should be called the FrankomaWOW bowl!

Jon, funny stuff.

As promised, Wendy, it's time to post our new arrival. Unfortunately I missed all the Halloween posts since I was preoccupied with this: Baby Ari arrived on 10/31/14, - whose labor, incidentally, made me miss the Bali Hai's 60th Anniversary Party. I'll forever hold this over his head, but I'd say missing this once in a lifetime party in exchange for another once in a lifetime opportunity was well worth it. That being said, it's been fun seeing all the photos from a great night with the San Diego Ohana.

On the bright side, my wife has a sudden interest in my ceramic projects, and has requested a few pieces for the nursery. "Ari" means "lion" in Hebrew (my wife is Israeli), but it's also good for a future TC name: Tiki Ari. He's also a good size right now to use as a swizzle stick:

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Wendy, thanks for all the love over on Facebook!

[ Edited by: TikiAno 2014-11-02 22:45 ]

hang10tiki posted on 11/03/2014

David- congratulations and great Baby-Hai pic

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2014-11-03 06:18 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 11/04/2014

Congratulations David! Your little tiki is adorable and Ari makes one great looking swizzle stick!! Enjoy the heck out of him and be especially nice to your wife!

danlovestikis posted on 11/04/2014

hang10tiki it would look even better with your head added! Thank you for keeping an eye on my work.

hang10tiki I appreciate these creations so much.

TikiAno that may be the last post for a while with so much happening at your home. So if I miss all your wonderful comments I'll just stop back here to read them again. That's an adorable photo of Tiki Ari. His eyes are open and he's looking right at you when you took the photo. It doesn't get better than that. Congratulations. We sent you a "fun" box today. I wish I'd had a Lion but alas none were to be found.

hang10tiki (:

LoriLovesTiki (:


We went back to exploring zoo's. This one is Mickey Grove Zoo in Lodi.
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After we walked through the zoo we went to the Japanese garden. It was a beautiful day.
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This will be a Flame Bob. I've done two others and each time I carve the flames differently and glaze them differently. I this one may have more yellow and blue glaze rather than red. He's a quick mess that I'll fine tune after he dries.
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It's fun to spend time outdoors before the cold and windy weather hits. We are doing our best to have that fun.
I think though that Tiki Ano is having the very best time.

Cheers, Wendy

TikiAno posted on 11/04/2014

Thanks, guys, for the well wishes! Tiki Ari has so far made me miss two tiki events (the Bali Hai's 60th Anniversary & the San Diego Ohana monthly meet-up (also at the Bali Hai, tonight on the first Monday of every month), but I suppose I'll get over it. It's been fun and look forward to what the future holds, which hopefully allows me some time to play with clay again!

I'll be checking in. Wendy, love all the new pieces!

Jon, "Baby Hai" is an inspired line. :)

danlovestikis posted on 11/04/2014

Tiki Ano another photo of Tiki Ari when you have time. We miss your ceramic work but it will be waiting for you. I started working clay at 6 months old so get prepared to start him playing with some. Just don't let him eat it!


I had another Tiki Bob half filled with sticky muck. To get it out I had to trun him upside down and dig it out through the bottom of the mug.
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While he was in this position I decided to do a Handstand Bob. I added Dan's rear end and a spine.
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I cut some squares and added sticky clay.
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Then I pressed them into place and
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carved in some fingers.
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Next I added arms and then
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I fined tuned the individual verteraes shape.
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I cleaned them up with some water on a brush.
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I turned the mug over so I could add clay to the hands.
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Hopefully I didn't introduce any air bubbles that will blow his hands off when firing in the kiln.
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Rings were
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all the way around.
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Here's a part of the mug that didn't work out. I cut some more pieces
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and cut them into the shape of feet.
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I added the ball and heel to each foot.
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Once attached it was decided that no one would want a mug that could kick you in the eye.
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I took them off and made a couple of pendants.
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Playing with clay sure is fun. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/04/2014

I'm glad you didn't add a straw hole

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danlovestikis posted on 11/05/2014

hang10tiki, you men, Dan liked the idea butt I'm not going to do that!


Here are the next steps on Dan's Frankoma bowl.

Dan requested that the outside of the bowl be textured.
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This was the easiest to do since the bowl is firming up.
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The bowl is large and heavy. I needed to turn it over to do the bottom of the bowl. I found a glass vase to use as a support.
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I flipped it over with a wash cloth to soften the edge pressing into the volcano.
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Now it was easy to finish off the texture carving.
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I spent the last several days working on three fogcutter mugs. We will mold these to use as a base for new mugs. One will be used for the next Sacramento Crawl mug...the secret is out!

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Check out the next Swap run by MadDogMike. I'm honored to have my idea selected. Find a Hawaiian shirt to use in your Swap Art. You can copy it in some way or destroy it to use in the art. This is going to be fun.

Cheers, Wendy

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